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Elsewhere 11

Evening comes quickly, and before she knows it, Tea's in street clothes, hiding in the greenery just outside the house of Dorian Lord-Hayes. She reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out a mini tape recorder from work, checking the tape inside. Then she shoves it back in, and rubs her gloved hands together.

"God, RJ...hurry UP already," she whispers to herself as she turns and looks...RJ is just pulling up. She grins, and crouches down lower.

RJ gets out of his car and sprints up to the door, ringing the bell. He casually checks around him...his eyes finally falling on the shape in the bushes. He nods and turns back around just as the housekeeper answers. Tea watches as RJ puts on his smoothest stylings, brushing past the housekeeper and inside. The door shuts, and Tea waits.

Inside, RJ stands in the foyer waiting for Dorian to come down. When the housekeeper walks back to the kitchen, he takes a quick glance around and then unlocks the door. Then he casually walks into the living room as Dorian comes down the stairs.

"RJ? Is that you?"

"He - LO, Dorian. You look lovely." He smiles broadly as she enters the living room.

Dorian smiles back, a little wary. "What's up, RJ?"

He feigns ignorance, strolling over to the bar and popping open the scotch bottle.

"Up? Damn, woman, I just want a drink..."

She laughs, sitting down with her back to the foyer. "Oh! Well, if THAT'S all..."

He takes his glass, turning slowly so he can get a good look at the door...just in time to see it open.
Tea slips in, tiptoeing. She locks eyes with him. He tips his head to the stairs, clearing his throat as he sits down next to Dorian.

"...aaaand to spend a few peaceful minutes with you before I open up the club."

Tea makes her way up the stairs cautiously. When she gets to the top of the stairs, she looks down the long hallway...finally she sees a light under one of the doors. As she approaches it, she hears... music...and singing...a little girl's voice, singing along with some goofy kid's song about shapes.
Tea smiles as she peeks through the crack.

Starr Manning lays on the floor of her big bedroom, on her tummy, crayons spread all around. She sings as she scribbles away in a coloring book. Her favorite stuffed animal, Fred the Magic Frog faces her, perching on the book.

Tea sighs, admiring this beautiful child, wishing she were hers. Then, suddenly snapping out of it, she bites her lip and slowly pushes the door open. The door squeaks a little, and Starr looks up. Her big blue eyes get even bigger when she sees who's there. She opens her mouth, but Tea quickly puts a finger to her lips, shaking her head and kneeling down.

She opens her arms...Starr's open mouth shuts, and she gets up, running over and jumping on her. Tea closes the door with her foot. Nothing is said for a moment, as Tea and Starr hug as tightly as possible, with Tea stroking Starr's long blonde hair. Finally, they pull away and smile at each other.

Starr leans her face into Tea's, whispering loudly. "Tee! I can't believe you're really here!"

"How are you, Starr?" Tea stands up, taking Starr's hand and walking to her bed. They sit down, facing each other.

"Ohhh, I'm okay I guess. How are YOU?"

"I'm good...I miss you, though."

Just like that, Starr's face suddenly darkens with a frown, her eyes now accusing instead of happy. She folds her arms, now looking very much like her father.

Tea leans in closer. "What...what'd I say?"

"If you miss me so much, why don't you come to see me?"

Tea opens her mouth, but she realizes she has no good reasons to give. She sighs, nodding. "Busted. You're right...I have no excuse. I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?"

Starr takes a deep breath, moving her lips to one side. Then she shrugs it off.

"No. It's okay."

Tea smiles, which becomes infectious, making Starr smile big and wide.

"Are you gonna stay here now?"

"Oh...oh, no...actually...I only have a few minutes."

Starr gives her a strange look. Tea slaps her legs as she reaches into her coat for the tape recorder.

"'s the deal, Starr...nobody knows I'm here. I snuck in so I could tell you a secret."

Her curious eyes widen, and she shimmies closer to Tea, who sighs as she tries to quickly figure out how to best tell her.

"Your aunt Viki heard from your dad." Starr smiles again, and Tea continues.

"Now, I'm gonna be leaving tomorrow to go see him, and..."

"Oh! Can I go too? Please?"

Starr grabs Tea's hands, a heartbreaking look in her eyes. Tea swallows hard. She takes Starr's hands and kisses them, gently shaking her head no. Starr's whole body seems to deflate.

"I...I don't...why NOT, Tee...nobody EVER lets me see him. It's not fair."

"I know it's not...but Starr, your dad isn't feeling well...that's why he left in the first place. He's gone somewhere where he can get better. There's doctors taking care of him and everything. But he doesn't want you to WORRY about him...and if you saw him now, you would worry, 'cause he's not better yet. So he just wants you to stay here and take care of your mom. 'Cause you know if you left, your mom would be so sad."

"But...but I REALLY miss him..." She looks like she might cry. Tea gently lifts her face up.

"I KNOW you do. That's why I came," she says, holding up the tape recorder. Starr still doesn't get it.

Tea smiles. "I thought you might like to give me a message for him..."

Starr takes a deep breath in. " Fred?"

Tea points at her. "Exactly. Fred needs a break. I'll take over."

Starr takes the tape recorder and looks at it. "Are you sure, Tee? The last time *I* played a tape for him I think he got really mad."

Tea bites her lip, looking up at the ceiling for a second, before looking back at Starr.

"It's okay...this is different. Your voice'll help him get better faster."

She pushes the record button, starting the tape rolling.

"Do you want me to step out for a you can talk privately?"

Starr considers...finally shaking her head. She gives Tea a little smile as she clears her throat, holding the tape recorder that looks so big in her little hands. She speaks with a soft, quiet, soothing tone.

"Hi, daddy..."

RJ is just finishing his second drink as the phone rings. His eyes dart over to it as Dorian gets up to answer it.


She pauses. No answer. "Hello?"

Click. Dorian holds the phone away from her, then hangs it up. RJ slugs the rest of his drink and gets up, looking at his watch.

"Wrong number?"

"I guess so," she says, sitting back down. RJ gets his coat back on.


"Yeah...I gotta pick up a few things for the bar before we open tonight. God knows I can't count on Max to do it."

He leans down and pecks her on the cheek. "I'll see myself out." She smiles. "Talk to you later," she says, as she picks up the paper and starts reading through it, totally unaware.

RJ strolls through the foyer and opens the door. He catches a glimpse of someone on the stairs out of the corner of his eye and turns's Starr, coming downstairs with Fred in tow. She smiles at RJ knowingly and waves as she walks toward the living room. He grins right back at her, seeing in that one look just how smart she is. He backs his way out the door, shaking his head and laughing to himself.

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady