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~Brians Webpage~
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Since 2/2/2001

About Me

My Pics

My Girl

Please Sign My Guestbook!!

Welcome to my new and improved webpage. I've split the page into 3 separate sites now, which I invite you to visit. This is the main site, with some personal info about me. You will also find links to things around the web.
Secondly, I've made a

which has a little bit about my friends, as well as some original poetry.
Thirdly, I've made my

which contains just about anything you will need to make your own website.

This webpage does not contain artificial preservatives, sweeteners, or MSG. No animals or midgets were harmed making this webpage. Pregnant women and people with heart conditions should consult their doctors before viewing this webpage. :)

WebTV Status Board

You can email me with feedback, suggestions, questions, or if you would like help.
©2001,Brian's Webpage

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