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Suggested Project Implementation Timeline
Week of Suggested Lessons *Denotes lessons suggested, but not included on this website
Mon:   *Construct/Create a Food Journal with your class (Art/Language Arts) 
             The Write Chef: A Lesson in Recipe Writing (Language Arts)

Tues:   Building the Pyramid: A Look at the Food Pyramid (Science)

Wed:   *Write a Concrete, List, or Acrostics poem based on Food Pyramid (Language Arts)

Thurs: *Basic Fraction Lesson (Math)

Fri:       Fraction Soup: A Lesson in Halves (Math)



Mon:    The Choice Challenge: Keeping a Food Journal (Language Arts/Interdisciplinary)
            Mix-n-Match: A Look at the Steps of the Scientific Method (Science)

Tues:   The Choice Challenge: Keeping a Food Journal (Language Arts/Interdisciplinary) - Continued
          *Basic Averaging Lesson (Math)
             Step-by-Step: An Exploration of the Scientific Method (Science)

Wed:    The Choice Challenge: Keeping a Food Journal (Language Arts/Interdisciplinary) - Continued
             M&M Mapping: A Lesson in Graphing (Math)

Thurs: The Choice Challenge: Keeping a Food Journal (Language Arts/Interdisciplinary) - Continued

Fri:       The Choice Challenge - Continued - graph weekly total intake by food group 

Mon:    Super Tasters: Examining Our Taste Buds (Science)
    Making Them Believe: Writing A Persuasive Paragraph (Language Arts) - Extension Lesson

Tues:  *Basic Heredity/Genetics Lesson (Science)
            *Predictions about taster category based on food preferences (Science)
Wed:   Super Tasters: Examining Our Taste Buds (Science) - Conduct Part One
             Super Taster Lesson (Scientific Method Activity 3) (Science)

Thurs:  Super Tasters: Examining Our Taste Buds (Science) - Conduct Part Two

Fri:       Super Tasters: Examining Our Taste Buds (Science) - Graph Results
             Equal Kisses: A Lesson in Averaging (Math)
           *Introduction to Computer Spreadsheets
Note:  You may need their journals for activities this week

Mon:    Super Tasters: Examining Our Taste Buds (Science) - Graph results using spreadsheets
           *Record in Journal - correlate observations from both experiments
Tues:   Getting The Word Out: Writing a Public Service Announcement (Language Arts)

Wed:    Getting The Word Out: Writing a Public Service Announcement (Language Arts) - Continued

Thurs: Getting The Word Out: Writing a Public Service Announcement (Language Arts) - Continued

Fri:   Check and Submit Taster Data to Website