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The Longest Week 23

Todd's stomach drops down to about his ankles, seeing Joely on the couch...and Tea...sitting next to her, her face streaked with tears, her eyes boring holes into his...silent...and furious. Only now does it occur to him that he should have talked to her first, about Joely getting involved...but only now. He kicks himself, mentally...

...Todd Manning, you ARE...the world's biggest idiot.

He opens his mouth, trying to form some words...some explanation. Joely looks between the two of them, knowing she'd better remove herself from the situation. She reaches out, squeezing Tea's hand, then gets up.


She looks up at her. Joely smiles back, gently wiping her wet face.

"Look, this was...REALLY badly handled, and I apologize. But I don't want you to think this is an attempt to FORCE you into therapy, because it's not. I just want you to remember that you are not have a lot of people that love you...people that you can turn to. I'm one of those people, okay?"

Tea sniffles, nodding. "Joely, I'm...sorry for losing my temper, I didn't" she whispers, trailing off.

Joely smiles again. "Not at all. I understand, I do."

She leans down and kisses Tea's cheek, then straightens up, tucking her purse under her arm.

"I'll see you later, perhaps," she says, then walks out, looking at Todd as she heads for the door.

"A word with you, please?"

Todd gazes at Tea, apologetically...then he puts the food down on the table and follows Joely to the door, opening it for her. Joely turns around and gives him a look...he glances away, bracing. She lowers her voice to a whisper.

"Todd. We're friends now...and I'll forgive you for this, because I know you mean well, and you're scared for her. But pulling a stunt like this is NOT going to help. Therapy has to be the INDIVIDUAL'S can't just spring it on her, YOU KNOW THAT."

He nods, looking back at her shamefully. "Sorry. I thought..."

She nods back. "I know. I tried to explain as best I can...but I'm not about to make excuses for you."

He sighs. "Sorry," he says again. Joely gives him a sympathetic smile.

"Well. I'm going to get myself a hotel room and go to bed. I'm going to try to head back tomorrow, me if you need me."

He nods again. "Thanks Doc. Send me the hotel bill, okay?"

She laughs a little...then heads out into the hall. Todd shuts the door...then bangs his head against it, making a dull thudding noise. He takes a deep breath, walking back into the living room. He makes a surprised face when he sees Tea digging through the bags. She grabs some utensils and lowers herself down on the floor with her container of mashed potatoes.

Todd swallows hard, watching her as she eats, silently...not even looking at him. She sniffles occasionally, her eyes all red and puffy now. He prepares for the worst, as he kneels down on the floor facing her.

"Tea...I'm really sorry...I just---"

She immediately lifts up a hand, silencing him. She stuffs another spoonful in her mouth...then suddenly puts everything down, gets up, and walks off into the kitchen...leaving Todd kneeling there on the floor. Finally he just sits down, at a loss. He grabs one of the bags and starts pulling some food out for himself.

Tea comes back out with two glasses of water and a couple of plates tucked under her arm. She steps around in front of Todd. He looks up, taking one of the glasses and one of the plates. Tea lowers herself back down on the floor and joins him in grabbing a couple of chicken pieces. Todd just stares at her...wondering what the heck is going on in her head right now. If he didn't know better, he'd say they were just having a regular, average dinner. But he knew she was totally pissed it wasn't a question of WHETHER he was going to get was just a question of WHEN.

He sighs, unable to do or say anything...knowing he just had to go with it, take the verbal beating, whenever she was ready to do it...and hope he didn't do too much damage. He picks up a chicken leg and takes a big bite out of it. He keeps his head down somewhat as he chews away...but keeps his eyes on her the whole time.

Tea just keeps pounding it down, obviously starving. She takes a gulp of water, then reaches into the remaining bag, pulling out a huge container of coleslaw. She pops it open and scoops some out onto her plate...then she offers it to him. He puts the leg down and takes it from her, cautiously. They make eye contact for an instant. Todd sees the anger behind her eyes, but he also sees...something else...a understanding?

On her end, Tea sees the regret in his eyes, contrition painted all over his face. She breaks the stare, looking back down at her plate. Deep down, she knows he was only trying to help her. She also knows how strange and frightening her behavior has been since she got wasn't definitely wasn't right. That was why she was being so quiet now...she was mulling things over in her head. It was still completely within her rights to rip him a new one...and she still could...but the fact was that her head was a mess...she had no idea which way was up right now. She was still extremely angry...but it was duller now, as complete physical and mental exhaustion pulsed through her body.

She sighs, tearing some more meat off a bone and tossing it onto the plate with a clink. Todd watches as she downs the last forkful of coleslaw...then sits back, wiping her fingers on a napkin. She moves back until one of the chairs is holding her up, chucking the napkin onto the plate...then she folds her arms over her belly...and looks him squarely in the eye.

Todd hurriedly finishes his chicken leg, wiping his hands off too, staring back at her...ready to take whatever she was about to dish out. we go...

Tea glances away for a second, obviously getting ready to say something. Finally, she looks back at him, sighing.

"While you were gone, uh...I felt...the twins. They moved."

Todd's brow creases...not the words he was expecting. Then his face softens, into an awestruck look, realizing what she just said.

He struggles just to respond. "Really?" is all he can manage to get out.

She nods. "Yeah. It was weird... all of a sudden I felt my insides moving around. Didn't hurt or anything...but it was...REALLY WEIRD."

He scoots a little closer. "Did they move a lot, I mean...are they moving now?"

She shakes her head. "It was off and on for a couple of minutes there...but I guess they got comfortable again."

He nods...then a different mood comes over him, realizing what he missed. He drops his head, sadly.

"I shoulda...been here. I'm always missing the important stuff..."

Tea's mouth opens, speechless. She tries to speak up, but he starts talking first.

"...and I'm always screwing things up. God, it's like, when am I EVER gonna get a clue, y'know?"

She sighs. "Todd---"

He cuts her off, getting up suddenly and starting to pace...the mood taking him over.

"No, really! I wasn't here for that, same way I wasn't here when Blair had Starr. I screwed that I screwed up our wedding..."

Tea sighs again, rubbing her forehead as the conversation takes this ugly turn. Then she puts one hand on the coffee table and pushes herself up as he continues, voice rising.

" I screwed up when I left you here by yourself. Now I've screwed up again!!!"

She shakes her head. "Todd, don't go there, okay? Please?"

By this time, he's over by the window...he whirls around. "Why not?! I mean, it's true, isn't it? You're all pissed off at me about Doc coming here!!"

"I'm PISSED---" she yells, to overpower him. He turns all the way around, folding his arms.

She approaches, pointing at him. "---that you didn't even ASK ME if that was what *I* wanted. THAT'S what I'm pissed about...not that she showed up here."

They get within a foot of each other. Todd looks at her a moment...then shrugs. He lowers his tone.

"Well...what difference does it make WHAT you're pissed at...point is you're pissed."

Her shoulders sink a little. "The that I know you meant well. I know that."

Todd lingers on her face...somewhat relieved that she does understand his motives. He steps closer to her, looking down at the floor as he does. When he looks back up, Tea's eyes are still on him. Wanting so much just to touch her, he holds a hand out, hoping she will respond. She feels the familiar tingling of her anxiety at the same time she feels the urge to take his hand. Her fingers curl into a tight fist, as she tries to squeeze the fear away. When her hand relaxes a little, she reaches up and places her hand in his. He takes a half-step closer, looking down at her as he gently wraps his fingers around hers.

Nothing is said for a moment...but finally, Todd closes his eyes and tips his head down until his forehead almost touches hers.

"Sorry...I'm sorry."

Tea closes her eyes too, feeling the light tickle of his breath and his hair falling around her face. Then she opens her eyes again, tipping her head slightly.

"I know. I know you were only trying to should've talked to ME."

He nods...then opens his eyes again, looking down at her for a moment. He makes a face, a thought suddenly occurring to him.

"Okay, I hear what you're saying, but..."

Tea stares up at him, waiting. He steps back from her a little, still holding her hand.

"...but you gotta never woulda gone for the idea if I HAD."

Her eyes widen at that...for a moment, she's too surprised to talk. She knows he's not trying to be insensitive, his tone was gentle...but it was also matter-of-fact, which really throws her off. It wasn't an was the truth. A truth that feels like a really harsh spotlight shining in her eyes...making her she's being forced to own up to something. She looks away from him, trying not to get upset...

...but it doesn't work. Anxiety turns to anger...which rises up from her gut faster than she can possibly stop it. She suddenly pulls her hand out of Todd's grasp, making him jump a little.

"You're damned right I wouldn't have..." she says quietly, but angrily, folding her arms.

He looks at her, realizing the air of understanding has suddenly faded, as her eyes flash with her rising temper.

"...the LAST thing I wanna do right now is spill my guts to a complete STRANGER. I won't do that, Todd, not now...maybe not EVER...and YOU shouldn't expect me to! I mean...what made you think I would agree to this, huh? I can't even tell YOU about it!!"

He stares back at her, taking the hit...unable to disagree with her reasoning...but starting to lose HIS cool too. Then he glances away, muttering under his breath.

"Yeah, I noticed that."

She feels the ball bounce back into her court, hard. She nods, slowly...then lets out a breath that sounds like a humorless laugh. Without a word, she turns and walks away from him. His teeth clench as he looks at her back, totally frustrated.

"What??!! YOU can get as pissed off as YOU want, but I CAN'T, is that it???"

She stops...but doesn't turn around. Todd takes a few steps toward her, pointing at her back, unable to stop himself from venting now.

"...and I'm NOT ALLOWED to be mad about the fact that YOU WON'T talk to me??? Not to be crass or anything, but that's a load o' CRAP, Delgado...and you KNOW it!!"

Tea hears him...the strain in his voice affects her. Deep, deep down, she knows the only reason he's yelling at her now is because he's frustrated with her. And while she can't blame him, the tone of his voice is only making her feel this is all HER fault somehow. She whirls around, taking a step toward him.

"What I that you're trying to PUSH me into going to a shrink!!"

He throws his hands up. "I can't friggin' just TOLD me you you're slammin' me!"

She folds her arms again. "I DO understand. But that doesn't mean it was right, or that it gives you some kind of an EXCUSE. I of ALL people should understand why I'd be so angry."

He does a take at that. "And what's THAT supposed to mean?"

Her head drops to the side a little. "Oh come on, Todd. If *I* had pulled a stunt like this with YOU oh, say...a year ago? Hmmm. Good intentions or not, you woulda screamed betrayal and kicked my ass to the curb without a second thought."

Now it's his turn to be floored by the hard truth...he just stares back at her, gaping, eyes wide. She lingers on his face...then slowly walks past him to the stairs. She goes up a few, then stops, glancing over her shoulder.

"You know EXACTLY how it feels to be on the receiving end of this kinda thing, Todd. So I don't think you should be very surprised."

She answer. She turns a little more, and sees his back to her. Then she sighs, starting to climb the steps again. Just as she gets to the top, Todd turns around, looking up toward her.

"Yeah, well...YOU know that I didn't do this to hurt you..." he starts, calmly.

Tea stops, listening...but doesn't turn around. Todd grabs the railing and climbs up a step.

" wanna know WHY I called Doc?"

She hesitates a moment...then turns around to face him. He takes another step closer to her.

"I called her... 'cause even though you won't tell me what happened...I...I KNOW where you are, Delgado. I KNOW..."

She just stares back at him, her brow knotting up.

"...I hear you screaming at the top of your lungs in your sleep, and I KNOW what kind of nightmares you're having. I KNOW how scared you are...of your dreams...of me. I know 'cause I've been there. YOU KNOW I've been there. You just said, I should know what you feel like right now...and I do."

She blinks, slowly...taken aback by his candor...and how freely he's expressing himself. She sits down on the step. Todd takes a second to run a hand through his hair, then continues, his voice getting softer.

"Look, I called the doc because... 'cause when I look at you now, I see ME. I see me, like two years ago...and I gotta tell ya, it scares the hell outta me, 'cause NOW I know how close I really was to losing it. But I didn't know it then...just like you don't know it now."

Her mouth opens, gaping at that. He steps up again, then lowers himself down onto the step just below her.

"I don't wanna lose you..." he whispers, looking up at her.

Tea's eyes mist up, deeply affected. Todd slumps against the railing, looking down at his hands.

"...and I guess I didn't go about it the right way, but I didn't know what else to do. All I know's that you're in a dangerous place...and I'm just tryin' to get you out of it."

A few tears roll down her face. He looks back up at her as she sniffles and wipes them away, nodding.

" gotta talk to somebody before it's too late. If it's not me...then let Doc help you."

She stares deeply into his eyes...realizing he's right. But the thought of having to tell Joely or ANYBODY else what happened is too frightening. She leans forward as much as she can. He sits up, matching her, bringing their faces close again. She whispers to him, wiping more tears away.

"I DO understand...and I...I can't blame you...I know I probably would have done the same thing for you. But...but fact is...I CAN'T..."

His shoulders sink at that. She shakes her head, crying harder now.

"I can't Todd, I just...I CAN'T."

With that, she grabs the railing and pulls herself up, taking the last step into the upstairs hallway. Todd sits there alone on the steps, listening to the bedroom door close. He falls back against the railing, rubbing his face. He stays there a long time, keeping his eyes covered, thinking. Clearly, the discussion was least for the night. He stands up, descending the stairs slowly, tiredly. He paces around for a while, running a hand through his hair and letting it stick there, as he approaches the window.

Upstairs in the bedroom, Tea stands with her back against the door, arms wrapped around herself, crying quietly. She stands there, staring at a spot on the rug, until her face is soaked. Then she wipes her face harshly, and hits the light switch hard...hiding herself in darkness.

Todd walks to the bottom of the stairs, staring up into the dark hallway, listening for a moment...but he doesn't hear anything. He turns away, slapping the railing in frustration. Then he falls down on the couch, grabbing a pillow and covering his face with it. Silence permeates the entire house...and it doesn't take long for it to become as loud and unnerving as a next-door neighbor's blasting stereo. Todd suddenly tosses the pillow away, getting up and grabbing his keys off the desk. He stops in the foyer, one hand on the knob...knowing he should stay with her. But the thought of having to spend yet another night by himself on the couch was just too much. He glances back toward the stairs, hesitating...then opens the door and steps out, closing the door quietly.


About an hour later, a guard strolls down the cellblock of the county courthouse. The bars slide open, and Dean steps out of his cell, looking up at the huge guard towering over him...he holds his hands out obediently. The guard slaps the cuffs on his wrists and ankles...then grabs his elbow, leading him down the hall. Dean smirks at the guard as he gets dragged along.

"Y'know man, I think you missed your callin'."

The guard ignores him, staring straight ahead. Dean tips his head forward a little, trying to get in his view.

"Basketball, man. Basketball. I could totally see you flyin' down the court..."

The guard's eyes dart over in his direction, but he never breaks stride. Dean cocks an eyebrow.

"...well, if you lost about fifty pounds, I mean."

The guard shakes his head, sighing as they reach the outer gate. Another guard opens it up, and Dean chuckles to himself as the first guard shoves him outside.

"Yeah, well I could still kick YOUR punk-ass."

The other guard grabs Dean's elbow...he looks over his shoulder as the other guard leads him away.

"'re pretty sexy when you talk like that."

Dean feels the grip on his elbow tightening as he suddenly trips. He looks back at the other guard, who glares at him.

"Better shut yer hole, Shelton. One more crack outta you, and you can just forget about that phone call."

Dean makes a phony "scared" face...but does what he's told. He keeps his mouth shut all the way to the front office, where the guard leads him to a separate room. He opens the door with a key and pushes Dean inside, following after him and shutting the door. He takes an 'at-ease' stance in front of the door, and tips his head toward the metal table at the far end with the phone on it...the only two things in the room.

Dean nods at him politely, then shuffles over to the phone. He picks up the receiver with his cuffed hands, fumbling to place it on his shoulder. He glances up at the ceiling, trying to remember the numbers...then he dials, carefully...knowing he won't get a second chance if he screws it up.


The phone rings at the penthouse...and rings...and rings again. Tea's hand shoots out of the mess of bedding, feeling around for the phone. The answering machine picks up...

"Hi, sorry we can't come to the phone right now. Leave us a message. Thanks."


Tea sits up, reaching for the lamp and turning it on, nearly blinding herself. She finally sees the phone and grabs it.

"Hello? Hello...?" she says, weakly.

On the other end, Dean sighs, relieved to hear her much so that he can't even get a word out for a moment. Tea blinks, still adjusting to the light...she rubs her hair.

"Anybody there? Hello?"

"Yeah. I'M here," he finally manages to say, softly.

She freezes, in instant recognition...her voice just as soft.

"Oh my did you get this number...?"

He grins, shrugging. "Well. Rosie has her uses."

Tea tosses her head to one side...she rubs her puffy eyes.

"What do you want?" she asks, bluntly...but softly, even still.

Dean turns, glancing at the guard...he lowers his voice. "Always to the point. I like that about you."

She stands up. "I am REALLY not in the mood for this. I'm hanging up now."

He does a take at that. "Okay, okay, okay...hold up. I, uh..."

He glances at the guard again...then lowers his voice to a whisper.

"...I need to see you."

His voice sends a strange sensation through her...a tightening in her chest, making her squirm as she stands there. She says nothing...Dean waits a moment, then speaks again.

"'s important."

She lets out a half-laugh, shaking her head...she whispers back, almost unconsciously.


Dean's shoulders sink. He can hear the guard rattling his keys...his time's running out.

"Please...please...I really have to talk to you..."

The guard walks up to him and grabs his elbow. "Alright, that's it. Hang it up, Shelton."

On the other end, Tea stands there, speechless and stunned...wanting to respond...but afraid to. She knows she should just hang up...but she can't, for some reason. She struggles to get words out, but they won't come. Dean tries one more time as the guard grabs the receiver away from him...

"You're the only one who can help me...please..."

With that, the guard slams the receiver down, cutting the connection. Tea jumps a little at the loud click...then she stands there, frozen, listening to the dead air for a moment. Finally, she hangs up the phone and crawls back into bed, turning the lamp off. She glances at the clock as she pulls the covers over herself and lies back down. She clutches the covers to her chest tightly, hearing his pleas over and over in her head.

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady