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Elsewhere Part 33

Bo sits in his office at the PD, facing his computer screen, one elbow on the desk. He rubs his face, one finger sort of in his mouth, completely zoned out. He doesn't even notice the knocking at first...but it suddenly gets louder. He blinks, snapping out of his trance, and looking at the door.


Hank Gannon pokes his head in. "Hey."

Bo takes a deep breath, waving him in. Hank enters, with Detective West behind him. West shuts the door as Bo gets up, shoving his hands in his pockets. There's a short silence, then Bo clears his throat, looking at West.

"Any word from the hospital?"

She shakes her head. "Not since last time. The guy's in recovery, but they haven't moved him to a room yet."

Bo nods, then sighs. "Any luck?"

She shakes her head again. "I can't find him anywhere. I called every number...I even went to his place. He's GONE, Bo."

Hank's head snaps over in her direction. "Who?"

West looks to Bo...then Hank does the same. Bo shifts around uncomfortably, rubbing his neck.

Hank's face covers over with dread. ", not Sykes...please, God, tell me it's NOT Sykes"

Bo makes a clicking noise with his tongue, then nods at him. "He's been MIA since before the raid."

Hank curses to himself as Bo and West look on, surprised.

Bo's eyes narrow. "Hank.."

He looks up at him. Bo's eyes widen a little, and he tilts his head.

"You...oh. YOU know where he went...don't you?"

On the spot, Hank starts to shift around, avoiding both their glances for a moment. Then he looks up at Bo, biting his lip.

"I, uh...I have a pretty good idea, yeah."

Bo sniffs, feeling anger rising up. "Wouldn't happen to have something to do with TEA, now, would it?"

Hank takes a deep breath. "Bo, listen to me..."

Bo tilts his head back, shutting his eyes...then looks back at him, furious.

"God...dammit, Hank...WHY didn't you SAY SOMETHING?"

Hank shrugs. "And WHAT was I going to say? She thought he was stalking her...when she left, I promised I wouldn't tell ANYONE where she went. And I'm not the only one who knows...ask Carlotta, ask RJ. How the hell was *I* supposed to know, how were ANY of us supposed to know the guy was gonna go and kidnap Manning's kid?"

Silence. Bo and West both stop, staring at him...Hank deflates, looking at Bo.

"Don't tell me you haven't already thought of this."

"Well, maybe I have. But my problem is this...why? John was just starting to get his act together...WHY would he go and do something like that? And anyway, what the HELL does kidnapping Starr have to do with TEA?"

"Oh, come ON, Bo...she has EVERYTHING to do with it. Kidnap the kid...make it look like Manning did it. Nobody would have a problem buying that...I wouldn't, you wouldn't...and Blair CERTAINLY wouldn't. Then you get her to press charges...get the feds to find them, haul 'em back here. And Tea gets bailed out, while Manning stays locked up. Not a bad plan, ALMOST worked."

Bo and West exchange glances, shocked. Bo starts shaking his head...Hank steps up to the desk, leaning on it and lowering his voice.

"Be angry with me, if you want. But there was NOTHING I could have said at the time that would have made a difference. Yes, I knew where Tea went...yes, I had a feeling Sykes was behind Starr's disappearance. But there was no way to PROVE it...and you wouldn't have believed me anyway."

Bo sighs, still shaking his head. Hank pauses, looking down...then back up.

"Look, HAVE a way to prove it NOW. Ten to one that guy you caught knows what Sykes looks like, even if he doesn't know his name."

Bo runs his tongue along the inside of his mouth. "Anything ELSE you're not telling me, Hank?"

Hank stands back up. "Nothing you don't already feel in your gut, man. He's gotten a good head start on you...and you KNOW he's going after them."

Bo thinks a moment, looking down, futzing with a pen. His face slowly softens, covered with worry as he looks back up at Hank.

"Have to admit...I wouldn't shed any tears if Manning disappeared forever, but...I'd hate to see that little girl grow up without a father. And think...he'd actually hurt her...?"

West folds her arms, looking worriedly at them both. Hank sighs, shrugging.

"I think...Sykes actually...loves her, in some really sick way. I know he's always been obsessed with her. But if she's rejected him...I don't know. He didn't seem to have a problem framing RJ and he's moved up to kidnapping. I'd hate to find out what ELSE he's capable of."

Bo nods, finally making sense of it all...he looks down again, then back up at West.

"Well...we'd better not waste any more time. He's already got the jump on us. West, radio in and find out if our suspect's awake yet. We gotta talk to him, now."

She nods, and pats Hank's arm as she walks out, shutting the door behind her. Bo and Hank look back at each other.

"So where ARE they, Hank? Great Falls?"

Hank shrugs. "Tea didn't give me details...I know that's where she was landing. But I don't think that's where they are now."

"Well then, how the hell are we supposed to FIND them?"

A long silence passes as they think it over. Then suddenly, they both look up...pointing at each other, eyes wide. They blurt it out at the same time.


The cordless phone rings in Joely's kitchen. She gets up from the table and walks over to the counter, picking it up.


Tea plugs one ear with her finger, standing at the pay phone of a gas station. "Joely?"

Her eyes widen. "Tea?"

"Yeah, it's me..."

"Are you alright?"

"We're fine...we got word this morning...they found Starr...she's okay."

Joely shuts her eyes for a second sighing. "Oh, thank God."

Tea looks over her shoulder, and sees Todd getting back in the car. She turns back.

"Listen, Joely, I have to go...but we're on our way. Todd wants to get home right away to be with Starr. We should at your place in a couple of hours."

She nods. "Okay...I'll be waiting for you. Be careful."

"We will. See you in a while."

Bo walks up to the officer outside D's room. They nod at each other, and the officer opens the door for him.

"Feds are already in there."

Bo nods as he walks in. He looks behind him as the door shuts, then walks in. Andrews and Wallace look up from their notetaking as he comes around to the foot of the bed, staring up at the man lying there.

D stares right back, at the three of them. He swallows a couple of times, his throat still dried out from the anesthesia. He sits up, grimacing as his leg moves. Bo moves up along one side of the bed, Andrews along the other. Wallace stays at the foot of the bed. D looks around him, surrounded.

He sighs, whispering. "Well. Tell that sharpshooter of yours he did quite a job on my knee."

Andrews cocks his head, seeing the lump of bandages under the blankets. "What knee? I don't see a knee."

D gives him a phony smirk. Andrews looks over at Bo, who moves down to the end of the bed and sits down.

"Okay. Here's the deal. You're goin' inside for all day, pal, you know that. But if you help will definitely help YOU."

D folds his arms. "Go on."

"Tell us who hired you."

"Who says anybody hired me?"

Bo tilts his head. "Look, I don't have time for this kind of crap. WHO hired you?"

There's a tense silence as D and Bo stare each other down. Finally, D glances down for a moment...then looks back up, sighing.

"I, uh...I don't know. That was part of the deal. We just used first initials."

"Mmmhmm. And what was his?"


Bo shuts his eyes for a second, looking away. Andrews and Wallace exchange loaded glances, then turn their eyes to Bo, as he takes something out of his inside coat pocket...a newspaper clipping. He hands it to D, who takes it and looks at it.

Bo glances up at the feds, then back at D. "Is THAT him?"

D stares at the older photo of Senator Graham...and another man...

He hands it back to Bo, nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, that IS him."

Bo grabs the clipping away from him, practically crushing it in his hand. D looks at him for a moment...then a slow realization covers his face. His eyes widen.

"He's a COP?" Then he shakes his head, laughing to himself. "...oh...oh-ho-ho. Well, now that's just...great."

Just then, the officer outside pokes his head in. "Commissioner?"

Bo gets up in a huff, holding a finger up to the officer as he turns to the feds, who walk over to him.

"Well. Guess this isn't OUR deal anymore..." Andrews says, hands in his pockets. "...we'll call the field office in Great Falls for you, get them on it. Do you know where they are yet?"

Bo gestures to the door. "I'm about to find out. Listen, thanks for all your help...I, uh...I can't tell you how embarrassing this is."

Wallace chucks Bo's arm, as Andrews takes his cell phone out. Bo nods at them both, then walks out, past the guarding officer...

...and sees Viki, sitting on the couch outside the room. She gets up and they walk toward each other.

"I got your message."

Bo nods, looking around. "You didn't bring that nosey kid of yours, did ya?"

Viki smiles a little. "Kevin? No...nobody knows I'm here. So, what is it?"

Silently, Bo takes her hand and leads her down the hall to a waiting room. They walk in and he shuts the door. He rubs his head and neck as he walks up to Viki. She puts her purse down and folds her arms.

"Oh...I think I know."

Bo looks at her. "Yeah. I think you do."

Viki steps up to him, her voice low. "Bo, you have to understand...there wasn't ANYTHING I could have said before."

He nods, tossing his head a little. "Yeah, I already had this discussion with Hank. Seems everybody in town knew where Tea went except me."

She sighs. "Did you question your suspect?"

He hesitates, then nods again. "Mmmm. He just identified John Sykes as the guy who hired him."

Her face pales. "Oh, God...I knew it."

"You gotta tell me where they are, Viki."

She looks at him, hestitating. He places his hands on her arms.

"Look, the only danger to them now is John...and he's GONE....long gone. He's probably on a plane right now, if he isn't there already. So you gotta tell me EXACTLY where they are, NOW."

Viki covers her mouth, nodding. She grabs her purse, and digs through it, pulling the paper with Joely's number out and handing it to him. Bo takes the tattered post-it, looking at it.

"It's the number of Todd's therapist, Joely Reese-Atherton."

"Is that where they are now?"

"Well, I don't know. When I told them Blair had pressed charges, they probably left. But I...I spoke to them this morning, to let them know Starr was alright. My guess is, they'll head back to Dr. Atherton's house. If nothing else, it'll put you in the same area."

Bo nods, clutching the paper. She folds her purse under her arm, then whispers to him.

"Hurry, Bo...I'm scared for them...especially for Tea."

He nods again, and rubs her shoulder comfortingly, then puts an arm around her as they walk out.

Joely puts her pen down, closing her eyes and stretching her neck. She looks at her watch, then glances out the window. She gets up, picking up her cigarettes and lighter..then she walks out of her office, through the quiet of the main hall and the foyer, going outside. The wind whips her gray hair around and ripples her shirt. She places one of the cigs between her lips and cups a hand over the lighter, an orange glow appearing as she lights up. She blows some smoke off to the side, looking up at the gray skies. The wind blows through the tall grasses and trees, foreshadowing the coming rain.

A car pulls off the main highway and starts up the unpaved road leading to the Atherton Foundation. It drives along for a while, slowly...then stops.

Sykes sits behind the wheel, looking all around at the deserted, woody area, then stares straight ahead, as if he can see the house already. He takes a deep breath, lifting his chin, then accelerates slowly, turning off the road and into the woods, to hide the car. The engine noise dies...and after a moment, he appears out of the woods. He slaps a magazine into his 9mm, and pulls the slide back. It springs home, chambering a round. He tucks the gun in his belt behind his back, and starts walking the rest of the way to the house.

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady