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Elsewhere Part 2


The remains of what used to be a large sausage and pepper pizza lay on the table. Tea takes the napkin that she had on her lap, wipes her mouth, then throws it down on the tray and falls back in her chair. Sykes takes a swig off his beer and watches her, completely amused, as she blows the bangs up off her face.

"Wow. Stick a fork in me, I'm done...ooh." She quickly covers her mouth as she hiccups.

Sykes cracks up, almost spitting his beer out. The corner of Tea's mouth rises, which grows into a grin.

"I told you it wouldn't be pretty."
He wipes the side of his mouth with his hand. "I've never had so much fun watching somebody eat."

She laughs as she takes a sip of her wine. "Didn't anybody ever tell you that's rude?"

"Yeah, I've heard that before," he replies, as the waiter walks up, to take the tray and dishes.

"Anything else for you two?"

They look at each other, then back at the waiter, shaking their heads. The waiter leaves the check and walks off. Tea sighs again as she glances at the check, then reaches for her purse.

"God, I'm stuffed. I could probably roll myself home."

"I have to say, I haven't come across many women who feel comfortable polishing off half a large by themselves," Sykes says, as he finishes his beer.

"Yeah, well...when I'm THAT hungry, etiquette goes right out the window." She digs in her wallet, pulls out a bill and tosses it on the table. He does the same. There's a silence, as he watches her finishing her wine. As she takes her last sip, she notices, and puts the glass down. Looking right back at him, she leans on the table, resting on her elbows.

"Did anyone ever tell you THAT'S rude too?"

He leans on the table too, meeting her halfway. "Yeah, I've heard that too." His voice lowers to barely above a whisper.

"I guess I'm destined to be the rudest guy you ever knew...because it's so amazing just watching you do anything...or nothing. I just can't help myself."

She takes the words in, in a deep breath. Unconsciously, she starts shaking her head, as if she disagrees, or maybe, just doesn't know what to do. He tilts his head to one side, noticing.

" don't agree? You don't think you're amazing?"

She lets out a little laugh. "Oh, yeah, right...that's only a LITTLE conceited." She looks down, and he notices that she suddenly seems distant, and sad. She speaks like she's thinking aloud.

"Honestly...I don't know what I am anymore. But amazing is not a word that comes to mind."

He reaches out and gently touches her chin, lifting her head so she'll have to look at him.

"Tea, whether you think so or not, you ARE. You've always been. You always will be. I just think you need to be TOLD that once in a while."

She sighs again. The words, although kind and gently spoken, bring up a feeling of some awful hollowness inside, almost like a wave of nausea. She pushes back from the table and starts putting her coat on. She doesn't notice that his face suddenly darkens, as if she just foiled some plan of his.

He sits back. "Okay..."

She looks at him as she wraps her scarf around her neck. "Sorry...but I really just..."

He interrupts. "...just want to get to that locker."

Silence. She stands up and takes a step toward him, and looks down into his eyes.

"What I was going to say, was that I just wanted to go home."

His eyes widen. "Really?" She nods. He folds his arms. "Stalling?"

She lets out a breath. "Think whatever you want, John. But my belly's full, I'm sleepy, and I'm going home. Are you going to walk with me or what?"

He smiles, shaking his head. "You never fail to surprise me, counselor," he says, getting up and putting his coat on. He puts an arm out to her. Once again, she hesitates before taking it, but eventually does. They walk out into the cold, late-night air, heading back to the car.

To be continued....

Elsewhere Main

Fan Fiction