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Get It Back 3

"Come can do better than that!!" Tea glares at the bright red punching bag hanging from the ceiling...and at the trainer, holding it in front of him, daring her. She breathes hard and heavy, drenched in sweat from a solid forty-five minute workout with this kid. Tall, handsome and buff as he was, he was also barely out of high school. He was all neat in gym attire now, but she'd seen him when he wasn't working, and he looked like a rapper... MC Something-or-other, Busta-whatever...or...oh...I got it...Kid Rock's cousin, Kid Trainer...

She drops her arms out of guard stance, shifting her weight...resting a puffy-gloved hand on one hip.

"What're you trying to say...callin' me a wimp?" she asks between breaths, wiping her arm across her face, just under her nose. He pokes his head out from behind the bag.

"Well...if the shoe fits..." he replies, then ducks back, as Tea's eyes flash with temper. She raises her arms back up, then hits the bag hard...right hook, left hook...then she raises her leg and kicks it. Kid Trainer makes an impressed face, as he struggles to hold the bag steady. Tea backs off a little, shaking her head to get her sweat-soaked hair out of her face.

He looks out at her. "Not bad...but I could still kick yo' ass, girl," he says, with a shrug.

She shakes her head, laughing to herself a little. "Yeah...I'm sure you could," she says, her tone affected by a sudden, unpleasant memory.

Outside of the room, Colin strolls by, having just arrived in town. The P.I. had given him the address of the gym; and he told the staff he was interested in signing up for a class, so they would let him in to take a look around. He checks the rooms out, surprised...expecting a swanky health club for wealthy weirdos, and getting something more like the Y instead. He stops when he sees the kickboxing session going on, and watches for a moment...seeing the petite woman with brownish hair inside. He cranes his neck, trying to see her face...but she has her back to him.

...and what a nice back it is...damn...look at that...he thinks, with a grin...then his ears perk up, hearing Kid Trainer talking to her.

"C'mon, Tea...almost done. Gimme eight more just like that..."

Colin's grin widens. Bingo.

"...except this time, do it like you mean it. Imagine there's someone you really hate over here...someone you REALLY wanna kick the shit out of."

Tea sighs...knowing that the kid has no idea what a loaded statement that really is. But as she stares at the bag, she doesn't see a person...any person...not even the person she thinks she should be seeing. She glances down for a moment, tired...god, I'm so tired.

Then she looks back up at the bag, and obstacle...some THING she has to overcome, not a person. Obstacles...obstacles...obstacle course...she thinks, suddenly realizing what a good analogy that is for her life. Even when she was a child, there had always been something in front of her, intimidating her, trying to keep her from going forward in life...whether it was her race, or growing up without her mother, or...whatever. She couldn't remember one time when the road in front of her had been perfectly clear, one time when the solution had been easy, one time when she just sailed just never happened that way for her.

So she nods...then she tosses her bangs and wipes her face again, before getting back into guard stance. Kid trainer smiles, ducking behind the bag.

"C'mon, baby...HIT ME!"

With that, Tea advances on the bag, attacking it with every ounce of energy she has left. Punch after punch, kick after kick...until finally, she gets to her last rep. She has to exhale hard to get her leg up, and she lands the last kick...SMACK!!...letting out a cry full of exhaustion, as well as determination. The force of the blow sends the bag flying, and Kid Trainer stumbling. Then she stumbles a few steps backward herself, before regaining her balance. She lets her arms drop, tipping her head back and closing her eyes, panting.

Outside, Colin makes an impressed face, as Kid Trainer comes out from behind the bag, and walks up to her. Tea keeps her head back, resting for another moment, then looks up at him. He smiles at her, holding out a closed fist.

"Now THAT was off the hook. Good job."

She grins at him, the best she could do...and nods. "Thanks," she whispers, as she taps his fist with her own gloved one. Then he does the same, and pats her arm.

"Hit the shower, baby...I'll see you next time."

She nods again, taking off the gloves. Kid Trainer takes them from her and walks out, leaving her alone in the room, with only Colin watching her from outside...watching ever so closely, as she stands there for a good few minutes. He looks her up and down, already getting a pretty good idea of her mood and general state of mind from her body language...hands on her hips, staring down at the floor. He could see her breathing...her chest rising and falling, as her heart rate slowly returns to normal.

Tough...determined...he thinks...but something else, too...sad, maybe...?

Finally, Tea sighs, long and slow. Then she bends down and starts gathering her things, getting ready to leave. Colin takes a second to admire her rear end before walking away...but he doesn't go far. He ducks behind the nearest corner and waits for her to approach the doorway... adjusting his head, neck and shoulders, loosening himself up...getting ready to make that first impression.

Tea slings her gym bag over her shoulder and walks into the hallway. As she does, Colin flies out from behind the corner, walking he was someone important, with places to go...but at just the right speed, so that he bumps into her. They stagger away from each other, recovering for a second. Tea regains her balance, glaring at him; and Colin hesitates, for just a moment...taken aback at actually seeing her face...her eyes...for real, in the flesh...

...not just a picture anymore.

She notices his look, and starts to move away. "Sorry," she mutters...then Colin speaks up, snapping out of his momentary lapse just in time.

"No, I'M sorry...I'm really sorry. I should look where I'm going. You okay?" he asks, trying to sound as nice as possible.

Tea brushes her damp hair out of her face...not knowing quite what to make of him. She couldn't tell if his look was innocent or not...and wasn't sure if she should encourage him by actually speaking to him. Colin picks up on it, though...and decides to take the lead again.

"Look, I really am sorry. Don't beat me up, okay?" he says, with an easygoing laugh.

The remark catches Tea off-guard...and she cracks up, in spite of herself. She shakes her head, realizing how uptight she is...being so suspicious of someone she's never seen before.

"It's alright," she says, readjusting the bag on her shoulder. She lingers on his eyes for a moment, then turns and walks away. Colin starts to say something, but then decides against it. He leans against the doorway, watching her go instead...thinking that for once, maybe the pushy approach wasn't the best way to get what he wanted. He keeps his eyes on her, though, as she gets farther away, and finally disappears around the corner.

And he smiles to himself...not really knowing how, but knowing...that the plan was already working.


Todd walks into the penthouse, and sees Blair stretched out on the couch, one arm draped over her head, staring at him with a slightly irritated expression.

"You mind telling me what we're doing back HERE?" she asks.

He leans against the inner doorway, loosening his tie and yanking it off his neck...staring back at her as he throws it onto the desk with his keys. Blair cocks an eyebrow, trying to get him to say something...but it doesn't work.

She sighs. "Y'know, I just finished explaining this whole thing to Starr. Usually, when people get married, they do this thing where they go off somewhere together...somewhere OTHER THAN where they live. It's called a honeymoon."

Todd continues to stare at her, with that all-too-familiar, expressionless expression. Then he shuffles across the room to the stairs. Blair turns her head to follow him, then sits up as he sits down on the bottom step and buries his face in his hands. She waits...and waits...and waits, but he doesn't move...and doesn't speak.

"So...what, did McIver book the same suite or something?" she finally says, tired of waiting.

No response. She shakes her head, leaning back and flopping into the cushions.

"Alright, fine. Wake me up when you feel like clueing me in," she says, closing her eyes.

"He threatened me," he suddenly says.

Blair's eyes fly open, and she sits up again. "He what?"

Todd finally lets his hands drop, looking at her directly. "He came busting in, and right in my face."

"About what? What'd you ever do to him? He's probably one of the only people in this town you HAVEN'T done something to."

He makes a face at that. She shrugs. "Well? Am I right?"

"Look, I know how wrapped up you are in yourself all the time, but remember that whole thing with Nora disappearing and reappearing not too long ago?"

She makes the same face back at him. "Yeah, so?"

"Well...McIver handled the disappearing part, along with Lindsey. *I* handled the RE-appearing part...but that wasn't really part of the plan, so...guess he's not too happy with me."

Blair takes that in...then she shrugs. "So he threatened you, so what? Who the hell is he? Nobody. You'd think he'd know better than to mess with you."

Todd stares at her, intently, and silently...which makes her nervous. She throws her hands up, exasperated. "WHAT?? What the hell are you looking at me like that for?'s like impending doom or something. Would you just spit it out, please??"

He sighs, wondering if he shouldn't do just that...because there didn't seem to be any other way to tell her. After a moment, he stands up and starts to pace around, hands in his pockets...finally stopping at the window.

"He said he'd get back at me by getting to Tea," he says, quietly, staring out at nothing in particular.

Blair does a take at that, standing up. "He said...what?"

His back to her, he nods. "Said he would find her, and...didn't really say WHAT he'd do to her, exactly, but...I got a pretty good idea."

She lets out a short, surprised, half-laugh, as she walks over and stands beside him. "He really said that."

He nods again. Blair tips her head slightly, trying to get him to look at her.

"And you BELIEVED him?"

He finally looks right at her...his eyes answering her. Blair laughs again, for real this time, totally unimpressed.

"You gotta be kidding me. Of all the things to say, he says THAT...what an idiot. He doesn't know the first thing about YOU, let alone about HER. Gimme a break."

"Yeah, well, you don't know the first thing about HIM," he says. Blair stares at him, confused by his seriousness.

