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The Longest Week 19

Roseanne sits in her holding cell after the bail hearing, her head buried in her hands. Even though the public defender appointed to her tried his best to stress the fact that she had never even gotten so much as a jaywalking ticket before, the judge wasn't swayed. Her bail was set at a whopping quarter of a million dollars...she was really screwed.

She looks up at the empty cell next to hers, where Dean had he was upstairs having his turn. She sighs as she gets up and walks to the front of her cell. She leans against the bars, resting her cheek against the cold steel. Just then, she hears the clanking of the gates, and the echoing of approaching footsteps. She looks down the hall and sees the guard coming toward her...

...with Carlotta following him. Roseanne's eyes widen, holding her breath hopefully. The guard stops in front of the cell, and steps back as Carlotta approaches.

"There you go, ma'am. I'll just be down the hall...give a shout when you're ready to leave."

Carlotta nods and smiles politely. She and Roseanne both watch as the guard walks away, not even looking at each other until he's out of earshot. Then Carlotta turns and looks at Roseanne directly, with an odd look on her she's looking at a stranger. Roseanne tries to smile...but can feel the definite chill in the air. She struggles to try to say something, anything.


Carlotta just stands there, waiting. Roseanne takes a deep breath, looking down shamefully.

"I'm glad you came," she practically whispers.

Carlotta stares at her for a moment...then turns, taking a few steps away, trying to hold herself together. She folds her arms and turns back to her.

"You know I can't POSSIBLY bail you out. I don't even think the diner is WORTH that much."

Roseanne glances at her...then away, sadly...she nods.

Carlotta's eyes narrow. "And even if it was...even if I could...I wouldn't do it."

Roseanne looks up, quickly, startled by her remark. Carlotta looks away, shaking her head, biting her lip to keep from crying. Roseanne pushes her face out between the bars, trying to reach out to her.


Carlotta's head snaps back toward her. "Roseanne...DON'T. Don't even try it."

Roseanne shrinks back, her lip quivering...she starts to back away, frightened.

"I'm sorry..." she whispers, starting to cry.

Carlotta starts to feel a pang of sympathy...but after a second, it just makes her angrier. She steps closer as Roseanne stands in the middle of the cell, arms wrapped around herself, crying.

"You're SORRY," she repeats. She pauses, and then shrugs her shoulders, waiting for the rest of it.

Roseanne doesn't respond. Carlotta lowers her voice.

"Sorry for WHAT? Sorry for what you DID? Or sorry that you got CAUGHT?"

Roseanne's face twists up at that, crying harder now. Carlotta just continues on, determined to say what she has to say.

"You've done some really awful things before, mija...and right now I'm at the point where I'm not buying ANYTHING you say. You know what *I* think? *I* think you're just turning on the waterworks so I'll feel bad for you and go to a loan shark to bail you out!!"

Roseanne wipes her face roughly. "No! I would NEVER do that to you, you know that!!"

Carlotta half-laughs at that. "Ohhhh. You would never do THAT...but you don't have ANY problem kidnapping your own aunt!"

Roseanne shuts her eyes, feeling her temper rising as Carlotta continues.

"I'M not the one you should be apologizing to, chica. I mean, what the hell is WRONG with you?! Do you realize what could have happened to her?! To her children?! Do you even CARE?!"

Roseanne walks toward Carlotta, slowly...rage has taken over, lowering her voice to a scary, icy tone.

"Don't EVEN play that with me, Carlotta. She's FINE. She's always fine. She'll always BE fine... 'cause EVERYTHING IS PERFECT in Tea's whitewashed universe! Y'know, I bet all the weight she gains will magically disappear as soon as she pushes those rugrats out..."

Unconsciously, Carlotta starts to back up as Roseanne gets right up to the bars, her voice rising.

"...and she and Todd'll have great sex every night, and before you know it, she'll be pregnant again...and again...propagating the earth with tons of Manning MUTANTS!! She won't ever have to work another day in her life, and she'll just kick back on that estate in the woods, watching her golden-haired, hazel-eyed drool-monsters running around in that green grass picking wildflowers while she bathes in hundred-dollar bills!!!"

Carlotta stares at her, gaping in shock. Roseanne just stares back, her eyes cold with fury.

"Don't ask me to feel sorry for somebody like that. And don't you EVER call her my AUNT again. She is NOTHING to me, got it??"

Carlotta nods, slowly, finally seeing now the depth of Roseanne's hatred. She tips her head, as a question comes to mind.

"Is THAT what that voodoo doll was all about?"

Roseanne does a take at that, her brow creasing. "How did y---" she starts, and then realizes that the cops must have found it in the warehouse. She looks down, running her tongue along the inside of her cheek.

Carlotta steps back up to the bars, face to face with her now. "You tried to put some kind of CURSE on her? You hate her THAT much?"

A short silence...then she looks back up at her...her voice flat, matter-of-fact.

"I want Tea to be miserable forever. She doesn't DESERVE to be happy."

The remark seems to take the remainder of Roseanne's temper with it. She turns and walks over to her bunk, sitting down as Carlotta lets out a stunned breath. She recovers after a moment, then squats down to be at eye-level with Roseanne.

"Well. I guess you're going to have plenty of time to think about all of this, but...I just hope you realize something."

Roseanne looks over at her. Carlotta grips the bars, resting her face against them.

"It's not YOUR place to decide what ANYBODY deserves. And the only person you're hurting with all this YOU."

Roseanne rolls her eyes at that, then goes back to burying her head in her hands. She doesn't see the tears that start to fall down Carlotta's cheeks as she gets up. Carlotta sniffles, wiping her face. She stares at Roseanne for a long time, sadly...not knowing what else she could possibly say. Finally, she takes a deep breath.

"Adios, mija," she whispers, as she turns away.

Roseanne finds herself frozen...she wants to go to her, beg her to stay, feel the warmth of her hugs...but is still too proud. Behind her hands, she listens to the sound of Carlotta's footsteps gradually receding as she walks back down the hall. The key in the gate turns...the lock clanks as the gate opens...then slams shut again.

Behind her hands, Roseanne starts to cry again...realizing that Carlotta has, in essence, written her off...and in her mind, she kicks herself for alienating the only family she had left.


Later that evening, the key turns in the lock and the door to the penthouse swings open. Starr runs in with a bag full of Taco Bell, as Blair turns the lights on with her elbow, carrying a holder full of large sodas. Starr starts clearing off the coffee table as Blair goes to swing the door shut with her foot.

"Mom, WAIT! I gotta get the flowers!"

Blair practically falls over trying to stop herself. "Oh! Oh, right. Sorry," she says, using her foot to push the door open again.

Starr runs past her and out the door as Blair sets the soda holder down on the table and throws her purse on the couch. She blows her bangs up off her face and wipes her sweaty brow, looking out at the empty doorway. She waits, hands on her hips, tapping her foot. After a minute, Starr hasn't returned.

Her brow creases. "Sweetie? Need help?"

Nothing for a second...then she hears a rustling, and a muffled "oof." Finally, Starr's feet appear in the doorway, the rest of her hidden in a mess of cellophane and peach roses. She walks forward...then stumbles off to one side, then the other, totally uncoordinated as she tries to manage the huge load. Blair cracks up, running to the door and taking the massive bouquet out of her hands.

"Here, I got that. You get the door."

Starr brushes the leaf bits off of her shirt as she closes the door. Then she fixes her hair and runs over to the table, as Blair picks up the big vase sitting there.

"I'll empty this out. You should get the plates and stuff."

She starts to walk toward the kitchen...then notices that Starr isn't following. She turns back and sees Starr looking at her strangely.


Starr pushes her lips to one side of her face, not sure if she should say what she's thinking. Blair waits a moment, then shrugs at her.

Starr takes a deep breath. "Well...don't get mad, okay?"

Blair makes a face. "Ohhh-kay," she replies, wondering what she's going to say.

Starr shuffles around. "Well, I...I was just...wondering...w-why you're being so...NICE..."

Blair raises an eyebrow at that.

"...about Tee, I mean. I know you don't like her...but you're helping me do this anyway..."

She shrugs again. "...was just wondering why."

Blair does a take, shocked speechless for a moment by her daughter's candor.

"Well, sweetie...I..." she starts...

...then pauses again, wondering if she should really just come out and say it. She looks at her daughter's sweet face...and after a moment, knows that she probably should. She squats down, putting the vase down on the floor.

"C'mere, you."

Starr walks over, standing face to face with her mom. Instinctively, Blair reaches up and starts smoothing her hair out.

"Y'know somethin'? As much as I hate to admit it...when it comes right down to doesn't matter what I think of Tea. All that you. So even though *I* might not like her, fact is that YOU do...and I can see this is important to you, so..."

She sighs, shrugging. "...I guess that's why I'm being so nice."

Starr smiles at that. Blair smiles back. Starr looks at her mom for a moment...then leans forward and gives her a peck on the cheek. Blair smiles wider...then tips her head, gesturing for her to follow.

"C'mon, we got a lot to do. Let's go."


A little while later, Blair and Starr sit on the couch looking through the newspaper, waiting for Todd and Tea to get in. The coffee table is set nicely for three, complete with china, silverware and the big vase full of roses. Starr looks up from the comics, glancing at the door, growing increasingly impatient as her stomach growls. Blair looks over at her.


Starr makes a desperate face. "Starrrrving," she says, pitifully.

Blair cracks up, then looks at her watch. "Well...I dunno when they're gonna get here. Why dontcha eat now?"

Starr sighs, wanting to wait for them, but wanting to eat more. She nods.

Blair gets up. "C'mon, let's go nuke your tacos."

Starr gets up to follow...when she hears keys in the door. Her eyes widen as the door opens and Tea enters, walking cautiously on her own. She looks up and is shocked when she sees the spread on the coffee table. Todd walks in behind her...he sees the table and grins. Starr smiles big and wide, running over to them.


Tea smiles, and bends down. Starr grabs her around the neck, hugging her tightly. Tea wraps her arms around her, burying her face in her long hair.

"Hey Starr," she whispers softly.

Blair watches as they separate, and look at each other for a moment, smiling. Starr waves at her dad, then grabs Tea's hand.

"Got a surprise for you," she says as she starts to pull her along.

Todd stands in the foyer, watching as Tea and Blair lock eyes for a moment. Blair makes a face at first, bristling at the idea of having to say something nice. But as she looks at her, she sees the frailty and weariness of someone who's just been through something terrible. Blair's face softens at that, and she smiles a little. She clears her throat and speaks softly.

"Um...welcome home, Tea...I, uh...I'm glad you're okay."

Starr beams proudly at her mom's effort, then looks at Tea, who nods.

"Thanks. This is, uh...really nice."

Blair looks down at Starr. "Well, it was all her idea."

Tea also looks down at Starr, who tosses her hair confidently, then starts to head for the kitchen.

"I gotta heat up dinner now."

Tea does a take at that, then glances over at Todd, who shrugs...then calls after Starr.

"Don't burn the place down, okay?"

Blair cracks up too, then goes to follow her. "I'll just...go 'help' her."

She heads for the kitchen, leaving Tea and Todd alone in the living room. They look at each other for a moment...then Tea sighs as she starts to sit down on the couch. Todd watches as she fumbles around at first, still not used to standing on both legs. She lowers herself down cautiously, then gradually sinks back into the cushions, closing her eyes.

Todd walks over and sits down next to her. Tea opens her eyes and looks over at him, uncomfortably. Then she glances down a moment, wanting to just reach out to him, hold his hand, or something...but she's frozen...her body now either unable, or unwilling, to obey the commands her brain is sending out.

Todd also, wants to reach out to her...but he can feel the tension between them and is afraid to try ANYTHING now. He remembers back to the ultrasound earlier in the that moment when they saw the twins on the monitor, heard their healthy heartbeats and could actually make out some details. The doctor told them that everything looked fine...they looked at each other...and for a moment, it seemed like nothing had ever happened. They were just regular expectant parents, excited about seeing their kids and elated at hearing the good news. Relieved, Todd had grabbed Tea's hand and kissed it. And she had smiled at him...briefly...

...but then she suddenly tensed up and pulled her hand away. They'd hardly spoken since.

The silence is heavy and awkward, as they stare at each other through the invisible wall that hangs between them. Finally, Tea opens her mouth, struggling to at least say something. Todd leans in closer, desperate for any sign from her...

...when Starr and Blair come back in. They both look up, as Starr starts dealing out the reheated tacos. Todd and Tea both clear their throats and sit up, as Blair puts out three of the sodas. She grabs the last one for herself, then walks over to the couch and grabs her purse.

"Well, I guess I'll be headin' home now. See y'all later. Be good, sweetie," she says, sipping on her diet coke.

Todd stands up, as Blair waves at Starr and Tea. They wave back, and Todd gestures politely toward the door, walking out ahead of her. He opens the door for her as she tosses her purse over her shoulder. They exchange glances...then Blair heads out into the hall. Todd thinks a moment...

"Hey Blair."

She turns around, nibbling on her straw.

"Uh...thanks. Y'know...for all this," he says, tipping his head back toward the dinner spread.

She grins. "Don't worry. I won't make a habit of it."

Todd grins back as she turns and heads for the elevator. He watches after her for a moment, then closes the door. He stands in the foyer, looking at Tea as she slowly moves off the couch and onto the floor with Starr, unwrapping one of her tacos. Starr babbles away happily to her, about anything and everything. Listening to her, Todd feels his heart sinking...wondering how they're going to get through the night without her picking up on the obvious tension between them. He sighs...then heads in to join them, putting on his best face for his kid.


Todd sits in the living room, sprawled out on the couch with a beer in his hand. Starr and Tea had gone to bed, but he couldn't sleep. He takes a swig from the bottle, surprised at how much he really wanted the beer. It had just been THAT kind of day. But he and Tea made their best effort to make it a nice evening for Starr, and so dinner had actually been pretty pleasant. However, right before bed, Starr had asked if Tea was feeling okay...because she didn't look very good. There was a bit of an awkward silence, but Tea jumped in and said she probably just needed more sleep.

That was hours ago. Now the penthouse was dark, quiet...and Todd was alone with his thoughts. He finishes the beer and gets up slowly, stretching his neck as he heads toward the kitchen, disappearing from the living room. He comes back out a minute later, sleepily shuffling toward the couch. He flops back down, into the cushions, resting an arm over his eyes.

As he starts to doze, some weird, muffled sounds make their way down the stairs, invading the peaceful stillness. He twitches a little, reacting to them, thinking he's hearing them in his head. But after a moment, the sounds get louder...and the words become clearer.

"No! ...lemme alone...sssstop..."

He sits up, turning his head toward the sound...but it seems to have stopped. He gets up, slowly, moving toward the staircase. He peers up into the darkness, waiting, listening. The silence remains undisturbed for a moment, then...


Todd practically jumps out of his skin at Tea's blood-curdling scream. He vaults up the stairs as Starr throws her bedroom door open, looking around wildly in the dark.

"Daddy! What was that?!"

Another cry pierces the dark. "SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!!!!"

Starr jumps, letting out a frightened gasp. He points at her.
"Stay there!" he yells, as he busts into the master bedroom.

The door flies open, and he hits the light switch. He looks over at the bed and sees Tea, tangled up in the sheets so tightly that they're restraining her. He runs over and starts tugging at them, trying to free her as she tosses about, wildly.

"Tea! Tea, wake up!" he says, as she mutters unintelligibly under her breath.

Starr pokes her head in. "Daddy?"

Todd whirls around. "Shorty, help me get her out of these sheets!"

She runs over to the other side of the bed and starts pulling at the sheets. Tea flails around, still asleep and trapped in her nightmare.


Starr makes a face at the loudness, but continues to untangle the sheets as best she can. Finally, between the two of them, they manage to free her. Unconsciously, Tea feels it, and proceeds to curl herself up in a tight ball. Todd sits down on the bed, then goes to touch her...but stops himself. He looks at her for a moment...she's trembling, but at the same time, she's soaked with sweat. Starr stands on the other side of the bed, scared stiff, sucking on her finger. Todd glances at her, then looks back at Tea. He leans in close and speaks softly.

"Tea, it's me, it's alright. Wake up."

Tea's face crinkles up, reacting to him...but not enough to wake her. He raises his voice a little.

"Wake up, Tea. C'mon, wake up!"

She gasps, startled...and her eyes fly open. She blinks rapidly, her eyes adjusting to the light. Then she sits up, suddenly, looking all around...her chest heaving. She sees him...and Starr, both looking at her, concerned. She gapes slightly, as reality sinks in, and she realizes where she is. She relaxes a little...then runs a hand through her sweat-soaked hair and closes her eyes a moment, trying to calm herself.

Todd moves down to the edge of the bed. "Tea...y'okay?"

She opens her eyes and looks at him...and immediately starts crying. She covers her face with her hands.

"Oh my God..."

Todd glances over at Starr, whose face has taken on a heartbreaking sadness, watching her stepmother cry like a baby. She pops the finger out of her mouth and hops up onto the bed, sitting down next to her.

"Tee..." she says, as she reaches out and touches Tea's arm gently.

Tea jumps back, dropping her hands, frightened. Starr jumps back too, as does Todd. Tea looks at her...then realizes what she just did. She looks at Todd, regretfully...then looks at Starr. She busts into sobs as she reaches out and pulls Starr to her, hugging her tightly. Starr stiffens up at first, startled...then relaxes, resting her head on her shoulder as Tea cries into her hair.

"I'm so sorry," she whispers.

Todd looks on, not knowing what to do. He wants to comfort her...but is afraid of what her reaction will be. He watches Tea rocking back and forth with Starr in her arms...and sighs heavily, realizing that his daughter is the only one Tea will reach out to. He looks down for a moment, feeling another stab of hurt. Then he sniffs, running a hand through his hair as he gets up.

Starr looks up at him as he starts to walk out. "Daddy, where're you going?"

Tea looks up too. Todd turns and looks at his daughter...then his eyes dart over to Tea. He clears his throat.

"I, uh...I'm gonna go get a washcloth for you. Be right back."

They both look after him as he leaves the room. Instinctively, Tea knows she has probably hurt him. She starts to open her mouth, to call after him...but then Starr reaches up and starts wiping her wet cheeks.

Distracted, Tea turns to her...then smiles a little. "Thank you," she whispers.

Out in the hall, Todd stands just outside the door, listening. He doesn't know how, but he can actually HEAR the closeness between his wife and his daughter...and cannot help but feel completely excluded, even though he knows Tea isn't doing it on purpose. His head thunks against the wall, dully, as he looks up at the ceiling, trying to keep from crying himself. Finally, he sniffs the tears back and shakes it off, pushing away from the wall and heading for the bathroom, disappearing into the dark hallway.


Fan Fiction by Shady