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STANDARD 4.12 - All students will develop an understanding of statistics and probability and will use them to describe sets of data, model situations, and support appropriate inferences and arguments.

Note - Internet links at bottom of page

Descriptive Statement: Probability and statistics are the mathematics used to understand chance and to collect, organize, describe and analyze numerical data. From whether reports to sophisticated studies of genetics, from election results to product preference surveys, probability and statistical language and concepts are increasingly present in the media and in everyday conversations. Students need this mathematics to help them judge the correctness of an argument supported by seemingly persuasive data.


Cumulative Progress Indicators Objectives Suggested Activities Materials Evaluation
Probability and Statistics


  1. 1st Q
  2. 1st Q
  3. 1st Q
  4. 1st Q
  5. 4th Q
Building upon knowledge and skills gained in the preceding grades, by the end of Grade 8, students will:
  1. Generate, collect, organize, and analyze data and represent this data in tables, charts, and graphs.
  1. Create stacked bar graphs, sliding bar graphs, and multiple line graphs
  2. Create frequency tables, line plots, and histograms
  3. Write and analyze survey questions and conduct a survey
  4. Create and interpret stem-and-leaf plots
  5. Create circle graphs
  1. See Lesson 1-1.
  2. See Lesson 1-3.
  3. See Lesson 1-5.
  4. See Lesson 1-7.
  5. See Lesson 10-5.
  1. Graph paper, math journal
  2. Same as #1
  3. Math journal, Hot Page spreadsheet, Investigations software "Measuring Elephant Populations in Africa"
  4. Math journal, spreadsheet software
  5. Compass, protractor, graphing calculator
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  2. Same as #1
  3. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet
  4. Same as #1
  5. Same as #1
  1. 1st Q
  2. 1st Q
  1. Select and use appropriate graphical representations and measures of central tendency (mean, mode and median) for sets of data.
  1. Determine whether the mean, mode, or median best represents a set of data
  2. Create box-and-whisker plots
  1. See Lesson 1-4.
  2. See Lesson 1-8.
  1. Stopwatch, math journal
  2. Metric ruler, math journal
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  2. Same as #1
  1. 1st Q
  2. 1st Q
  3. 1st Q
  1. Make inferences and formulate and evaluate arguments based on data analysis and data displays.
  1. Interpret circle graphs
  2. Recognize false claims made by misleading graphs
  3. Determine an appropriate graph for a set of data
  1. See Lesson 1-1.
  2. See Lesson 1-2.
  3. See Lesson 1-9.
  1. Graph paper, math journal
  2. Same as #1
  3. Math journal, spreadsheet software, Hot Page software
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  2. Same as #1
  3. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet



Cumulative Progress Indicators Objectives Suggested Activities Materials Evaluation
Probability and Statistics


  1. 1st Q
  2. 4th Q
  1. Use lines of best fit to interpolate and predict from data.
  1. Consider scatter plots to see if two sets of data are related
  2. Create a process control chart to determine if the quality of a product does not meet specifications
  1. See Lesson 1-6.
  2. See Lesson 9-9.
  1. Math journal, spreadsheet software
  2. Hot Page software, math journal
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  2. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet, portfolio assessment
  1. 4th Q
  2. 4th Q
  1. Determine the probability of a compound event.
  1. Calculate the probability and odds of an event
  2. Distinguish between dependent and independent events
  1. See Lesson 9-4.
  2. See Lesson 9-5.
  1. Math journal, Hot Page software, Investigations software "Hazard City Messengers", Math Tools software "Probability"
  2. Square tiles, math journal
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet
  2. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  1. 4th Q
  2. 4th Q
  3. 4th Q
  1. Model situations involving probability, such as genetics, using both simulations and theoretical models.
  1. Explore the differences in experimental and theoretical probabilities
  2. Construct solutions to word problems using simulation
  3. Explore using samples for quality control in business
  1. See Lesson 9-4.
  2. See Lesson 9-7.
  3. See Lesson 9-9.
  1. Math journal, Hot Page software, Investigations software "Hazard City Messengers", Math Tools software "Probability"
  2. Spinners, paper cups, Hot Page software, Math Tools software "Probability", math journal
  3. Hot Page software, math journal
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet
  2. Same as #1
  3. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet, portfolio assessment



Cumulative Progress Indicators Objectives Suggested Activities Materials Evaluation
Probability and Statistics


  1. 4th Q
  2. 4th Q
  1. Use models of probability to predict events based on actual data.
  1. Explore probabilities for color blindness from actual data
  2. Find probabilities using Pascal’s triangle
  1. See page 399.
  2. See Lesson 9-6.
  1. See teacher’s edition for a list of materials needed for this activity
  2. Math journal
  1. Group assessment
  2. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  1. 4th Q
  2. 4th Q
  1. Interpret probabilities as ratios and percents.
  1. Explore equivalent representations for expressing probability
  2. Express probability using area models
  1. See Lesson 9-4.
  2. See Lesson 9-5.
  1. Math journal, Hot Page software, Investigations software "Hazard City Messengers", Math Tools software "Probability"
  2. Square tiles, math journal
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet
  2. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher


INDY500  -students will find the mean and median speed for the Indianapolis 500. Rates per lap will be calculated as well as the
                       length of each lap. Students will need to research information via the Internet.

PopClock  -Students will review the Census Bureau's Homepage on the Internet and gather data regarding trends in population.
                      They will study this data and make predictions on future populations and compare their results with the information
                      available on the Internet.

The Genetics Project  -During this project, students will complete surveys, formulate hypotheses, and use the data
                                                 compiled by students around the globe to test their hypotheses.
Olympic Statistics  -use years of data for a variety of classroom activities.