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The Longest Week 20

Tea opens her eyes, waking up gradually. She lies still for a while, just letting her eyes get used to the daylight. After a few minutes, she starts to move slowly...first her legs, then her arms. She makes a face, feeling incredibly stiff....but she manages to turn over onto her back, and lies still again, sighing.

Suddenly, she hears the sound of someone else's breathing. She looks over and sees Starr, lying next to her, still asleep. Tea turns toward her, pushing herself up onto her elbow. She smiles at her stepdaughter, as she brushes some of the hair out of her face...then leans down and plants a kiss on her head. She lingers a moment, resting her face against her hair...then sits up, slowly, stiffly. She stretches her neck as she swings her legs over, taking a deep breath as she pushes herself up onto her feet.

"Ohhhhhh..." she groans, feeling every aching joint and muscle.

She sniffs the air, smelling something funny...the scent draws her nose down to her clothes. She makes a disgusted face, realizing she's the one stinking up the place. She walks over to the dresser, opening the drawers quietly, pulling out a clean t-shirt and cutoff sweats. She undresses quickly, wanting to shed the funky-smelling clothes. She tosses them in the hamper and throws the shirt on, then steps into the shorts. She goes to pull them up...

...but they only make it to about halfway over her tummy. Tea tugs at them, wondering why they're so tight now. Then she realizes that the drawstring is tied the size that she was a month ago. She sighs, looking at her ever-expanding belly...then yanks the drawstring loose, pulling on the waistband until it stretches out to its limit. She pulls the shorts up and over her belly, then pulls the shirt down over them. She glances over at Starr, then leaves the room quietly, closing the door behind her.

She walks downstairs and into the empty living room. She looks around, listening.

"Todd?" she calls, softly.

No answer. She deflates a little, getting the distinct impression that he left. She goes to the front door and opens it, bending down to pick up the paper. She grabs it, closes the door and carries it into the kitchen. She smells the coffee sitting in the pot, and deflates again when she remembers that she can't have any. She looks down at the table...where a clean mug sits...with a note stuck to it. She picks it up, reading.

"Delgado---had to check in at the office...can't let my paper go to Cramer Hell. Back as soon as I can. ---T."

She makes a face...then reads the p.s.

"P.S. - it's decaf."

She smiles as she crumbles up the note. She grabs the mug and pours herself some coffee, then sits down at the table, opening up the Sun's morning edition. She glances at the headline as she takes a big sip...

...and almost spits it out when she reads it.


Her mouth falls open...her breathing accelerating as she scans the article.

"...bail hearings for the accused, Dean Shelton and Roseanne Delgado, were held yesterday at the Llantano County Courthouse. Shelton, who had recently been released from Statesville Prison after serving time for the kidnapping of Starr Manning, was denied bail...the attorney for Ms. Delgado spent much of the hearing trying to convince the judge that she should be released on her own recognizance, as she had never been arrested before. But the judge replied that Ms. Delgado presented a distinct flight risk, as she was arrested outside of Penn Station in New York City, while attempting to flee. Bail was then set at $250,000. The trial date for both will be determined at a hearing later today..."

Unconsciously, Tea starts shaking her head, still not believing what she just read. She sits there for a moment, taking it all in...

...then gets up suddenly, dashing out of the kitchen.

**************************************** Todd sits in his big leather chair, feet up on the desk, reading over Blair's new article. He tosses it back on the desk, then rubs his face, still exhausted from the night before. He and Starr had stayed up with Tea until she fell back to sleep...Starr passed out pretty soon after, and he had just laid there across the bottom of the bed, dozing off occasionally, but not sleeping. He was feeling it now, all catching up to him. He closes his eyes and rubs the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache coming on.

Just then, Blair breezes in. "So, is it brilliant or WHAT??"

Todd makes a face. "Owww...shut up! You're makin' my head hurt!"

She rolls her eyes. "Well, Dracula, it probably wouldn't hurt so often if you slept at night like normal people do."

His eyes open into tiny slits, squinting at her. She squints back. They look like two kids having a 'dirtiest look' contest. Finally, Blair puts her hands on her hips.


He stares daggers at her for another moment...then sits up, grabbing the article and throwing it at her. She fumbles the catch and the papers fall to the floor.