"Tell me you're not taking this seriously, PLEASE. I mean, the guy is obviously yanking your chain. He can't be serious. Besides, it's clear he's behind on his current married ME today. Tea's ancient history," she says...but Todd's face is still making her nervous...and he says nothing, which only makes it worse.

And after a moment, Blair starts to realize...something. She steps closer to him.

"Isn't she?"

Todd lingers on her face...again, answering her with no words. He watches her expression changing, getting he looks away again, back out the window. But he feels her eyes on him, burning holes into his face. She finally turns on her heel and walks away, so quickly that she leaves a breeze in her wake. He hears her pacing around behind him, undoubtedly with her arms folded tightly...ready to blow at any second. So he waits for it...finding it easier to deal with the anger, than to express himself. Rage had always been easier to deal with...because he knew it well, almost like an old friend...they had been on a first name basis since he was a child. And as bad as Blair could be, even on her worst day...she couldn't even come close to the kind of rage he was used to.

"You better start RIGHT NOW," she says, from behind.

He takes a deep breath...then he turns, slowly, and sees her standing there, with her arms folded just like he thought.

"I have to go...that's all there is to it," he says. Blair's face twists up angrily, as she lets out a hard breath.

"Goddammit...I knew it. I KNEW IT! You---," she starts, getting so worked up she can't even speak. Finally, she lets out a frustrated growling noise, throwing her hands up as she paces around some more.

Todd follows her around the room with his eyes, standing perfectly still. "Blair..."

"Y'know, I don't know what the hell's wrong with me. Here I am talking about how stupid McIver must be...but you'd think of all people, *I* would know better than to get involved with YOU again..."

"Blair, would you just---"

"I shoulda known...shoulda KNOWN you were playing me," she continues right over him, as she whirls back around to face him.

" what's the game THIS time, huh? Oh, wait, lemme guess...full custody of Starr, right??"

Todd sighs at that, but again, remains silent. Blair glares at him, nodding slowly. After a moment, she grins...a sad one, full of the realization that the joke's on her.

She laughs a little. "Hmmm...y'know, I gotta admit, this really was a perfect setup for you. I mean, I go and shoot Max in the back, like the idiot that I am...and there YOU are, only too willing to help me cover it up. And what's the ONLY thing you want in return? Me to marry you. Y'know, I even remember asking myself, why on earth would YOU want ME back, after all this time, and everything you'd just been through with that..." she says, then stops herself from finishing the thought, laughing again.

"...well...guess I always knew you'd screw me over. So I guess I only have myself to blame."

The two of them stare each other down for a moment...then Todd takes a few steps toward her, leaning on the railing.

"You gonna give me a hard time?" he asks, quietly.

Folding her arms again, Blair takes a few steps toward him, stopping a few feet away.

"Do I have a choice?"

He shrugs. "You always have a choice."

She squints at him. "You're funny. Oh yeah, I could choose to give you a REAL hard time...long as I don't mind spending the rest of my life in Statesville, right?"

He shrugs again, taking another step toward her. "I don't want you to go to prison."

She half-laughs at that, stepping right up to him. "RIGHT. You don't WANT me to go to prison...but if I step outta line even once, or give you any shit about you leaving me for your little chica, you'll send me there without a second thought..." she says, getting right in his face.

"...yeah, we don't love each other...but we DO understand each other...perfectly."

With that, she backs off, and starts going up the stairs. Todd watches her for a moment...then grabs her arm as she passes him, looking at her suspiciously. Blair wrestles out of his grip, leaning over the railing.

"Go, Todd. Just go. Do whatever you Tea around the world for the rest of your miserable life, for all I care. But if you think you're ever gonna be able to make it work with her, you're even dumber than I am. Because SHE'S nothing more than a low-class, gold-digging bitch...and YOU'RE a mental case who can't love anybody anyway! You make quite a pair," she says, giving him one last dirty look, before storming up the steps.

Todd sighs, running a hand through his hair...cringing when he hears Blair slam the bedroom door.

"Yeah, you'd know all about being a low-class, gold-digging bitch, wouldn't you?" he mutters, taking the cell phone out of his pocket and flipping it open. But before he can dial a single number, it starts ringing. Todd jumps again, startled...then he puts it to his ear, making a face...wondering who would possibly be calling him.


"Hey there. Thought I'd try to catch you before the big honeymoon," a man's voice says.

Todd's face goes from slightly to completely confused. "Who the hell is this??"

"So how's it goin' with Blair? Not interrupting anything, am I?"

Todd stands there, speechless...suddenly realizing who it is. On the other end, Colin paces back and forth in his hotel room, staring out the big window.

"Well, I don't wanna keep you. Just thought I'd let you know I finally got to meet your ex...your other one, I mean."

"How... how did you---" Todd stutters, still too bewildered to get a full sentence out.

"What? Get your cell number? Eh, it's not THAT hard...YOU should know THAT. By the way, y'know...the pictures really don't do her justice," Colin says, waiting for a response. But all he hears is dead air...and he grins again, knowing he's gotten him good. He sits on the window ledge, putting his head against the glass.

"I mean, she is BEAUTIFUL...when she looked at me, I could hardly breathe. Been a long time since a woman's done that to me."

Todd finds himself having a hard time breathing as well...but for different reasons.

"I told you to leave her alone," he finally says.

"Yeah, I know what you said," Colin replies. "But you think I'm scared of you? better think again."

"No, YOU better think again. LEAVE HER ALONE."

"Actually, *I* think YOU'RE the one who'd better leave her alone... 'cause even though she has one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen, it's also one of the saddest. She's clearly going through something...something I think YOU put her through."

Todd loses it at that, pacing madly around the room...wishing he could just reach through the phone and grab him by the throat.

"Yeah, well, you don't know shit...and if you keep this up, I swear to god, you're a dead man."

"Yeah, you said THAT before, too," Colin replies, unimpressed.

"Well, you'd better start listening to me, if you wanna stay healthy."

Colin cracks up at that. "Hey, man, what can I say...payback's a bitch. Better get used to it, 'cause it's only gonna get worse. For YOU, anyway...for ME, though, mmmm..." he growls, making all kinds of suggestive noises.

"...for ME, things are gonna get MUCH better. And for Tea, too...I'll get that sad look off that beautiful face...and pretty soon...she'll forget ALL about YOU."

"GodDAMMIT, STAY AWAY FROM HER!!" Todd yells, powerless to do anything else at the moment.

Colin giggles harder...then finally stops, catching his breath. "Ohhhh...y'know, I gotta tell you, I'm REALLY enjoying this. You are so much fun to mess with," he says, standing up and stretching.

"...buuuuut...I really should go. Just wanted to say hi, fill you in on the latest developments. You have fun back there in Llanfill with your lovely wife. I'll be sure to tell Tea you said hello."

The call cuts out before Todd can get another word in, leaving him standing there, feeling helpless...and pretty stupid. He makes a tight fist around the phone, about ready to toss it across the room...when a thought suddenly occurs to him. He quickly dials, and starts pacing around again...hoping.

"Please..." he whispers to himself, listening to the rings...


Inside the women's locker room at the gym, a cell phone starts ringing inside one of the lockers. The few women milling about all exchange glances, shrugging, knowing it's not one of theirs.


Finally, Todd hears the ringing stop...and a familiar voice answers, sounding slightly canned.

"Hi, it's me, Tea. Sorry I missed your call...leave me a message, and I'll call you back, I promise. Thanks...bye."

BEEEEEP. Todd opens his mouth...but nothing comes out. He hadn't heard her voice in so long, that hearing it now was like getting punched in the knocked the wind out of him. After thirty seconds or so, the voicemail hangs up on him, leaving him helpless again. He sinks down onto the couch, almost paralyzed by all the emotions he can feel running through him. He didn't know what to do with them all, and that scares him...but what scares him even more is Colin. Even though he knows he shouldn't be taking his word for anything, Todd can't help but feel that Colin wasn't lying. He HAD found her already...and HAD seen her, face to face. Now it would only be a matter of time before he would make another, even bolder move.

Todd gets up, grabbing his keys off the desk. He glances toward the staircase, thinking maybe he should say something to Blair...then he shakes his head, pulling his long coat off the chair as he runs out the door.


The women's locker room is quiet...almost creepy, with nothing but the sound of a single shower running. Inside the shower room, Tea leans against the wall of her stall, letting the water hit her in the face...staring at her fingertips, all wrinkled up like prunes from being in there for so long. She starts rubbing her hands together, with a vacant, faraway look in her eyes...turning them around, letting her fingers interlock and separate...until finally, she looks down at her left hand...

...and at the ring, on the third finger. She lets out a hard breath, suddenly realizing she was still wearing her wedding band. She stares at it for a long time, watching the water make droplets on it...until she feels the warm saline building up in her eyes. She shuts her eyes then...and bites down on her lip, not wanting to start crying if people were still around. But she listens...and hears nothing.

So she lets it out...short, quiet sobs at first. Then she sinks down the wall, pulling her knees into her chest as she hits on the floor. She buries her face, feeling the tears running down...much warmer than the water.

And she stays there for a long time, just crying...long, painful cries, echoing all around.

To Be Continued...