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The Longest Week 11

Roseanne takes a sip of coffee from a foam cup as she looks across the table at Tea. The steam rising from the cup frames Tea in wispy, foggy waves. She's been watching her for at least an hour now, and she hasn't moved. Roseanne takes another sip, then puts the cup down, and walks over to her, quietly. She glances over at Dean, who's sleeping on one of the cots, then walks around behind Tea, checking the ties holding her to the chair. Satisfied, she stands up and walks around in front of her. She folds her arms and leans against the table, looking down at her sleeping aunt for a moment, running her tongue along the inside of her cheek, reminding herself just what it is she wants from all this...besides the money. For Dean, that's all he ever talked about...just the plan.

But for her, it was much more personal...she wanted to put Tea in her place. Roseanne knew that if her father and her uncles knew this was going on...or the Vegas, for that matter...and not to mention Todd...she'd be dead meat. But right now, it didn't matter...she didn't care. And even though she didn't really want Tea to be physically hurt, she had to admit to herself that she was enjoying seeing her like this. The thing that always made her angriest...was to see Tea happy.

Suddenly, her eyes widen, realizing what it is she REALLY wants... make Tea absolutely miserable...for the rest of her life.

She cocks an eyebrow, wondering what would accomplish that most efficiently...

...well, getting rid of Todd would certainly do it...but who am I kidding, I can't take him on. He'd turn me into a spot on the wall. I'm not THAT stupid.

She reaches behind her and grabs her cup, thinking as she sips. She looks at Tea again, her eyes moving down to her protruding belly. She stares at it for a long time...after a while, she can almost SEE the twins sleeping inside...

...and slowly, her lips curl up into a hideously evil grin.

Just then, Tea stirs, lifting her head up. Roseanne bites her lip as she watches her turn her head from side to side, trying to look around despite the blindfold. Then she takes a deep breath, swallowing...and swallowing again...and again. She starts to squirm, uncomfortably. Roseanne looks at her strangely, wondering what she's doing...she's starting to look...sick, or something. Instinctively, she reaches over and rips the tape off Tea's mouth, then goes to put her coffee down.

She turns back around just in time to see Tea turn her head to the side and throw up. She gapes, not believing this is happening. She watches her for a moment to see if she pukes again, but she doesn't. Rolling her eyes, Roseanne grabs a handful of napkins off the table and steps over to her, silently, crouching down to wipe up the mess. She makes a disgusted face, about ready to retch herself...but luckily, it seems like mostly water. She wipes it up fast and throws the napkins in the trash bag. She glares at Tea for a moment, then shakes her head as she grabs the water off the table and another napkin.

She walks back over to Tea, tapping her shoulder to get her to look up. When she does, Roseanne wipes her mouth.

"Thanks," Tea whispers.

Roseanne sighs, touching the nozzle of the water bottle to her lips. Tea takes a breath, then sucks down as much water as possible before she takes the bottle away. Roseanne wipes her mouth again, then walks over to the table, putting the water down. She reaches for the tape, peeling a new piece off, then strolls back over to Tea, ready to glue her lips shut again...

"Wait," Tea says, hearing the familiar sound. Roseanne does a take, then stands there, waiting.

Tea swallows. "I REALLY have to go to the bathroom."

Roseanne cracks up at that. Tea hears the sound and starts shaking her head.

"I am NOT kidding. Look, whoever you are...I've been sitting in this chair for hours...and I'm pregnant. I mean, COME ON."

Roseanne glares down at her for a second, trying to decide what to do...then she steps over to Tea and puts the tape over her mouth. Tea thrashes around in the chair, angrily, as Roseanne walks away from her and over to the cot where Dean is sleeping. She sits down on the edge of the cot and shakes his shoulder.

He lifts his head, slowly, blinking at her. "What?"

"She has to pee," she replies quietly.

Dean falls limp for a second, sighing...then he rubs his face, sitting up.

"Right...come on."

He gets up, and she follows him back over to Tea. He breaks out his pocketknife and hands it to her.

"You cut the ropes, I'll take her to the bathroom."

Roseanne walks around behind the chair and crouches down, starting to cut the rope holding her left leg. Dean stands in front of Tea, checking the magazine in his 9mm. He steps closer to Tea as he slaps the magazine back in hard, and pulls the slide back. She jumps back, hearing the unmistakable sound.

"Just wanted you to know, I'm ready for anything."

Tea feels the rope snap, freeing her leg. Roseanne starts on the ropes on her hands, sawing at it with the pocketknife. The ropes start to break apart, and she sees the marks on Tea's arms. She starts to slice away at the last piece of rope...