"God! You are such a jerk!" she says through clenched teeth, as she stoops down to pick them up.

He stands up and walks around to the counter where the water is. He grabs the bottle of Advil sitting there and a bottle of water as Blair stands back up, arranging the papers. She walks up to him, tossing her long blonde mane.

"Y'know I'm gonna remember this the next time Starr wants me to do something NICE for Tea."

He slams a couple of Advils with the last of the water, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Article's fine, will you go away now?"

She shakes her head at him, her tongue stuck in one of her bottom teeth. Then she turns in a huff and leaves, cursing him out under her breath. Todd runs both his hands through his hair, taking a deep breath to calm himself...something he usually had to do after talking to her. He walks back over to the desk, wading through the mess of paperwork on it. He catches sight of the morning edition and pulls it out. He glances at the headline, and starts to toss it aside...

...then he looks at it again. He glances off to the side, thinking for a minute...then reaches across the desk to grab the phone. He dials, and waits...and waits...

"Dammit!" he curses, as he slams the receiver down and grabs his keys, running out of the office.


Todd gets back to the penthouse in record time, dashing out of the elevator as soon as it opens. He runs to the door, glancing up as he fumbles with the keys. He stops as soon as he sees the note taped up on it. He grabs it and reads...

"Todd---I'm taking Starr back to the Cramer's, then I have something I need to do. I'll be back before we have to go to the hospital. ---T."

His head drops back as he crushes the note in his hand. He unlocks the door and stands in the foyer for a moment, looking around. His eyes scan the living room...then dart over toward the kitchen. He follows his own gaze, storming into the kitchen. He sees the unfinished cup of coffee...and the newspaper, the front page headline right on top, clear as day.

Frustrated and exhausted, he plops down in one of the chairs, folding his arms and putting his head down. He stays like that for a while, thinking...knowing where she's probably going. But he doesn't know if he should go after her. Tea was certainly strong enough to handle things alone...but everything she'd been through had taken a huge toll on her. It was clear just looking at her that she was fragile now, physically and mentally. Who knew what would happen if she confronted Dean and Roseanne...

His mind made up, he gets up and leaves the penthouse, heading for the courthouse...hoping to get there in time.


Tea walks into the courthouse in a light, cotton maternity dress that she grabbed out of the closet, her hair up in a loose ponytail, and no makeup...looking very plain, and very tired. She blends in to the crowd of jurors and employees herding through the metal detector. She gets up to the huge archway and hands her purse over to the guard as she walks through. The guard searches her purse quickly, then hands it back to her.

"Go ahead," he says, indifferently.

She stays behind as people move past her. The guard looks at her.

"Did you need something..." he starts to say, as his face slowly covers with recognition.

"...hey...ADA Delgado, right?"

She nods. His face softens. "Well...I'm glad to see you're okay."

She smiles politely. " was wondering if I could get down into holding."

He looks at her strangely. "Holding? Oh...I dunno, I mean, access is strictly limited to those two."

Tea puts on her best pleading face. "I understand, but...that's my niece down there, y'know?"

He thinks a moment...then shrugs. He reaches behind him for a pass, scribbles something on it, then hands it to her.

"Well...I guess it'd be alright, since you're family...but I'll tell ya, you're being a lot nicer about it than *I* would be. Take the elevator all the way to the bottom level. I'll call down and tell them to expect you."

She smiles again as she clips the pass to her dress. "Thanks a lot. I appreciate it."

The guard watches after her as she walks toward the elevator. He shakes his head, then shrugs again, picking up the phone.


Another guard is already waiting for her as she gets off the elevator and approaches the outer gate.

"Ms. Delgado."

She nods, showing the pass. He nods back, turning the key and opening the gate. He steps aside to let her through, then steps in behind her, closing and locking the gate.

"This way," he says politely, leading her down the block toward the two lit cells at the end.

At the end of the cell block, Dean and Roseanne hear the familiar clanking, signaling a visit. They both stand up and move to the front of their cells, trying to look down the hall as they listen to the approaching footsteps. Finally, the guard emerges out of the shadows, frowning at the two of them as he steps back to let the visitor through.

Up until this moment, Tea had been totally focused on her see her captors face-to-face. She hadn't really allowed herself to feel anything about it...she just knew she had to do it. But now, as she approaches the cells, she feels the tingly sensation of her racing pulse. Her palms are cold and clammy...she feels like she might bolt...

...still hidden by the shadows, she stops dead in her tracks. She closes her eyes, and wipes her hands on her dress, taking a moment to breathe deeply, and slowly.

Pressed up against the bars, Dean squints, trying to see. But as he stares into the dark, he suddenly gets the weirdest feeling. Slowly, his eyes widen... Tea opens hers. She takes one last deep, deep breath...then walks forward.

Dean and Roseanne's mouths both fall open as Tea emerges into the harsh light of their cells. They exchange quick glances as Tea looks upon them both...her eyes moving back and forth between them slowly, examining each of them, her face surprisingly emotionless. The guard steps farther back, watching them for a moment...then walks back down the hall.

Nobody says anything for a solid minute. Finally, Roseanne breaks the silence, as she half-laughs...then she turns away and sits back down on her bunk. Tea glares at her for a moment...then looks down at the floor. Dean stands frozen in his cell, just staring at her...feeling...something akin to glad, as he looks at her. A word exits his mouth before he can stop it...


Her head snaps up, her eyes locking right on to his. Her lips part, gaping as she stares at the face that goes with the voice. She suddenly feels much of her reality vanishing around her, as she looks deeper into his eyes...and before she knows what she's doing, she starts walking toward him. Dean moves down the bars, getting as close to her as he possibly can. Tea stops, only a few inches away from his face.

The connection between them is strong, and palpable, as they look at each other. Tea blinks slowly, taking in every bit of information she can get from his eyes, even though she can't quite believe what she sees...a softness, and a definite concern for her. Dean also, is surprised by the lack of hostility in her eyes. All he sees is a genuine curiosity...and maybe some concern.

Roseanne's voice suddenly cuts through the silence, making 'tsk-tsk' noises...

"Better not let Todd catch you here, MISSUS Manning."

Tea suddenly blinks again, as if she were snapping out of some trance. Dean does the same thing. They both look over at her, poking her face through the bars between her and Dean.

"You make SUCH a cute couple, though, I must say. Hmm..."

Roseanne cocks an eyebrow as she looks at Dean. "...I bet this is what you REALLY wanted all the time, wasn't it, baby?"

Dean rolls his eyes, as she continues to goad him.

"Come on, you can tell me. I mean, you did say there is no US anymore, so who cares? Just admit it. It was never about the money. You want HER...don't you?"

Tea looks at Dean, a little more uneasy now. Dean returns her look, then pushes away from the bars, stepping over toward Roseanne.


She blinks innocently in response. He gets his face right up to hers.

"You're losin' it. Shut up."

With that, he reaches up, pressing his palm against her face, and pushes her back as hard as he can. Tea watches as Roseanne stumbles backward, almost falling on her butt. She regains her balance quickly, and wipes her face. She throws him a venomous look, then turns her anger on Tea, looking directly at her.

"Well don't just stand there staring at me! Say whatever you have to say and get out!"

Tea steps toward her cell, coming right up to the bars and resting her face against them. Roseanne stares back at her, ready for anything. Tea takes a deep breath, then starts speaking to Roseanne in Spanish.

"You were there?"

Roseanne does a quick take...then laughs back. " NOW you're speaking Spanish...trying to make some lame connection with me, right? I'm amazed that you even REMEMBER any of it."

Tea just continues to look deeply into her eyes. "No. I just don't want him to know what I'm saying."

Roseanne's face crinkles at that. She glances at Dean, who looks back at her questioningly. Curious, she folds her arms and approaches Tea, who repeats herself.

"So you were there?"

"What are you talking about? OF COURSE I was there."

Tea's eyes suddenly widen with a flash of anger. "Don't talk to me like I'm stupid. OBVIOUSLY you were involved. That's NOT what I'm asking you."

"Well then what ARE you asking me?"

Dean looks back and forth between the two of them...picking up on a word here and there, but is unable to understand most of what they're saying. Finally, he throws his hands up and walks back to his bunk, but continues to watch them.

Tea feels her eyes beginning to sting with tears. "DID you see what happened to me?"

