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Elsewhere Part 34

Classical music floats in the air as Joely walks in from the outer office, with a small stack of xerox copies. She sits down at her desk, organizing the piles of paper into marked-up folders...all of her notes and reports on Todd's case. She places all the folders in a Fedex box, labeled and ready to go to Todd's new therapist in Philadelphia. She raps her fingers on the box, looking around to see if she's forgotten anything. Then she gets up, remembering she left some notes in her bedroom...

...and looks out her window, suddenly noticing the whistling sounds of the wind as it races around the house, and the steady patter of the rain on the glass. Her eyes dart around for a moment, taking it in. Then she walks out of the office, through the hallway. She gets out into the foyer...noticing how dark it's gotten, she flips a few lamps on in the living room and the light outside. Then she checks her watch, expecting Todd and Tea any time now. She glances outside again, checking the road. Then she walks upstairs to get the rest of her notes.

The back door opens...silently...slowly. Sykes pokes his head in, listening. He looks down the length of the dark, empty hallway, dripping wet. He sees the light coming from Joely's office as he steps inside, closing the door behind him quietly. He runs a gloved hand through his hair, shaking off the excess water...then moves toward the light. Hearing the soft music as he moves along the wall, he draws his gun. He gets about halfway down the hall when he hears footsteps somewhere...he stops, pushing up against the wall. He looks up and sees Joely, coming down off the stairs, headed his way.

He freezes. She approaches, looking down at whatever she's carrying...she doesn't even notice him. He watches her carefully as she walks into the room where the light's coming from. Sykes shuts his eyes a moment, steeling himself. He opens his eyes, taking a deep breath...then he slides on down the wall. The music gets a little louder...and the light gets a little brighter. He stops just outside the door, listening...

...then he slowly, carefully, peers into the doorway. He sees the dimly lit outer office, and the brighter, warmer, inner office, where the music flows from. He watches for a moment...then Joely suddenly crosses his view, appearing in the inner doorway. She walks farther in, sitting down at her desk. His brow furrows, wondering if she's the therapist...and wondering where THEY are. Before entering the house, he took a good look around the grounds...the place was pretty deserted. This woman is the first, and only person he's seen. He starts to wonder if Todd and Tea have taken off already...if they fled when they heard about Starr.

Just then, the music stops. He watches as Joely gets up, heading to the other side of the room and out of his view. He starts to make his move, stepping into the outer office, taking silent steps toward the inner doorway. He hears her changing the CD as he steps through the doorway. His gaze falls on her, bent in front of the stereo, her back to him. He moves like a and silent...

She starts to straighten up as Sykes steps up, right behind her, raising an arm and bringing the butt of the 9mm down on the back of her head. Her eyes widen suddenly...she gasps as she passes out, falling into a boneless heap on the floor. He looks down at her, his eyes steely and freezing as he takes a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the gun with it.

Attached to a cell phone, Bo runs through the small terminal of Llanview airport, with Detective West following. They get up to their gate, where an officer stands waiting with a flight attendant, who opens the door leading outside to the tarmac. Bo stops, switching the cell phone to his other ear.

"So you'll meet us at the airport, then? Okay...yeah. Well, keep trying...that phone number is the only lead we have. I have a feeling he's headed there to find the Mannings...yeah. Make sure that APB gets out too...he'll probably try to cross the border. Right...yeah, that's a good idea. Okay, getting on the plane now...right. Thanks."

He hits the end call button and tosses the phone to West. They throw their carryons over their shoulders and pull their coats closed as the wind hits them. He yells to West, trying to be heard over the jet engine noise.

"Did you get Tea's cell phone number?!"

She nods. "I'll try to get a hold of her once we're in the air!!"

He nods back as they sprint up the stairway to the door of the plane. Once they get inside, the flight attendant runs up after them, and quickly shuts the door. The stairway pulls away from the door, and a few minutes later, the small, private plane pulls away from the gate, and taxis off down the runway for takeoff.

A little while later, Tea's rental car pulls off the highway and starts up the dirt road to Joely's house. Todd hits a switch and the wipers start moving faster, as the rain starts to come down a little harder. Tea's head bounces, smacking against the window and waking her up.


Todd looks over at her, as she rubs her head, blinking groggily. He grins at her. "Waky-waky."

She shoots him a look...he cracks up, looking ahead. Then he looks down at the cup holders, where two paper cups of coffee sit...his is empty, hers is still full, and undoubtedly cold. He looks at her questioningly.

"What's up with wasted a perfectly good cup of coffee there."

She looks down at her cup, then groans as she settles back in the seat, watching the wipers swish back and forth. She rubs her eyes.

"Oh, yeah, guess I did...mmmm. I dunno, but...ugh...just LOOKING at coffee right now is making me ill."

He glances over at her, brow creased. "Oh, you MUST be sick. Are-are you okay?"

She looks over at him, smiling a little. "Yeah, I'm...I'm fine. Maybe Joely has some Tums I can chew on."

"Not gonna puke again, are you?"

She cracks up. "God, I hope not. No, I...I think I'll be long as I don't eat anything."

A bit of worry creeps into his voice. "Delgado, you haven't eaten all day."

She opens her mouth, but realizes he's right. She shrugs weakly. His eyes dart back and forth, from the road to her.

"Sure you're okay?"

She sighs, shrugging again as she stares out at the road. "I...I THINK so. I mean, I have to say, the last few days I've been feeling pretty weird. I thought it was just stress, but...I dunno. If it keeps up I guess I'll have to go to the doctor's when we get back."

He turns his head back, staring ahead. "Hmm."

They drive along in silence for a while...then the car clears the woods, and the Foundation sits in front of them, just ahead. They both look around...the place looks deserted...almost creepy. Todd glances around, seeing the lights on in the main house.

"Can't believe doc lives here all by herself."

Tea smiles at him as he pulls the car up, parking close to the main house. He shuts the engine off...and suddenly looks around, hearing a soft beeping noise.

"What's that..."

Tea glances around, then looks down at her purse. "Oh!"

She picks it up, digging in it, and pulling her beeping cell phone out. She looks at the readout, pursing her lips together.

"Mmmm, battery's down...damn. I forgot to charge it," she says, shrugging. "Oh well."

Todd runs a hand through his hair. "Listen, I'll go run over to the guest house, get our stuff. You go ahead in."

She tosses the phone back in her purse. "You sure? I can help you, if you want."

He shakes his head, starting to open his door. "Na. Go on inside, get your Tums before you puke again."

She cracks up as she opens her door. They both step out into the rain...

...and Sykes peers out at them, through the window of Joely's office, hiding against the wall. He watches as Todd sprints off toward the guest house. Then his eyes dart over to Tea, as she shuts her door and goes the opposite way, toward the main house. He watches her for a second, then runs out of the office, through the hall and into the foyer. He checks the magazine as he positions himself...quietly unlocking the door, then standing ready behind it, gun drawn.

He jumps a little when Tea starts banging on the door...he swallows hard.

She knocks again...he starts breathing a little faster as he watches the doorknob start to turn. It clicks and opens...his face softens just a tiny bit, as he watches her enter, soaking wet. She steps inside, shaking the rain off, and looking down the hall, away from him.


Seeing the light on in the office, she starts walking through the foyer. "Joely? You here?"

Sykes moves away from the door, following her silently. Tea walks down the hall and over to the doorway...she takes a step inside as Sykes gets around behind her. He stands behind her a second, his face covered with a sad desperation as he watches her, running a hand through her wet hair.

He shuts his eyes for a second...and when they open, they're steely again. His voice comes out low and soft...

"Tea..." Her eyes widen, and she whirls around...

She sees him...their eyes lock. Her mouth opens, ready to scream...

...he puts one gloved finger to his lips, distracting her gaze as the other hand hauls back with everything he's got...and punches her square on the cheekbone. She sucks her breath in as she goes flying off to the side. He moves quickly, catching her before she hits the ground. Stunned and disoriented, she folds up in his arms, limp, groaning. He holds her with one arm and stows the gun in his belt with the other, as he whispers to her, icily...

"THAT'S for taking off on me."

He scoops her up and carries her into the inner office, setting her down on the couch, next to Joely, who's still out cold. He holds Tea's face gently between his gloved hands as she blinks at him, dazed. He looks into her eyes as she lapses into unconsciousness.

"See you in a while."

Her eyes flutter, and her head grows heavy in his hands. He gently tips her back, until she's resting on the cushions. He takes one glove off, and puts a hand to Joely's neck, checking her pulse. He slips the glove back on, then takes off out of the room like a shot. He runs to the front door and locks it, then hauls it to the back door. He peers out of the window, looking toward the guest house. He sees the lights on...then glances around again, as he locks the door. He lingers a moment, staring at the little house, starting to laugh to himself.

"Now THIS is gonna be funny."

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Shady