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Our Links Questions that I am frequently curious about.

Where is it ran?
In Sanitarium's basement and backyard

How are results determined?
For now, they are done by Paper, Scissors, Rock. Soon they will be determined by how well you perform in the ring and how long you have been wrestling with us, also if storylines are going to be used, they will determine.

Who will write the storylines?
The President of the fed. He will take a bunch of suggestions and roll out something.

What are the ages of the wrestlers?
We go from 9 to 11 grades, most of us are 11th graders.

Is there really a 6'6" 250 pound guy in the JAB?
 Yes there is, he is my best friend.

How much safety goes into matches?
A lot, we train and go over moves for about a half an hour. We learn to take falls and we go over how you will land, everything is optional and if you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to.

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