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Todd's Return 7


Tea: We take pictures. Then we file charges against Bo.

Todd: (Grins nastily.) Sounds good.

Tea: That's my boy. (Smiles at him sweetly.) Let's go. (Takes his hand.)

[They leave RJ's office, cross the bar. Everyone seems to be watching and whispering about them. They leave, holding hands, Todd insisting on not leaning on Tea. RJ watches them go. Scene ends.]


[Scene: Llanview Hospital.]

Tea: Let's keep moving. (Takes his left arm firmly over her shoulder, holding it in place by holding fast to his left hand.)

Todd: (Struggling with her while walking into the hospital.) Will you leave me alone?

Tea: (Teasing:) You always beg me not to leave you, now you say leave you alone. Make up your mind.

Todd: I can walk on my own, Tea! I hate being fussed over.

Tea: You were short of breath when Joey and RJ got Bo off you, I know your ribs hurt. I want you checked out. It would give you ammunition against Bo to have a record of your injuries. Stop fighting me on this.

Todd: Hate hospitals.

Tea: (Shoots back, teasing him mildly:) You hate a lot of things.

Todd: (Makes a face.) Stop fussing over me, I really am fine.

Tea: If there's nothing wrong, I'll stop it.

Todd: There's nothing wrong.

[They arrive at Reception and go to the desk.]

Tea: (Shoots him a look, he looks away, leaning gingerly against the reception desk. To the receptionist:) Is Dr. Larry Wolek on duty tonight?

Receptionist: (Looks at Todd, and is a bit apprehensive. He looks violent:) Perhaps the ER is more appropriate.....?

Todd: (Volunteers quietly, making a slightly threatening face at the Receptionist:) You should see the other guy......


Tea: (Bristling, shoots Todd a nasty look, continues:) Dr. Wolek's brother-in-law (Todd looks at Tea, a little in awe that she thought of that) was attacked and beaten tonight, and since he trusts Larry, if Dr. Wolek is on call tonight we would like to see him.

Receptionist: (Dials phone, leaves beeper-voicemail for Larry.) Please be seated. (Indicates chairs in waiting area nearby.)

Larry: (Enters lobby just as they sit down, beeper sounding. Spots Todd at the last second before turning away, and comes to check on him.) What happened to you, Todd?

Todd: (His jaw sets.)

Tea: (Before Todd can answer:) Bo attacked him at Club Indigo tonight.

Larry: (To Todd:) True? You say anything to him?

Todd: No. He just went after me (shifts position, winces) -- ow.

Larry: I'll take you to the ER and check you over. (Gets a wheelchair. Todd begins to protest this.) Todd -- hospital policy. You know that.

Todd: (Makes a sour face.)

Larry: (Gently:) Get in.

Todd: (Reluctantly gets into the wheelchair.)

[All three exit toward the elevators. Scene ends.]

[Scene: ER. Tea holds Todd's shirt, t-shirt, jacket over one arm, leaving him naked to the waist as he sits on the gurney. Larry checks him over.]

Larry: (Pokes, prods, checks.) Well..... looks to me like you have a couple badly bruised ribs here, a lot of bruises, couple scrapes. Your nose doesn't appear to be broken. What the hell happened?

Todd: I got to Club Indigo, ordered a beer from RJ, found a table. RJ served me, and Bo walked in and spotted me. He started accusing me of faking the DID, gloated about how he, Clint and Asa had gotten me (winces) thrown out of the Country Club after my acquittal last fall, how since I didn't have Viki there to protect me he could go after me, (winces) telling me I'm not wanted anywhere in this town. He was yelling in my face. I was too tired to say anything, I've been up for days, working --

Tea: (To Larry:) Insomnia.

Todd: (Looks at Tea.) Right. (To Larry:) Bo had me by my jacket and just started wailing on me. I hadn't said a word.

Larry: Nothing?

Todd: Not a word. Didn't even touch him. I'd asked Viki to meet me there, since I couldn't go to the Country Club. I just wanted some time with my sister.

Larry: Did she see this?

Todd: No. Bo made sure of it. I don't want Viki fighting my battles for me, anyway.

Tea: RJ called me after he and Joey got them seperated and Joey took Bo out of the Club.

Todd: I bet Viki's not happy with any of us right now.

Viki: (Arrives.) No, I'm not. Are you all right, Todd?

Todd: (Looks wary of being fussed over.) Yes. Where were you, Sis?

Viki: Running late.

Todd: I didn't start this one. You talked to Bo?

Viki: Yes.....

Todd: You're not mad at me.....?

Viki: (Smiles at him:) No.

Todd: Did he admit he went after me without my doing anything? Tea tells me I'm paranoid, and then this kinda thing happens.

Viki: Yes, and no. He says he doesn't feel badly that he beat you up, that you had it coming for attacking Nora and taking everyone hostage, and everything you've done.

Todd: He's just mad I got acquitted for the hostage stuff. If he and Asa and Max hadn't been trying so hard to frame me, I would never have taken everyone hostage.

Viki: He doesn't see it that way.

Todd: (Raises voice:) Of course not! (Winces.)

Viki: Larry?

Larry: Couple badly bruised ribs are the worst of it. Mostly bruises and scrapes. He'll be fine.

Todd: (Reaches for his clothes.)

Larry: Go ahead and get dressed, yeah. You gonna file charges?

Todd: Yeah. (Getting dressed.)

Larry: (Writing on a prescription pad. Hands Todd the prescription.) Get this filled. If you have any pain, take this for it. Todd?

Todd: (Finally looks at Larry.) Yeah, ok. I hate those things. Make me sleepy.

Larry: You could do with the sleep.

Todd: Sleep's over-rated.

[Scene ends.]

[Scene: Penthouse 2 livingroom. Todd and Tea enter, turn on lights.]

Todd: I'm sorry, Tea.

Tea: Bo did this, this time.

Todd: You usually tell me I'm being paranoid.

Tea: Not this time. Can you blame him, though?

Todd: What do you mean?

Tea: If this were you and he had attacked me like you did Nora, would you be going after Bo like this?

Todd: Nora's not you.

Tea: To Bo, she is.

Todd: (Incredulous.)

Tea: Believe it.

Todd: Bo isn't capable of loving anyone.

Tea: That's not true and you know it. And before you start in on Drew, remember how you've felt when you've lost custody of Starr.

Todd: It's not the same!

Tea: You know it is.

Todd: I gotta get some sleep. (Goes upstairs.)

Tea: (Follows, prescription bottle in hand.)

[Scene ends.]

[Scene: Todd's bedroom. He has fallen asleep on his bed, on his back, fully clothed. He appears peaceful, almost serene.]

Tea: (Stands over him and watches him sleep, as he has done to Tea and Starr. She smiles at his beauty.)

Todd: (After a long time of being watched, he starts to toss and turn, and seems quite agitated in his sleep.)

Tea: (Touches his hair and begins to gently smooth it away from his face. Todd begins to fight her off, so she steps back. He continues to sleep restlessly, and she decides to wake him. She touches his shoulder and he awakes with a start.)

Todd: (Disoriented, frightened, he looks around the room and then at her.)

Tea: (Smoothes his hair from his face, and calmly reassures him:) It's ok. It's ok, Todd. It's Tea. You're safe. You're home again. It's ok.

Todd: (Lets her soothe him as he tries to orient to her presence and calm down. Looks in her eyes)

Tea: It's ok, Todd. Just a bad dream. Maybe the painkillers?

Todd: (Shakes his head. Closes eyes as she strokes his hair.)

Tea: It's ok. (Moves closer and holds his face so he will look at her, looks into his eyes. Nodding gently:) It's ok. (Strokes his face until he relaxes and seems to sleep. When she stands up and stops stroking his face, he opens his eyes.)

Todd: Stay....

Tea: (Climbs into the bed next to him.)

Todd: (Holds her hand tight and closes his eyes again.)

Tea: (Watches him drift away again, until she falls asleep herself.)

[Scene ends.]