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Mrs. Hope Benson               ‘A’ Chemistry


1. You are to enter the room quickly and quietly and go directly to your seat. The bell at the beginning of the period is your signal that the period has begun and silence and attention is expected.
2. Lateness will not be tolerated. Arriving to class late three times (unexcused) counts as an absence. Repeated tardiness will result in the accumulation of many unexcused absences.
3. Regular attendance is encouraged. An excess of 19 unexcused absences may result in the loss of credit for the course. Contact the teacher if in doubt as to the number of absences.
4. Cutting class is not tolerated and will result in an automatic in-school suspension. Cutting class in order to avoid taking a test will result in a grade of zero for that test.
5. Class participation is encouraged. However if you wish to be acknowledged you must raise your hand and wait until you are called upon.
6. Dismissal is by the teacher, not the bell.
7. Anyone caught cheating on assignments or tests will be given a grade of zero for that assignment or test.


1.YOU!!!! (mentally and physically alert)
2. You must have a sharpened pencil or pen. Tests should be taken in ink. No credit will be given for an incorrectly graded test question answered in pencil. Note: The teacher is not a pen or pencil distributor.
3. A special notebook must be devoted to the class and daily homework assignments. They will be checked at various intervals. A 3 ring binder is suggested in order that hand outs and lab sheets will not be lost.
4. Textbooks must be covered and brought to class when told.
5. A calculator is highly recommended.  It should be able to perform all basic functions as well as exponential notation and logarithmic calculations.
6. Passes will not be issued to students who have forgotten assignments, pens or books. It is the student’s responsibility to be prepared.


1. In order to master the methods and ideas presented in this course, it is essential that each night you review the day’s work.
2. Homework will be assigned each night and checked periodically. An incomplete homework assignment (without a parent’s note) will result in a loss of credit for that assignment. Completed study guides will be collected the day you are tested on that unit.
3. All lab reports will be due the day after the lab is complete. Late reports will result in the lowering of that grade.
4. If you have any difficulties, feel free to see me any day after school or by appointment. Make an appointment at the end of the class period.
5. All tests can be returned with a parent or guardian’s signature for 5 extra points. The test must be submitted the day after the test is returned to the student.
6, Extra-credit assignments are only given in extreme circumstances.


Every effort has been made to see that the room is in good order and a pleasant environment in which to learn and study. Materials are displayed for your use. Handle them properly. Anyone writing on desks or littering the room will be held responsible for cleaning their mess. No students are allowed in the prep room.


Grades will be determined by your effort as shown through tests ( 60%), announced and unannounced quizzes (average to one test grade; one quiz per marking period will be dropped if sufficient number is given and if student has been present for all quizzes), homework (20 %), and lab reports ( 20 %).

I have read and understood the above rules. I realize that they have been established in order to maximize class time and effectiveness. I will try my best to maintain a high level of mutual respect for the teacher, fellow classmates and school property. I also understand that suggestions are greatly appreciated and that every effort will be made by the teacher to clear up any difficulties or problems.

Student’s signature________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature___________________________________________