1. Explain the difference between ionic substances and molecular substances.
2. Explain the phrase “like dissolves like.”
3. List the compounds in Table 15-2 in order of solubility.
4. How does temperature affect solubility?
5. How is thermal pollution related to gas solubility?
6. How does pressure affect solubility?
7. Explain why a solute will raise the boiling point and lower the
freezing point.
8. Write the equations for the change in boiling point and freezing
point of a solvent due to a solute.
p. 508 1,6
p. 511 8,9
p. 512 10,11,14,15,17,18,19
p. 517 20,21,22
p. 519 23,24
p. 520 25,26
p. 523 27,28,30,32,33,34
Chapter Review: p.526-529 3,6,7,11,20,21,23,24,28,29,36,38,39,40,41