Look I am not wearing any black and next to no make-up!
Im in this pic with my pa pa. I was only only 3 months old.
Photos above rang from 1981-83
This is one of my very early drawlings (age 6-10?) I never was much with hand drawings =-P.
I have always been into the darker side of art and life, regardless of how I have dressed I was always a goth at heart.
Here is the first reel photo I ever took. I was around 13 years of age. I was mocking uncreative photography when I took this photo, on a Florida beach. Now my mom has this pic hanging in her living room, framed 8X10.
This was one of my first works that I did in 1997. This was call "disintegrated self image" and was old orange that had dried and began to mold along with burnt photos and a melted ID, all placed on my scaner with clear plastic rap for that wrinkled look you see. This was a start of my desire to express my selth though art. I began making webpages where I showed off my art work. Such sites as
H.H. (that site had like 7 hits and I hated it)
Over Whelming Grief (this site had my art work as well as others. very morbid)
Over Whelming Grief Two
Kire Wasted (this site was on AOL, be4 the dumd hometown pages.)
Dilapidated PlayGround
Abandoned Deceived (started with Co-host brie but then she left, now i am soul owner)
This photo was thaken of me in the year 1997, at the woods behind the Vineland High School (the nine ten)This photo was my Idea but Alex Moi took it for me (I am most fell into the water below).Thats me in the black KMFDM godlike shirt. I just got done smashing a whole TV in my driveway. This was one of my ways to take out my anger besides art.
This Polaroid was taken in 1998. I have always loved posing for photo as well as taken them. My work has always been about death and dyeing as well as faith, "god" and "sin". It has been about "good" and "evil". I has always been about my undying hate and my love. I have always been over come with hundreds of feelings, but never being blinded by them, even if seeing means my own misery.
Early 1999-Me in a skirt. Early 1999, this photo was taken in my basement. Alot of the photos you see in doors are taken here.
God, there is alot of things I didnt cover...Mabe some day ill put more up. But I wouldnt reline on it.