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The Game 2

Previously..."I'm telling you Todd, he fits. Adopted...about the right age. He's gotta be the one."
"The old man would have a heart attack if the guy who covered up his grandson's murder was his kid."
"Yeah...and the heir to the Buchanan fortune."
Todd looks at Téa, stroking her cheek. "And...heir to 2% of my paper."


Téa had found Todd at the end of February. No sooner than she had filed those annulment papers had he found his way back into her life. Unaware that they were no longer married, Todd's accountant had called to double check a large purchase that had been made on Todd's account. A cabin in central New Jersey. That information had nearly knocked the wind out of Téa. She had thought, in her anger over his second key and Todd's wild goose chase he had sent her on, that she was through with him, over him for good. But the news that he was so close by had caused all those old feelings to re-surface.

She had managed to sneak out of town and find her way up to the cabin. The look on Todd's face when he had opened the door and saw her was priceless. And in the past couple of months, they had talked things out. Todd admitted the DID had been real, that he had been lying to himself just as he had seemed to be lying to her and the people who had loved him. After Christmas, he had finally had himself admitted to a psychiatric facility. His alters were integrated now, but he still had outpatient therapy on a daily basis, about two miles from the cabin.

The seclusion of the cabin and Téa's frequent visits had given them the opportunity to talk and work things out. Todd had been crushed when he learned of the annulment, but over the course of the time they had spent together, Todd had asked her to marry him again. They planned to get married when Todd returned to Llanview.

Their time together was also spent talking about the goings on in Llanview. Todd had been furious to learn about Asa getting a small percentage of his paper. His thoughts had immediately turned to how to get his paper back.

Upon learning that Blair and Starr had moved into Dorian's, he had asked Téa to move back into the penthouse. He had asked her to stick close to Sykes, but not too close. At first, the only reason was to not let on that she still had feelings left for Todd. Their ambush would work better if all of Llanview believed Tea still thought Todd was the worst thing that happened to her. But when the news of Asa and Renee's long lost son had come to light, things had changed. Téa had told Todd about Sykes, what he had told her about his history. Todd began to suspect. But at this point, all it was was suspicions.

"We need to be sure," he says to Téa.

"Well, I have an know..about how to get information."

Todd gives her a wary look. "You're not sleeping with that loser."

Téa laughs. "Believe me, I wasn't going there."

Todd leans back against the sofa, gazing at her. "Okay."

"Well...if there's anyone in Llanview who can get dirt on's RJ Gannon...and believe me, he has NO love lost for Sykes."

A flash of jealousy appeared in Todd's eyes. "Oh, you tight with RJ too?"

Téa gives him a look. "We're we have to have a talk about trust again Manning?"

Todd grinds his teeth, expelling a long breath. "Think he'd do it?"

"Yeah...Sykes has been giving him a hard time, he might enjoy getting the dirt on him."

Todd just nods, his eyes intent on her. "Okay, ask him. I've been looking on the Net for old archived articles about his parents...but I need better resources than this. It's ridiculous..I need The Sun to get The Sun back."

Téa nods slowly. "Well, I sort of had an idea."

Todd looks at her questioningly.

Téa leans her head back on his shoulder.


She lifts her head up and smiles seductively. "It's a surprise."

"Come on Delgado, spill it."

"Nope....I'll tell you when I come next time...besides...I wanna make sure I can actually do it first."

"This doesn't involve anything of a know...with the loser cop does it?"

"No. Which by the way...I'm gonna have to come up with some better excuses...our friend is getting rather...anxious."

"He better remain anxious," Todd says.

"Oh, he will," Téa grins, reaching over and taking his face in her hands. She gently presses her lips to his. Todd wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her close. They had yet to make love since they had found each other again. But they were far more intimate than they had ever been before. Taking things slowly, they were finding their way together.

Todd pulls Téa onto his lap, his lips never leaving hers. His fingers wrap around her soft brown hair, pulling her as close as possible. Coming up for air, Téa breaks the kiss, and rests her forehead against his.

"I can't wait for you to come home," she whispers.
A warmth rushes through him as he stares into her brown eyes.
"Me neither neither."


Fan Fiction by Stephanie