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Todd's Nightmare 5


Viki: So many times, you come into a room and he just seems to light up. You make him happy despite himself, I think. He says you are his heart.

[Scene ends.]


[Scene: Mid-morning. Sam and Todd outside of Llanfair.]

Sam: (Catching up.) Todd!

Todd: What do you want?

Sam: Can we talk?

Todd: Don't want to.

Sam: We need to, pal.

Todd: You do.

Sam: We do.

Todd: Why? So you can hate me?

Sam: I don't hate you.

Todd: You certainly seemed to when you thought I was lying to you.

Sam: I don't.

Todd: I didn't trust you. I know how important that is to you. (Pause.) When I thought you really believed I was faking, my world ended. (His voice cracks.)

Sam: (Quietly.) I know.

Todd: (Anguished.) I can't go through that again.

Sam: You won't.

Todd: How can you guarantee that? You can't! Don't make me promises you can't keep.

Sam: Through all that anger at you I've still stuck by you.

Todd: If you knew how bad I really am, how bad a loser, you'd hate me even more.

Sam: No.

Todd: Believe me, you would. (Agitated pause.) I gotta get out of here. (Takes off.)

Sam: (Non-plussed, surprised, and concerned expression as he looks after Todd.)

[Scene ends.]


[Scene: Hours later, late afternoon, Llanfair.]

Sam: (Rings Viki's bell.)

Viki: (Answering the door herself.) Sam. What brings you back so soon? (Ushering him into the foyer.) Come on in. (Closes door behind Sam.)

Sam: Has Todd been here since he left?

Viki: No. Is there something wrong?

Sam: We argued after I caught up with him and now he seems to have disappeared. He's not at the Sun, I was just there asking for him and he hasn't been in all day.

Viki: Maybe he's home.

Sam: Tea just checked the Penthouse. Blair hasn't seen him in a couple of days, so she doesn't know where he is. He hasn't contacted Blair about Starr. Do you have any idea where he might go if he ran off?

Viki: He's got a cabin, although he's also run to my cabin. I'm not sure where his cabin is, and it sounds like he may not want to be found quickly, so my guess would be he'd go to his cabin if he goes to either.

Sam: Who would know where it is?

Viki: Have you seen his more recent escapades in his file? Did he confide in you about Rebecca Lewis?

Sam: No.....

Viki: I'll check in The Banner morgue files for a description of the cabin in the paper. It should be there.

Sam: Could you?

Viki: I worry about Todd.

Sam: We all do. Thanks, Viki.

Viki: He'll turn up.

Sam: I hope so. I hope he's ok. I have a bad feeling about this. (Turns and leaves.)

[Scene ends.]


[Scene: Penthouse 2. Dusk.]

Tea: (Reads a letter [Todd's voice]:)

"Dear Tea', I've got a problem, I know what I want to say to you but when I try to say it it comes out wrong, but here goes--I did it, I made you hate me as much as I hate me. I remember when you believed in me, Tea, you thought I could be better and now Delgado I'm ready to try, only I can't do it without you, you're not here.

I need you to look at me like you do--like I'm not disgusting. You're not afraid of me. Your eyes don't lie. You're in those eyes tough as nails and soft, beautiful, that's you. I always check your eyes first, then your mouth. It never stops, when you're not talking you're laughing, at me sometimes, but it makes me feel good, I don't know why--like we share something. Is that what it's like to love somebody?

Tea, I don't know anything about love but I'm getting to know your eyes and that mouth and I want to know more because you make me not afraid of myself............"

[Sam rings the doorbell.]

Tea: (Distractedly answers the door, as she finishes reading.)

Sam: Tea? What's wrong?

Tea: It's a love letter from Todd. It's months and months old, but it's so sweet. He really opened up to me here, and now he's run off. I -- here. (Hands Todd's letter to her to Sam. She is upset.)

Sam: (Hesitates.) You're sure it's not too personal?

Tea: It is, but I want you to see it.

Sam: (Reads.) Wow. He really loves you, Tea. If I had had any doubt, and I haven't in a long time, I don't now. Why would he run?

Tea: (Very upset:) We've got to find him. Something's very wrong. I've checked with the Bayberry Inn and they haven't heard from him. He must have his cellphone turned off, I can't reach him. He didn't even take Starr or tell her he was leaving. He just ran.

Sam: Yeah, I tried his phone, too. I may have a lead.

Tea: That's great, Sam!

Sam: (Nods.) Viki's looking for the cabin's address in The Banner morgue. She thinks she can find it.

Tea: Let's go to The Banner, then. I can't sit still here. (Jots a quick note and leaves it on the desk:)

Please call me or Sam, we're looking for you.


[Scene ends.]


[Scene: Penthouse. Late afternoon. Todd is alone in the Penthouse, packing. He grabs a khaki dufflebag and throws some clothes into it, a pair of shoes, extra socks, puts on his black boots. He packs fairly lightly, but with purpose. He zips up the bag, grabs his keys off the dresser, puts them in his jeans pocket, grabs a sweater and dons it, grabs his army-surplus winter jacket. He opens the bag again and throws in a knit cap or two, checks for heavy gloves, zips the bag again. Grabs his pocket knife and some other small tools, his wallet, and fills his jeans pockets with them. Takes his bag and jacket downstairs to the kitchen, gets some canned and dried goods, fills a canteen. These are put into the duffle bag with the clothes, and a few pieces of fruit. He crosses to the desk in the livingroom, not noticing Tea's note to him. He sits down with a pad and pen grabbed blindly off the desk, and begins to write quickly:


I can't stay where I'm so unloved and alone. I know that doesn't sound like me, but I've done some awful things to the people I love and who love me, and I can't stick around any longer. The nightmares have been worse than you know. I haven't been sleeping, can barely eat. Something awful will happen. I can't take everyone's questions anymore. I'm afraid if you all knew what a loser I really am you'd all hate me for good, not like last time. Being alone is one of my deepest and worst fears. None of you would take me back if you knew what really happened to me or some of the things I've done. Everyone would look at me like I'm disgusting, even you, Tea. You are my heart, I can't lose you. I wish I could look in your eyes and see myself the way you see me, but I can't.


He is visibly upset as he puts the pad and pen down on the desk on top of Tea's note to him, puts his note on top of the FAX machine, puts his jacket on, gathers his bag, and leaves the Penthouse. For once, the Penthouse door does not stick.]

[Scene ends.]

[Scene. Penthouse. Early morning.]

Tea: (Lets herself into the Penthouse, followed by Sam.) Todd? I hope he's home. Maybe we should've gone right to the cabin?

Sam: I'll go look upstairs. (Runs upstairs.)

Tea: (Searches the downstairs.) Todd? (She sees a piece of paper on top of the FAX machine on Todd's desk, goes to it and starts reading it. It is Todd's note to Tea.) Sam! Sam!

Sam: (Running down the stairs.) Did he leave a note?

Tea: (Crosses the livingroom to Sam, handing him the note.) Read this.

Sam: (Reads.......Todd's voiceover as Sam reads.) He sounds really bad. Pack some things, and let's get up to that cabin. (Grabs a throw pillow off the couch.)

Tea: (Runs upstairs. Comes back with a few items of clothes in a satchel and the quilt off of her own bed.) Familiar -- ah, you, too.

Sam: (Nods.) Familiar objects might comfort him, yeah. Let's go. (They leave the Penthouse.)

[Scene ends.]

To Be Continued...