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The Longest Week 16

Lisa West sits at her desk, typing up some paperwork when her phone rings. She picks up, holding the phone on her shoulder.

"West," she says, dryly. She blinks, listening to the voice on the other end.

"Uh-huh...oh, that's great! What'd you find?"

Her smile quickly fades...and her mouth drops open in shock.

"Wha-WHAT? Are you ABSOLUTELY sure?"

She pushes herself away from the computer, rolling on her chair to the other side of her desk, grabbing a pen and scribbling madly.

"Ohmygod...I can't believe this. You're SURE,'s a match?"

By now, a bunch of the other officers on duty have gathered around her desk, listening in, exchanging glances as West shuts her eyes a second, clearly taken off-guard by what she's hearing.

Finally, she sighs. "Okay...alright. Thank you."

She hangs up, and rubs her eyes, tiredly. One of the other officers speaks up.

"Lisa...what's the word?"

She sighs again, looking up at all the faces...hesitating another moment before answering.

"The that we have a positive match on a set of prints from the warehouse..."

The others nod, somewhat relieved for a second...then they all stare at her, her expression telling them this is not necessarily good news. She looks at all of them, continuing.

"...a set of prints belonging to Dean Shelton."

Silence. Everyone stares at West in shock...all of them knowing exactly who that is. She nods back at them, then picks up the radio.

"Yep...Commish is gonna flip."

She takes a deep breath, and radios out. "Commissioner, this is West, come in, over."

The phone on her desk starts ringing. One of the other officers picks up for her.

"Llanview PD...oh, hey, man. West's on the line with the Commish, can ya---what? Oh, I dunno...I don't think so. Hold on, let me ask her."

The officer looks to West, who's talking to Bo. "...yeah, I asked him twice. It's a match."

The officer taps her arm...she nods, then speaks into the radio. "Hold on a sec, boss."

She looks up. The officer hands her the phone. "It's Greg over at the cellular company."

She gives him a strange look, then takes the phone. "Yeah, Greg...yeah, it's me..."

Her face crinkles with confusion. "...what? No...when?? No-no-no, that's not possible, Todd was here then. He didn't say anything to me ab---"

Her face suddenly relaxes again, as she realizes what's going on. "...about...a phone call..."

She shuts her eyes, clenching her teeth in frustration. "...ohhhhh...DAMMIT!! I KNEW something was up!!!"

She grabs the pen and pad, growling to herself. "...didya get a location? Alright, give it to me."


At the diner, Hank sits across from Carlotta, holding her hand, trying to comfort her as she cries softly...still in shock from the news of Roseanne's involvement in Tea's disappearance. Just then, Bo comes storming back in from outside, where he's been on the radio with West.

"Well, it just gets better and better."

They both look up at him, waiting. Bo takes a deep breath, then points at Hank.

"Set of prints came back from the lab...a positive match. You know who?"

Hank lets go of Carlotta, shrugging. He looks on, as Bo starts pacing, angrily.

"No, but I'm SURE you're gonna tell me."

Bo whirls around. "Dean Shelton."

Both Hank and Carlotta's faces stare back at him in shock. Hank tips his head back, sighing.

"Oh, my God."

Bo nods, storming back over and sitting down. "How the hell did THIS happen, huh? You wanna tell me?"

Hank looks back at him, strangely. "What're you talkin' about?"

"Come on, Hank...this guy has to report to a parole officer, doesn't he?"

Hank laughs, humorlessly. "Oh. Oh, okay, I got it...this is MY fault, right...I'M supposed to keep track of every perp who's ever committed a crime in this town?"

Bo points at him. "You TOLD me you were keeping an eye on this slimebag!"

Carlotta looks on, still in shock, as Hank stands up, towering over them. He leans in to Bo, lowering his voice.

"And I've BEEN doing exactly that. I've read every single report...and they've all said the same thing. Shelton's been clean as a whistle since he got out, punching the clock as a dockworker. But I guess the reports are WRONG, aren't they? So I'm gonna call his parole officer right now, and find out what the hell is going on."

With that, he turns to leave. Bo sighs, already regretting his remarks. "Hank---"

Hank turns back around. " it, alright? If he IS behind all this, then he must have contacts all over the place covering for him and forging his paperwork...and we've ALL underestimated him."

West's frantic voice suddenly blares through Bo's radio, startling them all.

"Commish!! This is West, come in!!"

Bo picks up the radio. "Oh, God, what NOW?"

Her voice answers back, staticky, crackling. "Listen up...Greg just called me from the cellular company...Todd got a call about ten, fifteen minutes ago."

Bo looks at Carlotta and Hank, then makes a face, confused. "Wait a minute...GREG called you? I thought Manning was still there."

"He WAS. He was still in your office when the call came in. A few minutes later, he left with RJ. He never said anything to me about getting a call...all he said was that they were going to Llanfair. But I just called Viki, and he hasn't been there."

Bo shuts his eyes, afraid of what this means. "So---what you're telling me is that Shelton called Manning, didn't tell you, and took off with RJ."

Hank and Carlotta both look at each other, worried. Bo waits for the confirmation, teeth clenched.

...a long pause. Then...

"...yeah, that's what I'm telling you."

All three of them react...Hank rolls his eyes in frustration, Carlotta starts praying to herself in Spanish...and Bo stands up, suddenly, just about ready to toss the radio across the room. He paces for a few seconds, then barks into the radio.

"Did you get a location??!!"


Bo cuts her off before she can finish, as he storms out of the diner, yelling orders at her as he runs to his car.

"Then get on the horn to the local PD!! Tell 'em what's going on, get 'em the plates on Manning's car, and whoever you talk to, tell 'em I'm on my way there!!!"


About two hours later, RJ pulls off the turnpike and starts navigating the roads of North Jersey, heading for the meeting spot. Todd sits in the passenger seat, staring out the window...his mind far away. RJ glances over at him, ready to say something...but for some reason, he holds back, reluctant to break the stillness that had lasted the entire drive. RJ stares back out at the road, as they make their way past Newark Airport...he glances at the planes dancing around each other on the runways as they take off and land. As they leave it behind...the lights of the city dimming behind them, and the roads becoming darker, less populated...his eyes widen a little as he suddenly realizes...

...that they have no plan.

He looks back over at Todd, who hasn't moved. RJ lingers on the back of his head for a moment...then looks back out at the road, deserted and creepy-looking now, lit by the moon and the headlights. He tries to think as they speed along ...but can't really come up with anything. He furrows his brow, wondering why he isn't panicking about this...and why Todd doesn't seem to be, either. Not a word was said after they started the drive...but it didn't feel awkward...rather, just the opposite. The long silence had given them the much-needed time to clear their heads...and even though they had no strategy, it was almost as if they were already prepared.

RJ scans the area, and sees that they've entered an industrial-looking area. He looks straight ahead just in time to see a bright yellow 'DEAD END' sign and barriers coming at him, fast.


He slams on the brakes...turning the wheel sharply. Todd hits the back of the seat, hard, as the car screeches to a stop, the rear fender about an inch from the barrier. Both of them sit there, stunned for a second...then look at each other. RJ lets out a relieved breath, running a hand over his braids.

"Damn," he mutters, as he takes out the piece of paper with the location written on it. He makes a face, then gets out of the car.

Todd does the same, listening to the eerie silence as he looks around. Some abandoned, dilapidated buildings stand around them, making the place look like a ghost town. RJ starts to walk away from the car, trying to read the note by moonlight.

"Well...this is it."

Todd checks his watch...not quite 1AM. He walks up to RJ, slowly, still looking all around.

"We're early."

RJ nods, pocketing the note. He reaches behind him, pulling a .38 revolver out of his belt and digging in his pocket. Todd looks on as he loads it, sliding a bullet into each of the six chambers. With a flick of the wrist, the cylinder clicks into place with a SNAP! He holds it by the snub-nose as he hands it over to Todd.

Todd stares down at this dangerous thing that looks so harmless. He takes a deep breath and takes it from him, handling it delicately. RJ reaches behind him again, pulling another gun from his belt, this one a police-issue 9mm. RJ watches Todd as he loads a magazine.

"You DO remember how to use one of those, right?"

Todd grips the butt of the revolver, squeezing it, trying to re-familiarize himself. He nods, still staring at it.

"I, uh...I haven't touched one of these in years."

"Well...just like ridin' a bike, man. You don't really forget," RJ replies, as he pulls the slide back on the 9mm and lets springs home, a round chambered.

Todd looks up at the sound...then at RJ.

"Y'know...I have NO idea what we're gonna do."

RJ sighs, stowing the gun behind him in his belt. "We're gonna get her BACK, man...and we're gonna get the hell outta here. THAT'S what we're gonna do."

Todd sighs too. "Sounds like a plan."

They stare at each other, each of them drawing strength from the silence...and each other.

After a moment, the silence is broken by the sound of another engine. They both turn and look back down the road to see a tiny pair of headlights approaching. They look back at each other...and without a word, they nod at each other.

Todd tucks the revolver into his belt, so it sits hidden under his jacket. He watches as RJ takes off down the road a ways...looking around quickly, then ducking behind some overgrown brush. He turns back to see the headlights growing, the engine noise getting louder. He takes slow, deep breaths, trying to psych himself up. The car approaches and slows...Todd squints, trying to see through the brightness of the headlights.

Dean brakes to a stop, staring out at Todd. He keeps the headlights on him for a moment, scanning the area to make sure he's alone. Fairly satisfied, he looks Todd up and down one more time...then shuts the lights off. He turns around to check on Tea, lying across the backseat. She stirs a little, realizing they've stopped.

He speaks gently. " 'kay, we go. Just stay put now. This'll all be over in a minute."

She nods weakly. Dean lingers on her a moment, realizing that if all goes as planned, he won't see her again. He sighs...then sniffs, shutting the engine off. He takes the keys out of the ignition and grabs his 9mm off the passenger seat. Tea hears the door slam as he gets out...then nothing but a creepy stillness.

Todd focuses on the dark figure exiting the car and approaching him. He walks forward, slowly. They meet halfway between the cars...finally getting a good look at each other. Dean glances around again, then clears his throat.

"Well. We meet at last."

Todd says nothing, his eyes boring holes into Dean's skull. Dean tips his head slightly, folding his arms.

"Don't see any cops...THAT'S a good sign."

Todd blinks, finally. "Yeah, well, what can I say...I'm a good little dog, I do what I'm told."

From the brush, RJ peeks out, watching...his eyes dart between them and the car...where he thinks he sees movement. He squints, trying to see inside.

Inside Dean's car, Tea squirms around, getting increasingly nervous. The minutes are passing like hours...she feels her stomach doing cartwheels, and a tingly sensation all over as she starts to panic.

Dean cocks an eyebrow at Todd...and nods. He gestures toward his car.

"And good little dogs get rewarded."

Todd looks into the car, but sees nothing. He looks back at Dean, suspicious.

"I don't see anything."

Dean holds the keys out to him. "Oh, she's in there, trust me."

Todd's eyes narrow...then he takes a step forward, reaching for the keys...

Dean yanks them back...and in one swift move, pulls the 9mm on him. Todd freezes.

RJ looks over and sees this from the brush. He takes a deep breath, then draws his gun as he steps out, slowly, silently.

Dean tips his head again. "Ah-ah-ah...not so fast. Where's the money?"

Todd glances down at the gun, aimed squarely at his chest. He steps back, and starts to reach into his jacket pocket. Dean keeps his aim steady, watching him carefully as he pulls out a piece of paper and holds it open.

Dean makes a face, squinting at it. "...the hell is THAT?"

"It's a check."

Dean's whole body deflates a little at that. "Excuse me?" he asks, growling.

Todd starts waving it back and forth like a little flag. "Y'know, a CHECK. You DO know what a check is, dontcha?"

Dean suddenly feels like he's been had...his face getting hot with anger and embarrassment. He tightens his grip on the butt of the gun, taking a step forward.

"Cut the CRAP! Where's the money?!"

Todd steps back to match him. "I TOLD YOU. This is it...five million dollars, as requested."

Dean snarls at him, his eyes flashing with fury. "I wouldn't think I'd have to do this AGAIN, but I'm WARNING you...DON'T try to play me, Manning. I said CASH, and you damned well know it..."

He sticks the gun in Todd's face for extra emphasis. "...NOW WHERE IS IT??!!"

RJ comes out of the brush behind them, ready to rush Dean...when a sound turns his attention to the car...a low, muffled thumping.

Inside the car, Tea sweats profusely...feeling abandoned, trapped, suffocated. She flails around, frantically trying to pull her wrists free of the rope binding them behind her back.

RJ finally gets a look inside the car...and sees her, bound, gagged and blindfolded. His eyes widen, and his mouth falls open. He looks back and forth, between Todd and Tea, trying to decide what to do...

...then runs over to the car. He reaches in through the driver's window and pulls the back door lock open.

Todd sees this from where he is...and grins slightly, shrugging. He holds the check up with one hand, while his other hand reaches for the gun in his belt.

"Well sorry, but, uh...this is the best I could do on such short notice. Cash machines'll only let ya take out like five hundred a day, y'know."

Dean sniffs at that, letting out a breath that sounds like a humorless laugh.

"Oh, you're funny. So...what, you just expect me to TAKE it? What do you think this is, the friggin' supermarket?!"

Todd's voice drops, becoming deadly serious. "If you're smart, you will. This is the closest you're ever gonna get to an easy five million. Take it or leave it...your choice."

Dean stares at Todd intently, his mind racing...with only two options...take the check...or make good on his threat to kill Tea. Todd sees this...and raises an eyebrow, deciding to push him, ever so slightly.

"I'm sure the cops aren't far behind me, so, y'know...chop-chop."

RJ tries to open the back door as quietly as he can, pulling the handle gently until it gives, with a soft pop. He looks over at Todd and Dean, too wrapped up in their standoff to notice. RJ takes a deep breath as he pulls the door open, slowly.

Tea hears the sound and feels the cool, nighttime air flow in...then a voice, whispering to her...

"'s me, RJ...I'm gonna get you outta here, hang on..."

She feels RJ's hands grabbing her by the shoulders, starting to pull her out...

...and even though the voice is somewhat familiar, she panicks at his touch. She starts thrashing around wildly, screaming through the tape on her mouth, taking RJ by surprise. Before he can stop it from happening, he loses his balance...his gun falling out of his hands as he trips backward, pulling Tea out with him. They land on the ground with a thud, out in the open.

Todd's eyes widen in horror. Dean whirls around at the sound...and before Todd can do anything, he fires without a second thought...


"NO!!" Todd yells as he watches RJ fall to the ground, letting out a loud yell, clutching his shoulder.

"Oh...DAMMIT!!" RJ growls to himself, as he struggles to get up, looking around wildly for his gun in the dark.

Dean starts walking toward him, getting ready to fire again. Todd pulls the .38, cocks it and aims at the back of his head...but suddenly finds himself frozen. He squints, concentrating...focusing all his energy on pulling the trigger...

...but can't do it. He clenches his teeth, squeezing the butt of the gun as hard as he can, trying desperately to will himself to shoot...

RJ scrambles away...but still isn't able to get up. Dean keeps his aim steady, approaching fast...

Todd realizes that he CANNOT pull the trigger...something inside will NOT let him. But he sees Dean closing in on RJ, and knows he has to do SOMETHING...

...and before he knows it, the gun's uncocked and he's running. He catches up to Dean in a flash...and just as Dean starts to turn around, Todd hauls back...and brings the butt of the .38 down hard, smashing it squarely into his temple. Dean lets out a cry and folds up instantly, dropping his gun and crumpling to the ground in a heap.

Todd kicks Dean's gun away, grips the bloodied .38 and aims down at him. His chest heaves, and his hair falls down in his face as he watches his body for any sign of movement. He prods Dean with his foot, turning him over...he stirs...then falls limp, arms spread out...unconscious.

RJ falls onto his back, relieved...grunting as he clutches his bleeding upper arm. Then he sits up, suddenly realizing...


Todd turns to look at him...then looks back at Dean, prodding him again to make sure he's out cold. Then he runs over to RJ, dropping to his knees.

"Gannon...oh, God..." he says, looking at all the blood.

RJ looks around wildly. "I'm alright, I'm alright...just grazed me...where the hell'd she go??"

"Ohmygod..." Todd's head snaps up, looking all around.

He grabs RJ under the armpits and hauls him up to his feet. They start looking around, yelling...


Tea presses herself up against the other side of the car, terrified, pulling at the ropes on her wrists, scraping them up...the blood from the cuts and sheer amount of sweat on her body provides just enough lubricant to pull one arm out. She swings the other arm around until the rope flies off...then she yanks the tape off her mouth, taking in a gulp of air. She hears her name being called...but is still so disoriented, that the voices sound like strangers to her.

Where IS he, she thinks, longing for his familiar voice, as she tries to pull the blindfold off.


She's still not him...Where'd he go? Why'd he leave me...

Just then, Todd comes around to the other side of the car and sees her...he lets out the breath he's been holding in for a week.

"She's over here!!"

Todd drops to his knees in front of her...she turns her head toward him, hearing the sound. He scrambles over to her, reaching out to touch her face...


She feels hands on her cheeks...and screams at the top of her lungs. Todd jumps back, startled. Tea scuttles backward, away from him, on her bloody hands.

"NO!!! Don't you touch me!! GET AWAY!!"

Todd sits there, on his knees, in total shock. He looks up at RJ, who's just come around. RJ looks at her, and sighs.

"She can't SEE us, man."

Todd nods...but something about her is scaring him. He gets down on his hands, and starts to crawl toward her...slowly, carefully, speaking softly.

"Tea...Tea, it's me..."

She claws at her blindfold, crying as she tries to pull it off. She hears the voice getting closer...she backs away, sobbing hysterically...

"No...NO! I said STAY AWAY. Don't you come near me!!!"

Todd feels her words and her fear, tightening around his heart like a vice...something is definitely wrong with her.

RJ picks up on this too, and tries to soothe her. "'s okay. It's just us...Todd, and RJ."

But Tea isn't listening...continuing to cry as she backs up farther, tugging on the blindfold. Finally, it loosens up enough for her to pull it free. She yanks it off, and tosses it away...then blinks rapidly, her eyes weak from days in the dark.

Todd moves forward, still speaking gently. "It's me, know who I am, look at me."

Tea rubs her eyes, still pushing herself away from him, sniffling. Her voice lowers, wavering as she tires.

"No...please...please just leave me alone...GET AWAY from me..."

Todd takes a deep breath, unbelievably hurt by her reaction to him...but keeps moving toward her, not giving up...his voice a steely, determined whisper.

"I'm not going anywhere. You're MY wife...those are OUR kids you're carrying...and I love you. Now you LOOK AT ME."

Tea shakes her head, still unable to focus...she backs up until she hits a barrier on the side of the road. She pulls her knees in, curling up as tightly as she can, burying her head behind her knees, crying softly and shivering. Todd stops, staring at her. He can FEEL the pain...and the absolute terror, radiating from much so that tears form in his own eyes.


He starts to shake his head as he looks at her...whimpering, curled up in a tight ball, trembling. He suddenly sees himself in her...and remembers some of the horrific things he endured...things that caused him to do EXACTLY what she's doing now. He swallows hard, then inches toward her, still whispering, but more urgently now.

"Delgado...ohgod, Delgado, you KNOW I would never hurt you, don't do this, please, you're scaring me...god, please, please...LOOK AT ME, c'mon..."

Hidden behind her knees, Tea suddenly stops crying. Something just struck a chord...

...'Delgado'...he just called me 'Delgado'...

She raises her head, ever so slowly. Todd holds his breath as she blinks...her eyes becoming accustomed to the moonlight...

"...that's it...that's it...just look at me..." he whispers.

She blinks again, focusing now, locking eyes with him...

...and in that instant, the world she was taken from suddenly comes rushing back to her. Her eyes open wide, and her dry lips part. Todd inches a little closer, still whispering.

"C-Can you see me now...?"

Tea's eyes brim over with tears, letting out a word and a breath at the same time, the word coming out even softer than a whisper...


He lets out his own relieved breath, and nods. Tea tips her head slightly, lingering on his eyes, making sure he's really there...

...then in one swift move, she reaches out with both arms and grabs onto him, locking her arms around his neck...holding on for dear life. Her body trembles violently...she covers her eyes with one of her bloody hands, sobbing hysterically. Todd gathers her up, holding her as tightly as possible.

RJ looks on, leaning up against the car, watching them for a moment. They bury their heads in each other's shoulders...and Todd rocks Tea gently as she cries her heart out. RJ sighs...then flinches from the huge bleeding gash on his arm. He stands up, and walks over to them...without a word, he bends down and starts digging in Todd's jacket pocket. Todd and Tea separate and both look at him as he pulls the cell phone out. RJ grins at them both...then lingers on Tea. Her expression warms with recognition. RJ gives her a tired, but tender smile...then stands up, dialing 911 with his good arm.

Todd and Tea stare up at him for a moment...then back at each other. He reaches up, holding her face between his hands. Tears run down her cheeks in a constant stream, as she rubs her face against his palm, feeling her whole body shutting down from exhaustion. He pulls her back to him, supporting her and wrapping himself around her as she goes limp in his arms.


Roseanne sits waiting in a rental car at a rest stop off the turnpike, not far from the airport. She looks at her watch..then drums her fingers on the steering wheel, chewing on her lip. Starting to get stir crazy inside the car, she gets out...and looks all around, for any sign of Dean. Her hair whips around in the warm wind, as a steady stream of cars and trucks fly past on the turnpike. She sighs, then leans back against the car, folding her arms. She turns her head, left to right, right to left, eyes scanning constantly.

After a moment, another sound seeps through the steady whooshing of the traffic...a high-pitched wailing, getting louder, and louder...Roseanne turns her head toward what sounds like about fifty different sirens, heading her way...

...she watches as a police cruiser flies past...then another...and another...

...then an ambulance...

...and a couple more cruisers. She plugs her ears against the deafening sirens until they've all passed. She glances down, thinking to herself...when she hears another noise. Her brow creases...then she looks up, just in time to see a police helicopter pass overhead, heading in the same direction as all the vehicles. The noise of the rotors quickly fades, and everything seems to return to normal. She keeps her eyes on the helicopter's lights...passing over the airport...then a beam of white light appears from it. It shines its spotlight down on the ground, as it starts to circle an area not too far away.

Her lips go from slightly parted to a full gape, as she realizes what's happening...she feels herself starting to sweat with panic. She jumps back in the car and fires it up...watching the helicopter circling for another moment...

...then she floors it, tires squealing as she drives away, as fast as she can.

To Be Continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady