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Immediate Action
Kamil Luzak

April 1,2001 7:12 PM

WorldCraft setup tutorial
Hey, I have posted a new tutorial on how setup worldcraft. Also if someone can plz find me a new host.

March 30,2001 10:25 PM

Long time no see !!!
Hey what's up ? I havn't done "ish" for about a week but I'm back and I came up with some new ideas. For one thing I'm going to bring this QuArK section to life, then I want to post some usleful files. Also my map "ia_town" is also coming along good should be done soon.

March 18,2001 1:05 PM

ia_town touch ups
Righ now I'm adding all kinds of detail and mainly working with r_speeds. You can see some new screen shots bellow.

March 14,2001 11:40 PM

Small update !
Things are going slow.
Ok well in other news a new version of QuArK is out, and I cranked up a tutorail on a cool new tool. Also I have a new screenshot of ia_town. In other news the IA team is looking for some "1337" mappers.

March 13,2001 5:40 PM

r_speeds !!! (hell hole for all mappers)
I have been working DAY & NIGHT just to put this map together, and now I'm almost done. My cousin and I ran through all the parts and it looks good, the only thing now that I'm concerned with are the r_speeds.
ScreenShot 1 here.
ScreenShot 2 here.
ScreenShot 3 here.

March 11,2001 11:00 PM

ia_town status !!!
ScreenShot 1here.
ScreenShot 2here.
ScreenShot 3here.
ScreenShot 4here.
The main area is really starting to take on shape, and now I't mostyl detail work. Also to all mappers, if you want to make a prefab such as: table, shelf, etc. and have me add it to my map plz e-mail me or stop by our channel.

March 10,2001 1:30 AM

Full power !!! (my site) (newest addition to ia)

For the past few days I have been mapping like a wild animal ! Mostly working on the central area, trying to lower the r_speeds. Anyway thing are looking good, and as of now I'm planing another map, "ia_hotel" This about covers it, so any questions you may have just e-mail me at