Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: Jeremiah 10:2 Thus saith the LORD Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.





Scripture Truth Ministries - George Lujack


The Jewish star, commonly referred to as the ‘Star of David,’ ‘Shield of David,’ or the ‘Seal of Solomon’ is a six-pointed hexagram star comprised of two overlaid equilateral triangles. This star is most closely identified with Jewish identity and it appears on many things Jewish, including the flag of the State of Israel, clothing, jewelry, synagogues, tombstones, and many other Jewish items. This article will discus the origins of what is commonly called the Star of David and whether this star should be avoided by Messianic believers as pertaining to a false god with pagan origins.


There is no Scripture reference to a ‘Star of David,’ ‘Shield of David,’ or a ‘Seal of Solomon.’ Mainstream Judaism acknowledges that they do not know where the Star of David symbol originated. Scripture does condemn a Jewish star.

AMOS 5:26:
You also carried Sikkuth your king and Chiun, your idols, THE STAR of your gods, which you made for yourselves.

ACTS 7:43:
You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and THE STAR of your god Remphan, images which you made to worship.

The Star of David is not exclusively a Jewish symbol. This star appears in other cultures and religious practices dating back hundreds of years before the birth of Messiah (Christ). The six-pointed hexagram star is used in Buddhism, Free Masonry, Hinduism, Kabala, the occult, Saturn worship, and witchcraft. The six-pointed hexagram star has been used as a talisman and for conjuring up spirits in Satanic occult magic [1].

It is quite evident that the Jews are still carrying a star of their god Remphan, which they still make for themselves today. While they may not acknowledge a ‘god’ associated with this star, this does not make it non-offensive to God who is holy, who does not allow His people to possess charms, idols, or talismans. Catholics have idols, mainstream Christians have Christmas trees (Jeremiah 10:1-5), and the Jews have talisman star charms, all in violation of God’s laws against idolatry.

ROMANS 10:19:
“I will provoke you to jealousy by those who are not a nation.”

During the 19th century a significant motivating factor for adopting the hexagram star as a symbol of Israel and of the Jewish people was the desire to imitate the influence of the Christian cross [2]. The Jews were provoked to jealously by Christianity, by a faith that was not a nation and knew no borders.

JEREMIAH 3:12-13:
‘Return, backsliding Israel,’ says the Lord; I will not cause My anger to fall on you. For I am merciful,’ says YHWH (the Lord); ‘I will not remain angry forever. Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have transgressed against the Lord your God, and have scattered your charms to alien deities under every green tree, and you have not obeyed My voice,’ says YHWH (the LORD).

Mainstream Judaism is not going to acknowledge its iniquity in making the hexagram charm in honor of Remphan and in defiance of God until Yeshua (Jesus) returns. The Star of David is used in Messianic Judaism to pander to Jews who loathe and fear the cross. Christians have historically persecuted the Jews and the symbol of the cross is anathema to many Jews. To attract Judaic Jews into converting to Messianic Jews, Messianic Judaism has forsaken the cross in favor of the ‘Star of David.’

While evil-minded Catholics and Christians have historically persecuted the Jews, the cross of Messiah (Christ) and the message of salvation cannot be compromised with a forbidden talisman hexagram six-pointed star symbol of pagan origin. Messianic and other faithful believers should not have anything to do with the six-pointed hexagram symbol, by either displaying it or wearing it, not even to support the Jewish people.

1. “ Testing the Star of David,” 119 Ministries,


2. “The Flag and the Emblem,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 28 Apr 2003, “According to Sholem, the motive for the widespread use of the Star of David was a wish to imitate Christianity. During the Emancipation, Jews needed a symbol of Judaism parallel to the cross, the universal symbol of Christianity.”
<>.  [Saints, See: The Star of David and the Name of the Khazar Capital City of Itil are Recognized in the Graffito on an Arabic Silver Coin - Consider the graffito incised on an Arabic silver coin found somewhere in a treasure in the Eastern Europe
and dated back to the second half of the 8th century A.D. (Nakhapetyan and Fomin 1994: 186, 203, figure
15, 183), see figure 1.

                                     Figure 1.

Notice that the Khazar runic script was used here. I have read this record in such a manner:

1 “Star of David,” 1 (I)t(i)š. Judaism is the first (religion); Itil is the first (town).
Itil or Atil was the capital of Khazaria at that time. This name was read as Atil in a Khazarian runic
record from Ukraine (Rjabchikov 2022). This place name (Itil, Atil, Itish or Atish) was in reality the name of
the river Volga as well, cf. Old Turkic itil „to be pushed,‟ itiš „pushing,‟ it „to push,‟ Tatar etu „to push‟ and
su etu „to leak.‟
This graffito is an evidence of the active trade that took place in this country.]
[Saints, so it appears that a good number of so called Jews in Israel are from a different stock and were converts to Judaism and not the seed of Abraham.  This caused a controversy when DNA ancestry site 23andMe said the same thing. But after getting pressure they had to retract what the dna science indicated.

If dna is not to be trusted that would question every police investigation and prosecution that has used dna from these ancestry sites to link family\relatives dna of suspects to convict and solve cold case crimes. The link below is from a Jewish site that says the theory of Jews being Khazars is discredited!!!. [See: Why Did 23andMe Tell Ashkenazi Jews They Could Be Descended From Khazars? - The genomics company 23andMe has retracted a statement made on the profiles of some users with Ashkenazi heritage that they may be descended from an extinct tribe from the Caucasus known as the Khazars, inadvertently wading into a political-genetic debate with far-reaching implications for Jewish identity and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The company said in a statement that it will remove any reference to the theory from its site.

23andMe, which offers direct-to-consumer genome testing services, sent out an email last week to customers, announcing updates to the genetic reports corresponding to different haplotypes, or genetic groups defined by certain DNA variations. The email promised that “a major update” of the company’s genetic history reports would help its customers “gain insights into fascinating and unusual details about your genome, details that set your story apart.”

One of the details in question? That a large portion of Jews may be descended from the Khazars, a semi-nomadic tribe in the Caucasus that was largely destroyed in 10th-century C.E. — and not from the Israelites of the Israel/Palestine area from several thousand years ago. This theory, known as the “Khazar theory,” has been discredited by geneticists all over the world.] Note: You know, just like the science of the covid vaccines being safe and effective or the dubious claim that 90% of scientist say that 'Man Made' Climate Change is real!. Just call me sceptical!] 1 John 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.)

The Star of David is the Star of Remphan (Acts 7:43)



The Occultic god Remphan From Acts 7:43 And The "Star Of David"