It all started at around 6:30am. My friend and I took the 7:00am bus to get into the city by 8:00. Then, we walked from the Port Authority to the hotel. Thanks to the lovely construction, it took us longer than usual to get there. One thing is for certain, NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING IN NYC! Why do I say this? Because we asked about five or six different people where the hotel was and we were sent all over the place. Now I knew how to get to the hotel because my friend and I were there back in June for the Renee Elise Goldsberry Event, but because of the damn construction things got a little off. I was pissed off, needless to say that no one knew anything and the construction was ridiculous. However, we made it in time for the event (thank God) and once we got there, my mood dramatically changed (hee hee)!
What can I say? This was one of the best days ever! I love Trevor even more after meeting him. Let me just say that his eyes are much more blue in person....hee hee!
When he first walked in, he made sure to ask if everyone was fed....LOL! They had bagels and drinks if anyone wanted something. He was like "so, does anyone want to ask me a question?" LOL! He was funny. Now I can't remember all what was said during the Q&A session, but I can tell you this. Trevor had a lot to say about One Life to Live and soap operas in general. I was very impressed. I was also pleased to know that he is tired of the pairing of Todd and Blair (sorry Todd and Blair fans, but come on how many times are these two going to get together just to break up again?). We all cheered about that one. He has hopes that there will be some changes to OLTL with the new headwriter in charge (as do the rest of us)! He also talked about "Dirty Sexy Money" that premieres on ABC where he plays someone's father in flashbacks and "The Bourne Ultimatum", which opened the same day of his breakfast event.
The ladies at our table were really funny and we had a really good laugh while we were waiting for Trevor to come around to us. We took pictures and even got Debby into one, which was great because I wanted to get a picture of her at the last event (in case you were wondering who Debby is. She is Debby O'Connor and is the coordinator of these great events. She is awesome!). There were so many pictures taken that I felt like I was at some kind of family gathering or reunion....LOL! They were great and I hope to see some of them again.
When Trevor finally got to our table (by the way, he was wearing a green shirt and blue jeans), he grabbed a chair, sat down, and was like "so does anyone have anything for me to sign?" I told you he was funny. While he was signing things, there was a girl at our table who I had met at the Renee event who had a list of questions to ask him. He was curious as to what were these questions for and who she was reporting back to - with a big smile on his face. We all laughed.
When she was finished with her questions, which again I can't remember what they were (I'm sorry, I was too busy focused on him; so I didn't really hear the questions), he asked again "so anyone else have anything for me to sign?" That's when I said "absolutely" and handed him a photo that I had brought. He asked, "what's your name?" and that's when I told him. The way that he said my name was like "wow, how do you spell that?" (My name is different, so I'm used to people's reactions....LOL!) I asked him if he ever wrote for anything because he has such great ideas and that's when he told me that he wrote his own screenplay. (See, I can spot a writer from a mile away....hee hee!) I really think he should have more of a say at OLTL about how things should be written. I know there are some other actors from other soaps that have an influence on the writers.
Somewhere in my friend's conversation came up the subject about music and percussion. That's when the both of us said we were musicians. He was like "you are? What do you play?" I told him that I sung and my friend played guitar. Then the subject of theory came up and he had a question about a certain chord and how to write it, but uh sorry I don't think he knew what he was trying to explain because first of all he kept changing the key. It went from "how do you write a Bb minor chord?" to "B major" to "Bb major" and back to "B major". I don't know if he was trying to confuse us or what but he sure did, but like I said I don't think he knew exactly what he was trying to say....LMAO! While Sal, Trevor, and I got into the music thing he apologized to the other ladies that were at the table (because we got into it a little bit).
Overall, another great event. I had such a fun time. Thank you Trevor and Debby for doing this for us! I'm looking forward to doing this again. Here are a few photos from that day. :)
Some of the ladies at our table gave a check to Trevor and it was donated to the Gabriel Project. I can't remember what the amount was, but he was really touched about that one! He even called Debby (standing and observing in the background in the first pic) over to take a look. :)
The mug that I brought from the event (and yes I am a fan club member)!
At each event, they had pens, paper, and silver sharpies at the table. The pen said "Marriot East Side" (actually I took several pens from the table....LOL!), the black sharpie that you see I had brought from home (I had some of the "Ladies of Llanview" use that to sign!). The two silver markers say "Trevor St. John Fan Club" and "Girls Night Out With the Ladies of Llanview" (wanna read about that event? Click here!).