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The Longest Week 6

Tea comes out of the bathroom, limping back over to the couch. She sits down, looking all around Carlotta's living room, where she's been sleeping most of the afternoon. She glances out the window, and sees how dark it's gotten.

Her cell phone starts ringing, making her jump a little. She reaches into her purse and picks it up, yawning.


"Don't tell me you've been sleeping all day," a staticky, faraway voice says.

She smiles, feeling the immediate calming effect of Todd's voice. " at Joely's yet?"

Todd manuevers his rented jeep up the dirt road leading to the Atherton Foundation, as Starr lies passed out in the backseat.

"I'm gettin' there..." he replies, holding the phone between his head and neck. He shifts around uncomfortably, trying to talk and drive at the same time.

"...y'know, it is SUCH a pain in the ass trying to drive and hold this phone."

Tea laughs. "Then why are you calling me NOW, silly? Either pullover or call me back."


She hears him futzing around for a moment...Todd brakes, slowing down and finally stopping in the middle of the road. He throws it in park and grabs the phone, settling in the seat.

"There, that's better."

"Are you pulled over?"

"No, I just went off a cliff...DUH."

She cracks up as she leans back on the cushions. "Oh, well, excuse the hell outta me. How was the flight?"

He turns around and glances at Starr, curled up in the backseat, snoozing away.

"Long. Boring," he says, yawning. "Who'd have thought you could get so damned tired just sitting on a plane?"

Tea smiles, sadly, missing him. She fingers the piping on her track pants, not saying anything for a moment.

Todd listens to the silence, and feels the emptiness there. "You alright?"

Tea says nothing at first...not wanting to worry him or ruin his good mood. But raging hormones and knowing he's not there is pushing her to tears.


She sniffles, the tears start streaming down her cheeks. She sighs heavily.

He sits up, hearing her crying. "What? What is it?"

She wipes her face on her shirt, sniffling again. "Oh, it's nothing serious, it's just that...I...I saw Roseanne today when I got over here."

His brow creases. "Uh-huh..."

Tea grabs a pillow and clutches it. "She, uh...she HATES me, Todd. She really does."

"And...and what, this is news to you? I coulda told you that."

"No-no-no, this is...different. I mean, I know she doesn't think much of me, and that's fine, I can deal with that. I can deal with her usual snide remarks, but...what she said to me today...was just so..."

"What?" he asks, growing more concerned.

Tea bites her lip, remembering. "...horrible. That's the only way I can describe it."

Todd sits waiting a moment, then he rolls his eyes impatiently. "Well spit it out, Delgado...what'd she say?"

Tea takes a deep breath, knowing what she tells him will most likely set him off. Then she shrugs.

"Carlotta was saying how neat it was that I was having twins...and Roseanne says, 'oh great...just what the world needs...two more of TODD'S offspring populating the planet'..."

Todd does a take at that.

"...then she asked me how I felt, knowing I was going to have the children of a 'schitzoid rapist'..."

He gapes slightly...then sniffs, running his tongue along the inside of his mouth, his blood starting to boil. Tea sniffles, wiping more tears away, still feeling the sting of Roseanne's words.

"...and THEN, she preceded to tell me how the life I'd chosen was more embarrassing than coming from a poor family...and how the twins would be nothing but constant reminders of what a screwup I am..."

He shuts his eyes, enraged...and deeply affected, feeling how hurt she is.

"...but how it was all fine, 'cause I'd get to spend the rest of my life wondering if our kids are gonna turn out to be..."

She grabs the bridge of her nose, rubbing her eyes...not wanting to complete the thought.

"...nuts," Todd finishes, eyes still closed.

Tea nods, sniffling. "You see what I mean? It's like...WHERE did THAT come from? She's never been like that before. I was so shocked, I-I couldn't even say anything. I mean, she really got me GOOD."

Helpless, he vents on the steering wheel, punching it. Then he takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself, knowing there's really nothing he can do right now.

"I'm sorry. I wish I was still there, I'd...I'd kick her scrawny little butt."

Tea smiles a little, swallowing hard. There's another silence for a moment. Todd stares out the windshield at the woods around him.

"You're not buying IN to any of that, are you?"

She wipes her face again. "What do you mean?"

Todd shifts around in the seat, looking back at Starr again. "I mean, you're not scared that...that the kids'll be...y''d she put it...schitzoid?"

Tea sighs, closing her eyes. "No. It never even entered my mind until she brought it up..."

Then she tips her head back, resting it on the back of the couch and stretching.

"...and y'know something, now that I think about it, it's a good thing I didn't scream back. I mean, it wasn't even worth responding to, the idea is just so ludicrous."

Todd stares down at his wedding band. "Is it?" he asks softly.

Tea sighs again. " is."

He keeps staring at the band, his mind drifting. "...dunno, I mean...maybe the little wench has a point."

"Todd...don't...don't do that. Don't even think it..."

Silence on the other end...she sits up straight.

"...well, I mean...just look at Starr...she's all the proof we need. She is absolutely perfect. Now you've had a hard life, you've made mistakes...but you've paid for them, and then some. And even when you were at your worst, you loved her...and she knew it. Starr's about as stable as a kid gets. So why would we have to worry about the wonder twins?"

Todd turns and looks at his daughter, still sleeping peacefully, sprawled out all over the backseat. He smirks, knowing Tea's right...he nods, then turns back, sighing.

"Yeah...yeah..." he agrees, softly...then cracks up. "Hey, wait...thought *I* was supposed to be comforting YOU."

She smiles, wistful. "You are. Just hearing your voice is wonderful."

He smiles too, just as wistful. "I miss you."

Tears start rolling down her cheeks again. "I miss YOU," she whispers.

"Tell me again..."

She cracks up, as she wipes her face. "I'll be out there before you know it."

He nods, eyes closed. Then he opens them, sitting up straight. "Only seven days."

"Right...well, actually, it's more like six...or would that be five? No, I think it's six..."

He smirks as he goes to shift back into drive. "Whatever. I'm hanging up now."

She giggles. "Chau, querido."

"Uh-huh. Oh, wait--"


"Don't worry about Roseanne, Delgado...she's not worth it."

Tea smiles, nodding. "I know it. Call me later."


Click. Tea sighs, rubbing the phone against her forehead for a moment. Just then, Carlotta walks in.

"Oh, she's up."

Tea turns toward her, taking a deep breath, trying to pull herself together. "Hey. All done?"

Carlotta walks over to the couch and sits down, rubbing Tea's shoulder. "Yeah, it was pretty slow, so I closed up. And now I can spend my evening with you."

Tea smiles, sadly. Carlotta sees the tear tracks on her cheeks, and reaches out, wiping her face.

"Oh, Tea, I'm so sorry about Roseanne..."

"Nothing to be sorry can't control her."

"But she was so out of line. Wish Enrique'd been here to hear all that, he would've set her straight."

Tea sniffs, pulling out her ponytail and shaking her hair loose. "Yeah, well...she's her own person. If that's what she thinks, then...fine. I'm through trying to get back on her good side, 'cause obviously there's NOTHING I can say or do that'll make any difference. She hates me now and she'll always hate me...plain and simple. I just can't believe she was so disrespectful to YOU."

Carlotta shakes her head, but says nothing. Tea leans in closer to her.

"You don't have pretend to be happy for me, you know."

Carlotta sighs, reaching out again and touching her chin. "Hmmm...variations on a theme. You know how many times we've had this same conversation?"

Tea thinks a moment...then laughs to herself, nodding. "Too damned many."

Carlotta places her hand on hers. "Look, Tea...I'm just glad you're still HERE. The fact that you made it out of that wreck is a miracle. And to have not just one, but TWO children on the another miracle. And no matter what I might think of Todd, I can't argue with the peace...and the contentment I see in your face."

Tea smiles as Carlotta hugs her, rubbing her back, and whispering to her.

"YOU'RE happy, mija, and THAT'S all that matters...not what *I* think...and certainly not what Roseanne thinks."

Tea squeezes her, then lets go...there's a silence as she finger combs her hair, then pulls it back up, fastening the ponytail.

She sighs. "Right. I'm just gonna forget everything she said...and I'm gonna eat."

Carlotta smiles. "Oh, God, you MUST be haven't eaten all afternoon."

Tea's eyes widen. "I AM! Um...could I, uh...trouble you for a ride to the supermarket?"

Carlotta gets up, holding a hand out for Tea to grab onto. She takes it, and Carlotta pulls her up.

"Pickles and ice cream?"

Tea groans. "Ewww, no...not the pickles, anyway...although, I COULD go for ice cream."

"That's not dinner is it?" Carlotta asks, handing Tea her crutches.

"Well, no. But...hmm...I dunno...guess I'll have to see what the guys say when we get there. They'll tell me what to get."

"The guys?"

Tea smiles, shrugging. "Yeah, that's what I call them sometimes. I don't know why, either."

Carlotta laughs as she grabs her purse and keys. "You know, I REALLY can't see Todd doing this...running all over town to get your food."

Tea giggles, as she makes her way to the door. "Well, he's not too thrilled about having to drive twenty miles just to get Taco Bell. But...he gets paid VERY well."

Carlotta covers her mouth, laughing harder as she opens the door. Tea skips out on the crutches as Carlotta hits the lights and shuts the door behind them.


Later that night, a car makes its way through one of the many abandoned dock sections along the Hudson River, its headlights illuminating the dark, deserted, scummy area. It stops as it reaches one of the smaller warehouses...the lights shut off and the car fades into the darkness for a second. Then it suddenly lights up again, as the dome lights inside come on...two figures exit the car on either side. The doors shut, and the figures are plunged into darkness.

Dean and Roseanne make their way over to a small door in the warehouse wall. Roseanne looks around worriedly as Dean shines a small flashlight on the door, illuminating the padlock. He digs in his pocket for the key, then hands Roseanne the light.

"Here, hold this."

She takes the flashlight, shining it on the door as Dean puts the key in. The lock clunks open...he takes it off and opens the door. Roseanne shudders a little at the darkness beyond the doorway. Dean grabs the flashlight from her and steps through. She looks around again, then follows him in...

...only to stop in her tracks, completely disoriented by the darkness and not seeing the flashlight beam.


No answer. She wraps her arms around herself, getting nervous. "Dean?!"

She almost jumps out of her skin when the overhead lights suddenly come on with a CLUNK, and a loud hum. She whirls around, and sees Dean standing against the far wall, next to the main light switch, laughing at her.

She lets out her fear in one breath, giving him the evil eye. "Yeah, laugh it up."

He strolls over to her, swinging the flashlight casually. She glares at him...he just smiles back. Then he wraps his arms around her shoulders, standing behind her and hugging her. She lets out another breath, calming down. Dean whispers in her ear, looking all around.

"So...what do you think?"

Roseanne glances around the warehouse, which has been set up as a dismal-looking, makeshift house...a couple of army cots, a table and some chairs. She makes a face, not at all thrilled with the accomodations.

"It's certainly...uh...minimalist."

He laughs as he lets her go. "Well, I couldn't very well rent the penthouse at the Ritz-Carlton, now could I?"

She turns around to look at him. "I know, but...why HERE? This place is SCARY, man."

He leans down, getting in her face. "That's the IDEA, Rosie. These docks are absolutely deserted, which is exactly what we need."

She folds her arms. "Yeah, well, I'M the one who has to stay here ALONE. I mean, does this place even HAVE a bathroom?"

"Like I'd really put us in a place with no toilet. Rosie, you'll be fine, really...just use your head. Stay put, don't go wandering around."

She shakes her head. He cocks an eyebrow. "What, you got a problem with this now?"

She runs her tongue along the inside of her cheek....then sighs, glancing down. She shakes her head again, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Guess I'm just nervous."

Dean eyes her for a moment, then glances away, feeling himself losing patience with her. He takes a deep breath, and lifts her chin.

"Don't be nervous. Just think, by the end of this week...we'll both be rich...and FAAAAR away from here," he says, low and calm.

She grins...then nods. "Right."

He puts an arm around her and starts to lead her out. "C'mon, let's go."

They walk back to the door. Dean shuts the lights off and locks up...then they head back to the car and make the drive back to Manhattan.


The next morning, Todd sits on the porch of Joely's guest house, sipping from a mug of coffee. He watches Starr, running around the grassy area in front of the house with her arms spread out wide, pretending she's a plane. She runs past him and flashes him a cheesy, toothy smile. He cracks up at her and waves, as she continues on her route. He looks toward the main house and sees Joely, walking down the path toward him, carrying her tea. Starr "flies" past her and waves.

"Hi Joely!"

Joely smiles at her and waves back. "Hallo, Starr...where are you off to?"

"I don't know..." Starr yells, as she continues in her big loop. "...where should I go?"

Joely laughs as she gets to the porch. Todd scoots over, making room for her to sit down. She sits down and takes a sip, thinking.

"Hmmm...why don't you go to England? Pick me up some decent tea?"

Starr comes back around, stopping in front of the porch, out of breath. "Oh. I don't think I can fly to England. I'm tired."

Todd and Joely exchange smiles. Then Todd reaches out, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Why dontcha take some more pictures? We promised your mom, remember?"

Starr catches her breath finally, then nods. "Okay," she says, stepping between them and hopping up the steps, running inside.

Todd and Joely look at each other and smile again. There's a silence as they both sip from their mugs. Then the screen door slams and Starr comes bounding out, back down the steps between them. She gets to the bottom and turns around, with Fred hanging out of one hand and aiming the camera with the other.

"Say cheese!"

CLICK. Todd rolls his eyes at her. "Not of pictures of ME...your mom sees ME all the time."

Starr lets out an exasperated breath. "I wasn't taking a picture of YOU. I was taking a picture of JOELY," she says.

Todd does a take at his daughter's very adult-sounding voice. Joely cracks up. Todd shakes his head at Starr, grinning.

"Oh. Well okay then. Carry on."

Starr runs off into the grass, looking for things to take pictures of. Todd yells after her.

"Stay where I can see you!"

She nods and sits down in the grass, looking through the viewfinder at the wildflowers. Todd watches her for a moment, then gulps down the rest of his coffee. He turns and leans against the railing, facing Joely, who's leaned up against the opposite railing.

"So...what's up, Doc?" he asks, cracking himself up.

Joely rolls her eyes. "Oh. If I had a pound for every person who's said that to me..."

Todd runs a hand through his hair. "Sorry, I just had to do that. Seriously,'ve you been?"

She tips her head back and forth. "Alright, I guess. I get these splintering headaches occasionally, but...other than that, I'm fine. I've missed you and Tea, I can't tell you how glad I am we're going to be neighbors."

Todd grins, glancing off to the side, then back. "Yeah, I, uh...I wanted to, uh...thank you for letting me and Shorty crash here."

She brushes it off. "I couldn't be happier that you're both here...and I'm so honored to finally meet Starr..."

Joely smiles, looking at Starr, sitting in the grass. "...she's quite something, Todd...she really is. I love her already."

She looks at Todd, who's got a proud look on his face. They sit in silence for a moment...then Joely gets up.

"Well, my nine o'clock should be here soon. I'll see you both later."

He nods...then suddenly speaks up. "Uh, wait...Doc?"

She turns around. He stands up, stepping over to her, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I was you think you could, uh...think you could maybe be therapist again?

She looks at him strangely. "Oh...well, I thought things were going well with Dr. Hoffman."

Todd struggles, looking for the words. "Oh, no, he's cool. But, uh...I figured, y'know, since me and Delgado'll be living here part of the year, that, uh...I could know."

Joely thinks a moment, then sighs. "Well, honestly, Todd...I really SHOULDN'T be your therapist anymore. You and I...we're friends now. So I'm no longer objective about your case."

He kicks the dirt, looking down. "Eh...hell with that. You know my head better than *I* do..."

She smiles as he looks up, his voice low. "...well, I mean, if you can't, that's cool,'s just that...I feel like...I can tell you things, y'know?"

Joely reaches out and touches his arm gently. "Like what?"

He sighs, glancing over at Starr, then back at her. "Well, like this weird feeling I've been having the last couple of days...since I came out here. It's really starting to get on my nerves."

She looks at him intently, listening. He tries to put it into words. "It's really I FORGOT something, or...I left something behind that I shouldn't have. I'm...I'm starting to get worried."

Joely nods. "Hmmm. Maybe you're just worried about leaving Tea alone. This is the first time you've been separated in a long time, isn't it?"

He raises an eyebrow, then nods, agreeing. She pats his arm. "That's probably it. I bet the feeling goes away as soon as she gets here."

Just then, a car clears the woods and pulls up to the main house. They look over, and Joely starts back for the house.

"Oh...I have to go. Don't worry, Todd, I'm sure that's all it is. Call her...that should make you feel better. We'll talk later," she says, backing up.

He nods again, running a hand through his hair. Joely smiles, then sprints back to the house. Todd sighs heavily, kicking the dirt around a little. He looks around, figuring she's probably right...but somehow, it's not comforting him. Still, he can't think of a better explanation. He shrugs it off, then heads over to sit in the grass with Starr for a while.

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady