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The Longest Week 12

The doorbell rings at Llanfair. Viki walks into the foyer from the living room, opening the door... find Todd and Starr standing there, bags and all. She offers them a little smile, then steps back to let Starr in as Todd gets the bags inside. She squats down to be at eye-level with Starr, who kisses her cheek.

"Hi Aunt Viki."

Viki hugs her. "Oh, I haven't seen you in ages. I'm so happy you're going to be staying with us for a while." Starr tries to smile, but just looks disappointed. Viki lifts her chin.

"I know, it's not Montana, is it?"

Starr shrugs. "I was having fun out there. I wanted to stay."

"Yeah, I know...bummer, huh?"

Starr nods...then smiles a little at Viki's attempt at sounding cool. Viki plays with Starr's hair.

"Well, listen. I'll do my very best to make sure you have fun here, okay?"

She shakes her head, sadly. "I don't think I'll be able to until we find Tee."

Viki's mouth drops open at that. She looks up at Todd, who jumps in quick.

"Uh...Shorty, didn't you say you were thirsty a minute ago? Why dontcha get yourself a drink in the kitchen."

Starr nods again, then sighs, looking at Viki. "Can I?"

Viki stands up. "Of course you can, go ahead."


They watch as Starr heads for the kitchen, dragging Fred and her backpack behind her. Viki turns to Todd, who stares after his daughter sadly.

"You told her?"

He nods, turning to look at her. Viki's face softens as she looks at his face...tired, worried. He shrugs weakly. "Had to...she just kept talking about Tee, and the babies, and..."

He trails off with a sigh, rubbing his face. Viki takes his arm and leads him to the living room. They both sit down, facing each other on the couches. Viki pushes all her paperwork aside, as Todd slouches down.

"Listen, uh...thanks for letting her stay here. I tried calling Blair, but she's on assignment or something."

"You guys are always welcome here, you know that."

He nods. There's a short silence as Viki looks down at his hand, clutching the cell phone with a death grip. She folds her arms, slouching down a little herself.

"How long are you going to wait to tell Bo, Todd? I mean, I haven't heard anything myself, but Tea's the ADA...they must be wondering where she is."

He tries to say something, struggling to come up with an answer. Just then, the doorbell rings again. Viki looks out at the foyer, strangely.

Todd jumps up immediately. "I'll get it."

Viki stands up, peering out into the foyer as he throws open the door...and RJ turns around to face him.

RJ nods at him. "Hey, man."

Todd nods back, stepping aside to let him in. Viki appears in the doorway, wondering what's going on. She offers RJ a little smile.

"Uh...hi, RJ."

RJ grins back, bowing slightly. "Viki."

Todd checks the battery power on the phone, then shoves it in his pocket. He runs a hand through his hair, shifting around with renewed nervous energy.

"You ready?"

RJ looks at him, nodding. "Yeah, let's go."

Viki looks between them, confused. "Go? Go where?"

Todd puts a finger to his lips, looking toward the kitchen...then he walks over to her and hugs her, whispering in her ear.

"Going to the penthouse...but don't tell Shorty that. I'll be back later."

She nods, though still confused, as he releases her. They look at each other for a moment, then he turns, grabs one of the bags, and heads out the door, quickly...RJ follows him, nodding to Viki as he closes the door quietly. Viki sighs, shaking her head...then heads for the kitchen to check on Starr.


Todd storms into the penthouse, turning lights on as he looks around the living room. RJ comes in a few seconds later, closing the door. He walks forward slowly, stopping in the doorway. They look at each other...RJ gestures toward the stairs. Todd turns around...the stairway seems to stretch out in front of him, never-ending. He takes a deep breath, then makes his way up to the second floor, bag in hand. He treads lightly down the hall to the bedroom, as if he's afraid he's going to disturb someone. He gets to the bedroom doorway, and does a take, making a face at the smell. He hits the light switch and looks around as RJ catches up. Todd looks all around, seeing the unmade bed, the books. Then he looks down...

...and sees the mess on the carpet, the only sign of a struggle. He stares at it for a long time, trying to imagine what happened...what Tea had to go through...and what she might be going through now. His nervous energy changes back to worry and fear...he looks away, his eyes scanning the books on the bed...all motherhood or baby related. He shuts his eyes for a second, trying to hold it together. Finally, he turns around to face RJ, who leans against the doorsill, watching him with sympathetic eyes.

"That's all there is, man. I didn't touch anything."

Todd looks at him for a moment, like he's trying to decide something. RJ just stares right back, waiting. Without a word, Todd drops the bag on the bed, unzips it and pulls the videotape out. RJ looks on as he walks across the room, to the TV and VCR, turning them both on. He pops the tape in and hits play. RJ watches from the doorway...when the camera zooms in on Tea's face, his mouth drops open in recognition. He walks over, entranced by her face, listening to her words.

Unable to take a second viewing, Todd goes out into the hallway, wandering aimlessly. He shuffles by the bathroom...and stops. He turns the lights on, leaning on the doorsill. Looking around, everything seems different's no longer the cozy, peaceful place it was the night before he's darker somehow, sad. He sighs, walking in and crouching down by the bathtub. He runs his hand along the rim of the tub, remembering sitting in it with Tea, eating tacos and starting the boinkfest. He closes his eyes, trying to transport himself back to that night...

...and after a moment, he can almost hear her, feel her...her laughter, her softness, her warmth...

RJ appears in the doorway, and sees him sitting by the tub.


He doesn't respond...still lost in his own thoughts...hearing only her voice...

"'s gonna be so great though...OUR kids. I still love hearing that. And you know what? WE are gonna be the best parents ever."

RJ takes a few steps in...he looks around, and not seeing anywhere else to sit, the puts the lid down on the toilet and sits down, leaning forward.


Todd's eyes flutter open...he whirls around and sees RJ looking at him. He sighs, then sits down on the floor, rubbing his face.

RJ sighs too. "Well...I watched it a few times. I don't see anything that indicates where she might be. Camera's right on her face pretty much the whole time...and there weren't any other voices that I could hear."

Todd plays with the fibers in the rug for a moment...then looks up at him.

"I dunno what to do, Gannon...I really don't."

RJ folds his hands, and rests his face against them, thinking. After a moment, he utters his reply.

"Call Bo..."

Todd stares at him for a second, then shakes his head, doubtful. RJ gets down on the floor with him, his tone emphatic, certain.

"I KNOW what the guy told you. But it's like I could he POSSIBLY know if the cops were involved?"

Todd runs a hand through his hair. "Well, he might know someone."

RJ makes a face, considering that. "Hmm. Possible, I guess...but doubtful. I'm telling you, man, the guy is just yanking your chain."

He thinks about it some more, then finally throws his hands up, at a loss.

"Look, Todd, all I can tell you is this...if you want to find her, you're gonna need their resources...because you have NO clues. Nothing you can trace on your own. That tape doesn't give ANYTHING away. And I'm certainly no fan of his, but if you get Bo involved, next time the scumbag calls you can TRACE him...and even if it only traces back to a phone booth, Bo can have people fanning out for miles. He's your only other option, man...use him."

Todd stares at him...taking his words in, trying to decide. He stands up suddenly, pacing around the room. RJ gets up and stands by the doorsill, waiting.

"Fact is every minute we stand here is time wasted."

Todd stops in front of him...staring at him for another moment...then he nods.

RJ nods back. "Let's go."


A couple of hours later, RJ, Bo, Hank, Lisa West and most of the other cops on duty stand gathered around a monitor in the squad room. They watch in shock, as Tea's ghostly face lights up the screen, delivering the ransom demand. The tape finishes and Bo shuts it off with the remote he's holding. He tosses it onto a desk, rubbing his chin.

"Oh my God..."

Bo looks around, and finally spots Todd, sitting on the window ledge just outside the squad room, clutching the cell phone and staring outside. He looks at RJ.

"He tell you anything else?"

RJ shakes his head. "Not much to tell."

Bo glances at Hank quickly, then turns to West. "Any word from the penthouse?"

West heads for her desk. "I'll radio in, see what they've come up with."

Bo nods, then speaks to the room. "Alright people, back to it."

The officers on duty disperse, going back to their stations. Bo folds his arms, leaning on the desk, shaking his head.

"I can't believe this."

West yells over to Bo from her desk. "Commish..."

Bo turns. She shrugs, sadly. "They've lifted a few prints from the doorknobs, that's about it."

He nods. "Tell 'em to get 'em over to the crime lab NOW."

RJ and Hank exchange Bo turns back to them, throwing up a hand.

"Now we hurry up and wait...wait for the lab to ID the prints...and wait for that phone to ring."

Hank rubs his face, trying to wake himself up. He slaps RJ's shoulder.

"Alright, well, nothing much *I* can do here...guess maybe I'll head over to Carlotta's...let her know what's going on."

Bo nods...then puts a hand out to stop him. "Uh...make sure Carlotta knows to keep this to herself, okay?"

"Yeah, of course," Hank replies, then heads out.

Bo and RJ look at each other uncomfortably. Finally, Bo walks over to the monitor, ejecting the tape, shaking his head as he looks at it. RJ walks over to him, folding his arms. Bo looks up, offering him a sad smile.

"...was just thinking about all she went through with Sykes...and now THIS. Hmm. Just makes me wonder why, y'know?"

RJ stares at him for a moment, then nods, letting his guard down.

"Yeah...I know."

Bo nods back...then heads for his office. RJ looks around, sighing. Not knowing what else to do with himself, he goes to the coffee machine and pours two cupfuls. He walks out of the squad room and over to Todd, on the window ledge. RJ leans against the wall in front of him and holds out a cup. Todd looks up at him, then at the cup being offered to him. He leans forward, and takes it, sighing.

"Thanks," he whispers. RJ slides down, sitting down on the floor and leaning against the wall.

Todd takes a few sips, then looks at the phone, wishing it would ring already. RJ sees him staring at it...he glances down at the floor, sipping his coffee.

"Y'know we, uh...we went out for burgers just the other night. You shoulda seen her, man...she had the biggest, sloppiest friggin' burger I EVER saw..."

Todd looks at him...strangely at first...then his face softens, almost into a smile, imagining Tea getting ketchup and stuff all over the place. RJ looks up, and sees Todd focusing on him, instead of the phone. He continues, trying to distract him.

"...but none of it got on her clothes, though, 'cause it was all on her FACE!"

They both crack up. RJ sighs, shaking his head.

"She made me drive halfway up the turnpike just to get her Taco Bell."

RJ looks up suddenly, surprised at hearing his voice. He stares at Todd, who seems to be speaking more to himself.

"I took Starr with me...she thought I was nuts. She was like, 'Dad, where the heck are we going?'" He laughs a little to himself. RJ smiles, listening. Todd sniffs, leaning back against the window frame. "...and then of course, she's just a kid, so she only eats like, one taco, but I had to get about two dozen of 'em. I told her they were for Tee, and then, she's lookin' at me, y'know, thinkin' 'oh my God, my stepmother's a PIG!'"

They both crack up again. Todd plays with the phone antenna, his voice sounding faraway now.

"...Delgado, she's so weird...she's gained a few pounds and has this belly now, so it's like, all of a sudden she thinks she's a house."

RJ smiles at that. "Yeah, she said something to me about 'not feeling very lovely', with her belly and her leg in that brace. But I...I told her how beautiful she is."

Todd squints at him, putting his legs on the floor and leaning forward.

"In love with her, aren't you?"

RJ looks up at him, a little surprised by the question...but even MORE surprised by his tone. It's calm, subdued...not threatening or accusatory...definitely NOT the Todd Manning-tone he's used to hearing. Still, he isn't sure how to answer without angering him. Finally, he sighs.

"Look, man, I'm not gonna bother lying to you...Tea is one of the finest women I ever met. Y'know, every time I see her, talk to's like...finding a gold mine...EVERY OTHER DAY. It's REAL easy to get hooked on THAT..."

Todd takes that in, tipping his head slightly, as RJ continues.

", yeah...I guess I am in love with her. But you know what? Doesn't matter... 'cause all I really for her to be happy. 'Cause it's her happiness that makes her so beautiful...and you know what MAKES her happy?"

He points at him. "It's YOU, man...nobody else. Anybody with eyes can see that...including me."

Todd listens to him, intently...but still says nothing. RJ glances down at the floor, then back up at him, his voice lowering.

"Think whatever you want, Todd, but I would NEVER go after Tea that way. She's my best friend...I can't risk screwing that up...not for anything."

Todd's face softens a little at that. "That's funny...she's MY best friend too."

There's a silence as they stare at each other for a moment...but not angrily, not like two guys fighting over a woman. Instead, they look at each other with a new understanding. They realize they have common ground now...their love for the same woman, their need to protect her...and insure her happiness. It's an understanding that gives them a new respect...for each other.

The phone in Todd's hand starts chirping loudly, breaking the silence. They both jump at the sound. Todd stands up, running into the squad room, with RJ following. Bo comes out of his office...the other officers in the room gather around him. Bo signals to West, who gets on the radio immediately to the waiting detectives at the cellular company.

"This is's coming in...start the trace."

A staticky voice answers. "Roger that...go ahead, we're ready."

West signals to Bo, Todd and RJ on the other side of the room. Bo yells to everyone in the room...

"Everybody QUIET!!! No noise, no sound, no movement, NOTHING!!"

Then he whispers to Todd. "Try to keep him talking."

Todd looks around at all the people watching him as he slowly extends the antenna. Then he takes a deep breath, and clears his throat.


"Well...was starting to think you didn't want to take my call."

Todd looks up at Bo. "I put the phone down...couldn't find it when it started chirping. I was running all over the damned house."

Bo nods at him, rubbing his face.

On the other end, Dean grins as he drags on his cigarette. "Ah...hate when THAT happens."

Todd turns away from everyone. "How is she?"

"Tea? Oh, she's fine. Apparently she had a little puking incident this morning, but she's just peachy now...guess she gets that morning sickness, huh?"

His casual attitude quickly eats away at Todd's composure. "I wanna talk to her."

Dean blows some smoke out of the side of his mouth. "Sorry, man. No can do."

Todd starts freaking out, despite the audience. "Look, scumbag, you want my money? Then put my wife on the phone, NOW!"

Dean laughs at him. "Oh-ho-ho, aren't WE the big man? Fact is, Manning, I couldn't if I wanted don't bother asking. I told you she's you'll just have to take my word for it."

Todd doesn't respond, he's too busy looking for something to punch. Dean continues over the silence.

"Alright, listen up. Your instructions are as follows. Five million US dollars...I want it in cases, in untraceable denominations. Bring the cases and yourself to this address...are you listening?" Todd storms back over to Bo's desk, pushing past him to get a pen and paper. He runs a hand through his hair.

"Yeah...yeah, go."

Bo and RJ watch as Todd scribbles an address down on the pad, and a time...7AM. Bo grabs the pad from him and goes quietly into his office, to find out where it is. Todd looks at RJ for support...RJ nods at him.

"Got it."

Dean flicks his cigarette butt out into the street. "Good. See you in the morning."

Todd nods, disgusted. "Yeah."

He goes to hang up but Dean stops him. "Oh, and Manning---"


" cops."

Todd looks all around him. "Yeah...I heard you the first time. Now you hear touch one hair on her head...I'll kill you."

Dean smirks. "Uh-huh. See you in the AM."

CLICK. Todd shuts his eyes, listening to the silence. RJ approaches him. Todd opens his eyes, and sees him. Their eyes lock, and RJ nods, supportively. Bo comes out of his office and up to them.

"West! What's the deal?"

She gets on the radio. "This is West...anything?"

The staticky voice answers. "Roger West...stand by..."

Everyone waits anxiously, listening to the static. Finally, the voice comes back.

"Okay, we got booth...gas station off of 495, Jersey side."

Bo looks down at the address Todd wrote down. "Yeah...that follows...this one of the municipal piers, not far from there. He's probably got her in one of the warehouses..."

Then he looks at Todd, nodding at him confidently. "Alright...I'm on the phone to the local PD up there...we'll coordinate with them and get the area surrounded. When he makes his move...we'll make ours." Todd runs a hand through his hair, totally wound up. "Fine...what do *I* do?"

Bo shrugs. "Go home, get some rest. We'll come and get you in a few hours, once we're ready."

Todd gets in his face, any composure completely gone. "Oh, you're funny, Buchanan. You expect me to just go home and have a nice nap, NOW? Get real. You're LOVIN' this, aren't you...seeing me all strung-out like this. I shoulda known you'd take ANY opportunity to watch ME squirm."

Bo steps up to him, his tone calm. "Alright, look. I know you're worried about her, we ALL are. But the fact is, there's NOTHING you can do right now anyway. Now I've got a lot of work to do if we're gonna get her back, and not a lot of time...and the LAST thing I need is your paranoid, squirly self being a pain in my butt the whole time. So think whatever you want about me, Manning... just do it somewhere else for a few hours."

The whole room looks on as they stare each other down for a moment. RJ looks between them, and finally steps up beside Todd, speaking softly.

"Come on, man...we can go to back to Viki's."

Todd replies, still staring daggers at Bo. "I...I can't go back there, not yet. I'll drive Viki nuts. I'll probably wake up Starr."

RJ rolls his eyes, sighing. "You're starting to drive ME nuts. Fine. We'll go to the diner. Hank and Carlotta are probably still there."

Todd breaks away from staring at Bo, and looks around at everyone staring at him...he squints. "..the hell are YOU looking at?!"

Everyone exchanges glances with each other, then disperses. Todd lets out a heavy sigh, at a loss, and exhausted. RJ starts to walk away, then turns, waiting for him. Todd looks back at Bo, eyes full of panic. Bo sees this, and sighs, speaking softly to him.

"Go with RJ...let us do our job. We'll get her back...and we'll get this creep, too. I promise you that."

Todd blinks, taking that in...and trying desperately to stay calm. He takes a deep breath...then nods. Then he slowly turns to follow RJ out the door. Bo calls to RJ as they head out.

"Tell Hank to get back over here, okay?"

RJ nods, then waits for Todd to catch up with him. They exchange glances...RJ chucks his arm as they walk down the hall.

"I dunno about you, but I need coffee anyhow."


A little while later, Dean and Roseanne pull up to the familiar gas station phone booth. She gives him a nervous look as he throws it in park.

"I don't like the idea of leaving her there alone."

Dean sighs, running a hand over his flat top. "I don't either, but this is important...I got a weird vibe talking to Manning...we gotta make sure he didn't run to the cops. Besides, she's locked in the bathroom, she's not going anywhere. Now are you SURE you'll be able to find out?"

Roseanne unbuckles her seatbelt, nodding. "If something's going on, Carlotta knows...and she can't keep anything to herself, I told you that."

Dean nods as she gets out of the car and walks over to the booth.


The phone rings at the diner...Carlotta gets up from the booth where she's been sitting with Hank and RJ. Todd sits alone, in the booth across from them, just staring off into space. She walks up to the counter and grabs the phone.

"Yes?" she asks anxiously.

Roseanne clears her throat, trying to put on her sweetest voice. "Carlotta, it's me."

Carlotta sighs. "Oh, Roseanne...where've you been? I've been trying to call you!"

Todd hears her from where he's sitting...he looks over at Carlotta, squinting...

RJ glances at Hank. "Should she be telling her anything?"

Hank thinks a moment...then brushes it off. "Eh, it's just Roseanne. She's family, she SHOULD know what's going on."

On the other end, Roseanne hears the tension in Carlotta's voice...and shuts her eyes tightly for a second.

"Oh...really? Sorry, I've been busy with work and all---"

Carlotta cuts her off. "I really think you should get back down here, now."

"Why? What's going on?" she asks, already knowing the answer.

"'s Tea..."

Roseanne kicks the booth angrily, knowing Todd's gone to the cops.

Without a word, Todd gets up from the booth and storms over to the counter. Hank and RJ look on as he grabs the phone away from Carlotta. She jumps back, startled.

"Todd! What're you..."

Todd puts the phone to his ear, his voice icy. "Well, if it isn't the Wicked Witch of the East."

Roseanne gapes at hearing his voice. She stutters. "T-Todd..."

"Just want you to know, I'm looking to buy a house...a BIG one that I can DROP on your scrawny little ass."

She puts a hand to her mouth, realizing that he knows what she said to Tea. She struggles to come back at him with something. Todd waits for a second, then...

"Oh, come must have LOTS to say to ME. Bring it on, let's go! Open that big fat mouth of yours!" She pulls it together, barely. "Look, Todd...what happened the other day is between Tea and me. It's none of your business."

He loses it, his voice rising.

"Wrong! Who the hell do you think you are---oh---know what?! Nevermind, doesn't matter, 'cause I'll TELL you who you are. You're a scheming little brat ...a teenybopper, you don't know squat about ANYTHING. So where do you get off, saying what you said to her?? You have ANY idea how much that hurt her??? DO YOU???!!"

Carlotta sucks her lips in, not sure what to do...but deep down, she knows Roseanne deserves this. So she walks away from the counter and over to RJ and Hank. They look at her in shock. Hank gets up, about to head out.

"I don't think I want to KNOW what's goin' on over there."

Carlotta shakes her head. "Nope."

Hank sighs. "I gotta get back. I'll call you later."

Carlotta and RJ nod at him as he walks out, shaking his head as Todd continues his fit. Carlotta sits down next to RJ, sighing.

"What the hell is going on?" RJ asks.

"Roseanne is getting her just desserts, I think. She said some really terrible things to Tea the other day...I guess Todd heard about it."

RJ shakes his head, rolling his eyes. They both look up at Todd, who hasn't come up for air yet. "...and you MUST be on drugs if you think I'm just gonna sit back and LET you belittle my family like that, you little witch!!"

Roseanne listens, shaking her head. She runs her tongue along her cheek for a second, then she sniffs, coming back at him.

"Listen to HA! You have NO IDEA what that is, Todd. And here's a news flash...Tea doesn't either! The very IDEA of the two of you having children makes me ILL..." Todd clenches his teeth, wanting to reach through the phone and strangle her. She continues... "...and y'know, you may have fooled yourself and everybody else into thinking you're 'all better now'...but not ME. You're ALWAYS gonna be damaged goods. And as for the noble, put-upon Tea, well...all she cares about is that you're rich...and who cares if he's a convicted rapist? He gave me five million dollars! She leaves all of us here in Angel Square to go live with your sorry ass...and then convinces herself that you guys actually LOVE each other, even after you PUNCHED her, and she smacked you in the head with a shovel! That's not love...that's SICK...anybody can see that. And if you expect me to have ANY respect for someone who's as stupid and pathetic as she is, well, you're WRONG, baby."

"Oh, yeah, Roseanne Delgado, champion of poverty-stricken Puerto Ricans everywhere...yeah, RIGHT. You're not sellin' ME, don't give a damn about ANYONE except yourself, and you'll stab ANYONE in the back to get what YOU want...just ask Jessica and Cristian. Hmmm...if anyone's stupid and pathetic, it's YOU. You don't DESERVE to be related to Tea!!"

From the car, Dean looks at Roseanne strangely as she clenches her hand into a fist, yelling into the phone.

"Screw you, Todd!! You're the LAST person to be telling ANYBODY ANYTHING!!!"

Todd lowers his voice to a frighteningly low growl.

"Y'know you'd better PRAY to those voodoo gods that we NEVER run into each other again."

She puts a hand on her hip. "That a threat?!"

"It's a warning, junior. Stay away from Tea...and do your bitchin' and whinin' somewhere else... 'cause nobody here's interested."

"You know, you and Tea...are getting EXACTLY what you deserve," she fires back, without thinking.

Then she slams the receiver down, hard. Todd stands there for a moment, seething, not even registering what she said. Carlotta and RJ watch, silently, as he hangs up, walks back over to the booth where he was sitting...and collapses into it, burying his head in his hands. Furious, Roseanne picks up the receiver again and bashes it against the phone. From the car, Dean watches as she kicks the booth again...then storms back over to the car, and gets in, slamming the door. She folds her arms, staring straight ahead. Dean stares at her for a moment, then rolls his eyes.


She turns to look at him, her face all twisted up with anger. Her tone comes out low and cold. "'d better think of something, FAST. Carlotta knew about Tea...which can only mean one thing..."

Dean drops his head back. "...he's gone to the cops. DAMN!!!"

He tosses his head, angrily...then stares out the window for a moment, thinking. Finally, he starts the car and pulls out, heading back to the docks. There's a short silence...then Roseanne looks over at him, panic creeping into her voice...

"What're we gonna do?"

Dean doesn't look at her, he just stares out at the road. Then slowly, a diabolical grin materializes, as he comes up with a plan...

"Oh, don't worry. We're not done, not by a long shot. I know EXACTLY what we're gonna do."

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady