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Elsewhere 15

Back at Indigo, RJ comes out from the back room and walks over to the bar. The bartender's straightening up behind the counter. He nods at RJ.

" 'sup boss...the usual?"

RJ grins. "You know me too well."

The bartender pours him a cup of coffee and hands it to him. RJ takes a sip, leaning against the back counter. He surveys the room, pretty light...the dead time before the nighttime crowd.

"You can go ahead on break if you want. I can hold the fort for a while."

"Hey, you don't have to tell ME twice. Back in fifteen," the bartender says, tossing his towel under the counter and walking off toward the back door, cigarettes in hand. RJ rests his cup on the bar and rests on his elbows. He checks his's almost six in Montana...he sighs, wondering if Tea made it there okay. His lips move over to one side of his face as he thinks over things...mostly about Sykes.

He must know she's gone by NOW...he's not THAT dumb. If he really stole that ticket...then...he must know where she went.

He takes another sip, trying to figure out how he can find out what Sykes is doing without alerting him. Then he remembers...Hank. Yes, Hank...he's got the skinny...he must be watching Sykes too.

Just as RJ goes for the phone, Hank comes strolling in, over to the bar, taking his coat off.

"Say...I was just about to call you. What'll it be?"

"Oh, just a beer," Hank sighs, sitting down and leaning on the bar. RJ grabs a bottle out of the cooler and pours it into a glass.

"Thanks. What were you gonna call me about?"

RJ takes another sip of coffee. "What do you think...that stalker cop. He know Tea's gone?"

Hank takes a big gulp, plopping the glass down. He wipes his mouth, thinking.

"Hmmm. I don't know...saw him a couple of times today...didn't seem any different."

RJ puts his cup down. "You don't think he's gonna take off after her already, do you?"

Hank sits back, looking around to see if anyone's listening. He thinks for a moment, then shakes his head.

"Na...I wouldn't think so. He was smart enough to keep Barbara Graham outta jail for a long time...I wouldn't think he'd be stupid enough to just drop everything and chase after her. That'd only be SLIGHTLY obvious."

The Gannons sit silent for a moment, both thinking hard. They look at each other, both knowing something's up. RJ sighs.

"You know, bro...I think it actually worries me MORE that he's not doing ANYTHING. 'Cause it probably means he's making BIGGER plans."

Hank sighs too, nodding. "I hate to think the worst...but something tells me you're right," he says, finishing his beer. He pushes the glass away.

"Well...I'll keep tabs on him as best I can at the PD, but...I don't think there's anything we can do until he makes a move."

RJ nods, knowing Hank's right. He takes the glass, checking his watch, and wishing Tea would call.

Joely opens the door to the guest room and flicks on the light. She steps back to let Tea inside with her bags. Todd walks up, and leans against the doorsill.

"A regular hotel you got goin' here, doc."

She shoots him a sideways glance, grinning. "Well, it's not like I do this for EVERYBODY. I very rarely have inpatients."

She turns around to face him. "But when I do, their family should have somewhere to stay close by. Besides...what else is a big house good for?"

Todd's gaze turns back to Tea, who's been watching them as she sits on the bed. She smiles at them.

Joely looks between them, then down at her watch. She sighs.

"Well...I think some food might be in order. You must be famished, Tea."

Tea shrugs. "Actually...yes."

She goes to ask Todd, then just steps back. "Oh, I already know YOU'RE starving. So...downstairs then, in about an hour?"

They both nod, and Joely heads off downstairs, leaving them alone. They look at each other, tense. Finally, Tea stands up, grabs a bag and starts to unpack. Todd shifts around in the doorway, not sure if he should enter. Tea walks over to the dresser with some of her clothes and throws them in. She shuts the drawer and stops, her back to him. She sighs, closing her eyes.

"I had so much I wanted to say to you...and now I can't remember any of it."

Todd looks off to the side a second. Then he bends back a little, checking the hallway. He straightens up, takes a few steps in and shuts the door. Tea turns at the sound, and watches him as he sits down on the bed, his long coat floating down around him. He leans against one of the four posts.

"Well, that's okay...I can't remember what I wanted to tell you, either."

She looks up at the ceiling, blowing some hair up off her face.

"Why'd you cut your hair?"

"You don't like it?"

He shrugs. "Doesn't matter, I guess..."

She nods, then shrugs too, as she walks over to the bed and sits down next to him.

"I don't know why I cut it. I guess maybe...I thought that cutting my hair would make people look at me they wouldn't remember who I was, or something...stupid like that."

He looks at her strangely. "Why wouldn't you want people to remember you?"

She opens her mouth with an immediate response on her tongue, but manages to stop herself before it comes out. She looks down and takes a breath...then just speaks quietly, more to herself than to him.

"*I* didn't want to remember me."

The sudden sadness in her voice hits him hard. He's not quite sure how he knows, but he knows it's a sadness he caused. He desperately wants this to work, and knows they have to deal with the mess they made. Yet his first instinct is to take off. He gets up. Tea looks up at him.

"D--do you want me to go...'cause I will, if you don't want to..." He puts his hands up, shrugging.

She tilts her head back a little, blinking slowly. She shakes her head.

"I came here to see YOU. To deal with YOU...with US...avoiding each other hasn't solved anything so far. So...why bother now?"

The world stops again for an instant as they lock eyes, both of them so full of pain...but still hopeful somehow.

After a moment, Tea looks away and pats the bed. "Besides, I have something for you."

His brow crinkles in a bit as he watches her. She turns around and reaches for one of the bags, unzipping it and pulling some things out of it. He walks back over and sits down, tentatively, and looks at what she holds. A mini tape recorder...and...a picture, it looks like. She looks up at him, and gestures for him to move closer. He looks at her carefully for a second, like he's checking to see if she's really there. When she doesn't vanish, he blinks...then gets up and moves over. Tea turns toward him, bending a leg under her. He does the same, his eyes never leaving her face. She looks up at him, smiles a little smile, and hands him the picture. Eyes still on her, he reaches for it. He can't believe it...she still hasn't disappeared. He shakes his head slightly, then looks down at the picture...and his heart stops for a second. His mouth opens and a sound like a gasp comes out.

Tea smiles wider. "She looks great."

He finds himself speechless as he stares at this picture of Starr. He examines it, every detail...his little girl...her long blonde hair flowing down and resting on her shoulders...her head held up proudly... her huge, dazzling eyes... and the biggest, most beautiful smile. He smiles to himself, seeing that some of her new teeth haven't grown in yet, leaving some gaps.

Tea watches him, smiling sadly, and feeling a bit of a lump in her throat. She clears it, which makes Todd look up at her. He runs a hand through his hair, clutching the picture in the other hand.

"She...uh...wanted me to give you that," Tea says softly. "It's her new school picture."

He nods quickly, like he's trying to push down the emotions the picture brought up. He gestures toward the tape recorder.

"What's that?"

Tea looks down, then hands it to him. "Oh...well, uh...just press play and listen."

He takes it from her, looking at it, then back at her. She makes a "go on" motion with her head. He sighs and presses the play button...nothing for a second...then it cuts in, just ambient sound...then some low background muttering. Finally, after a second...

.someone clears their throat. They both jump back a bit at the volume. Tea giggles nervously, reaching over and lowering the volume. Todd is just about to say something to her when another sound comes through...

"Hi's me, Starr..." ...then some more low background muttering.

Todd's mouth falls open. He looks at Tea, eyes wide. She smiles, putting a finger to her lips. He looks back down at the little machine that holds his daughter's voice in it, staring at it like he's never seen a tape recorder before.

" are you? Tee told me she's gonna come see you...I want to come too, but...she says you want me to stay here and take care of Mommy, so...okay. I really miss you though. Did you get all my messages from Fred? I hope so. Ummmm..."

Tea keeps her eyes on Todd as he listens to Starr's sweet, soothing voice. His hair has fallen down around his face, making it difficult to see. But she can tell he's deeply moved, silent as the grave as he listens to every noise she makes. Tea feels the lump in her throat coming back, and sits back, leaning against the post.

"Did Fred tell you I got a good report card? Oh, I think he did... ummm... Mommy's okay...she had a fight with Uncle Max though. I hope they make up."

Todd can't help but smile, and let out a little laugh. He doesn't care what, or who she talks about...he just wants her to keep talking.

"Oh, did Fred tell you we moved to Aunt Dorian's? She's been really sad since Uncle Mel died. I try to make her laugh...but...I don't know if she likes it when I do that."

A sigh. "Well...I guess that's it...ummm...I really miss you. It's nice here,'s boring...I don't have anyone to play with except Mommy and Fred. I hope you get better so you can come home and play with me. Mommy put the tent up in my room so I can play camp with Fred...but it's more fun with you and Tee."

Another sigh. Those last few words hit Todd like a punch in the stomach, and he puts a hand up to rub his face. Tea feels her eyes misting up, and looks down at her lap.

"...well...I'm gonna go now. Ummm...I hope this helps you get better, Daddy... Tee said it would... okay. Bye...I love you...get better...and come home...bye."

There's some staticky noise, then a sharp click...then nothing. The room is suddenly deathly quiet. Todd lets the tape run for a second before he shuts it off. The two of them sit in silence for a moment, recovering.

Todd looks over at Tea, who's looking at him with glassy eyes. She smiles as a tear escapes and falls down her cheek. She wipes it quickly and sits up, sniffling.

"Well...I know this is gonna seem anticlimactic after THAT, but...Viki also wanted me to tell you she misses you...and hopes you'll be back soon."

He nods, taking it in, but still staring deeply into her eyes. Tea returns the look, then suddenly giggles, holding up a finger.

"Oh...and RJ wanted me to tell you he always knew you'd end up in a militia."

Suddenly taken out of the moment, Todd looks at her strangely...then he shakes his head, trying to hide a grin.

"Yeah, can tell RJ he can bite me."

Tea cracks up, falling forward on her legs as she starts to laugh harder. Todd looks at her, unable to keep his grin from growing into a chuckle. She sits up again, and a moment passes as she tries to catch her breath. She wipes her eyes as her laughter dies down...then shrugs at him, out of things to say.

Todd looks back down at the tape recorder, holding it tightly.

"You're the only person I know who would think to do this for me," he says quietly.

Tea wipes another stray tear. "Well...she misses you terribly. I couldn't come out here to see you and not tell her. I wish I could've brought her with me."

"You would, too, wouldn't you?"

Tea looks back, pausing at his directness. She nods. "Yeah...if I could've...I would've."


She furrows her brow. "What do you mean why?"

"I mean...why WOULD you?" A different mood seems to have come over him, a suspiciousness that he knows has no basis...but he can't seem to help it. He moves closer to her, tossing the hair out of his face. Tea shrugs at first, still not understanding...then after looking in his eyes again, she gets it. She tips her head down, biting her lip.

"Todd, if you think I had ANY other reason for coming here than to be with you, you're wrong."

She looks back up to find him much closer to her than he was a second ago. She glances down, then back into his eyes, squarely. She watches him as he does his usual routine...looking down at her mouth, then back into her eyes. She sighs, thinking there was a time not too long ago when she thought she'd never see him do that again.

"What?" she asks, her voice low.

"Why would you WANT to be with me?"

Her brow crinkles again. She opens her mouth...he interrupts, but speaks very softly.

"I mean...I see this picture, and I listen to this tape...and I see you here... and all I can think is that it's not real. And even if it is...I don't deserve it. Any of it. So what makes you think I do?"

She sighs heavily, shaking her head. The question brings exhaustion over her like a wave...a wave that washes away the awkwardness of their first contact in months. Amazingly unselfconscious now, Tea reaches up and fingers the strands of hair hanging in his face. Todd holds his breath, gazing at her in wonder. The lock of hair hangs over her finger, and she gently moves it, pushing it back behind his ear and smoothing the rest of it out.

She's handling him so delicately...he barely feels her fingers. She pulls her hand back and does the same to her own hair. She smiles, leaning back against the post, and he sees a weariness in her eyes that makes him back down.

"I would answer that...but I'm so tired, Todd. I'm sorry...but I just feel like I need a whole night's sleep before I can even deal with that question, you know?"

His face softens, and he continues to marvel at what he's missed so much...her honesty, her beauty, inside and out. He wants to just hold her...but, something tells him now is not the time...she just got there, after all.

"I'm not going anywhere. Ask me again tomorrow," she says, using what energy she has left to pull herself up off the bed.

She turns and looks at him, waiting. Todd looks back at her for a moment, then sniffs. He gets up, putting Starr's picture in one pocket and the tape recorder in the other. He steps up to Tea, who reaches for the doorknob.

"Let's eat, already...before I'm completely gone."

She opens the door and walks out into the hall. Todd follows, hitting the light switch and closing the door behind them.

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady