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TnT Quotes
Installment 2

Tea (at Cassie's wedding; seeing Todd adding more names to his list): More guests to invite to our wedding?

Todd: Not a wedding, a coming out.

Tea: A coming out?

Todd: Yeah, well you see I get to come out and then I get to have a wedding. You think there's any food here that's not flan?


Tom (leaving Cassie's wedding early): The last thing I want to do is give Kevin a hard time.


Rod (to Tea at the cabin): We have, uh, the alone.


Rod (after Tea suggests they build a fire): We have the fire already, yes?


Rod: The crickets, the wind, my heart - they are all doing the singing, all for you.

(Rod swaggers over to Tea)

Tea (laughing): Oh, Rod, what am I going to do with you?

Rod: Marry me.

Tea: I will, someday. I...I promise.

Rod: Now.

Tea: No. Not now. When you've done the work. When you've integrated all the alters into one man. Someone who's really ready to be a husband to me.

Rod: I am that man.

Tea: Yes but Tom isn't and all of the others aren't. I want...I want the whole man. I want all of you not fractured parts and I'm willing to wait - a month, a year, however long it takes.


Rod (after Tea spells the word 'patience' on the Scrabble board): It's overrated.

Tea: No, it's not.


Rod (after putting the word 'kiss' on the board): I kiss our lips and your neck and that funny thing connecting your ear to your head.


Tea (breaking away from their kiss): We can't do this. If we do this now, what about tomorrow, what about an hour from now, what about ten minutes from now? What about all the people running around inside your head?

Rod: I don't know, ask them.

Tea: It's too much, it's too soon, it's too risky for me as well as for you.

Rod: So what now you want to go back, play the game.

(Rod begins picking up the things that fell off the table while he was climbing on Tea)

Miss Perkins: You should be more careful what you do with your toys, young lady.

Tea: What?

Tom: Can we play something else?

Tea: Tom?

Tom: Yeah, cause I don't really spell so good.

Tea: All right, what's...what's happening?

Pete: You know exactly what the hell is happening.

Miss Perkins: You mind your manners, young man, or I'll wash your mouth out with soap.


Pete (to Tea about Rod): You think I'm gonna let some opera loving guy who can't even talk right lay one finger on you.


Todd: You Tea. Me Todd.


Tea: Tom, if this is some kind of joke.

Todd: Who's Tom? You know, you've been drinking or smoking or sniffing something funny, you know, you're acting awfully strange.

Tea: Oh, I'm acting strange. I am?


Tea: You were acquitted because of your DID. You have disassociative identity disorder, Todd, multiple personalities.

Todd: I'm Viki.

Tea: Look, cut it out. This is not funny.

Todd: Come on, Delgado, you're the one who's acting funny.

Tea (to herself): Delgado? Okay, which one of them called... None of them called me that except for Pete and you're not... Todd? Todd, is that you?

Todd: That's how we started all this, right?

Tea: I think you'd better sit down. I think I'd better sit down. I got quite a story for you.


Tea: And the very last person to show up at the trial was Pete. He was terrifying.

Todd: You don't really expect me to believe any of this, do you?

Tea: You know, I think ultimately it was Pete who convince the jury that you had DID because if you'd been faking why would you have shown them that kind of violence.

Todd: Right, right, right. does Pete, (laughing) Pete, okay, how does Pete come out?

Tea: Pete comes out when you or one of your alters is threatened and Hank was pushing you really hard.

Todd: Right. Okay. No, no, no, okay, so sometimes I'm Rod, right? Rod? And I speak with an...I'm Italian but I have a Russian accent. I don't speak Italian, all right, much less Russian. And then I turn into a school teacher, I hate teachers...I hated school.

Tea: Well, Tom didn't. I know it's hard to believe but...but it's true. It's true.

Todd: It would explain the blank spots.

Tea: Blank spots?

Todd: Yeah, sometimes I...I'm some place and I'm not sure how I got there.

Tea: Why have you never mentioned this to me before?

Todd: I didn't want anyone to think I'm screwy.

Tea: You''re not screwy.

Todd: No, no, I just sometimes put on a bathrobe and spout Italian or sometimes I turn into this little boy and then if I'm really bored I turn into an old spinster. No, that's not too screwed up.

Tea: You were protecting yourself. It was the sanest solution possible. Your mind created all these other personalities to protect you from something that you never should have had to deal with. You know, maybe if you'd let yourself face it, if you would talk about it, you wouldn't need them anymore. It's about your adopted father, isn't it? Something...something he did, something bad?

Pete: All right, you shut your stupid mouth, right now.

Tea: Pete.

Pete: You just make a big mistake.

Tea: Really? How?

Pete: You're bringing up something that he can't even deal with.

Tea: Peter Manning and what he did to you?

Pete: He didn't do anything to me. He did it to Todd. Only I'm here now so nobody gets to hurt Todd. Not even you.

Tea: I would never hurt Todd. I love him.

Todd: Why are you bringing up his S.O.B. father?

Tea: Peter Manning is dead. He can't hurt Todd anymore. And Todd doesn't need... Oh, but that's it, isn't it? You're afraid he won't need you anymore. You're afraid that if Todd heals you'll be obliterated.

Pete: No, Todd will always need me. He doesn't need that ridiculous Rod, he doesn't need that little twit Tom and nobody needs anybody like Miss Perkins, but me, I protect him.


Tea: Todd is getting better. He...he...before long he will be able to control you.

Pete (wielding the fireplace poker): Todd doesn't even like you.

Tea: Well, then let him tell me that himself. I want to talk to Todd, right now.

Pete (patting his head): No. Todd doesn't live here anymore.


Tea: Fight him. Fight him, Todd. Don't let him win. Fight him.

Pete: Todd's never gonna win. He's not strong enough. See, Todd went back to sleep where he belongs. Nobody needs Todd. Nobody wants Todd.

Tea: I do. I do. I want Todd. I want the real Todd.


Pete: Don't let her destroy you. She will. You'll wind up institualized, drooling. You'll wind up wrapped up in a little straight jacket.

Tea: Never. I love Todd. I love him. I love him.


Todd (to Tea): I'll never hurt you.


Todd: You're worried I'm gonna turn into that guy Pete again, huh?

Tea: He's a pretty unpleasant guy.

Todd: I'd like to meet him sometime.

Tea: Todd, don't you remember what happened at the cabin? You fought with Pete.

Todd: I don't remember. Okay, I remember but it's kind of like a dream.


Tea (about Rod): It was a nice change.


Todd: I don't even want to be integrated if it means I've got to be civilized.

Tea: Hopefully you won't be too civilized.


Tea: I never thought I'd hear myself say this but, uh, I really missed you, Todd.


Todd (eating some of Cassie's wedding cake): You know, this isn't so bad, usually when people get married the cake it tastes like feet.


Todd (to a sleeping Tea): Tea, the fun is just beginning.


Todd (back at work): Oh, this is great, Briggs. Perfect for lining my birdcage with.

Mr. Briggs (thinking he's talking to Tom): Come on, son. Quit horsing around. Let the pros handle it. Want a lollipop?


Todd: I made Tea leave Kevin and Cassie's wedding because it was really, really boring.

Blair: I was there.

Todd: Oh, you were?

Blair: Yeah. Todd: Oh, anyway, okay, so I made her go to Viki's cabin, right, and then all my personalities came out, right. So Rod is talking to Tom who's talking to Miss Perkins. I even got to be Pete. And then...then when she really thinks I'm going completely bananas out comes me. I mean, the original one and only me.


Blair: Maybe Sam loves me more than you realize.

Todd: Okay, if I'd had any breakfast I'd throw it up now.


Sam: Are you fully, uh...

Todd: Integrated? No. You're looking at a work in progress.


Tea: I have some very good news about Todd.

Carlotta: He left town? I'm sorry, Tea, but that is truly how I feel.

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