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The Longest Week 4

Todd's eyes open, slowly. He blinks, yawning, as he picks his head up off the pillow. Tea's not there. He pushes himself up on his elbows, still lying on his stomach. He looks around, and sees the clock on the night stand...6:30 AM.

He rolls over and sits up, rubbing his eyes. He groans a little as he stretches himself out, neck first, then arms. He gets up and throws his boxers back on, sloppily, as he shuffles out of the room. As he gets out into the hallway, he sniffs, smelling something really good. He grins slightly and walks into the bathroom, shutting the door.

Downstairs, Tea gulps down some orange juice as Starr digs a spoon into a bowl of cereal. Tea watches, smiling, as Starr takes one of the marshmallows out of the bowl and pretends to feed it to Fred the frog, who sits on the table in front of her. Then she pops it in her mouth, grinning at Tea.

Tea grins back, as she starts eating her eggs. "I didn't know Fred liked marshmallows."

Starr nods. "Fred'll eat anything."

Tea nods back, chewing...then cracks up. She chews some more, then swallows.

"Sounds like ME."

Starr giggles. "Did you REALLY eat ALL those tacos?"

Tea presses her lips together, making an embarrassed face. "Well, not ALL of 'em, but...a LOT of 'em."


"Well, I'm not just eating for myself anymore. What I eat has to feed these guys too," Tea says, pointing down to her belly.

"Ohhhh," Starr replies, shoveling some more cereal into her mouth.

There's a silence as the two of them eat. Tea finishes her eggs and gets up, limping over to the fridge on her good leg. She grabs the juice carton and hops back over to the table, pouring herself some more. She lowers herself back down in the chair, letting her braced leg stick out to the side. She sips her juice...then stops as she looks at Starr, who seems to be deep in thought.

"What's up, Starr?"

Starr crinkles her face, then looks at Tea, hesitating, not sure how to say what she wants to say. She looks away, stabbing the bottom of the cereal bowl with her spoon. Tea pushes her plate out of the way and leans on the table, closer to her.

"Come on, you can tell me."

Just then, Todd approaches the kitchen, all dressed, running a hand through his damp hair. He sees them, but they don't see him...he treads lightly, leaning on the doorsill and watching them. Starr sighs, still looking away...then speaks quietly, a little worried.

"Well...when the new babies and Daddy won't have anymore time for ME, right?"

Tea gapes a little, taken aback by her words. Standing silent in the doorway, Todd does the same thing.

Tea finally shakes her head. "Hey."

Starr looks up at her, sadly. Tea smiles, touching her chin gently.

"We'll always have time for YOU, Starr...ALWAYS. I love you...and your dad, well. You KNOW he loves YOU more than anything."

Starr nods...but is still wary. "'ll be so BUSY."

Tea sighs. "Well, you've got a point there. But that doesn't mean YOU'RE not important. I tell you what, though..."

She holds her hand out...and Starr puts her little hand in Tea's. In the doorway, Todd puts a hand to his mouth, taken aback by this sweet scene.

"...when the babies get here, and your dad and I are running around like crazy...if you EVER feel like we're forgetting about you, well, just TELL us."

Starr crinkles her brow again. "Really?"

Tea smiles, nodding. "Really. 'Cause you know what...we will be REALLY busy like you said, and sometimes we'll goof up and forget things."

Starr nods, starting to feel more at ease. "So I can remind you."

Tea nods back, pointing at her. "Absolutely."

Starr looks at her a moment, in very much the same way Todd does...then her face breaks out into a huge smile, her fears gone. She gets down from the chair and jumps on Tea, giving her a big hug. Tea laughs, squeezing her tightly and lifting her up.

Todd stands in the doorway, experiencing a million emotions at once...all of them good. He smiles, pulling something out of his pocket for Starr. He looks at it...a tiny, disposable camera. He looks at what's unfolding in front of him...and takes a deep breath, finally walking in. He holds the camera up and looks through.

"Everybody say...greeting card moment."

Tea and Starr both turn toward him, still wrapped around each other, cheek to cheek. Surprised, they smile...

...CLICK. Todd grins as he takes the picture, then advances it. Starr runs over to him, hugging his legs. He scoops her up, resting her on his hip. She grabs for the camera...he holds it away.

She giggles. "Ooooh a that for ME?"

Todd looks at her, still holding it away, teasingly. "Uh, he-LO, the magic word?"

Starr drops her arms, sighing. "May I have it, please?"

Todd and Tea exchange impressed glances...then Todd palms it, handing it to her like a platter. Starr giggles again, grabbing it. She immediately takes a picture of the table. They both crack up at her.

"Starr, what're you doin'?"

"I wanna picture of Fred," she replies, trying to take another one, but it won't expose.

She looks at it strangely. Tea sips her juice, looking up at them as Todd takes it from her, showing her the back of it.

"You gotta advance it after you take a picture, like this...turn the dial until it won't turn anymore. Then you can take another picture."

"Oh!" She grabs it back. "Thank you. Can I go upstairs and take some more pictures?"

"Sure," he says, putting her down. She grabs Fred off the table and starts to run out. Todd turns toward her.

"Don't use 'em all up..."

"I won't," she answers, running out into the living room.

"...and go through that toy box, too."

A distant voice answers. "Okay."

Todd cracks up again, as he sits down where Starr was. Tea gulps the rest of her juice, looking at him.

"You shoulda heard what she was saying a minute ago."

Todd picks a marshmallow off of Starr's unfinished cereal, popping it in his mouth. "I heard."

Tea sits back in the chair, then laughs to herself. "I was kinda wondering when she might start feeling left out."

Todd pops another marshmallow, looking at her. "Well I'd say you took care of that, Delgado."

She smiles at him, shrugging. "I hope so. But you'd better talk to her about it too, y'know, while you guys are out there by yourselves..I think she really needs to hear it from YOU, too."

He nods, polishing off the last marshmallow and getting up, taking the bowl over to the sink. Tea stretches, yawning, as he clears the rest of the dishes off the table. She rubs her head, ruffling her hair.

"Mmmm...thanks," she says, yawning again, as she gets up and sits on the edge of the table, facing him as he leans on the sink.

He looks at his watch, sighing. She smiles at him, tiredly. He steps forward, hands in his pockets.

"Almost time to go."

"I know," she whispers, reaching up and smoothing his hair back. He looks down at her, blinking slowly.

"Tell me again how you'll be out there before I know it..."

She laughs, cradling his face and tilting his head down, until it touches hers. She closes her eyes.

"I'll be out there before you know it."

He speaks softly, mostly to himself, shutting his eyes too. "It's only seven days."

She smiles, eyes still closed. "Right...only seven days."

He takes a deep breath...and smells the mixture of soap, shampoo and warmth...and feels that familiar pang again. He opens his eyes, grabs her face and kisses her in one quick move. She moves her hands down his chest, wrapping her arms around his waist. He takes in another deep breath of her and starts kissing her harder, hungrier now. She responds, sucking on his lip...then she feels herself getting pushed down.

She puts an elbow down on the table to stop them. Todd starts breathing heavier, kissing her neck, tugging on the tie holding her bathrobe closed. Tea bites her lip, checking the doorway...then starts giggling.

"Todd, WHAT are you doing...she could be back down here any second," she whispers.

His breath spills out hot into her ear. "Goin' for four."

She laughs loudly, then covers her mouth quickly. She feels him pushing her robe open, then feels his hands moving all over her. She bites her lip again, breathing a little faster now. She checks the doorway again, then turns to face him...he immediately covers her mouth with his, pushing her all the way down onto the table. The brace makes a weird clatter as it catches on the edge of the table.

Tea cracks up. Todd grins at her, shaking his head as he reaches down, pulling the velcro ties and loosening the brace, releasing her leg. He removes it and lets it drop on the floor. She moves her hand down and starts undoing his fly...the buttons pop...she reaches in and down through the boxers, rubbing him. He makes a low, growling noise, kissing her hard and deeply. He moves down over her chin and neck, pushing her robe open and sucking on one of her breasts. She gasps, tilting her head back. He moves farther down, kissing her belly...then moves farther down, getting on his knees...

Before she knows it, she's gasping for air again, feeling the rush of him stroking her with his tongue. She looks down at him...then over at the door, quickly. No sign of Starr yet. She starts to moan, and bites her lip, not wanting to make noise. She grabs Todd's hair and holds on tightly as he goes deeper, sending shock waves through her. She pushes against him, arching her back....and can't prevent a few moans from escaping as an intense orgasm takes her over.

He feels her tense body collapse suddenly...he stands up, putting himself between her legs. She looks up at him, trying to catch her breath, as he pulls her down to the edge of the table. They both glance at the doorway quickly. Then she wraps her legs around him carefully, as he lowers himself down, hooking an arm under her and thrusting, penetrating her. He sucks his breath in, as does she. He covers her face with sloppy, wet kisses, then pulls away slightly, gazing at her as they move together. She smiles at him, pushing his hair out of her face.

"I love you, Tea...I love you so much..." he whispers breathlessly, hovering above her lips.

She smiles, biting her lip again as he thrusts harder. "I love YOU..."

She cradles his face in her hands, their lips brushing against each other. " make me so happy, Todd..."

He shuts his eyes, hearing those sweet words, and feeling himself on the verge. She pulls him back down and kisses him deeply...covering his mouth with hers to keep each other quiet, as he comes...they both break off from the kiss, moaning softly as his body relaxes. They lie there, sprawled out on the table, panting.

After a moment, Todd rubs his cheek against her collarbone, holding her tightly.

"I don't think I can go a whole week without you."

She smiles, playing with his hair. "You and Starr'll be having so much fun, you won't even know it's passed."

He picks his head up, sighing heavily...he looks at her a moment, then looks down at her stomach. He brings a hand up and rubs it gently. She puts her hand on top of his...they look at each other and smile.

Just then, the phone starts ringing out in the living room. Todd rolls his eyes.

Tea cracks up. "And so the boinkfest officially ends."

Todd moves in quick and kisses her. "Never. We're just on break again," he says, tugging on her lip.

She laughs...he stands up and runs out to the living room while trying to pull his pants up at the same time. Tea laughs harder, at how silly he looks. She ruffles her hair, pushing herself up. She stands up on her good leg, pulling her robe shut and tying it. She reaches down for the brace and starts to put it back on.

Starr comes bounding down the stairs to answer the phone as Todd runs into the living room, disheveled. He grabs the phone as she runs up. She stops, giving him a strange look.

"Yeah," he yells into the phone. "Uh-huh...oh, right...yeah...great. Yeah, we'll, uh...we'll be there. Uh-huh. Yeah, fine."

He punches the phone off and runs a hand through his hair. He sees Starr, just standing there in front of him, looking at him, arms folded.

He shrugs. "What?"

She cocks an eyebrow at him. "Daddy, what were you DOING? You look all sloppy now."

He does a take, then stands there, gaping, trying to think of something to say. Tea comes out just then, limping over to him. She looks between him and Starr, amused.

"Uh...I...I was just...uh..."

He and Tea exchange glances. She tries to stifle her laugh.

"...just uh, y'know...saying goodbye to Tee."

Starr looks between them, squinting. Then she suddenly nods, knowingly.


Todd and Tea exchange glances again, then he runs over to her, scooping her up and changing the subject.

"Plane ride before the plane ride!"

Tea laughs as he runs up the stairs with Starr hanging out of his arms, her little arms spread out like wings, squealing and giggling.


Todd comes back in after loading up the car. Starr sits on Tea's knee holding Fred, as Tea braids her hair. She ties it off and pats Starr's shoulders.

"All set."

Starr touches the braid and smiles, then jumps off her knee and grabs her backpack off the floor, shoving Fred into it. Todd walks up to her and touches her head.

"Ready to go?"

She nods, tossing the backpack over her shoulder. He nods back, tipping his head toward Tea. Starr runs over and jumps on Tea, grabbing her around the neck. Tea wraps her arms around her, giving her a loud, smacking kiss.

"Bye, Tee," Starr says softly, then kisses her on the cheek.

Tea holds Starr away from her, straightening her bangs. "See ya next week."

Starr nods, as Todd kneels down next to her. Tea smiles at him, wistfully. Starr steps back a little, as Todd moves in and wraps his arms around Tea, hugging her tightly. Tea strokes his hair lovingly, rubbing her face in it as she whispers to him.

"Call me, okay?"

He sighs, his face buried in her neck. He whispers into her ear softly. "I...I miss you already."

She closes her eyes for a second, then pulls away. They look at each other for a moment.

Starr watches, smiling, as Todd leans back in to kiss Tea. Starr covers her mouth, giggling. Todd shoots her a look, then shakes his head at her. Tea laughs as he reaches out, covering her eyes for a second. Starr giggles harder, trying to pull his hand away, as Todd moves in quick and kisses Tea, deeply, passionately. Tea cradles his face in her hands...then pulls away, sucking on his bottom lip. Todd's hand drops away from Starr's face, and she watches, fascinated, as they look at each other with sleepy, drunken eyes for a moment. Then Tea sniffs, shaking it off, and runs her thumb over Todd's lips, brushing them off.

"Better get goin'...don't wanna be late."

Todd lingers on her face for a few more seconds...then glances down. He sighs as he gets up. Then he holds his hand out to Starr, who steps up to him and grabs it, adjusting her backpack. Todd and Starr exchange looks, then he gestures toward the door, and starts to lead her away. Starr looks over her shoulder as she walks out.

Tea waves at her. Starr smiles. "Don't eat too many tacos, Tee!"

Tea laughs, watching as Todd opens the door, letting Starr out ahead of him.

"Shorty, go push the elevator button."

"'kay," she says, running out into the hall.

Tea stands up off the couch, looking at him...she smiles and waves. Todd leans against the door for a second, looking back at her. Then swiftly and suddenly, he moves back across the room, grabs her and kisses her again. She reaches up, wrapping her arms around his neck. They hold the kiss until they're both out of breath...then Tea pulls back a little, whispering to him as she giggles.

"Only seven days, querido."

Their heads touch. Todd cradles her face in his hands, moving in for another kiss...

"Daddy! Elevator's coming! Hurry up!" Starr yells, from outside.

Todd sighs. "I love you," he says, low and soft.

Tea pushes his hair back behind his ears. "I love you get outta here."

He grins...kisses her one last time...then breaks away and runs out, shutting the door behind him.

Tea stands in the living room, the elevator bell as they get on, and Starr babbling excitedly. She hears the doors close...then it's quiet again. She wraps her arms around herself, staring wistfully at the suddenly empty space around her. She sighs, her arms moving down around her belly. She rubs her tummy and smiles.

"Guess it's just us for a while, huh?"

She sighs again, then turns, slowly making her way up the stairs.

Todd helps Starr buckle herself into the front seat, then starts the car. He stops, suddenly bothered by a weird feeling. Starr looks up at him, questioningly.

"You okay?"

Todd drums his fingers on the steering wheel. "Uh-huh, just...thought I might've forgotten something," he answers, distracted.

Starr settles into the seat, folding her hands neatly in front of her, waiting. Todd thinks for another moment, but can't seem to pin it down. Finally, he shrugs it off, buckling himself in. He throws it in reverse and backs out, the tires squealing as he peels out of the parking garage.

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady