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The cartoon depicts the severe drought conditions of the summer of 1999. Soon after this cartoon appeared tropical storm Floyd dropped record rainfall over most of New Jersey.



New Jersey like many other states has experienced unusual weather conditions alternating from drought to flood. This "wild weather" may be part of global climate change.

Climate is the general weather conditions of a region over a long period of time. The topic of climate and climate change will be investigated in Grade 8.

Weather is more immediate. Is it raining now? Will it rain tomorrow? What is the expected weather for the next 5 days? Weather and the water cycle is investigated in Grade 7.


The Water Cycle


A phase change from liquid to gas

Heat causes water molecules to become more active. The water molecules pull away from each other as vapor and spread out filling spaces in warm air. This may cause humidity to rise. The water molecules move upward until they hit cooler air.


A phase change from gas to liquid

Clouds form when water molecules cool and come together in the atmosphere.


Liquid or solid phase

When enough water molecules come together they become heavy and fall as precipitation. Precipitation can be in many forms including liquid (rain) or solid (snow) depending on the temperature.


Liquid to vapor

An important source of water in the air is transpiration. Plants release water through openings in the leaves called stomata. The release of water from plants in the tropical rain forest is responsible for daily rainfall in the forest. Rain forests make their own rain!


Pressure and Precipitation

Although low pressure is associated with foul weather and high pressure is associated with fair weather, pressure is not the cause of the precipitation. The collision of warm and cold fronts leads to precipitation. As air warms up it rises. Warm air is able to hold more water than colder air. As the air rises it cools. Water condenses out of the air. Water droplets cling to dust particles forming clouds. Storms occur when light warm air moves rapidly over cold dense air. A cold front triggers storms. Wind is the result of differences in air pressure. Air moves from high pressure to low pressure. The pressure differences are caused by uneven heating of Earth's atmosphere and surfaces. Heat radiates from the sun in the form of electromagnetic waves. It is absorbed by surfaces such as vegetation, water, and soil. The thermal energy is tranferred from the surfaces to air by conduction. The movement of air from high temperature to low temperature is an example of convection. Convection currents can cause thermals. Convection also explains local areas of high and low pressure. Sea breezes and land breezes are caused by difference in air pressure resulting from areas of uneven heating.

To learn more about atmospheric pressure, visit USA Today

. Be sure to use the links to find about wind and barometric pressure as forecasting tools, high pressure, and low pressure.

NOAA Weather Go here for the ultimate U.S. weather source.

Hurricanes, this NOAA site offers images, warnings and information about hurricanes. Images are selected from the bottom of the page. Note: The time loop images are best viewed with a DSL or cable connnection. They take a long time to load.

For local weather conditions and forecasts start at

For inquiring minds who just need to know more... visit a Tulane University professor's webpage.

To learn more about the atomosphere, go to Nova Atmosphere

To find out about the Greenhouse Effect, visit Nova Greenhouse Effect.

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