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The Longest Week 7

It's about five PM in the district attorney's office. Tea looks up from her paperwork and drops her pen, rubbing her eyes. She sighs, and decides to take a break for a minute, sitting back in the chair and blowing the bangs up off her face. She grabs a folder and starts fanning herself as she closes her eyes, rubbing her belly soothingly. It only takes a few seconds of this to make her sleepy...her head starts to drop...

...when the phone rings. She jumps a little, then slowly reaches over and grabs the phone.


"Hey...whas'up, girl?"

Tea grins, falling back in the seat again. "Hey, RJ. What's goin' on?"

Over at Indigo, RJ wipes the bar down as he talks on the phone. "Just checkin' in. I WAS hoping to see you before you disappear into militia-land all summer."

She giggles. "Yep, that's me, off to become a militia mama. Ohhh...I gotta tell ya, RJ, right now...I can't WAIT to disappear into the woods for a couple of months. Todd's gone already...I'm so jealous."

"Well, how 'bout dinner tonight?"

She leans forward, her eyes scanning across her desk. "...ugh...I probably SHOULD stay and try to get some more of this endless paperwork done."

RJ leans on the bar. "Oh, come on...don't expectant mothers have to eat...a LOT?"

She smiles. "Well, THIS expectant mother sure does. Ohhh...okay, you talked me into it."

RJ laughs. "See, just bring up the IDEA of food and you cave."

" know me too well. So where are we going?"

"Dunno...figured you'd tell me. You probably have all those weird cravings, right?"

Tea raps her fingers on the desk, thinking. " know...I think I could just go for burgers. Oh, and a big, FAT milkshake. Ohhh, yeah. THAT sounds heavenly."

RJ stands up, stretching. "Now you're talkin'. So what time should I pick you up?"

She looks at her watch. "Well...why dontcha give me like, an hour? That'd give me time to get some more work done."

"You got it. See ya in an hour."

"Okay, bye," Tea says, as she hangs up.


Starr wanders slowly around a room filled with beautifully crafted, handmade wooden furniture. She looks at everything carefully, enjoying the pleasant scents of the different woods mixing together. She pokes her head out from behind a big dresser and sees her dad, sitting on a small stool by the owner's desk. He sees her and grins. She grins back and disappears behind the dresser, continuing her little adventure.

Fred the frog dangles out of her hand as she makes her way through the dressers and moves toward the back of the store, which is basically the owner's woodshop, a small warehouse-type building with the back end open. She can see their jeep, the owner's car, and the woods beyond. She turns her attention back to the furniture...

...and gasps. Right in front of her, sits a huge dollhouse that's been made into a headboard for a child's bed. She gapes in awe as she walks up to it, completely entranced. She breaks into a huge smile as she looks at all the mini-furniture in the rooms. She glances over to Todd, but can't see him from where she is. She looks back and reaches out, gently touching the tiny kitchen table and chairs.

The shopkeeper waves Todd over to where he is. Todd walks over and sees what he's there to pick up...two gorgeous mahogany cradles, exquisitely detailed and finished. The shopkeeper stands by them, proudly.

"Well, here they are. What do you think?"

Todd seems to drift off for a second as he touches one of them, smelling the wood and feeling the slickness of the shellac. He pushes on it lightly, and it starts to swing gently, back and forth. He smirks, amazed at the level of emotion he's experiencing just looking at furniture.

He laughs to himself, then looks up at the shopkeeper, nodding. "They're...they're, uh...beautiful...really beautiful."

The shopkeeper beams. "Thanks. Yeah, I enjoy making the cradles the best, I think."

Todd's brow crinkles. "Why?"

The shopkeeper thinks a moment...then shrugs. "Hmmm...dunno, really...guess maybe it's 'cause of what they'll be holding, y'know?"

Todd tips his head slightly, taking that in. The shopkeeper looks at him questioningly.

"These gonna be your first, Mr. Manning?"

He shakes his head. "My second...AND third, I guess...but, I, uh...I wasn't around to see my first get here."

The shopkeeper nods, grinning. "Oh, that cute little girl yours?"

Todd nods back, looking behind him. He looks around...and finally spots Starr, standing in front of the dollhouse like it was a shrine.

The shopkeeper laughs. "Uh-oh, she spotted the dollhouse."

Todd looks back at him, then jerks a thumb toward Starr. "I'd better go see what she's up to."

"So these are okay, then?"

Todd grins, looking at the twin cradles, nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, they're great. Thanks."

The shopkeeper starts to walk back to the desk. "Okay, well...let me write these up and get 'em crated for ya."

"Cool," Todd says, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking over to Starr.

He watches her as he walks up to her, quietly. She's so busy playing with the mini-furniture, she doesn't even hear him. He smiles as he squats down beside her. Finally, she sees him out of the corner of her eye, and looks at him, smiling.

"Daddy, LOOK..." she says, excitedly, as she holds out a tiny rocking chair, swaying back and forth on her palm.

Todd tosses his hair, then holds out a hand. She giggles, taking the rocking chair and placing it on his palm. Todd looks at the tiny toy chair and grins as it rocks back and forth. He looks at Starr, who's got the biggest, most hopeful smile on her face. He looks up at the dollhouse, eyeing it, thinking... ...then he looks back at her. "'re gonna need a headboard for your bed here anyway."

She gapes, eyes wide...then starts jumping up and down, thrilled. "YAY!!! I'm gonna have a dollhouse!!"

Todd cracks up at her, putting the little chair back and looking around as her voice booms all over the shop.

"Starr, c'mon...get a grip," he says, laughing at the same time.

She starts giggling non-stop, jumping on him and hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Daddy!"

He shuts his eyes as Starr hugs him, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on hers.


Tea flops back on the sofa in the penthouse, sucking on her milkshake...she looks over at RJ, who's slurping his soda. They look at each other and laugh. RJ stares at Tea's belly, shaking his head. She cocks an eyebrow at him.

"What, do I look THAT bad?"

RJ laughs again, finishing his soda. He shakes his head as he puts the cup down on the floor, then sits back against the big cushions.

Tea stares at him, waiting, as he continues to shake his head. Finally, she pops the straw out of her mouth, shrugging.


"Who'd have thought...Tea Delgado, mommy of the year?"

She cracks up, wiping her mouth. "Oh, I KNOW. Weird, huh?"

"Actually...I'd say it looks good on ya."

She does a take at that, a little breathless from the complement. She smiles at him...then crinkles her nose, questioningly.


He nods. "Yeah."

She smiles wider. "Ohhh...I just wanted to make sure I heard you right, I mean, I'm pregnant...and I'm wearing the world's UGLIEST leg brace. I sure don't FEEL very lovely."

RJ shrugs. "...but you're happy."

She thinks a moment...then nods in agreement. "Mmmm."

"And that's what makes you so beautiful, girl."

She blushes as she takes another sip of shake. He lingers on her a moment...then checks his watch. He makes a face, sighing.

"Gettin' late...I gotta get back," he says, standing up. Tea pouts. He grins, holding his hands out to her.

She puts her shake down and grabs them as he pulls her up. They smile at each other...then Tea hugs him tightly.

"I'll see ya in August," she says softly, resting her head against his long braids.

RJ closes his eyes a second, feeling a tightening in his chest as he holds her close. He treasured...and dreaded...these moments when he could touch her, knowing he would always be a little in love with her. But he also knew she could never return it, and this always made him sad. He kisses her on the cheek, then releases her, holding her away.

"Watch out for the bears."

She laughs, loudly and obnoxiously. He cracks up too, then holds an arm out for her to grab on to. She takes it, and they make their way over to the door, slowly.

"You gonna be okay by yourself?"

She nods. "Yeah, I'm fine...just takes me a little longer to get where I'm going these days."

He laughs a little at that...then steps out into the hall. He turns around one more time, smiling and waving. Tea smiles back, leaning on the door...then she waves as she closes it quietly.


Roseanne's steps echo, as she walks in the shadows of the warehouse, out of the lamp's reach. Dean sits at the table, futzing with a palmcorder. He turns it on, and gets up, looking at the tiny screen as it focuses. He starts walking around the space, looking at everything through the monitor. He spots Roseanne and makes his way over to her.

She turns around and sees him with the video camera. Dean laughs at her, watching her roll her eyes on the monitor.

"Smile,'re on TV. Wow, I can hardly see you, it's so dark over here."

She gives him a dirty look. He looks up at her, finally, turning the camera off.

"Well, you're cranky. Didya get the tape?"

She looks at him another moment, then nods, unenthusiastically.

"Good," he says, then checks his watch. He clicks his tongue. "Hmm. Better get goin'."

He walks back over to the table, putting the camera down. Roseanne follows him, sitting down on one of the chairs.

"How're you gonna get her out of the hotel? I mean, you can't carry her out through the lobby."

Dean reaches behind him and grabs his gun. He gives her a dirty look.

"DUH. I'll be taking the service elevator, and smuggling her out through the delivery entrance."

She watches him, nervously, as he unloads the magazine of his 9mm, checking it. He slaps it back in, then tucks it in the back of his belt. She looks up at him, her voice uneasy.

"Not gonna hurt her, are you?"

He looks at her strangely, then squats down in front of her, sighing impatiently.

"Yeah, actually, I thought I'd just go on over there and beat her to a pulp."

She rolls her eyes. He turns her face to look at him. "Y'know, Rosie, your confidence in me is staggering. Now, let's think about this a moment, shall we? What GOOD would it do if I roughed her up, hmmm? None, that's what. So, do me a favor...just do what I ask you to do, and don't worry your pretty little head about anything else, got it?"

They stare each other down for a moment...then she nods. She looks away for a second.

"When will you be back?"

He continues to stare at her for another few seconds, making sure she's back in line. Then he sniffs, looking at his watch.

"Well...wouldn't think I'd be later than 3 or 4," he says, standing up. He grabs a small bag off the table and heads over to the door.

She follows, peering out as he opens the door. He turns around. They look at each other a moment...then she sort-of smiles.

"Good careful."

He smirks, leaning down and kissing her. "Lock up...and keep it quiet in here. I'll be back soon."

She nods as he steps out, closing the door behind him. She snaps the heavy padlock shut on her side, listening as the car starts up and drives away. Then she leans against the door, looking around the dismal, creepy place. She sighs heavily, folding her arms.

To be continued...

Fan Fiction by Shady