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Elsewhere Part 31

Blair paces around the squad room of the PD, biting her finger nervously as Dorian looks on. She walks in front of Blair as she paces toward her, stopping her in her tracks. She looks her in the eye...Blair sighs and reaches out, hugging her tightly.

Dorian rubs her back gently. "It's all okay now...she's alright."

Just then, the noise level rises in the hall as the officers start filing in. It's a happy sound, lots of cheering and high-fiving all around. Blair and Dorian look up just as Detective West enters. She sees them and runs over, smiling.

"Ms. Cramer."

Blair sniffles, tossing her hair, eyes wide. "Where is she?"

West smiles wider, as she turns and points. They look to the door as Bo walks in with Starr in his arms. Starr looks around, clutching Fred with one hand and sucking the other one. Dorian smiles wide. Blair busts out in tears, laughing and covering her face.


Starr looks up at the sound of her mom's voice. They make eye contact...Starr smiles and holds her arms out wide.


Blair runs over and grabs her from Bo, hugging her as tightly as she can. All conversation stops, and everyone watches silently for a moment as Blair laughs and cries, swinging her daughter back and forth. Starr holds on to her mother's neck, burying her face in her shoulder.

Finally, they separate, pulling back to look at each other. Starr reaches up and wipes her mother's wet face.

Blair laughs. "Thank you, sweetie."

Starr nods, then sighs. She thinks a moment, then blinks at her mom. "Mommy, I'm HUN-gry."

The whole room busts out laughing. Starr looks around innocently, wondering what's so funny. Blair hugs her again, pressing their cheeks together.

"Well, let's get you home then, so you can eat, okay?"

Blair looks at Bo, who smiles at her gently, nodding. Blair sniffles, tossing her hair back and getting a better hold on Starr. She reaches up and straightens her messed up hair.

"Sweetie, what do you say to all these people who came to get you?"

Starr looks at her mom, then at Bo...then all around the room at all the strange faces. She looks back at Blair.

"Um...thank you?"

Blair nods, then whispers into her ear. Starr bites her lip, then looks around at everyone again, and speaks a little louder.

"Thank you."

Everyone nods and smiles at her. Starr shyly plugs her mouth with a finger, burying her head in Blair's shoulder. Bo steps up to them and pats her back, speaking softly to Blair.

"Uh...I'm gonna need to talk to her a little later. And no talking to the press, got it? We'll make the statements."

Blair takes a deep breath and nods. "Thank you, Bo. Thank you so much."

She turns and heads out, with Dorian following. Bo signals to a couple of the officers.

"Hey, uh...give 'em an escort back to the house, okay? Stay with 'em, and make sure the news people keep their distance."

The officers nod, and head out after them. Bo looks around at everyone, hands on his hips.

"Nice job, everybody."

They all nod, smile...some mock salute. Bo grins. "Now get back to work."

Everyone laughs, and the crowd starts to disperse. Bo stands there, in the middle of the room, thinking. Detective West comes up to him, concerned, knowing what he's thinking. They look at each other, both folding their arms.

Bo shakes his head at her, his voice low. "...the hell happened to John?"

West shrugs, shaking her head right back. "I don't know...but I've got a REALLY bad feeling."

Bo makes a clicking noise with his mouth. "Yeah...yeah, I hate to say it...but so do I."

He leans in and whispers to her. "Keep trying to get a hold of him. But not a word to ANYONE, okay? We still have to question the guy we DID catch."

She nods, then chucks him on the arm and walks off to her desk, just as Kevin and Viki come running in. Bo turns and looks, sighing. They stop in front of him, trying to catch their breath.

Viki grabs Bo's arm. "Is she alright?"

Bo nods. "Yeah. Luckily, she wasn't hurt. Blair just took her home."

Kevin jumps in. "So what's the deal? Did you nab the suspect? We heard he was shot."

Bo rolls his eyes a little. He takes a deep breath. "We had a standoff situation. We managed to get Starr out okay, but a suspect was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the leg, yes. I have NOTHING ELSE to say at this time, got it?"

Kevin looks at Viki, then back at Bo. "You still going after Todd and Tea? You still think they planned this?"

Bo sighs, folding his arms. He looks at Viki, who just blinks at him, waiting. He looks back at Kevin.

"Kevin, I just told you, that's all I have to say for now. Excuse me."

He turns and walks into his office, shutting the door. Kevin leans in, whispering to Viki.

"Mom...if you know something, I think you'd better speak up."

She looks at him, then at Bo's closed door...shaking her head, her eyes narrow.

"No, I don't think so. I think Bo knows this isn't about Todd and Tea anymore..."

Kevin looks at her strangely. Viki looks all around, talking more to herself.

"...and where IS he, anyway?"

He puts his face right in front of hers, getting her attention. "Mom, what? What are y-"

She sighs and grabs his arm, dragging him out. "Shhh. Come on, let's go check on Starr."

Bo steps off the elevator, entering the surgery floor of Llanview Hospital a little while later. As he heads for the nurse's desk, he sees Andrews and Wallace milling about in the hall with some of the Llanview officers.

He nods at them as he approaches. "So...what's the prognosis?"

Andrews sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Well, according to the surgeon, he's lost a good bit of blood...but it looks like he'll be okay. They're still working on him. We were about to head over to meet you."

Bo and the feds exchange heavy, knowing looks. Finally, Bo nods, then turns to his officers.

"Okay, listen up. You two...stay here and keep us posted. When they move him, radio in. Then stay with him and stand guard. No one, and I mean NO ONE, gets in to see him except medical staff, myself and the agents here, got it? The rest of you get downstairs, keep the press outta here."

The officers nod, then disperse, leaving Bo and the feds alone in the hall. Bo rubs his face, tired, then looks at Andrews, who leans in, his voice low.

"Can we talk?"

Bo nods, then looks around. He sees one of the waiting rooms and walks over. The agents follow him in, and Wallace shuts the door behind them, locking it. They shift around the empty room for a moment, letting out deep breaths, stretching their necks. Finally, Andrews takes a seat. Wallace sits down by him, and Bo sits down across from them. They all lean forward, resting their elbows on their knees in a makeshift huddle.

Andrews pipes up first. "Been able to find Sykes yet?"

Bo shakes his head, sighing. "I have one of my detectives on it now...but somehow I don't think she'll find him."

Wallace jumps in. "This doesn't look too good for him, you know."

Andrews nods. Bo looks at them both, pointing. "Now hold on. I'm in the dark as much as you are, but let's not jump to any conclusions here. We HAVE a suspect in there, someone we KNOW was involved. Let's just concentrate on HIM first."

Andrews and Wallace exchange looks, then shrug. Wallace gets up as Andrews leans in to Bo.

"Well, we'll see what genius in there has to say when he comes to. But...I have a feeling we shouldn't be barking up Manning's tree anymore."

He gets up, and starts to head out. Wallace opens the door and walks out, with Andrews behind him. He turns and looks at the back of Bo's head.

"We have to report in. We'll meet you back at the station."

Bo nods, holding up a hand. The agents exit, and the door shuts behind them...leaving Bo in the room alone. He rests his head in his hands, rubbing his face...and tries to figure out what the heck is REALLY going on.

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady