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Aftermath 14


Todd: (He reaches for her, to hold him.)

Tea: (Holds Todd, his head on her shoulder.)

Todd: (Closes his eyes, his face relaxing, still obviously upset, trying not to cry.)

Tea: (Holds his head gently against her cheek and cuddles him closely.)

Todd: (Responds by molding his body against her, holding her. He breathes deeply finally, a few times, as if he has been forgetting to breathe through much of this.)

[Scene ends.]


[Same scene, moments later. Camera dollies back to show all of them on the couch.]

Viki: (Strokes Todd's back. Quietly:) I think you need to go back to Dr. Boyd soon, Todd. You've put this off long enough.

Todd: (Nods.)

Sam: (Smooths Todd's hair and looks in his eyes.) I love you, Boomer. I'm right here, ok, pal?

Todd: (Reaches for Sam's hand, looks him in the eyes from Tea's shoulder.)

Sam: (Squeezes Todd's hand behind Tea's back and smiles a little at him.)

[Scene ends.]

[Scene: Llanfair in the study still. A few minutes have passed.]

Todd: (Sits up again, and twists himself so he is leaning his back against the back of the couch.) Sam. According to Tea, you took all credit for finding her at the cabana on our wedding night. Right?

Sam: (Denying it:) No, no, I didn't.

Todd: (Evenly:) Don't lie to me, Sam.

Sam: I'm not lying, Todd.

Todd: Tea told me, so I went to the hospital and did some checking around. Doctor on-call remembered you telling her that and so did the nurses on duty that night. (Stands up fast and steps over to face Sam, who is still sitting on the couch. He is suddenly different.) Don't lie to me, Sam!

Sam: I not lying, Todd!

Todd: I just told you I checked your story, and you're lying! How does it feel to be caught redhanded, Sam?

Viki: Todd! What is the meaning of this?

Tea: (A light goes off.) Pete?

Todd: (Crosses to the fireplace and gets the poker. Coldly:) Yeah, Tea. Remember this routine?

Tea: (Fearless:) Todd! Listen to me, Todd! Pete's got the firepoker again, make him put it down!

Pete: (Sneers nastily. Coldly:) Do you seriously think you can make me do anything I don't want to do? (Goading sneeringly:) Todd can't hear you, but go ahead.

Sam: (Standing. Angrily:) Todd! If this is a game, you can stop it right now!

Pete: (Fondles the poker, looking it over, finding its balance. Looks right at Sam. Coldly:) This is not a game, Sam. (Grips it in both hands, poises to strike him with it like a baseball bat.) You betrayed Todd.

Tea: Todd!

Pete: (Ignores Tea. Mockingly:) Todd loves you, Sam. He's such a pantywaist, he won't confront you, but I enjoy it. It's my joy and my job. He feels everything. EVERYTHING. I don't.

Tea: Todd! Listen to me, Todd!

Pete: (Flashes Tea a cold look of disdain and contempt. Advances towards Sam, staring him down.) You can't stop me.

Sam: (Edges away a few steps)

Pete: (Coldly, mocking:) Oh, look atyou. (Slight, but very cold bullying grin.) Well-well, Sam. (Menacing again with the poker. Voice cold and deceptively calm:) Do I frighten you, Sam? Hmm? (Still coldly bullying grin, now more snarl-like.)

Sam: (Doesn't take his eyes off of Pete.)

Tea: Todd! Fight this! You know who you are! You loveSam, Todd! Pete cannotwin this time!

Viki: Todd!

Tea: Stay with me, Todd! Hold onto my voice!

Todd: (Suddenly looks right at Tea. Face flits from rage to blankness to confusion to terror, to physical pain. He drops the firepoker and brings his hands to his head in obvious physical pain. Sways, as if unsteady on his feet. He is barely breathing.) AAAAA!! Our head hurts....

Viki: Todd?

Tea: (Touches his arm. Quietly:) Rod?

Sam: (Concerned:) Boomer?

Todd: (Through agony:) Todd. Oww! (Doubles over. Yelling:) Don't call me "Boomer"!

Sam: (Chuckles, relieved. Sighs.)

Tea: (Helps him sit on the couch, where he continues to hold his head.)

Todd: (He is shaky and doubles over.) It hurts! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

Viki: (Worried, over Todd's screams, looking after him:) Todd?? (Looks at Tea.) Tea, you've been through this before?

Tea: (Puts her hand on his back. Looks at Viki.) At your cabin, the night Kevin got married.

Todd: (Gasping in pain:) Owww..... (Trying to calm his breathing. Tea checks on him briefly.)

Tea: (Looks at Todd:) You're ok, Todd. You're going to be ok. (Looks back at Viki:) That was the first time I'd seen him with one of these headaches. He doesn't seem to get them often, though.

Todd: (Groans. Gasps out.) No.

Tea: (To Todd:) Do you know that Pete was just here?

Todd: (Eyes squeezed closed.) Oh, no. (Groans. Seems to get some relief. Catches breath. Opens eyes. Sits up slowly, looks at Tea.) He didn't hurt anyone? (Looks around at them, eyes pleading and worried)

Sam: He went after me, but nothing happened. (Sam puts the firepoker away.)

Todd: (Observes this. Eyes wide:) Uh-oh....

Tea: (Quietly jokes to Todd:) That seems to be Pete's weapon of choice lately.

Todd: (Looks at her out of the corners of his eyes briefly.)

Tea: I thought you were integrated before the wedding.

Todd: I thought so, too, but I never was. Oww. I wanted to believe it. (Wincing terribly.) A work in progress. (Looks at Sam standing in front of him.) I'm really sorry about that. (Thinks hard.) What set him off?

Sam: He talked of betrayal. He seems to have been very angry that I had taken credit for rescuing Tea from the fire.

Todd: We both are. So you admit it now? You shouldn't've done that. It was like saying we didn't even exist. You didbetray me that night.

Sam: Oh. I-I.... never meant that. You always cry "betrayal!" so easily, Pal!

Todd: (Evenly:) That night it was true. You did betray me.

Sam: It didn't even occur to me that it would have that effect at the time. That you would feel so negated.

Todd: (Leans back against the back of the couch, leans his head back against the back.) You didn't care if I did.

Sam: I was worried about Tea!

Todd: (Lifts his head and sits up again, looking at Sam.) You didn't want to see that I was, too. Look, you accused meof having tried to kill Tea by locking her into that cabana. I knew right then even trying to tell you it had jammed shut wasn't going to do any good, and Tea wasn't breathing. I couldn't think about anything else but keeping Delgado alive, I was already going into shock. I was the one who carried her out, not you! I was the one who held her and willed her to live, not you!

Sam: (A bit shamefaced, tilting his head slightly but distinctly forward and downward. Quietly:) Yes. Yes, you were. Betrayal. (Nodding:) I see.

Todd: (Angrily:) You went so far as to accuse me of wanting to "finish the job", when I was about to take her to the hospital myself!

Sam: (Angrily:) I thought you were! I couldn't take that chance!

Todd: Man, you were so mad at me over that tape you didn't even want to see me, didn't want to acknowledge my existence, didn't want to believe that I would do something good that helped someone else.... You should never have lied to me, Sam...... That's the first time in my life you've ever lied to me. (His voice cracks.)

Sam: (Quietly, but sincere:) I'm sorry about that, but you did have it coming. Especially if the tape was evidence of faking.

Todd: Man! It was evidence of notfaking, Sam! (A look of pain crosses his face, he rubs his temples hard. A little darkly:) It's alright, keep it up.

Sam: (Angrily:) It sounded just like the real thing, Todd!

Todd: (Angrily:) You didn't believe me when I told you Tea was in that cabana, either! Why would I leave my wife alone if she was in danger, Sam? Why?

Sam: (Angrily:) Because you're a selfish SOB!

Todd: (Stands up in one fluid motion and gets in Sam's face. Quietly:) If I'm so selfish, Sam, why did I go in after Tea? Why did I revive her, willing her to live? How do you expect me to trust you, Sam, if you're gonna do and say junk like that?

Sam: (Angry:) How can I trust you?

Todd: (Shouting:) I've trusted you almost my whole life, Sam! Tell me just how stupidthat was!

Sam: (Calmly:) It wasn't stupid.

Todd: Wasn't it? Did that trust get me out of Peter Manning's clutches? No. I just told you about those nightmares! You were up at that cabin. I trusted you. Maybe I shouldn't have. I was stupid enough to need you.

Sam: (Firmly:) It wasn't stupid. I've kept your secrets.

Todd: (Darkly:) Not all of them.

Sam: I'm keeping this one, at least for now. You're gonna have to talk about the cabin eventually, Todd.

Todd: Nuh-uh. Now you have all this ammunition against me the next time you're mad at me or disappointed.

Sam: If you talk about it, I lose that power, Todd. I don't want that power.

Todd: I'm not talking about it.

Sam: When you're ready, you will.

Todd: (Angrily:) I said I'm not talking about it!

Sam: (Relents.) I apologize. I didn't realize that you needed me more, not less, after the tape played. I was upset, I was angry. Ifelt betrayed (points at himself) by you. (Points at Todd.) I was unfair to you and I wasn't there when you needed me, and all these things have gone wrong since the whole Georgie thing, many of which could have been prevented if I had just listenedto you. I probably should have listened more closely to both you and Blair about the tape and the DID.

Todd: (Wary:) What'd Blair say?

Sam: She had felt you were faking all along, she had that tape of you and her arguing, and she tried to tell me more than oncebefore the trial that you were lying. I simply refused to believe her, or even hear her.

Todd: My lawyer's supposed to believe me. This would have helped me how....? (Cocks his head at Sam, squinting.)

Sam: I should have listened to her and asked her for evidence. In fact, I did ask if she had any proof, but she dissembled. I should've pressed her.

Todd: (Wary:) What would you have done if she'd handed you the tape then?

Sam: Played it. Asked you about it in private. Played it for you.

Todd: (Sits next to Viki and Tea.) All I knew about it I learned from listening in on Pete or his conversations with Blair and Max about it. Occasionally, Pete'd tell me something himself, mostly to taunt me. The whole thing was like a bad dream. Lots of voices in my head. I think the break, or split, or whatever, came when I saw Georgie's body in the lodge.

Sam: If I had heard the tape early on, I would've confronted you with it privately, not like I ended up doing when Starr handed me the tape.

Todd: Why didn't you? I'd've been very surprised by it. I was. Blair toldyou I was lying, more than once. That's what she believed. Why didn't you believe her? You were dating her, then. You're such a good lawyer, why didn't you follow it up?

Sam: (Angrily:) Because a lawyershouldn'thave any reason to doubt his client's innocence. Because I believed in you. (Pointing his finger at Todd.) I believed you. (Gesturing again at Todd.)

Todd: Why? Everyone knows I lie and manipulate everyone around me. Blair was right.

Sam: (Angry:) Because I've known you since you were a little boy!

Todd: (Sarcastic:) At least one of us has.

[Reaction shot of Viki's surprise.]

Sam: The little boy I knew wouldn't do that, but the teenager I knew would, because of....

Todd: (Warning tone, voice raised:) Don't say it....

Sam: I won't, because we all know when and why.

Todd: (A little sadly:) Yes. That little boy would never hurt anybody. But he's dead, Sam.

Sam: (Upset:) I feel like I made things worse by bringing that night up in the cabana. Like I pushed you over the edge, on top of everything else going on. I don't know if I'd do it that way again if I could take that day back.

Todd: (Menacingly:) I told you.....

Sam: I'm trying to apologize, Todd!

Viki: (Calmly:) I think you should hear Sam out, Todd.

Todd: (Looks at Viki, thinks a moment, and takes her advice. Calmer:) Go on, Sam. I'm sorry.

Sam: (Nods at Todd solemnly. Then:) I remember one day before the trial when I dropped in to check on you and you seemed very frightened, confused, sad. You said to me that you didn't know what was real anymore.

Todd: I didn't. That's a moment I remember. I wasn't around much, not since the pretrial.

Sam: I remember holding you because you were so upset about this, and I had no reason to doubt what you were saying was true at the time. I wish I'd held to that and pushed harder for you to be in more therapy right then, that day.

Todd: Me, too. Now. I've fought it for years, not wanting it. Telling all this stuffto a total stranger? Trusting them? Now, that'snuts.

Viki: What's more nuts is not doing anything about it.

Todd: (Looks at Viki a moment. Quietly:) I was taught never to tell.

Sam: You seemed to have no difficulty letting me not just hug you, but hold you. I chalked it up to stress. Sometimes you're cuddly. (Smiles a little at Todd.)

Todd: (Looking at Sam, squirming a bit, makes face. Then:) A lot of that was Tom. Neither one of us could tell what was real at the time. I was very scared and very lost. It was a rare moment out. I just held onto you. (Looks down.) I know it was weak.

