FORGET GOD He's Whipped Anyway. By Jason Wilder Konschak I have a theory. I didn't steal it. I made it up. I wasn't even drunk or drugged when I thought of it. I was just sitting there, warming my feet on my laptop, when it came to me, like a revelation. The theory's mine, and I'm about to give it to you. The theory has three parts. These are the three parts: One, God exists after all. Two, God is actually deeply concerned about what goes on here on Earth. And Three, he's scared shitless. You ask, "Dr. Wilder, what is God so scared of?" And I answer, "God is scared of you, suckah." That may seem odd, until you put yourself in God's big-ass moccasins. So, let's say that you're God, and you build a living thing. After all, that's what Gods do with their spare time. Now, let's say that you do a bang-up job. In fact, you're so clever, you give the thing free will. That's an impressive feature to put on something. Sort of like the car in Night Rider. That was one fully decked out automobile, mostly because it had free will. (Though, the rocket boosters were cool too.) Anyway, the thing busts out, and it starts making trouble. It tears up your place, and starts acting like it's the boss. You want to get rid of the crazy fool, because it looks and acts like a crazy fool. So, you fight back. Maybe you get a bunch of villagers to chase it with torches and pitchforks. But, the problem is, the freak is so smart, it makes a nuclear bomb, and it blows the hell out of your stupid villagers. Well, that's exactly what happened to our God. We're the crazy fool, and God's you, and your place is Earth, and the villagers are nature, and the nuclear bomb is technology, and the egg salad is still the egg salad. So, you can see, if you were God, you'd be scared too. It's the whole, "oh no, I've created a monster" syndrome, and God's got it. Now, I'm not suggesting that we change our behavior and become lovable and friendly to God. No one wants to see the Frankenstein monster kissing Dr. Frankenstein's ass, at least, no one that I ever dated. They want the monster to tear up some villagers, and kill the doctor - and that's exactly what I want too. Furthermore, as far as I'm concerned, I hope that we blow ourselves up in the process. In fact, I'm rooting for it. That's what has to happen to the monster in the end of the movie anyway, so you might as well root for it. The monster has to die. Usually it's because of something stupid it does, like climbing up the nearest pointy building for not good reason. My theory isn't supposed to save us. It's just supposed to help people find their way in this messy world, so they can be as sane and well adjusted as me, Dr. Wilder. So, next time you need guidance, simply look to Heaven, and yell, "BOO!" because that really makes God jump. Next time you're feeling low - slam doors, play loud music, stomp your feet, and make scary faces. When people ask you why you're doing it, tell them "It gives God the heeby-jeebies." Best of all, carry around a big stick with you everywhere you go, and when people ask you about it, say, "This is my God beatin' stick." That'll oughta keep God on his toes. In the end, all I'm suggesting is, people should believe my theory simply on the basis of faith. In other words, because it sounds good. They should start crusades to convert everyone to my brilliant religion, even peoples' pets. It's the best thing we can do, fanatically following a religion. It's sort of like climbing that big pointy building. Yay us.