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TnT Quotes
Installment 1

Carlotta: You are telling me that the old Todd has reemerged. And this is good? You were miserable with him.

Tea: Only sometimes. There are so many good parts of him and it's as if they've all been shaken out and put back in a different order.

Carlotta: But if he really is integrated aren't the bad parts still there? Isn't he still dangerous?

Tea: No because now Todd will be the one in control. If I weren't convinced I would never agree to marry him, Carlotta, but I saw it with my own eyes. He fought Pete, the one who's caused all the damage in his life. And there's also Tom who's kind and gentle, he's like a little boy. And there's Rod, who's, well, what can I say, he's really sexy.

Carlotta: This Rod person he's the one who's going to give you all of the love that you need now?


Carlotta: You confided in me once that your marriage to Todd was never really consummated. Do you really think that he's ready to be a husband.

Tea: I know he is. Rod wanted...well he wanted a lot and Rod is becoming a large part of Todd.

Carlotta: But do you have to make the decision to marry him so quickly?

Tea: I want to marry him, very much. Oh, I know people don't approve but I love him.


Todd (to Dr. Boyd who's explaining Todd's situation to Tea and Carlotta): Okay, you're boring the hell out of everybody. Okay, go ahead, tell them in plain English or plain Spanish if you have to.


Tea (after Dr. Boyd said that the integration has begun): Really. Really?

Todd: Yeah, look at him, you really think he could tell you a joke?


Todd: Will you?

Tea: Was that an actual proposal?

Todd: Yeah, will you marry me? Look, just so you know, it's Todd asking. Don't say no now or you're're gonna send me back to the beginning of this whole integration thing. Isn't that right, Doc?

Dr. Boyd: It's true a narcissistic injury could...

Todd: Hey. I was joking. It's a joke. Lighten up.


Carlotta: Tea, you married him last time without thinking. You married him blind. At least take the time to think about it. don't make the same mistake again.

Tea (turning to Todd): I won't because my eyes are open and my heart, oh, Todd, my heart is yours.

Todd: Fine. That means you're gonna marry me?

Tea: Yes, Todd, I'll...I'll marry you.

Todd: All right. All right. (addressing everyone in the diner) Everybody, uh, this is Tea Delgado and she's gonna marry me and you're all invited.


Todd: You said you wanted a big wedding.

Tea: I know...I...I do. I don't know. What if something goes wrong?

Todd: What could possible go wrong?


Tea (looking at his wedding guest list): Todd, you know, I...I...I...I don't mean to hurt your feelings or anything but, uh, you know, these people they sort of, um...

Todd: Spit it out.

Tea: Well, they...they don't like you.

Todd: They don't like me? They hate my guts. Your guts they don't seem to mind so much. You have good looking guts.

Tea:You sound Rod without the accent.

Todd: Maybe I am Rod. Well, the shrink says all those people are just a part of me. But Miss Perkins, I kind of have a problem with that. Anyway, all of us we think that you should have the wedding that you deserve.

Tea: Is that why you're inviting these people? To make me happy? There was a time when you wanted nothing but to settle scores.

Todd: Well, I'm a different person now. New and improved. Now I want to make sure that I'm presentable.

Tea: Why? I mean, since when do you care what other people think?

Todd: It's a good question. I don't know. I think it has something to do with wanting, uh, to be a father and a husband. I don't know. It's important to me that Starr is accepted and that you're accepted so I have so make myself more acceptable.


Todd: You're awfully quiet.

Tea: I was just remembering our first wedding. City Hall. I didn't even know you. There were no friends, no family. You wouldn't even kiss me when the judge said you could. Yeah, but that was okay. I got five million dollars not to take it personally. But how could I not. I felt, uh, I felt very lonely and sad.

Todd: So, you're having second thoughts?

Tea: No, because I know how different this wedding will be, thanks to you. I love you, Todd. I do. I love you.


Todd (about Asa's rejection to his wedding invitation): You'll be at my wedding Asa Buchanan and you will dance the macarena, you will slide electric.


Kelly: The only Todd event anyone would go to is your public execution.

Todd: Oh, too late for that, I've already been acquitted.

Kelly: Todd, this list is a joke. Okay, how is this going to make Tea happy?

Todd: I don't know but I promised her the wedding that she always dreamed of.

Kelly: Okay, we all know you don't have an unselfish bone in your body so what do you really want?

Todd: Okay. Fine. You're right. It's all about me. I figure that this town owes me an apology and a good place to start is for everybody to dress up in their fanciest clothes and come and celebrate me -- the new acceptable, presentable me.


Todd (making arrangements for the wedding): I am Todd Manning, make it so.


Todd (about his post-wedding plans): I'm going to live in Llanview and be an esteemed citizen.

Blair:Yeah, right.

Todd: I expect to see all of the Cramer tarts at the wedding.


Max (trying to insult Todd): I wouldn't give up your day job.

Todd: At least I have a day job.


Todd: I'm not really just talking about the honeymoon. You know, I want the whole package. You know, the whole wedding deluxe thing, you know. Really. The house, the white picket fence, the springer spaniel, a two car garage and my daughter living with us. Hell, we'll show this whole town. I'll be so normal they won't even know what to do with me.

Tea: Right now I just, I want the ceremony and the honeymoon. 'Cause right now what I want most in all the world is to know that, um, tonight my husband, Todd Manning, will take me into his arms and make love to me.

Todd: Yeah, well, uh, Rod is a part of me now, you know.

Tea: Yeah, Rod, that part of you you always kept hidden.

Todd: So, no problem.

Tea: You won't hurt me if you make love to me. You know that, don't you?

Todd: And you trust me.

Tea: I do.


Tea: I not only trust you, I can't wait to nestle into your arms and fall asleep feeling your warmth beside me, hearing the beating of your heart. I want to wake up and watch you sleep until you wake up too and then I want to make you breakfast and then I want to make love to you again. I can hardly believe it. Finally we're gonna be husband and wife.

Todd: Yeah, until death do us part.


Tea: I do love you, Todd.


Todd: You know what I want more than anything in the world is for you to be happy.

Tea: You make me happy, Todd. You do and you will.


Todd (interrupting Jessica and Viki during an emotional moment): Eww, greeting card moment.


Todd: I'm all one person now -- the good, the bad and the ugly.


Sam: Boomer, pal, you've come a long way.

Todd: And now you're gonna take all the credit?


Carlotta: You do love Todd, don't you?

Tea: With all my heart.


Carlotta:If we're lucky we learn from our mistakes.

Tea:This marriage it's not a mistake.

Carlotta: I hope not but I didn't mean Todd.

Tea: That...that was a long time ago.

Carlotta: Yeah but an experience like that can color your whole life.

Tea: I know. I know. All I could do was run and wherever I went I always made sure nothing would ever last.

Carlotta: I thought Todd was part of the pattern.

Tea: I did too. I thought he'd be just as temporary as all the others until he changed.

Carlotta: Are you sure he's changed?

Tea: Yes...yes and I've changed too. I'm not the same person I was when Anna Rosa was still alive. The past is the past and today is the beginning of my future.


Viki: This is going to be one strange wedding.


Andrew: This marriage, Viki, is a tragic joke.


Roseanne (seeing Todd in his wedding coffin): Is he dead?

Asa: Too good to hope for.


Todd: Welcome to the resurrection of Todd Manning.


Todd: I feel like it's my birthday.


Todd (to Renee about Asa): You put up with a lot, Renee.

Renee: Pity Tea, not me.

Todd: Well, Tea...Tea's a saint, isn't that right, Andrew?


Dorian (during the wedding ceremony): I could heave.


Tea (to Todd as he leaves her at the altar): You go straight to hell, Todd Manning.


Tea: I feel like I'm being tortured. Abuse I can take, I've taken it from him in the past but he was being so good to me. He offers me what I want most in the world and then...then jerks it away from me. That man's a sadist.

Viki: Honey, you saw his face when he left here, he's in as much pain as you are.

Tea: He'll be in a whole lot more when I get through with him.

Sam: Well, maybe it was just too soon.

Tea: Will you stop trying to defend the man.

Sam: I'm trying to understand him.

Tea: I am so sick and tired of everyone trying to understand him. (Tea grabs Sam) How about a little understand for me, huh? The man left me stranded at the altar.


Carlotta: I think that maybe we should go somewhere where we can calm down.

Tea: I don't feel like calming down. I don't feel like it.


Carlotta (about Todd): He looked terrified.

Tea:He should be terrified because I will kill him.


Carlotta: You want to hurt Tea again, well, I won't let you.

Todd: This is between Delgado and me.

Tea: No, it's not because as of, what, fifteen minutes ago when you walked away from our wedding, there is no 'Delgado and me.' Not anymore. Not ever again. Do you understand that. Never!


Tea: Okay, Mr. Manning, let's hear the great heartfelt speech.


Tea: There's a lot of things you don't do. Like, actually make a commitment, for example.

Todd: I didn't mean to hurt you.

Tea (sarcastically):Oh, well, thank heaven's you left me at the altar because that certainly didn't hurt.


Tea: Or was that Pete up there humiliating me in front of my friends and my family?

Todd: No. That was me. That was Todd. I'm scared.

Tea: You're scared?

Todd: Yeah. I'm scared.

Tea: Fine. Be scared but be scared with someone else.

Todd:I don't want to be scared with anybody else. I want to be scared with you.

Tea: Oh, please get out of here.

Todd: Hey, wait. You can't just quit now, Tea.

Tea: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't.

Todd: Because you might quit right before the good part.

Tea: Oh, yeah, you and me, we're gonna have a picket fence, we're gonna grow tulips.

Todd: Hey, it could happen, you don't know. Look, we could take this trip together, right. and there could be all of these bumps and...and bruises and holes but there could also be some really good things.

Tea: And some horrible pits.

Todd: Yeah, probably.

Tea: Do you love me, Todd? I mean do you really love me? Do you even know what that means?

Todd: I think I know what that means...and I'm not sure.

Tea: Wait. Wait. You're not sure?

Todd: No. I'm not sure.

Tea: Gee, thank you, I feel so much better now.

Todd: Look, this is your decision to make but I think you should make it quickly, there's some ladies out there, I saw them when I was coming in, holding their knees together. There's two things. First, Tea, I mean, look at yourself, you got nothing left to lose. And then there's also that I want you to marry me.


Todd: This wedding is back on, I think. (bellowing) Delgado, you coming or not?


Todd: Tea, with this ring I thee wed and all my worldly goods to thee I endow. Whether this is the end of a journey or the beginning.

Tea: With this ring I do wed thee, uh, Thomas Todd Rod Pete Perkins Manning and pledge to you my laughter, my understanding and my love for now and forever more.


Tea: Where'd you learn to dance like this?

Todd (with his Italian/Russian accent): Rod taught me.


Tea: I have a gift for you.

Todd: Oh! Gimme!


Todd (about Tea's dress): You're like a bull in a china shop -- the grim sweeper.


Tea: This'll work. I promise you. We'll make it work.


Todd: I'm not trying to hurt you, all right.

Tea: Imagine the damage you would do if you were.


Viki: There's just no love left, Todd, not for you.


Viki (to Todd): I have absolutely nothing to say to you ever again.


Tea (talking to herself while looking in the mirror): You can do this. Just walk out that door with your head held high. You will get through this. You are Tea Delgado.

Todd: Manning. You are Tea Delgado Manning.


Todd: I'm not letting you go, Delgado. I'm never letting you go.


Tea: I got a Sun headline for you - Tea to Todd: 'Drop Dead!'


Todd: You just said 'I do'.

Tea: Well, gee, you faked a personality disorder.


Todd: I need you.

Tea: You never needed me. You used me.

Todd: I love you.


Tea (to Todd): I loved you. I loved you. I loved you.


Tea (grabbing Todd): I loved you, Todd. I loved you. You said you loved me...

Todd: I did and I tried.


Todd (to Tea): I'll never be out of your life. Never.


Todd: There are a lot of voices in my head, Viki.


Todd (about Tea): She's smart. She's very smart, except when it comes to me.

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