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Elsewhere 7


A courier walks up to the big double doors of Llanfair with a manila envelope that's seen some wear from travelling. He rings the bell and waits, shivering a little in the chilly morning air. A pretty young blonde answers the door...Jessica Buchanan.


"Hello," the courier says as he looks at his clipboard. "Uh...Viki Carpenter?"

"Oh, no, that's my mom. I can sign for it, though."

"Sorry, but there's strict instructions with this one...uh...deliver ONLY to Ms. Carpenter."

"Oh." Jessica furrows her brow. "Okay...just a sec."

She leans back inside. "Mom!"

After a moment, the door opens wider, and Viki appears. She looks between her daughter and the courier.

"Ms. Carpenter?" "Yes..."

"Great. Sign here, please." He holds the clipboard out to her. She cautiously takes the pen and signs. He hands her the envelope and nods.

"Have a nice day." He walks off.

"Yeah, you too..." Viki says, as she and Jessica step back inside. Viki examines the envelope as Jessica peers over it, trying to see the return address. She looks at Viki strangely.

"So what's THIS all about? Deliver ONLY to Mzzzz Carpenter...oooh." Her eyes are wide with intrigue.

Viki laughs. "I have NO idea, sweetheart," she says, as she flips it over. "But I guess I will in a second."

She rips it open, and another smaller envelope falls out, and...a plane ticket. Viki looks at the plane ticket, then at Jessica. They both make "huh." faces. Jessica chucks her mom's shoulder.

"So...going to Montana, huh? Cool."

The phone starts to ring. Tea comes out of the bathroom half-dressed for work after about three rings, sprinting across the room to pick it up. She grabs the receiver, taking a breath.


"Hi...Tea?" An older woman's voice, a little unsure.


"It's Viki."

"Oh...hi!" Tea says, happily surprised, as she puts the phone on her shoulder and holds it with her head as she tucks her shirt into her pants.

"God, Viki...I haven't seen you in ages..."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I've missed you terribly."

Tea smiles. "Aw...the feeling is mutual. But...I get the feeling you didn't call me just 'cause you missed me."

"Well, actually, I'm a little surprised YOU haven't called me already."

Tea's brow crinkles. "I don't understand..."

There's a pause, and then Viki's tone becomes more serious. " mean you haven't received something from Todd lately?"

Tea does a take, not knowing how Viki could possibly know that.

" a matter of fact, I HAVE..."

"Tea...I think maybe we should meet somewhere...put our heads together on this thing."

Tea takes the receiver off her shoulder, holding it now, and puts a hand on her hip, not really knowing what she's talking about.

"Uh...well...sure, if you want..."

"Do you have some time this morning?"

"Actually, no...I wouldn't be able to see you until tonight. Is that okay?"

"Ummm..." Tea hears Viki flipping through some papers. "Yes...yes that's fine...why don't you come on over to the house tonight for dinner?"

"Oh...uh...yeah...I'd love it."

"Great. See you about eight?"


"Okay. See you then."

"Bye..." They both hang up. Tea stands there for a minute, totally confused. How the hell did she know that Todd sent her something...unless...her eyes widen...she's talked to him. She puts a hand to her mouth and drifts off for a second, her mind racing again. Finally, she snaps out of it, waving her arms and walking back into the bathroom to finish getting ready for work.

Later that evening, Tea sits at her desk, resting her head in her hand, running her fingers through her short hair as she pores over some precedents, occasionally scribbling on a legal pad. She sits back in her chair after a while, stretching and turning to look out the window. It's dark outside now, and she checks her watch...almost seven. She yawns, slumping down in the chair a bit.

She's had a hard time concentrating all day, after that phone call. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the puzzle piece. It's been close to her since she received it, like it was a huge wad of cash or something. She rubs it in her hand, gazing out the window, and wondering what Viki was going to tell her.

She's still far away when Sykes knocks on her door. He pokes his head in and sees the back of her head.

"Anybody see an assistant district attorney around here?"

She blinks and turns around clumsily, his voice yanking her back to earth. She shoves the puzzle piece back in her pocket and instinctively straightens her hair as he approaches.

"Hey, there she is," he says, walking right up to the edge of the desk.

"Hey yourself."

"Getting a lot done?" He taps her legal pad.

"Oh, well, you know..." She starts closing books and collecting papers. "Never as much as I need to."

"Packing it in for the night?"

"Yes, actually."

"Had dinner yet?"

"No, but I'm going to." She gets up, stretches and starts to get her things together.

"Ohhh...anyone I know?" he says, folding his arms.

She raises an eyebrow, teasing. "Jealous, are we?"

He raises one right back. "Extremely."

She pauses...not entirely comfortable with that response...but she tries to laugh it off.

"Well, don't get too excited, it's just Viki Carpenter."

He does a take. "Really?"

"Yes, really." She grabs her coat and purse, shuts the lamp off on her desk and walks around until she's in front of him. He turns with her, eyeing her the whole way, like he's not sure if she's telling the truth.

She shrugs at him. "So...walk me out?"

"Oh, yeah." They leave her office and head down the hallway, stopping when they get to the stairs.

Tea throws her purse over her shoulder. "Yeah, this should be a very nice, mellow evening. I haven't talked to Viki in a long time."

"Well, have fun for me."

"Pulling late shift?"

He nods. "A couple of guys called in sick...have to cover," he says, shrugging.

"Well, I'll catch you later." She bumps him with her arm before heading down the stairs.

"Yeah." He watches her go, with a strange, suspicious look. The wheels are clearly turning in his head.

When Tea gets outside she stops for a second. She rubs her knotted neck, feeling like she's just been interrogated somehow. She shakes it off, heading to her car, but that uneasiness is soon replaced with the anxiety of finding out what Viki has in store for her.

To be continued....

Fan Fiction by Shady