Roseanne looks at her strangely...then she realizes what Tea is talking about. Tea squints at her, noticing a momentary change in her attitude, as she looks down for a second.

"You DID see it, didn't you?"

No response for a moment...then Roseanne looks back up...and shakes her head. Tea tips her head slightly.

"You're lying."

Roseanne shakes her head again.

"I can see it in your face, Roseanne. You're lying."

Roseanne continues to shake her head. "Well then you don't see very well. I'm telling you, I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING. And besides..."

She suddenly points to Dean. "...HE got to you before they could do any damage. So don't think you can turn this into another 'Tea-the-victim' scenario...because NOTHING HAPPENED."

Dean sits up, knowing they're talking about him. He watches their body language as things start to get heated between them.

Tea half-laughs. "You didn't see anything, but you KNOW nothing happened!"

Roseanne smacks a hand against the bars, right near Tea's face. Tea reacts, jumping back.

"You got a little roughed up. Get over it! You were NOT raped!"

Tea stares at her, eyes wide with shock, and glistening with angry tears. Before she can stop herself, she reaches through the bars and grabs Roseanne by the back of the neck, yanking her forward, right up to the bars.

Roseanne lets out a muffled yelp, as Dean gets up and runs over to them. "Whoa, hey, hey...break it up!"

Down at the other end of the hall, Todd gets off the elevator and runs up to the guard, who just heard the yelling starting. He looks at Todd and holds a finger up to him.

"Hold on a second. I gotta see what's going on down there."

Todd shakes his head. "Wait!! Lemme in! That's my wife down there!"

But the guard is already halfway down the hall. Todd tosses his head in frustration...then he hears the commotion coming from the cells down at the end. He grabs onto the bars, poking his head through as he listens.

Tea has Roseanne's face pushed right up against the bars. Roseanne squirms and grunts as Dean tries to wrestle them apart. Tea turns her fury on him.

"GET BACK! This has NOTHING to do with you!"

Dean automatically jumps back...Tea glares at him for a second, then turns back to Roseanne. She puts her lips right up against her ear, whispering loudly in Spanish.

"You don't know ANYTHING now...but YOU WILL. You'll know JUST how I feel after a few months' worth of people sodomizing you and jamming their filthy hands up your crotch."

With that, she shoves Roseanne away from the bars. The guard comes running up to Tea.

"Alright, that's it. OUT."

Tea stands there, chest heaving, as Roseanne rubs her face. A stunned Dean looks on as the two women glare at each other. Tea catches Dean's look as the guard starts to lead her away.

Down at the other end, Todd struggles to see what's going on. He can barely make out the guard and Tea. Then he suddenly sees an arm reach out of one of the cells... Roseanne runs up to the bars, reaching out with one arm and pointing at Tea, screaming at her in Spanish.

"I will NEVER feel sorry for you, y'hear me??!! NEVER!!! You are NOTHING to me!!!"

Tea finally turns her back as she steps up the pace to keep up with the guard. She looks down toward the other end of the hall and sees Todd standing there. Instinctively, she starts wiping her eyes, trying to will herself to stop crying.

Roseanne squeezes as much of herself as she can through the bars to see Tea, as she keeps yelling.

"Enjoy your perfect little life while it lasts, you self-centered bitch!!! 'Cause those little beasts you're carrying won't LIVE to grow up like you!!!"

Tea freezes in her tracks...then turns around. Roseanne's face twists up into an evil smile, and her voice lowers to a frighteningly icy, Spanish growl.

"Mark my words...if you manage to carry to term...they'll be dead before their second birthday."

Both Dean and the guard look to see Tea's reaction, as they have no idea what Roseanne just said. Tea wrestles her arm out of the guard's grasp and walks back toward her.

"What did you just say?! Did you just threaten my CHILDREN?! Are you insane?!"

Roseanne just smiles back. "Look at your right arm."

Tea lifts up her arm, giving it the quick once-over. She doesn't see anything at first...but then her eye catches sight of a scar on the outside of her forearm...a small, reddish, healing cut. She stares at it for a moment, then looks back up at Roseanne, confused.

Again, Roseanne just smiles back. "It's no threat."

Tea looks at her strangely, not knowing what she could possibly mean. The guard looks between the two of them, then grabs Tea's arm again.

"Okay, I don't care WHAT language you're speaking, this little visit is OVER. Let's go."

Roseanne gives her one last look, then turns away and walks back to her bunk. Dean looks back and forth between them, then steps back up to the bars, looking out at Tea as the guard starts pulling her away. Tea keeps her eyes locked with his, staying still until her arm is pulled to the limit...then she stumbles after the guard as he drags her down the hall. She keeps looking back, until she can't see him anymore. Then she turns her gaze forward, looking out at Todd. The guard unlocks the gate and ushers her out.

Todd steps up to her, starting to reach out for her hand...then he remembers and shoves both hands in his pockets.


Tea runs a hand over her hair, closing her eyes for a minute...then she nods. The guard stares after her with a slightly annoyed look, as she walks away, heading for the elevator. Todd glances at the guard, then follows her. He comes up next to her as she stands there, arms folded, waiting for the elevator. She knows he's there, but won't look at him...instead, keeping her focus on the crack between the doors, unconsciously biting her lip. Todd stares at her the whole time, examining her face...her eyes have an angry, scared, glazed look to them...and they're swollen...she's been crying. He sighs, knowing something happened back there.

DING! The elevator doors open, and he holds them apart as she steps inside. He steps in after her, and they close quietly. Tea makes her way over to one wall, and slouches against it. Todd walks around beside her and does the same thing. He stares at her for a while, but again, she won't acknowledge his presence in there with her.

He glances down at the floor. "I'm sorry," he says, softly.

His voice suddenly seems to wake her up. She looks over at him, as if seeing him for the first time.

"Sorry for what?"

He looks up at her. "...about the headline this morning. I didn't even know they were gonna run that."

She looks at him strangely for a moment...then realizes what he means.

"Why are you sorry about that? I had to find out sometime."

He shrugs, glancing away. "I know. But it's a pretty LOUSY way to find out."

They stand there, holding up the elevator wall, looking deeply into each other's eyes. Tea almost smiles as she looks at him...then suddenly notices her vision narrowing. Todd becomes a fuzzy image at the end of a dark tunnel...she blinks, and looks away.

Todd tips his head slightly. "Delgado?"

Just then, the doors open. Tea shakes her head, trying to rid herself of a sudden feeling of light-headedness. Without a word to Todd, she steps out into the lobby...walking forward a bit, then stopping. She looks all around her, becoming totally disoriented in the sea of people moving around her. Todd catches up to her fast and walks around in front of her, bending slightly to get in her line of sight.

"Delgado...hey. Hey, what is it?"

She looks at his face...hard to see now...his mouth moving...she makes a face at the sound of his voice...muffled, like they were underwater. She feels her legs turning to jelly under her and reaches out with both hands to grab onto something. Todd grabs her hands, his eyes widening as he realizes that she's passing out.

"Ohmygod...Tea! Tea!"

Everybody walking around in the lobby suddenly stops to look at what's going on.

"" she mutters, blinking rapidly, as everything goes black in her head.

Her eyelids flutter, and her legs give out. Todd scrambles to catch her, losing his own balance and ending up on the floor as she folds up in his arms. A crowd gathers around them as Todd turns her face towards him.

"TEA!!! Tea, can you hear me?!"

One of the guards busts through the crowd and sees what's happened.

"I'll call an ambulance!"

Todd looks up at him. "No! I'll take her!" he says, as he gathers her up.

He stands up slowly, securing his grip as Tea's arms flop around, her head rolling around loosely on her neck.

"Get outta the way, dammit!!!" he yells, at the gaggle of onlookers.

The guard jumps in, pushing the people back. "Come on people, clear the way, CLEAR!!!"

Everyone moves back, as Todd and the guard make their way toward the entrance. One of the other guards holds the doors open for him as he carries Tea outside. He runs as fast as he can with her to his car, thankful that he found a spot on the street. The guard follows, helping him get the door open. Todd sets her down on the front seat, reclining it all the way back so she can lay flat. Then he slams the door and runs around to the driver's side.

"I'll call the ER and tell 'em you're coming!" the guard says, watching as Todd starts the car, peels away from the curb and speeds down the street toward the hospital.

To Be Continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady