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The Love Story Of The Millenium

A long time ago, when eternal peace rung,
throughout time, the Silver Millenium was
at hand.

A ruler during the Silver Millenium,
Queen Serenity,
had a beautiful daughter named Serena.
They lived happily on the Moon, where they
ruled a pleasent kingdom.

One day, a prince from earth came to visit the moon,
and instantly the prince and princess fell in love.
It was then anounced by Queen Serenity that
Prince Darien of Earth, and Princess Serena of
the Moon Kingdom were to someday be wed.
They both aggred.

Prince Darien and Princess Serena were always together,
went to every ball together, and danced every dance together.
One night when Prince Darien was late to a ball,
Princess Serena got worried.
She walked out onto a balcony, and stared up at the earth.
"Darien, where are you, it is not like you to be late."

"I am right her my love!
Princess Serena looks down is suprise to see
Prince Darien hiding behind a statue at the foot of
the balcony.

He explains to her that he must miss the ball,
and return home for his planet is under serious attack.
At first she does not want him to go, but after he
explains that he must for if the evil force
destroys his kingdom,
they will come and attack the moon kingdom.

Before another word is spoken, guards of the palace
spot the prince and chase him away.
"O dear Darien, they must think everyone from earth
is a spy for this evil force."
The princess says to herself, then returns to the ball.

As she walks down the spiral staircase, back to the main floor,
someone grabs her hand.

They go out to the ballroom floor, and dance
one final dance.
The prince explains that Queen Serenity knows he
he is not a spy, and wants him to stay and protect
the kingdom.
He had aggred to stay, for he knew he needed to protect
the princess.

After the dance, they went out onto the balcony.
Princess Serena gave the prince her star locket,
for even if he is lost somewhere in battle,
all he has to do is open it, and there special
song will play.
The prince took the gift, and in return made a
vow of his enternal love for the princess.
They shared one final kiss before the evil force came
on the attack.

Out of nowhere, a giant black shadow comes and covers
the moon kingdom.
An evil being, and 4 other warriors appear.
"I am Queen Beryl, queen of the Nega Verse!
Moon kingdom, prepare for your destruction!!!!"

Back up on the balcony, the prince and princess
watch as the massive army of the nega verse appears.
Prince Darien bids good bye to the princess and leaves to
join the army of the Moon Kingdom.
"Darien, come back to me!!

Queen Beryl spots the princess alone on the balcony,
and goes up to personaly say hello to her.
"So you are the little brat the prince has fallen in love with.
It's a shame that such a beauty as yourself will have to
die young."

Princess Serena stares in fright as the evil queen
developes a giant fireball and reares back to through it
at her.
Before the fireball has a chance to hit the princess,
a rose knocks it back into oblivion.

The queen looks over in rage to see Prince Darien.
Amazed at his personal appearence in front of her,
she offers him eternal power.
All he has to do is be her King, and they could
rule the whole universe.
He rejects the offer, for he loves the princess so much.

The queen enraged by this removes the gravity that is
holding him down so that he can only float to where
she wants him to.

Princess Serena, not being able to stand it any
longer, jumps off the balcony, and gets cought in the
gravity ray.
She floats up to the prince and they take each others hand.

Seeing that they are truly in love, Queen Beryl
decides to kill them both.
She generates another massive fireball, and this time,
it hits.
The prince and princess seperate, but still reach for
each other shouting each others name.
There names, being there final words.

Back down on the ground, Queen Serenity witnessed
the whole thing.
Her kingdom destroyed, and her daughter being on the thin
line of life and death, she decides to use the silver crystal.

She calls for her 2 guide cats, Luna & Artemis,
and tells them her plan.
They do not approve for the result of the Queen using the
the crystal to save her daughter's life, is that she
will loose hers.
Still, she uses the crystal and encases the children of the
moon, and the nega verse inside.

With the little energy she has left, she sends the
children of the moon to earth to start a new life.
As a result of the Nega Verse also being in the
crystal, she sends the guide cats to earth to protect the
princess and to find the Sailor Scouts and Prince Darien.

After they are sent to earth,
she losses all her energy and dies,
with only hope that someday
the prince and princess will find each other again.

I do believe it is a wierd voice on the cartoon that
says the perfect ending to my summary here,
and that is: