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     Are you ready to test your knowledge of Zelda 64? This is the only place to take... The Zelda Test! Dont forget to read my insult for a wrong answer. If you don't pass the first time, look around the site for the answers, they are all here. When you pass you can enter your name and e-mail. Only then you will be put an the Hall of Fame.


Click Start/Next Question to begin. Put letters a, b, c or d (no caps) in the "your choice" box. Good luck!

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Author: Joel Unger
ICQ Number: 67019315 (Brak)
zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda, zelda 64, zelda 64, zelda 64, zelda 64, zelda 64, zelda 64, zelda 64, zelda 64, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, zelda glitches, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central, Zelda Glitch Central