Here are a few hints and secrets to help you through the game. Not that you need them, being the great game players that you are.
You can get the Sinking Lure as an adult which is needed to catch the Loach. The Lure will randomly appear at these locations.
- Around the perimeter or the pond.
- On the log sticking out of the water.
- In the little stream feeding the pond.
- Next to the rocks under water north of the log that's sticking out of the water.
- Near the green thing in the grass
If there are any other locations, send them to me.
As an adult you can "catch" the Fisherman's hat. All you have to do is cast towards his head and eventualy you'll get it. Now you can either cast it into the pond and pay him for it or give it back. If you cast it in, it will sink to the bottom but after a few times of visiting the pond it will disappear.
The Loach!
As an Adult you can catch the Loach, a 30 to 35 pound "fish," with the Sinking Lure. This takes a little skill and a lot of free time. First of all, you must enter the Fishing Pond when the water is murky, otherwise it will not be there. You can check this by looking at the sign outside.
Catch the Loach Without the Sinking Lure!
You don't need the sinking lure to catch the loach. I've done it, in fact thats the only way ive been able to do it. Anyway, how you do it is you go to fish, like regular, then you might have to wait a hell of a long time, but sooner or later the loach will slowly swim over to the shallow water by the rocks on the left side of the pond. You only have one chance to do it though, until you have to wait a long time again. But thats how you do it, you cast the line at it, and the loach will fetch it, and it seems like forever to get to you.
Submited by Vmay1972@aol.com
Funny Sounds
Play the Ocarina like an Electric Gutar
In Majoras Mask you can play the ocarina and it sounds like the electric guitar, u do this by u talk to the zora girl on the stage, in Zora Hall, u play a note with Zora-Link, then she will say its a little quiet, then transform into normal Link, and play your ocarina and it will sound like a loud guitar.
Submited by Shea
Happy Milk
Stand in front of a cow and play eponas song.... Then the cow will be happy and give u milk.
Submited by Fisheye96032@aol.com
Don't pay the fine
Alright this is the same secret as the "catch the fisherman's hat," but you save rupees. Okay,catch the fisherman's hat,let it loose in the pond and he will tell you to pay the fine,but... why.Instead rud towards the door with your rod,of course he will tell you to bring it back when your done. Won't be needing those rupees,heh heh heh! Well,anyway...
Submited by Leinad Rolyat
Cameo appearances
I just figured out that as a kid, go to the castle BEFORE MEETING PRINCESS ZELDA. Get past the courtyard guards and into the place where Princess Zelda is. Use the C-UP button to look through the windows to the left and right of the window Zelda is looking in. In one of them there should be pictures of Bowser, Luigi, Peach, and a flying Mario! ooh,ahh........
Submited by wagijoma
V1.0 Codes Needed:
Beta Quest - 8011B9E3-0000
Moon Jump (press L to fly) - D01C84B5-0020 811DAA90-40CB
V1.1 Codes Needed:
Beta Quest - 8011BBA3-0000
Moon Jump (press L to fly) - D01C8675-0020 811DAC50-40CB
V1.2 Codes Needed:
Beta Quest - 8011C093-0000
Moon Jump (press L to fly) - D01C8D75-0020 811DB350-40CB
Warp Anywhere - D01C8D75-0010 8111C015-00F0
Here is the process that needs to be followed to see the Triforce for V1.0 and V1.1:
Start your game with the Gameshark codes on and watch the N64 logo until it disappears. You'll then appear in Hyrule Field at night in the Beta Quest. Run towards the drawbridge that enters Hyrule Market. Press L to fly up and over the drawbridge and fall down to enter the Goron Shop. Let the Goron Shop come fully up from the fade before trying to leave. If you do not, it will mess up and you'll start falling. Now turn Link around and go back towards the entrance stepping slowly and not running to leave. You'll now be in the Castle Courtyard in the very ending sequence where it would normally flash "The End" and stuff with child Link looking at Zelda. If you have V1.0, you will see the stuff that would come up except the Courtyard will still be in color and you can move. If you have V1.1, you will not see this but just the regular Castle Courtyard. Now go over to one of the walls and make Link face the very center where the flowers are. Press L to start going up and when you get through the "celine" that you can go through. Now start pulling back on the analog stick to make Link float back. Now let go of L to start falling. Fall until you're below the scenery and start pressing L again and pressing forward on the analog stick. Go forward until you start swimming in the water. Swim forward and try and get right under the middle of the flowers.Now let go of everything and float to the top and let Link surface. Now after Link surfaces, press Up-C to look around. Look down towards Link's feet and to the left. There is the Triforce!
Here is the process that needs to be followed to see the Triforce for V1.2:
Start your game with the Gameshark codes on and watch the N64 logo until it disappears. You'll then appear in Hyrule Field at night in the Beta Quest. Pull out your Ocarina with a C-button and play the Prelude of Light (Up-C, Right-C, Up-C, Right-C, Left-C, Up-C) and when asked if you want to warp to the Temple of Time, say Yes. When the screen starts to fade to white, quickly press R and hold it until you appear in the Castle Courtyard. Next go over to one of the walls and make Link face the very center where the flowers are. Press L to start going up and when you get through the "celine" that you can go through. Now start pulling back on the analog stick to make Link float back. Now let go of L to start falling. Fall until you're below the scenery and start pressing L again and pressing forward on the analog stick. Go forward until you start swimming in the water. Swim forward and try and get right under the middle of the flowers.Now let go of everything and float to the top and let Link surface. Now after Link surfaces, press Up-C to look around. Look down towards Link's feet and to the left. There is the Triforce!
This is the real thing folks, an actual Triforce. But this does raise more questions. Going down this avenue again will probably open another Pandora's box of speculation, but I have to say. For one when I did this the Triforce was moving around in a circle and the triforce peice in the lower right triad was brighter than the rest. This is VERY intregueing. WHY did the programmers do this. You can't see this triforce in any other location than UNDER THE GROUND and only with the GAMESHARK! WHY? It's almost amazing to say this but this proves my original theory about the triforce. It was supressed within the cart. You know what really made me wonder was how many of the places that I ended up where I had to reset the game included the Chamber of Sages music and a fogged over tan screen. please give credit to B.J. a.k.a. Hugh Jass
-Submited by sybrwulf99@aol.com
Hey! a way to see the triforce (see, not get) is to go to the deku sprout, stand in the light and look up. It looks a little like the triforce
-Submited by Teocon
Debug Mode
Start a game in the temple of time, Then Gently and SLOWLY pull up on the left side of the game pak. If you do it slow enough, the computer will become lagged and link will jump all over the screen and the sound will become very corrupted. If you let this happen for a few seconds (you may have to try to move link around) the n64's processor will become lagged and the game will lock up. There is going to be a small yellow bar that will appear in the top left of the screen...
When you get the small yellow bar to appear there are some commands that you need to input on the controller to get the "Debug" code to appear on the screen (this will also show the release date for the game you have...)
Follow these steps:
* L button + R button + Z button
* Control pad UP + "C" DOWN
* "C" UP + Control pad DOWN
* Control pad LEFT + "C" button left
* "C" RIGHT + Control pad RIGHT
* A button + B button + Start Button
The debug/error code will not be shown unless you push each button. Example: in the first step you must push the Z button while HOLDING the L and the R.
This is all that you really need to know.