God- In School

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God- In School

On Fox news the other day a man (I think his name was madcow?) said that a Kid got in trouble for saying "Merry Christmas" at the end of a Christmas pageant. And he said that the schools let us ware "satanic ware" , and they will protect you if your wicca. Saying that the Christian way is under attack.

Well, as soon as they have Satanic Wicca pageants (LOL) and they take away your bibles and lable you as a devil worshiper for believing in your God, mabe then ill agree with you but only then would you understand how Wiccans or even a Satanists (being 2 different things) feel in a public school . So if anyone has a right to bitch it's the Wicca, Satanist, Nihilists and Atheists in are schools. So just do us a favor and stop your crying and let them be. Freedom of religion means all religions. The public schools have always seem to play favorites and ill tell you there favorite hasnt been Wicca.

I am sick of people going around saying things like, "The schools are more worried about letting kids dye there hair purple and being wicca but they wont let me pray to me God" I want to know what schools they go to and besides its not like Wiccans can pray to there goddess in public school. The school I went to had Christian clubs and they prayed all the time in school and they bugged the living hell out of me to join there little club, and I dont care, its all good to me as long as I can be what I am ill let them be what they are but as soon as you attack my right dont think ill be all smiles for you comrade.

(Readers NOTE: this is a rant and could have been writen better but it was olny writen to vent. I am not Wiccan or Satanic but my beliefs are looked down on and I deal with stereotypes i am so wonderfully graced with. I have a deal of respect for all faiths but most of all its the smaller faiths I have more respect for. God in school is big subject and I have alot to say about it so be on a look out for a follow up.)

Your Friend KirE

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