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STANDARD 4.13 - All students will develop an understanding of algebraic concepts and processes and will use them to represent and analyze relationships among variable quantities and to solve problems.

Note - Internet links at bottom of page

Descriptive Statement: Algebra is a language used to express mathematical relationships. Students need to understand how quantities are related to one another, and how algebra can be used to concisely express and analyze those relationships. Modern technology provides tools for supplementing the traditional focus on algebraic techniques, such as solving equations, with a more visual perspective, with graphs of equations displayed on a screen. Students can then focus on understanding the relationship between the equation and the graph, and on what the graph represents in a real-life situation.


Cumulative Progress Indicators Objectives Suggested Activities Materials Evaluation


  1. 1st Q
  2. 2nd Q
  3. 2nd Q
Building upon knowledge and skills gained in the preceding grades, by the end of Grade 8,

Students will:

  1. Understand and use variables, expressions, equations, and inequalities.
  1. Create and evaluate variable expressions
  2. Simplify variable expressions
  3. Solve and graph simple inequalities in one variable
  1. See Lesson 3-2 and 3-9.
  2. See Lesson 4-1.
  3. See Lessons 4-9 and 4-10.
  1. Hot Page software, math journal, spreadsheet software
  2. Algebra tiles, math journal
  3. Math Tools software "Frames", math journal
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet
  2. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  3. Same as #2
  1. 2nd Q
  2. 2nd Q
  3. 2nd Q
  1. Represent situations and number patterns with concrete materials, tables, verbal rules, and standard algebraic notation.
  1. Write simple equations with one variable
  2. Write one-step inequalities with one variable
  3. Write two-step inequalities with one variable
  1. See Lesson 4-5.
  2. See Lesson 4-9.
  3. See Lesson 4-11.
  1. Calculator
  2. Math journal, Math Tools software "Frames"
  3. Math journal, Hot page software
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  2. Same as #1
  3. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet
  1. 1st and 3rd Q
  2. 1st Q
  1. Use graphing techniques on a number line to model both absolute value and arithmetic operations.
  1. Graph absolute value on a number line
  2. Model arithmetic operations on a number line
  1. See Lessons 3-1and 7-2.
  2. See Lesson 3-3.
  1. Math journal
  2. Same as #1
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  2. Same as #1



Cumulative Progress Indicators Objectives Suggested Activities Materials Evaluation


  1. 2nd Q
  2. 2nd Q
  1. Analyze tables and graphs to identify properties and relationships.
  1. Explore the significance of the slope of a line
  2. Graph lines using the slope and y-intercept
  1. See Lesson 5-4.
  2. See Lesson 5-5.
  1. Graph paper, ruler, scissors, math journal
  2. Spreadsheet software, math journal
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  2. Same as #1
  1. 2nd Q
  2. 2nd Q
  1. Understand and use the rectangular coordinate system.
  1. Graph points in the coordinate plane and give the coordinates of a point
  2. Graph equations in the coordinate plane
  1. See Lesson 5-1.
  2. See Lessons 5-2 and 6-7.
  1. Spreadsheet software, Hot Page software, Investigations software "Mission: Mars", math journal, graphing calculator
  2. Spreadsheet software, math journal, graphing calculator
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher. Hot Page record sheet
  2. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  1. 2nd and 3rd Q
  2. 2nd and 3rd Q
  3. 2nd Q
  4. 2nd Q
  1. Solve simple linear equations using concrete, informal, and graphical methods, as well as appropriate paper-and-pencil techniques.
  1. Solve one-step equations
  2. Solve two-step equations
  3. Solve equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign
  4. Solve linear equations with two variables
  1. See Lessons 4-2, 4-3, and 7-10.
  2. See Lessons 4-4 and 7-10.
  3. See Lesson 4-6.
  4. See Lesson 5-2.
  1. Algebra tiles, math journal, Hot Page software
  2. Same as #1
  3. Same as #1
  4. Spreadsheet software, math journal
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet
  2. Same as #1
  3. Same as #1
  4. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher



Cumulative Progress Indicators Objectives Suggested Activities Materials Evaluation


  1. 2nd Q
  2. 2nd Q
  1. Explore linear equations through the use of calculators, computers, and other technology.
  1. Explore the solutions of linear equations with two variables using graphing calculators
  2. Graph the solutions of linear equations in two variables
  1. See Lesson 5-2.
  2. See Lesson 5-3.
  1. Math journal, spreadsheet software
  2. Same as #1
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  2. Same as #1
  1. 2nd Q
  2. 2nd Q
  3. 2nd Q
  1. Investigate inequalities and non-linear equations informally.
  1. Solve one-step inequalities Solve two-step inequalities
  2. Investigate the graphs of non-linear functions 
  1. See Lesson 4-10.
  2. See Lesson 4-11.
  3. See Lessons 6-6, 6-7, and 6-8.
  1. Math journal
  2. Hot Page software, math journal
  3. Spreadsheet software, math journal, Investigations software "Unidentified Flying Cubes", graphing calculator, Hot Page software
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher
  2. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet
  3. Same as #2
  1. 2nd Q
  2. 2nd Q
  1. Draw freehand sketches of, and interpret, graphs which model real phenomena.
  1. Interpret graphs of real-life situations
  2. Draw freehand sketches of graphs which model real phenomena
  1. See Lesson 6-5.
  2. See pages 262 #9 and page 263 #12.
  1. Stopwatch, graph paper, Hot Page software, math journal
  2. See teacher’s edition for a list of materials needed for these examples
  1. "On Your Own" examples, teaching resources provided by the publisher, Hot Page record sheet
  2. Peer assessment


Topics in Pre Algebra  --this Volume of lessons includes some topics that will help prepare students for algebra.

Algebra Online  - a free service designed to allow students, parents, and educators throughout the world to communicate.

Designing a Track  -Students will collect data to determine the dimensions of the track used in track and field events.

Shoe Size vs. Height

Houston Area real-time Traffic Report  -students will calculate the time needed to travel a certain distance given the
                                                                                     rate of speed.

A Functional Housing Market  -Students will access the Internet to search for housing prices in Houston, Texas,(the location can be changed to accommodate any location) and compare the prices to the number of square feet found in the living area of a house. A linear equation will be derived from these data on a coordinate plane. Any "best- fit" method for determining the graph of the line can be used. Using information from the graph of the data and the equations of the function, students will answer questions about housing prices.

Linear Algebra Calculator