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The Longest Week 22b


Later that evening, Starr kneels on the floor of the living room, drawing. The coffee table is covered with crayons and paper. She looks up at her dad, sitting on the couch, paperwork in his lap...he checks his watch for the millionth time, distracted.

Starr gives him a strange look. "You waiting for something, Dad?"

He looks over at her...then chucks the paperwork aside. He nods at her as he slides off the couch and onto the floor.

"Yeah...your Mom. She's late."

She reaches out and grabs his arm, looking at his watch. She makes a face.

"Ohhh, no...I gotta get home, Dad!"

He makes a face at her. "Why? You got a date or somethin'? Better not."

Tea comes down the stairs, rubbing her hair, yawning...she sees them and stops, sitting down on one of the steps, unnoticed. Starr giggles, rolling her eyes as she smacks Todd's arm.

"Noooooo. River's comin' over."

Todd raises an eyebrow. "That sounds like a date to me."

Starr hits him again. "!"

Todd squints at her...then grabs her and starts tickling her sides. She squeals, then laughs, trying to wriggle away.

"You SURE it's not a date? Huh? Huh? You SURE sure??"

"No! No! Stop! Lemme go!" she says, among her giggles and snorts.

Tea cracks a smile. She rests her head in her hand, watching them. Todd releases his hold...Starr falls on the floor, giggles subsiding. Todd lies down on his belly, facing her.

"Okay, I believe you. You said no even after tickle-torture."

Starr smiles at him...then gets up, gathering her papers and crayons. Todd gets up too...and finally sees Tea sitting there on the stairs. He runs a hand through his hair, walking over to her.


"Hey," she replies, smiling up at him. He sits down on the step below her.

"Sleep okay?"

She nods. "Yeah. Now I'm hungry. I mean, WE'RE hungry."

He grins at her, as Starr turns around. She waves at Tea, who waves back. She walks over to the stairs and leans in, kissing Tea's cheek.

"I gotta go, Tee."

Tea smiles at her. "I heard. You have a date."

Starr rolls her eyes again, stomping back to the table to get her stuff. "IT'S NOT A DATE!"

Tea actually laughs...Todd looks at her, relieved and saddened by the sound at the same time. He lingers on her a moment...then pulls himself up.

"Uh...Blair was supposed to be here, guess she's working late or something. If she calls, just tell her I took her home. I'll pick up dinner on the way back."

Tea nods, standing up and getting off the stairs. She follows them to the door. Starr waves again as she walks out into the hall. Tea smiles and waves back as Todd turns around.

"I won't be long. What're we eating?"

Tea thinks a moment...trying to pin down a craving. " think...mashed potatoes. Yeah, that's it."

He makes a face, grinning slightly. "That's it? Not exactly a well-rounded meal there."

She grins back...then thinks some more. "Okay, how's this...get me some chicken to go with it."

He tips his head back and forth, then nods. "Yeah...I could do some damage to a bucket o' fried chicken parts...alright, I'm outta here. You gonna be okay?"

She nods. He lingers on her face a moment, knowing that this was usually their cue to kiss. But that was in another time, another place...that seems so far away from them now. Tea smiles awkwardly, thinking the exact same thing. They both look down at the floor.

Starr's voice booms in from the hallway. "Daaaad, come ON!"

Todd sighs, glancing up at Tea again. "Be back," he says quietly, then walks out. Tea watches them get on the elevator. Then she closes the door, walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch. Feeling lazy after an entire day of doing nothing, she closes her eyes and lets her head drop back until it rests on top of the cushions. After a few minutes, the stillness in lulls her back to sleep...her hands drop to the sides as she dozes off.

Suddenly, her head snaps up...she touches her belly, feeling something REALLY weird. She see if it happens again. After a few seconds, she feels her insides shifting around...not painfully, though...more like something squirming inside. Her eyes widen, realizing it's the twins stirring...big enough now that they can move themselves around somewhat. She lets out a surprised breath that almost sounds like laughter.

She gets up, and starts pacing around, waiting to see if it happens again. But the twins seem to have settled again, and she doesn't feel anymore movement. She sighs, a little disappointed...but she also feels a warmth...some happiness, at the same time. She smiles as she wraps her arms around herself.

Knock, knock, knock...

She looks up at the door, making a face...then wags her eyebrows, figuring it's Todd. She walks over and opens the door...and does an immediate take at who she sees.

Joely stands on the other side of the door, making a surprised face too...not expecting that Tea would answer the door. She smiles warmly, reaching out to her.

"Oh, my goodness...hallo, Tea."

"Ohmygod, Joely," Tea whispers, as they hug.

They separate and look at each other...Joely cups Tea's face in her hands.

"I can't tell you how glad I am to see you. Thank God you're alright."

Tea smiles at her...then steps back. "Come on in."

The two of them walk back into the living room and sit down on the couch. Nothing is said for a moment, as they just look at each other, smiling. Finally, Joely drops her purse on the floor, sighing.

"Ugh...god, I hate air travel. It always makes me so tired."

Tea's eyes widen. "You just got in? Oh, wow...I can't believe you came all this way just to see us. This is SUCH a surprise!"

Joely nods, her brow creasing, confused. As she looks at Tea's face, she suddenly gets a really bad feeling.

"Y-you didn't know I was coming here, did you?"

Tea shakes her head. "I had no idea! But it's so great to see are you?"

Joely suddenly makes a face that Tea reacts to.

"Is everything alright?"

Joely bites her lip, nodding. "I'm fine. But...I..." she starts, leaning in closer.

"...I'm a bit confused. Todd didn't tell you I was coming?"

Tea shakes her head. "No...he didn't say anything to me. Guess he just wanted it to be a surprise, y'know."

Joely sighs, getting the picture now. But Tea doesn't...and her face makes her start worrying.

"But...something tells me you're just as surprised as I am...Joely, what's goin' on?"

Joely takes a deep breath, trying to figure out whether she should come up with an excuse or not. Finally, she just decides to be truthful.

"Alright. Um...Todd called me last night. It was very late...I guess you'd had a nightmare, he said you'd been having them since you came back. He was scared for you...and he asked me if I would come out...and..."

Tea's mouth falls open in shock...she blinks. "And...what?"

Joely shrugs. "I'm not exactly sure...but I think he was hoping you might talk to me."

Tea shrinks back. "Talk about WHAT...what do you mean?"

Joely makes another face, feeling trapped, like she's stepped in quicksand or something.

"Tea...I...I know what happened to you...and I just..."

Tea eyes flash with anger, realizing that Todd must have told her what the doctor's report said. Joely continues, but tries to make it short, as she can see Tea's temper is ready to flare up.

"...I think that's why he asked me to come here."

Tea speaks calmly, the anger sitting just below the surface. "So...TODD thinks I need therapy...that's basically what you're saying."

Joely tips her head. "No. That's not what I'm saying."

"Okay...well, how about YOU think I need therapy? Do YOU think I need to check myself into a hospital or something?"

Joely shakes her head, keeping her tone low and calm, to try to keep Tea from flying off the handle.

"No...Tea...look...okay, obviously, there's been a SERIOUS lack of communication here...and I honestly don't know what to think about all this right now. But what I DO that you've been through some of the worst trauma a person can suffer...trauma that has lasting effects. Therapy...might be the best way to deal with that."

Tea feels her anger leaking out in the form of tears...she looks away for a moment, horribly embarrassed now.

"Oh Tea, I'm...I'm so sorry about...this. I really thought Todd had discussed this with you already...I wouldn't have come here otherwise."

Tea looks back at her, wiping her face. "Joely...I...I dunno WHAT he told you, or what he THINKS he knows...but NEITHER of you know what I went through. And I...I want to keep it that way. I don't want ANYONE to know. I just want to forget that whole week ever happened."

Joely starts shaking her head. "That's admirable, Tea...but the fact is, you CAN'T. Trauma like that will NOT allow you to bury it...and if you DON'T deal with it, it wins..."

Tea's eyes shine with tears...she closes them, looking down as Joely continues.

" will CONSUME you, Tea, it will suck your life away...and the life of everyone who loves you. You can't afford that, especially now...not with two children on the way. Your life affects them, too...very much."

Just then, Todd walks back in. He shuts the door with his foot, carrying the food.

"Back," he says, as he enters the living room. He glances over toward the couch...and stops dead in his tracks.

They both look over at him...Joely sighs...and Tea...just stares at him, furious, tears streaming from her eyes.


Fan Fiction by Shady