...and tips her head slightly, an idea popping into her head. She glances up at Dean, who's stretching his neck, gun in hand. She looks back down at Tea's bare arms, all red at the wrists from being bound. Roseanne takes a deep breath, then...

Tea jumps, a muffled "OW!" coming through the tape on her mouth. Dean looks back at Roseanne, his tone impatient.

"WHAT are you doin'?"

Roseanne pokes her head out, mouthing a "sorry" at him...then looks back down at the small, bleeding cut on Tea's forearm. Roseanne gets up quickly, grabbing a couple of napkins off the table. She shrugs at Dean, who shakes his head. She kneels back down, holding the napkin by the bleeding cut. She watches as the blood soaks into the napkin at first, then starts to collect in a tiny pool.

Dean looks back at her again, wondering what's taking her so long. "Uh...TODAY."

Roseanne puts the napkin down gently, then quickly slices the last piece of rope. She covers the cut with the other napkin, pressing it down, then gets up. Dean gives her a look, then grabs Tea's arm, throwing it around his neck and hauling her up. He holds the napkin over the cut and starts to pull her along.

"Come on, let's go," he says to Tea, as he starts for the bathroom.

Roseanne watches as Tea goes with him, without a fight. He opens the door to the bathroom and ushers her inside, partially closing the door. Roseanne bends down and picks up the bloody napkin, running over to the cot where her bag sits. She digs through it, finally pulling out a tiny, featureless, burlap doll. She glances back at the bathroom...then holds the doll by the legs, closing her eyes and muttering to herself in some undistinguishable language. Then she opens her eyes, and dips an index finger into the tiny pool of Tea's blood. She puts dots of it on the doll in certain places, then smears it, mouthing more incantations to herself.

Dean comes out of the bathroom with Tea, pulling her back over to the chair. He looks over at Roseanne.

"Hey, I could use some help here."

Roseanne gets up, stuffing her newly-made voodoo doll back in her bag. She walks back over to them, crushing the napkin and tossing it in the trash bag as Dean hands her the gun.

"Watch her," he says, going back behind the chair to redo the ties.

Roseanne leans against the table, looking down on her aunt with a self-satisfied grin.


Starr runs ahead of Todd as they enter the main house through the back door. She heads right for the kitchen, sitting down at the table with Fred. She watches as her dad walks in, getting a bowl and a spoon for her cereal. Todd pours the cereal for her, then pulls out a chair and sits down, without a word. She looks at him strangely, studying his face. Afraid to say anything, she gets off the chair, quietly, and walks over to the fridge. She brings the milk over and puts it on the table.

He seems to jump a little at the sound, snapping out of his trance. His brow creases as he looks at Starr, who gets back up on the chair and starts pouring the milk for herself. He sighs, heavily, rubbing his face.


She gives him a little smile as she puts the cap back on the bottle. "That's okay."

She eats quietly, looking at her father's tired, worried face the whole time. Finally, she picks a marshmallow off of the top and holds it out to him.

"Want a marshmallow?"

He looks at her...his face softening, despite the horrible fear and helplessness he's holding in. He nods, leaning forward, resting his elbows on the table. He takes the marshmallow and pops it in his mouth.


She smiles, eating some more. They look at each other for a moment. Then she glances down, swishing her spoon around in the bowl.

"Are you okay?"

He sighs, his head resting in his hand. He opens his mouth, wanting to tell her everything, despite her age. He rubs his face again, sitting back in the chair.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm okay, I just...I, uh...I didn't sleep well."

"Did you have a bad dream? Is that why you were sleeping next to me?"

He glances off to the side, trying to keep it together...he nods.

"Oh," she says softly. She looks at him another moment...then she gets off the chair and walks around to him. He turns around, looking down at her. She smiles a little smile, then reaches up and hugs him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her simple, loving gesture instantly releases some of his stress...he gives over to it, closing his eyes and letting out a deep breath, as he buries his face in her hair.

Starr kisses his cheek, whispering in his ear. "I'm sorry you had a bad dream."

Todd can barely keep the tears down...he tightens his hold, rocking them back and forth.

Just then, Joely walks by the doorway...she stops short when she sees them inside. She steps inside slowly, watching them for a moment...then clears her throat.


They both look up at her. Starr smiles broadly, letting go of Todd and walking back around to her chair.

"Hi Joely!"

Todd sniffs, running a hand through his hair and sitting back in the chair again. Joely touches Starr's hair gently as she places a FedEx package on the table. She looks over at him...and sees his face...her brow creases immediately. Todd stares at the package, his eyes flashing with renewed fear.

"This just came for you," she says, growing more concerned as she looks at him.

His breathing becomes shorter, jagged...he reaches out and grabs the package. Joely and Starr look on as he rips it open and peers inside. He takes out the only contents...a videotape with a neatly printed label...


He shuts his eyes for a second, not wanting to lose it in front of Starr. He looks up at Joely, who's staring right back at him, sensing his panic.

" got a VCR?"

She nods. "Yes, in my office."

He gets up, and starts to storm out...he gets through the doorway, and turns back.

"Shorty...uh...stay here and finish up, okay? I'll be back."

Starr nods...Joely smiles at her, then follows him, sprinting to catch up with him in the hallway.

"Todd...what's wrong? You look..." she stops, unable to name it.

He tries to talk, to get some words out...but he can't. He shakes his head...then continues down the hall, and into her office. Joely's assistant looks on as Todd walks by her and into the inner office, slamming the door behind him. She gets up to go after him, just as Joely comes in...she grabs her arm, pulling her back.

"No,'s alright. Let him go."


Joely shakes her head, whispering. "No, it's okay. He obviously needs a few minutes."

Her assistant shrugs, then goes back to her desk. Joely heads back out to the hallway.

"I'll be in the kitchen with Starr...if he comes out, let me know."

She nods...Joely glances worriedly at her office door for a second. Then she walks back down the hall to the kitchen.


Todd turns on the monitor and VCR, shoving the tape in and hitting play. He steps back, eyes focused on the black screen. After a second or two, it starts to roll with static. Then an image pops on...he squints, trying to make it out...

His mouth drops open as he realizes what it's Tea, in the middle of a pitch-dark room, illuminated by one bright light. She lifts her head up and tries to look straight ahead, but can't. He starts to make out more details...she's tied to a chair...a scarf, or something like it, hangs around her neck, the blindfold that's been removed.

He stares at her face, lit harshly...making her look frighteningly pale. Dark circles underline her puffy eyes as she blinks at the bright light. She says nothing at first...then seems to react to something off-screen. The camera zooms in on her...she swallows, clearing her throat. Then she looks straight ahead...looking out at him.


He lets out a short breath at hearing her voice, soft and low.

"This is a message for you. If you want to see me alive again, the price is..."

Todd watches as she squints...obviously reading...then she actually seems to grin. She laughs a little, then looks back at him, making a face only he would understand.

"...five million dollars."

He shuts his eyes for a second, at the twisted coincidence.

"This tape is proof that I'm alright, at least for now. You're to return to Llanview immediately and await further instructions..."

She squints again, reading.

"...and any attempt by you to involve the police...will result in my death."

Todd stares up at the ceiling for a second, furious. She clears her throat again.

"Just so you know, I'm okay. I'm tired, and I feel like puking most of the time, but, y'know...that's just me.."

She sniffles, trying to be calm. She wants to keep talking to him, but has no idea what else to say. She shrugs, smiling at him weakly, her eyes misting up as she sighs.

"...never seem to get a break, do we?" she says softly.

His eyes glaze over with angry tears, his chest tightening up with their shared pain.

There's a short silence as she looks off-screen...she nods, then looks back at him.

"Go home, Todd. Wait for the call."

She blinks at him, slowly, a few tears running down her face...then the picture cuts out, rolling with static...then going black. Todd stares at the empty screen for a moment, in shock...then he feels all of his energy drain in a debilitating rush. He folds up, sitting down on the coffee table, burying his face in his hands.


A few minutes later, Joely walks back into the office. She looks at her assistant, who shrugs.

"I haven't heard a thing."

Joely nods, then walks up to the door, putting her ear against it, listening. She bites her lip...then knocks softly.

No response. She starts to turn the knob, slowly. She pushes the door open, poking her head inside...she looks around, and sees him sitting on the table in front of the monitor. She steps inside, closing the door behind her.

She approaches him carefully. He still hasn't moved...just sitting there, curled up, face buried. She puts a hand to her mouth...then squats down in front of him.


No response. She takes a deep breath, getting more concerned as she feels the vibes coming from him.

"Todd...what is it...can you tell me?" she whispers.

Still no response. Joely turns around and looks at the blank screen, then looks back at him. She opens her mouth to say something...but stops. Instead, she puts her hands behind her and sits down on the floor in front of him...waiting.

They stay like that for a long time...Todd hidden away behind his hands, Joely sitting in front of him, waiting patiently for him to come out.

After a few more minutes, Joely gets up, quietly. She walks back over to the door and pokes her head out. Her assistant looks up.

"I think I need to stay in here with him for a while. Can you do me a favor, and stay with Starr...and try to distract her. I'm afraid something--"


Just then, a vase slams against the wall, shattering...Joely jumps, whirling around. Her assistant jumps up and goes running for the door, but Joely shuts it in her face, locking it from her side.

Joely stands there, paralyzed with shock, as Todd starts throwing everything he can get his hands on. She starts to back away, as anything not bolted down becomes a projectile. She covers her mouth as a tape dispenser goes flying through her window, sending glass flying everywhere.

Her assistant stands outside helplessly. Starr comes running in from the kitchen, eyes wide. She hears the crashing noises and goes for the door...Joely's assistant catches her and holds her, pulling them both back.

Joely watches Todd carefully as he trashes her office in this tremendous fit of rage. He's run out of small things to grab...and as he growls to himself, he looks around wildly for something else to vent on. With his hair falling down in his face, his eyes finally fall on Joely, standing across the room...

...their eyes lock. He freezes.

She stares right back at him, amazingly still...and unafraid. Todd's chest heaves...but after a moment, finally starts to slow. He stares into her eyes, feeling the fury dying down a least enough to keep him from doing anymore damage. She keeps her eyes on him, unmoving, steady. He stares at her another moment...then blinks, as if just waking up. His brow furrows in tightly, and he starts to look around, slowly. Joely sees the disorientation in his face, like he's trying to figure out where he is.

A knock on the door makes them both jump. Joely walks over to the door and opens it a tiny crack. She sees her assistant...and Starr, both looking at her anxiously. Joely clears her throat, running a hand through her hair. She looks at her hand strangely, as pieces of the shattered vase fall out of her hair and onto the floor.

"'s alright, everything's okay," she says, as calmly as possible.

Starr looks at her with frightened, worried eyes. "Is Daddy alright?"

Joely smiles at her, nodding. "He's fine, love. He just...uh...needs a few minutes, okay?"

Starr sucks her lips in, nodding back reluctantly. Joely smiles at her again, then closes the door, locking it again. She lets out a deep breath as she turns to face Todd, who hasn't moved. She walks over to him, slowly, not quite sure what he's going to do. They lock eyes again...and Todd sighs, heavily, his whole body deflating. He holds his hands out, plaintively, almost shrugging.


"Todd...WHAT is going on? Won't you tell me...please?" she asks, softly.

He looks down for a moment...when he looks back up, all he sees are Joely's gentle, concerned eyes waiting for him to open up to her. The patience and kindness radiating from them overwhelm him...his eyes gloss over with tears. Joely's mouth opens slightly, seeing the tears forming...and falling, rolling down his cheeks.

He feels his knees giving out, and drops to the floor in a heap, covering his face with his hands. She gets down on the floor with him, and watches him carefully for a moment, listening to his muffled cries.

Then she tips her head slightly, suddenly realizing that she can do something more for him now, something she couldn't do when she was his therapist. She reaches out, slowly...

...and touches his hand, lightly, with just the fingertips. Todd bristles a little at first, then relaxes. She places her whole hand on top of his, then reaches out with her other hand, placing it on his other hand. She starts to pry his hands away from his face...gently, but insistently at the same time. He resists her, but only for a moment...she grasps his hands as she pulls them toward her, holding onto them tightly, despite how wet they are.

They stare at each other for a long time, communicating wordlessly. Joely's eyes mist up, deeply affected by the pain she sees in his eyes...and feels as he holds onto her hands tightly. She has no idea what's causing it, but somehow, she knows it's new trauma...not old...and that whatever it is, it must be horrible.

She lets go of his hands and sits up on her knees, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him. He stiffens up, taken off-guard...but Joely hangs on, closing her eyes and resting a hand on his hair. Slowly, Todd reaches up, resting his hands on her back, and putting his head down on her shoulder. He stares off for a moment, numb with shock...with anger...with fear...all swirling around him in a haze.

Joely feels his breaths become shorter, more labored. Todd shuts his eyes, unable to fight the urge to cry anymore. The tears fall freely as he goes limp in her arms. She holds him tighter, resting her head against his, as he cries into her shoulder. Quiet cries soon give way to sobs, as he lets it all go...holding onto her for support.


A little while later, Joely sits on the couch in front of the monitor, having just seen the videotape of Tea. She covers her mouth in shock, then looks at Todd...sitting next to her, leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees, looking down. He looks up at her, then glances away.

Joely takes a deep breath, shaking her a loss. "This is unbelievable. What are you going to do?"

"I...I don't know what else I CAN do...except what they tell me," he says quietly, looking at the floor.

"You can call the police...the FBI."

He shakes his head. Joely reaches out, lifting his face to look at her.

" have to. You're going to need their help, their resources, if you're going to find them."

He looks at her for a moment, taking her words in...then he nods slightly, turning away from her and getting up. He walks over to the VCR and ejects the tape...he looks at it for a minute, then back at Joely.

"Well, I know one thing...I gotta get home."

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady