-"Alka-seltzer is better than ass" -Tina
-"If he didn't come out of my womb, the things I would do to him" -Shady Chris' Mom
-"Monica, This is your Mouth-Watering Mother" -Monica's Mother
-"Fran, talk about slow-moving, Steph has known him since she was 2!" -Beefcake
-"We should take a little kid with us trick or treating. How about Rex?" -Jenn
-"I can't take more than 4 classes or be a pledge mom because I have a boyfriend." -Gina
-"So your telling random people on the street about my underwear." -Steph
-"Is Assof a player?" -Lani
-"I'm not gonna give it up for any random frat boy...ooops." -Steph
-"How do you get so drunk that you get naked...ooops. -Steph
-"Katherine is leading the fight against horniness." -Gina
-"blah...blah...blah...Morrocco." -Drunkass Tina at 5am
-"With my tounge in his mouth he'd be a lot less annoying." -Monica
-"Smells like sea urchin." -Steph
-"Tina wasn't throwing anything up that night except her fists." -Steph
-"I'm dirty, but you have sex!" -Steph
-"Go suck a dick." -Tina
-(While watching Pet Semetary) "Do any animals die in this movie?" -Gina
-"Do sharks pee? Well frogs pee so sharks have to pee." -Assof and Gina
-"I'm a stallion!" -Rex
-"You got something fresh!" -Neighbors
-"It's okay that I put soup on your cloths because I didn't eat it." -Fran
-"I didn't mind that you guys threw salt and pepper in my hair because there was more pepper!" -Fran
-"I gotta pee now because I can't pee in my car." -Smoot
-"Sha-Sha" -Tina
-"I wanna be a virgin." -Tina
-"Fran throws pillows...Tina throws punches." -Monica
-"Jenn likes to push the buttons. She's gonna be a plumber for Thanksgiving." -Monica
-"All of Steph's guys have either turned out gay or have stolen her underwear." -Monica
-"Like your farts smell like pineapples." -Steph
-"Jungle man fix Jane!" -Friday the 13th
-"Everything looks bad if you remember it." -Homer Simpson
-"Where's the cheese?" -Yucock
-"When it starts to look like turds, you know your low on pickles." -Steph
-"The Gym isn't going to be open. There's a pool in it. You know how many people would pee in it?" -Monica
-"That piece of chicken under the table is screaming I want my feathers back!" -Steph
-"Why does my head suddenly not fit here?" -Steph
-"Could they get any gayer?" -Fran