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The July 4th OpSail 2000 Review of the Tall Ships was a SPECIAL event! Enjoy Our Photographic Memories.

Page 3 * Review of Tall Ships, Departure & Fireworks

President Clinton, Family & Other Dignitaries Applaud the OpSail 2000 Entertainment 

President Clinton Greets Members of the Audience

Buffy (right) Gives President Clinton a Flag Pin as Secret Service Looks On


President Clinton Shakes Hands With "Young Lady" Allison Santora


The First Lady, Hillery Clinton, Up Close & Personal.  John Wished Her Luck in Her Campaign for the Senate

President Clinton's Party Prepares to Depart the USS Kennedy With Chelsie Bringing Up the Rear

Buffy Gives John Peace Sign.  Thinks She's Back at Woodstock

The Group Gets Some Rest Before Departing the USS Kennedy 

Group Departs the USS Kennedy on the Way to Join the Rest of the Group

The OpSail 2000 Friends & Family Group 

The Fireworks Were Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!


From All Your Friends,

Thanks Jack!

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