Sam: It wasn't weak. (Todd looks at him.) You looked so lost that day. I couldn't help but believe you then. I just grabbed you and held you. You held onto me. I held you tight standing together, until you stopped trembling and you started breathing again. I wish you had cried, you seemed so miserable and frightened. It would've been ok with me. It'd been a long time since I'd held you like that.

Todd: So then when the tape played, suddenly you believed the worst of me, like everybody else. What happened to that unconditional love then? You lied to me, Sam!

Sam: It wasn't like that....

Todd: (A bit distanced:) Yeah, it was, Sam. All three of you abandoned me and I barely knew why you were rejecting me, just that I was dangerous and I'd hurt you all very badly. It was on the tape. I tried to tell my side of this, but none of you wanted to listen to me. Nothing I could say would be heard. Nothing I could say would be good enough, and I could barely speak. I felt so betrayed, even by my alters....So lost..... (Quietly, staring into space, almost to himself:) I'm not faking after all. Who knew?

Tea: (Quietly chuckles briefly.)

Viki: No. I don't think you are.

Todd: (Blinks, looks at Viki quickly, then at Sam. Todd's body closes in protectively, his arms close to his sides. To Sam:) You don't know how much I wish I were.

Viki: (Quietly:) I do. (Takes Todd's hand in both of hers.)

Todd: (Looks at Viki sadly.)

[Scene ends.]

[Scene: Penthouse. Todd's room that night, the lights are off. The door to the hallway is open and light floods in from the hallway. Tea stands in doorway. Both still dressed in street clothes.]

Tea: (Concerned:) Are you ok? You've been quiet all day, since....

Todd: (Standing by his bed. Looks nervous and distracted.) I’m ok.

Tea: (Gently:) Are you sure?

Todd: (Evasive, and sounding drained:) Yeah. Look, I'm really tired.

Tea: I'll let you sleep, then. Goodnight. (Turns to leave room.)

Todd: (Quietly:) Delgado?

Tea: (Concerned:) Todd?

Todd: (Hesitating:) Umm.... ok... Come sit on the bed?

Tea: (Gently:) Why?

Todd: (Edgy:) Oh, don't argue. Please?

Tea: (Willing:) Do you want me to keep you company tonight?

Todd: (Anxious, can't look at her:) Umm....

Tea: (Mildly bemused concern:) Is that a yes?

Todd: (Anxious and tongue-tied:) Umm.... uh...

Tea: (Slightly alarmed:) What's wrong?

Todd: (Sighs heavily.)

Tea: (Crosses to the bed and takes his hand, looks in his eyes.) It's ok, Todd. You're ok.

Todd: (Sounding upset:) I can't be alone right now, ok?

Tea: (Tenderly:) You won't be.

Todd: (Quietly:) Sit on the bed.

Tea: (Sits, still holding his hand. Looks in his eyes, he looks away.)

Todd: (Quietly, trying to keep his voice steady:) Lie down.

Tea: (Arranges herself along the bed, letting go of his hand gently, reluctantly.)

Todd: (Kneels next to her on bed.) Slide over a bit. Lay on your side with your back to me.

Tea: (Does so.)

Todd: (Very tentatively lays himself out on the bed next to her, draws his knees up against hers spoon fashion, his left arm curled under his head protectively.)

Tea: Todd?

Todd: (Anxious:) No, don't talk. Don't ruin this, ok?

Tea: Why?

Todd: (Stammers slightly:) Talking scares me right now. Hush. (Breathing fast and trying to calm his breathing. Tentatively puts his right arm around her waist and hugs her against himself. He nuzzles her hair and closes his eyes, trying to relax.)

Tea: (Puts her arms around his arm on her waist and closes her eyes, smiling slightly, breathing evenly.)

Todd: (Opens his eyes. Almost a whisper:) One question.

Tea: (Quietly:) Yes?

Todd: (With great difficulty, pausing. Then, almost whispering again:) Do I make you happy?

Tea: (Whispering back:) Oh, yes. (Squeezes his arm against her.)

Todd: (Closes his eyes. Breathes a sigh of relief against her neck. Breathing calms down as he nuzzles his face in her hair and draws her still closer against his body.)

[Scene ends.]

To Be Continued...