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The Longest Week 2

Tea crushes yet another taco wrapper in her hand, and tosses it into the small mountain of wrappers on the bathroom floor. She chews and wipes her mouth as she leans back against Todd, who's sitting behind her in the bathtub. He finishes his last one, tosses the wrapper over her head and wraps his arms around her waist, under the bubbles and the water.

"It's a good thing I bought the soft ones...otherwise we'd have taco stuff in the water," he says, with his mouth full.

Tea giggles, then closes her eyes and sinks down so her head rests on his chest, letting her arms float on top of the water. Her right leg sits perched up on the tub rim, kept straight with the brace on. They sit there quietly for a moment, just soaking and chewing.

Finally, Tea sighs, eyes still closed, feeling the steam from the water tickling her face.

"I hate to tell you, Manning...this ISN'T much of a challenge."

His hand comes up out of the water, splashing her as he runs it through his hair.

"I never said THIS was said you had to eat first. Besides, you always take a bath after PT."

She sits up. "Ohhh. Okay, I was just making sure..."

She wipes her face and scoots forward a bit. " know, I was surprised I didn't get sick this morning...and I was actually fine most of the day, too. A little queasy here and there, but I never puked."

"I'm surprised you have any throat lining left, with all the retching you do."

She turns her head toward him. "Well thank you, that's...gross."

He cracks up. "I try. So thing one and thing two were easy on you today, huh."

Now it's her turn to crack up. "Oh, that's sweet...why dontcha just call 'em Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum?"

He grins, sitting up and forward, arms still around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"How 'bout the Wonder Twins...that better?"

She nods. "That's a definite improvement, yeah..."

Then she gasps, eyes wide. "Oh! Oh, no, no, I got it. We could call 'em...oh, what're their names again...oh! Mary Kate and Ashley...Starr would LOVE that."

He makes a face. "Ewww...even if they're BOYS?"

She laughs. "...hmmm...or we could do like the Spice Girls...y'know, Ginger, Scary, Sporty..."

He groans. "ohhhhh....shut UP!"

Her laugh quiets down to a soft giggle...there's a silence as she reaches up and wraps an arm around his head, stroking his hair, pushing her face against his.

"Y'know, I WAS actually thinking of naming them after our parents..."

He makes another face, somewhat pained. "Not MY parents...ANY of them."

She sighs. "Yeah, I know...not mine either. Lousy idea."

He speaks quietly, matter-of-fact. "I want my kids to be different from me...better, y'know?"

She nods. "I think every parent does..."

She kisses his forehead. "'s gonna be so great though...OUR kids. I still love hearing that. And you know what?"

He stares down at the bubbles floating on the water. "Hmm."

"WE are gonna be the best parents ever...I mean, you already are to Starr..."

Under the water, she takes his hand and places it on her round little belly.

"...but these guys...are gonna have the best parents in the world... 'cause we know what it's like to not have any. And're the BEST father a kid could have... 'cause YOU know what it's like to have the WORST."

Todd blinks slowly, taking her words in. He rubs his hand against her tummy, feeling the familiar wave of awe and responsibility... a feeling that's come over him a quite a few times since they got the news. He suddenly wraps his arms around her, hugging her tightly.

His voice comes out soft, against her ear. "You know, you...and Shorty, and these're all I' me...and I'm not gonna do ANYTHING to screw this up, Tea...I promise you that."

She smiles, her hands hanging on his arms. "I know...and I promise, too," she whispers.

There's a comfortable silence between them...for a moment, all that's audible are the echo-y sounds of the water moving around them.

Finally, Todd sighs...then starts kissing her shoulder delicately, moving up along her neck to the back of her ear. Tea smiles, turning her head away slightly...eyes closed, stroking his arms lightly. He looks at her from this strange and beautiful angle, nuzzling the area behind her ear. He releases his hold...and his hands start roaming, feeling himself getting turned on by the steam in the room and the feel of her skin under the water...his left hand moves down along her left leg, his right hand moves up over her belly to her chest. She takes a quick breath in, biting her lip. He kisses her neck as his hand caresses her breasts, first one, then the other. Her breathing accelerates...she lets him do it until she can't wait anymore, placing her right hand on top of his and moving it down. Her left hand reaches out for his, moving it up, until their hands meet under her tummy.

She turns her head to look at him, their eyes heavy-lidded with the need for each other. She smiles at him as she moves their hands down between her legs. He lets out a low, growl-sounding breath, feeling a sudden rush of arousal...then starts kissing her cheek and jaw bone. She lets go of his hands and turns her head, catching his mouth with hers...they kiss deeply, then she turns her head away, biting her lip as she feels his fingers rubbing against her. She reaches behind her, tangling her hands in his damp hair.

His fingers find the spot and she gasps. They breathe hard and fast as he locks his other arm around her waist, and she arches her back, tilting her head back until it rests on his shoulder. Her hand moves down from his hair, and presses their faces together as he massages her to a slow orgasm. Her eyes close, and she grabs onto his hair again as she comes quietly, moaning softly.

There's a silence as Todd wraps his arms around her shoulders and kisses her cheek gently, as she falls back limp against him. He gently bites her earlobe as he whispers to her.

"That's one."

She opens her eyes, giggling. Then she looks at him questioningly.

"Does that count as one?" she asks, still catching her breath.

"Yeah, that counts..." he whispers devilishly, as he pushes up against her lower back. She grins back, feeling how hard he is.

" 'cause it's my turn now."

She laughs, still breathless. "Okay, but...can we get outta here now? We're gonna turn into raisins here in a minute."

He holds his hand out in front of them, looking at it. "Hmm. Yeah, you're right."

She scoots away from him, allowing him room to get up. He pushes himself up using the tub rim and gets out, spilling water all over the place. Tea rests herself on the rim as he grabs a towel and dries himself off quickly. Then he leans down, reaching for her. She wraps her arms around his neck as he starts to pull her up. Once she's up far enough, she rests most of her weight on her left leg. She stands there awkwardly, and sighs, looking at her brace.

She looks at Todd, shaking her head for a moment...then her eyes flash, grinning deviously. She starts undoing the velcro straps, as Todd leans on the glass door, watching her.

"What're you doin'?"

She cocks an eyebrow at him as she starts to pull the brace off, carefully. She gets it clear of her leg and tosses it onto the rug. He watches her as she moves her leg, slowly. She'd been in PT since the cast came off, and other than some bruises, it looked pretty much back to normal. She turns, letting it sink into the water, touching her toes to the bottom. She smiles as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"I'm not gonna let a stupid brace stop us from, uh...oh, how'd you put it...'boinking' as many times as we can before you get on the plane?"

He smiles back, equally devious, as he locks his arms around her waist. He starts to lift her out, slowly. She bends her knees to get clear of the tub, making a slight face. Todd looks at her worriedly.

"Delgado...this isn't hurting you, is it?"

She tosses her damp hair and smiles again, shaking her head. He stops.

"You sure? I mean, YOU have to tell're the pregnant cripple."

She busts out laughing, then shakes her head again. "No, Todd...I'm not hurting. Believe me, I'd tell you. I'm just...used to NOT using my right leg, and it just feels weird to actually bend my knee, y'know? I haven't been able to do it for months..."

She trails off, as she starts kissing him. " your pregnant crippled wife wants to get back to boinking..."

He smiles as he kisses her back, starting to walk backward again with her in his arms.

She pulls him in tighter. " let's get busy, Manning."

He stops in the middle of the rug, kissing her deeply, then pulling away, tugging on her bottom lip. He does his usual, looking into her eyes, then down to her mouth, then back up into her eyes. She does the same. He moves in fast for another kiss, then pulls back a little, their lips still touching...his words coming out breathlessly, almost pleading.

"...Tea...I just wanna put you up against that wall..."

She grins, brushing her lips against his, her voice low and soft. "You won't hurt me, it."

He looks at her with sleepy, hungry eyes as he walks them over to the nearest wall, just beyond the tub doors. Her back meets the wall, and she slides down, resting on her left leg for a moment. She cradles his face in her hands, kissing him hard as his hands move all over her wet skin. She pulls back from the kiss and wraps her arms around his neck again, pulling herself up off the floor. He holds her up as she wraps her legs around his. They look deeply into each other's eyes as he grabs onto her thighs, pushes her up against the wall, and penetrates her. She gasps, her eyes close...and she bangs her head on the wall.

She makes a face. "Ooof..." she sighs, then giggles.

Todd smiles at her, placing one hand behind her head. She smiles back, stroking his hair as he thrusts into her steadily. She leans in and kisses him, sucking on his lip. He pulls back and looks at her, moving his hand back down around her leg to hold her tighter. She moans softly as he thrusts harder, letting her head hit the wall again. She giggles as her back slides up and down the wall, in time with their rhythm. He feels himself about to come and starts kissing her sloppily, his mouth all over her neck and face. She wraps her arms around his neck and holds him as tightly as she can...suddenly realizing her growing belly is actually starting to get in the way. She laughs to herself, then shuts her eyes as her whole body jerks with the force of him...then he lets out a low, guttural moan, as he releases into her.

Tea feels him relax, loosening his hold on her. Their arms and legs untangle, and she slides down off of him. She rests her weight on her good leg, still leaning against the wall. He leans down, touching his head to hers. There's a silence as they listen to their panting slowing down. She looks up at him, smoothing his hair back behind his ears.

"That's two," she whispers softly.

He pulls back a little to see her better, still trying to catch his breath. "We should just call this a boinkfest."

She smiles, thunking her head against the wall again. "Mmmm...boinkfests...I could get used to these."

They look at each other a moment, then they both crack up.

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady