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My Mother Rose

This page is still under construction. I add things as I remember them.

This page is dedicated to my mother.

It has taken me a long time to make a page for my mother; but I just started seeing beautiful sites in dedication of loved ones. So I decided I too wanted to make one for my mother. She passed away 10 years ago of cancer. We were extremely close! I am making this page just to tell everyone a bit about her, and what she meant to me.

Her own parents passed away when she was very young, and she lived in an orphanage for awhile. A very nice couple took her and one of her sisters to live with them as foster children. Her other brothers and sisters went to live with other families. The couple that took her into their home were beautiful people. Thankfully she was able to stay with them for the rest of her childhood. I don't remember my grandfather he passed away when I was a baby; but the lady , was a fantastic grandmother.

My mother had me when she was in her early twenties and was not married. Back in the sixities I know she went through a lot of ridicule. For that I'm thankful, that she was strong enough to keep me and raise me by herself. She did have some help from my grandmother. The first 7 years of my life were just me, my mother and my grandmother. And I can honestly say I have nothing but wonderful memories of what I can remember from then. She always put me first and always made sure I had the things I needed. Even if it meant that she would have to go without. When I was 7 she met and fell in love with a very caring man, who right after they got married adopted me.

The first couple years of my mother's new married life was very difficult for her. She gave birth to two sons who passed away very soon after birth. My brother George who passed away at the age of 2 days, and my brother David who passed away at 3 weeks old. At the time I didn't realize what kind of horror that she went through. Now as an adult I can see what that time must have been like for her. When I was 10 she gave birth to my brother Thomas who survived but was sickly. When he was about 4 he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. (he's 21 now).

I can remember as far back to when I was 14 that my mother was sick. She was always in and out of the hospital with different problems. She had all kind of operations, including a triple bypass at around 39 years old.

When I was 17 I had my daughter, and my mother was there for me 100%. If it wasn't for her I really don't know how I would have gotten through that time. I got married at 19 and had my son at 20. Some people tell me that's it's sad that I had children so young, or some kind of cruel comment. Although, not planned that way, I'm glad I had my children when I did. If I waited my mother would have never seen my children. My daughter and my mother were very close. She has a few memories of her. She was only 3 when my mother passed away. My son doesn't really remember, but I talk about her to him.

Sometimes, I used to feel sorry for my mother, because growing up we didn't have a lot of money. My mother never got to go on a fancy vacation. She never went binge shopping for things for herself. That really bothered me for awhile. Over the years though I realize she was rich in other things like kindness and love. I now know she would much rather do something special for someone or give her last 5 dollars to someone who really needed it. Then to go on a cruise or vacation or buy that dress or simply get her hair done.