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Leprechaun Sanctuary

This is a page to sit back, relax, and read a superstition, courtesy of the Leprechaun Sanctuary. Your very lucky you found us. By the way, these are just superstitions. Only superstitions and are NOT to be taken seriously under any count. These are the silly things people thought in those olden days. Do not go slaughter an animal over these things or refuse to live a normal life. Superstitions today are a means of mental entertainment, and are not to be seriously carried out. Again, these are not true, just silly beliefs of the superstitious.

If you have a superstition you ould like to add to The Leprechaun Sanctuary, e-mail me and I will post it.

Cats will suck away the breath of children, invaldis and those in sleep, weakening or killing them. {So untrue}

The very popular black cat crossing your path is bad luck in the US, however, in England, a black cat crossing your path is GOOD luck. If a black cat appears on your property one night, it is good luck, if it stays, it fortells bad luck. This same black cat in Yorkshire is kept by fishermen's wives. It was said the cat would ensure the safe return of the husband. The black cat crossing the path has variations all over. Again, in England, if a black cat crosses the path of a bride leaving the church, it is said to bring a good marriage.

In Asia, ANY cat is good luck. {if they aren't eaten first}

A sneezing cat could mean either of these two things: a bride will experience bad luck, or it will rain.

Stepping under a ladder is bad luck. {not to mention kinda stupid}

To step on a crack is bad luck.

Throwing salt over your shoulder is said to bring good luck.

Pick up a piece of coal and toss it over your left shoulder.

Get up on the wrong side of the bed? It is said that the wrong side of the bed is the LEFT side. So, getting out on the RIGHT side fo the bed is quite literal.

If you put on clithes inside out by accident, it will bring you good luck if you keep them on.

Ancients believed if a leapord was crossed with a lion/lioness, the result was the panther.

Leopards give birth only once, for the cubs tear themselves from the womb.

Lions will not attack or injure a true royal prince.

Sick lions will eat monkeys and will miraculously be cured.

White peacocks, roosters, and squeaky wheels frighten lions.

Lion cubs are born stillborn, and are so for three days until the father licks them to life.

The urine of a lynx can harden into the precious stone Ligurius.

A tigress in distress is distracted by reflections from glass.

Dogs howl if a death occurs.

Dogs can see ghosts.

The Celts believed curses could be laid upon others with the help of a dog.

Brides being lifted over the threshold has two meanings. One of which was said to show the home guardian that she was a new welcome member of the home.

If a dog digs a hole in your garden, a death will come to your family.

If the wounded is licked by a dog, on that wound, it will heal.

If you see a fox, it is a great omen. If you see many otgether, this is unlucky.

If you say the word "wolf" in December, you will be attacked by one.

A wolf's tooth placed around a child's neck will protect the child from evil spirits.

Wolves give birth in Mar, but only during thunderstorms.

Fur from a certain part of a wolf rump is an aphrodisiac.

Monkeys are depressed during the waning and New Moon.

An ill child can be cured if placed on the back of a donkey and the beast walks in nine circles.

A badger's tooth is a good luck item for gambling.

An ill child will be cured if it rides on the back of a bear.

If a pig crosses your path, it is unlucky.

If a pig looks at you with straw in its mouth, this is a sign of rain.

A menstruating woman can spoil cured pork, turn water to vinegar, and kill seeds.

Bonfires are lit and cattle is driven between the fires to ensure protection from faeries.{This one is still sometimes performed today} Faeries were thought to steal and ride unprotected livestock.

Cattle kneel to the east on Christmas Eve.

If deer eat a specific herb, arrows will not harm it.

Pan pipes will charm stags.

If a deer eats a snake, it can become youthful again.

Elephants never forget.

Elephants concieve once and live for 300 years.

Elephants are afraid of mice.

Black goats are treasure keepers and are friends with the faeries.

Goats must take one trip to the devil a day to have their beards combed.

Hippos will overturn boats to kill and attack humans. They will also charge at wounded humans. But, hippos do not eat humans. {in ancient Egypt, hippos were often portrayed as aggressive. Killing one meant that an evil spirit, in some cases, Set, was slain and would return the next year.}

Horses are good luck.

Grey horses are considered a death omen.

Spitting at the feet before a white horse will break a spell.

Horses with spots, that are not used for racing are said to be extra powerful.

Horses fear dead bodies.

a hogstone will protect horses from faeries who would ride them to exhaustion.

The deeper a stallion drops his nose while drinking, the better sire he will be.

When the master dies, a horse will shed tears.

An astral soul takes the form of a mouse.

Mice have connections with Underworld and Dark deities.

A mouse in your home is bad luck, especially if it eats your clothing. {I'll vouch, that one is SO true. Mice can be SUCH a nuissance}

A white mouse is lucky. To kill a white mouse will bring misfortune.

The left foot of a hare will ward off evil.

rabbits feet are good luck, especially if used to apply make-up.

a hare crossing your path is bad luck.

saying "white rabbits" three times really fast, and not messing up will give you good luck for the rest of that month.

To kill a black rabbit is bad luck.

A black lamb is good luck.However, in Shropshire, if twin black lambs are born, disaster is coming.

Sheep are driven under rowan hoops or between bonfires to protect them from faeries.

Sheep will bow three times in the eastern direction on Christmas morning.

Rats will desert a ship that is destined to sink.

Rats leaving a home is a sign that the home will fall.

a hunter will lose his skill if he kills a squirrel.

A weasel corssing your path is an omen of a bad day. A white weasel corssing your path means the day will get worse.

A wolverine possesses the power to hrness the souls of the damned. To look into it's eyes is risking the wolveringe letting loose one of the evil spirits to possess the onlooker.

A wolverine will be vengeful and take revenge on murdered spirits.

If a bird, especially a white one, taps on your window or flies into your house, it is said to be a bad omen and death will come. However, if the bird is a male cardinal, it means love is on the horizon.

Bird wallpaper is unlucky.

When on a trip, if a flock of birds lands on your right, good luck will follow, if they are on your left, the journey will go bad.

Ghosts take the forms pf bats...if a home has bats in it, it is haunted.

Killing a bat shortens a mans life.

If a bat flies near or closely by you, it is warning you that someone is trying to betray or curse you.

To keep a bat bone is good luck. To keep the right eye will make you invisible.

Find a penny, pick it up, if it's on heads, you'll have good luck.

Black birds are a good omen.

Blue jays will spend Fridays with the devil and report every sin committed.

If a rooster crows, evil spirits must return to the Netherworld.

If a rooster crows before you leave for work, it is good luck.

White roosters are lucky, black ones are unlucky.

The Crow Superstition: one means anger, two means mirth, three a wedding, four a birth, five is heaven, six is hell, seven is the devil himself.

crows or ravens that pirch but never settle are victims of purgatory.

If a dove calls often from one direction, you will move in that direction.

pillows made from pigeon feathers will prolong life.

Egyptians belived ten eagles would fly into fires within the Duat and were reborn with new lives.

Stolen eagle eggs are good luck and bring peace of mind.{But nowadays, if you try it, you're looking at a LOT of big trouble. So don't do it}

Goose manure makes hair grow on blad heads.

Hawks are good luck.

To shoot a heron is bad luck.

Nightengales will only sing at night. The song will ward off death and evil spirits.

Ostrich feathers are bad luck in, says Americans. But, in Egypt, they were said to be omens of justice. The ostrich feather was a symbol of Maat.

If a pregnant woman hears an owl, the baby will be a girl.

Killing a raven is bad luck. Some say King Arthur turned into a Raven.

A raven call will ensure success to a hunter.

Killing a robin is bad luck.

If you see a robin on New Years, make a wish before it flies away and good luck will be yours for the rest of the year.

catching a sparrow is unlucky. Setting one free is good luck.

Sparrows only live in homes that have friendly spirits and friendly faeries.

To kill a swallow is bad luck. If it builds a nest in your home, that is good luck.

If three swans fly together, there will be a national disater.

Woodpeckers are an evil omen. To especially touch or break a woodpecker egg is bad luck.

Crocodiles will cry over the heads of their victims before eating it.

Frogs are good luck and are a symbol of friendship.

Killing a frog is bad luck.

If a dog eats a frog, it will be unable to bark. {This is untrue, I know for a fact. My dog eats frogs all the time and he never shuts up.}

If a lizard crosses a bride on her wedding day, she will never be happy in the marraige.

A snake will not be able to die until the sun goes down.

A ring in the shape of a snake will bring good luck to the owner. But some beliefs say a ring in snake form will corrupt the hands of the owner.

Dolphins will rescue drwoing people and take them to shore. {Only a half-truth}

Dolphins who swim or play alongside a ship fortells good luck.

You can cure an alcoholic by drowinging an eel in liquor and making the alcoholic drink it.

The first fish caught on a fishing trip must be thrown back as payment to the water deities. If this isn't done, the rest of your fishing trip will be unlucky.

To see a whale is good luck. If it is seen where whales have never been seen before, it is bad luck.

If ants make a nest near your door, you will have a lucky home.

A virgin girl can walk through a swarm of bees without being stung.

The sound of a deathwatch beetle means death is coming.

If a gold butterfly lands near a dying person, it is a good omen.

If a dragonfly hovers over your boat, you will have good luck.

Spiders are almost always good luck. To kill one is bad luck.

Blue wards off evil spirits from a bride.

If you catch a leprechaun, it is good luck. But, if he tricks you, you will have bad luck.

To buy eggs at midnight is unlucky.

Turning three times to the left is unlucky. To turn three times to the right will counteract it.

To knock on wood is lucky.

If you put on one shoe, every step you take before putting on the other shoe will take off a year of your life.

To cut a baby's hair or fingernails before they are a year old is cutting their life short.


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