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The Longest Week 3

Tea limps into the bathroom, braceless, hair still damp, wearing a t-shirt and boxers, looking down at the pile of taco wrappers on the floor. She stands there a moment, trying to figure out how best to lower herself. She looks behind her to make sure Todd's not watching, then shifts most of her weight to her good leg, holding her left arm out for balance. She bends her left knee and starts to go down. When she gets low enough, she puts her arm down for support, kneeling on her left leg...then bends her right leg, slowly...and puts it down. Then she straightens up carefully, balancing her weight on both knees.

She kneels there for a moment, waiting to see if it would hurt her...but it doesn't. She smiles to herself, closing her eyes, saying a silent whom, she's not sure. Then she sighs, opening her eyes and leaning forward, collecting the trash. She gathers up all the wrappers and tosses them in the trashcan. Then she sits there for a moment, looking around, psyching herself up to get up. Her eyes fall on her brace, lying by the tub.

She leans forward and grabs it, pulling it to her. She straightens it out and looks at it.

Todd watches her silently from the doorway...he'd been standing there for a while, watching her struggle just to kneel. He wanted to help her, but somehow, he knew she didn't want help. So he stays silent in the doorway, watching her as she stares at the strange-looking fiberglass and velcro contraption in front of her, wondering what she's thinking about.

Tea sighs, knowing full well she's supposed to keep the brace on for at least another month. Her physical therapist would be screaming at her right now, seeing her kneeling on a leg that's still healing. But Tea's stubbornness won't let her put it back on...desperately wanting to rid herself of ANYTHING that reminds her of the accident. She looks the brace up and down, her eyes misting...seeing bits and pieces of that horrible day in her mind...

...watching from the floor of Joely's house as Sykes aimed a gun at Todd's head...

...speeding down the highway toward the bridge...

...grabbing the steering wheel from him and spinning the car...

...hearing the tires squealing as she watched the world spin around her...

She brings her hands up, folding them up around her nose, tipping her forehead down to rest on her fingertips. A few tears escape, and run down her cheeks, dripping off her chin.

Todd watches her from behind, as her whole body heaves with a heavy sigh. Then she wipes her face roughly, with the heels of her hands. Sniffling, she pushes the brace away...then sits up on her knees and puts her hands out, getting on all fours. She pulls her good leg forward, and puts her weight on it as she starts to straighten up. She hops around a bit, losing her balance. Todd bites his lip, wanting to rush in and catch her...but doesn't. He watches as she holds her arms out to balance herself.

She sighs heavily, then turns, starting to limp over to the door. She looks up...and stops.

He blinks at her slowly, eyes filled with concern. She smiles at him weakly. He walks past her, grabbing the brace up off the floor and coming up beside her. He puts an arm around her waist, and tips his head slightly, gesturing for her to do the same. She looks at him for a moment...then hooks her arm around his waist. She leans against him as he starts to walk forward. He steps slowly down the dark hallway, as she limps along with him.

They get to the doorway of the bedroom and stop. Todd tosses the brace inside, then bends down, scooping Tea up in his arms. She smiles, resting her head on his shoulder as he carries her over to the bed and sets her down. She lies back, straightening her legs out and letting her head sink into the pillows. Todd pulls the blanket up over her legs, then walks over to his side of the bed and gets in.

He turns on his side, about to say something to her...

...but her eyes are closed. He shuts his mouth, and just looks at her. His eyes fall on her hand, unconsciously stroking her belly. He watches her lull herself to sleep with this comforting gesture, then lies down, getting as close to her as he can. He reaches out, placing his hand on top of hers...she stops moving, breathing slowly and deeply now. He stares at their intertwined hands, resting on her belly...thinking of the twins sleeping inside. He smiles a little smile as his eyelids grow heavier, and heavier...and finally close, as he drifts off into a peaceful sleep.


Todd's eyes open a little while later. He blinks himself awake, looking up at the's still dark. He rubs his eyes, and looks over at Tea, who's turned on her side, away from him. He sighs, turning over to look at the clock on the end table...3 AM. He sits up, stretching his neck, then gets up slowly. He walks around to the other side of the bed, quietly...then kneels down in front of Tea. He rests his head on his elbows, on the edge of the bed, and just stares at her peaceful, sleeping face.

He stares, and stares...and is suddenly hit with a pang of sadness, realizing he'll be getting on the jet in a few hours with Starr...and leaving her behind for a week. He didn't want to leave her, but it was the only way things would work out. Tea was so busy, between therapy, checkups for the pregnancy and her job. She needed an extra week just to go to all her appointments and finish up at work. Todd wasn't wild about leaving the Sun in Blair and Kelly's hands, either; but he had to go out and check on the construction of the new house in Montana...and more than anything, what he really DID want...was just to be AWAY from Llanview and everyone in it...with Tea and Starr...HIS family.

He reaches out, gently brushing her bangs aside. He grins to himself, thinking about how great it'll be when Tea finally gets out to the lake with them. Then he sighs heavily...realizing he has to get through an entire week without her days without her warmth, her laughter, her love. It wasn't until this past evening that he remembered just how hard that would be.

He remembers back to that awful time, right after their wedding, when she screamed at him to get out of her life...when he lost everything...and his world fell apart. He had blocked out most of the memories of his stay in the hospital in New York, as he was hardly ever himself while he was there. But the few times he was able to emerge, look around and see what was happening to him...he remembers thinking about how this was how it was all going to end for him...and wanting nothing else but to be with Starr...and with Tea. Actually, it was more than was a need...a need as basic as eating or sleeping. And to not be able to be with them, to not be able to fill that need...was just as damaging as if he starved himself to death.

He remembers back to when he first started his therapy in Montana with Joely...when he sent the key off to desperately he hoped she would come. But the months passed, and she never responded. He remembers how painful that was, second-guessing her, trying to interpret her silence from halfway across the country. He remembers how deeply it hurt him, when he finally admitted to himself that she probably wanted nothing more to do with him, ever again...when he realized that he would, most likely, never see her again...and would have to live with that unfulfilled, aching need...forever.

But then she DID come...and he remembers how amazing it was to actually lay eyes on her otherworldly she looked, standing in that magical light. Once he saw her, he knew for sure...that he could not risk doing ANYTHING to drive her away again. No matter how painful or how frightening it would be for him, he had to let her in, confide in her, trust her...because she was the one person who kept him grounded, sane...his lifeline...

...and if that line were ever cut again, he would surely die.

He closes his eyes for a moment, suddenly overcome with these realizations all over again. A million thoughts run through his head as he opens his eyes again and looks at her...but the foremost thought in his mind...

Before he even knows what he's doing, he leans forward and starts kissing her forehead. She inhales...then exhales deeply, stirring. Todd kisses her nose, then her lips as she opens her eyes, rolling onto her back. He reaches for her, cradling her face in his hands, kissing her hungrily. She smiles, still waking up...she pushes his hair back from his face, then pulls back from the kiss to look at him.

They look at each other...and she just starts giggling. She whispers to him as she plays with his hair.

"Breaktime over already?"

He crawls into bed with her, pushing her over. He hovers above her and just looks down, into her big brown eyes, sleepy and beautiful. He blinks at her, slowly. She smiles at him, smoothing his hair back. Then she furrows her brow, sensing his mood.

She whispers to him. "Querido...como estas?"

He struggles for the words, his voice soft and serious. "I don't wanna leave you, Tea...not even for a minute."

She melts into one of her famous smiles, still stroking his hair lovingly.

"I'll be out there before you know it."

He looks at her a moment, then lowers himself down on her, brushing her lips with his.

"I love you," he whispers, as he kisses her.

He growls low as he covers her, pushing her down. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him down with her. She opens her mouth to him, letting her tongue flick out and touch his. His hands start roaming over her, sliding up underneath her shirt, moving up over her tummy to her breasts. She breaks off from the kiss to look at him...then pushes herself up on her elbows, tossing her hair. Their foreheads touch as he caresses her breasts. She starts to breathe faster, reaching down and sliding a hand under the waistband of his boxers, pushing them down.

She starts giggling to herself, looking at him while sliding his boxers off at the same time.

"Why the hell did we get dressed," she says breathlessly, to no one in particular.

He grins back at her as the boxers get kicked off and she pulls his shirt up over his head. His hair spills out of the shirt, falling all over her face. He tosses his head and starts tugging at her clothes, pulling her boxers off and sliding her shirt up and off. Carefully, he nestles himself between her legs and starts to lower himself down on top of her...then stops, staring at her belly. She looks down, then back at him. She sighs, bringing a hand up and rubbing her growing paunch.

"I know...starting to get in the way, isn't it?"

He looks at her for a moment...then raises an eyebrow. She blinks at him, waiting. He takes her arms and wraps them around his neck...then rolls them over, gently, trying to be careful of her belly and her leg. His head sinks into the pillow as Tea rolls on top of him. She lies there a moment, smiling at him. Then she unwraps her arms, pushing herself up on her good leg. She moves her right leg around carefully, until she's sitting comfortably on top of him, straddling him. She leans forward and kisses him, gently tugging on his bottom lip. She smiles seductively as she starts to move down, kissing his neck...letting her tongue brush against him as she moves down his chest. He watches as she slides down lower...and lower...

She tips her head up to look at him, teasing him for a second. Then she rubs her face against him, licking her lips. Todd looks down and sees only her head...then almost has a heart attack when he suddenly feels himself inside her mouth. He sucks his breath in, overwhelmed by the paralyzing rush. Once the initial shock wears off, his body starts to move independently of his brain, thrusting into the wet heat of her mouth.

She hears him moaning, and smiles to herself as she starts letting her tongue stroke him slowly, just to drive him a little crazier. He sucks his breath in again, about ready to pass out from the incredible head rush...a dizzying fog he could just stay in forever. But still, more than anything, he wants to be inside her. His hand reaches down, and touches her hair...then circles around to her face, lifting it. She releases him and looks up. He reaches out with both hands and starts to pull her up.

She gives him an evil smile as she moves up, ever so slowly...she wipes her mouth as she stares at him. She can tell by his eyes that she has him totally and completely enslaved to her...a power trip she's finding incredibly arousing. She grins at him again, leaning down and kissing him lightly. His hands caress her back as she hovers above him, teasing him. She brushes her lips across his as he whispers, almost pleading with her...


She smiles gently...then pushes herself back, lowering herself down on him. She rocks her hips...and just like that, they sink into each other. They both close their eyes for a second. Tea starts swaying her hips, pulling them into a slow rhythm. Todd moans softly, dizzy with longing for her. He grabs her around the waist, holding her against him as he pushes against her, thrusting into her hard. She gasps, grabbing onto his arms for support. They grind hard and steady and she smiles to herself, finding it just as arousing to give up control and let him take her.

She feels him stiffening up...filling her up with those final thrusts. She arches her back, gasping for air as he comes. He releases his hold on her, collapsing, panting. She looks down at him, smiling, breathing hard herself. They both swallow, trying to catch their breath. Tea moves her behind back a little, sitting comfortably on top of him. They stare at each other as the room grows quiet again.

Completely in sync, they smile at each other, and both hold up three fingers.

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady