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A Chemistry Chapter 10 Study Guide

1. frequency                                     11. ionization energy
2. wavelength                                   12. quantum mechanics
3. amplitude                                     13. probability
4. photon                                         14. orbital
5. quantized                                     15. ground state
6. electromagnetic waves                 16. principal quantum number
7. speed of light                               17. Pauli exclusion principle
8. bright-line spectrum                      18. electron configuration
9. energy levels                                 19. orbital diagrams
10. excited electron

1. Write the equation that shows the energy of a photon.
2. List several forms of electromagnetic radiation.
3. How are the different forms of electromagnetic radiation the same? different?
4. Write the equation that shows the relationship between speed of light, wavelength and frequency.
5. What was Niels Bohr’s contribution to the atomic theory?
6. Explain the analogy between energy levels and a staircase.
7. Summarize Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom.
8. In what way is Bohr’s model flawed?
9. State the contributions of deBroglie and Schrodinger.
10. List the four different quantum numbers and what they describe.
11. What is the difference between electron orbital diagrams and electron configurations?
12. What is the sequence for filling electron orbitals?
13. How do you write electron configurations for ions?

p. 352 18,19
p. 353 21,22,23
Chapter Review: 8,22,31,33,34,35,36,37,38,38,43