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Rowan University's Chapter of Women in Communications was established by Kate Dagress in an attempt to encourage and unite the female population of the College of Communication. A grass-roots movement, Women in Communications at Rowan University began as a small, weekly meeting without a room but with a leader, and the determination of Ms. Dagress soon led to a loyal following of women from various majors dedicated to making their voice known on the campus.

Participating in a wide range of on and off campus events, including the annual Walk for Breast Cancer in Cherry Hill, NJ, and Rowan University's annual Big Event, Women in Communications continually increased membership and gained University Charter during the Fall, 2000 semester, having officially been welcomed into the extracurricular community at Rowan.

The members of our chapter of WiC are among the most dedicated, focused women on campus. Along with maintaining above average GPA's, they are active in many organizations on and off campus.

The first graduating members of Rowan's WiC Chapter, including Founding President Kate Dagress, have moved on to successful careers in the Communications industry at Oxygen: Television for Women, WHYY, and Ed. Press.

Our chapter of WiC is ready to take on the Rowan population, to encourage women of all majors, with an emphasis on the Communications Department, to make their voice heard in their academic and professional careers.


WiC has also become award winning, winning the award for "Rising Student Chapter" at the National Women In Communications conference held in Denver, CO, in October of 2002.

Also, we have done multiple fundraisers in the past year, not only the Breast Cancer Walk, but also collecting items for battered women and children and the arrival of Angry Jellow Bubbles in the Spring of 2003.

To see an example of what we have done, click here to see our meeting minutes from the 2002/2003 school year.


2003 - 2004

Rowan WiC has recently been awarded two national awards, "Small Outstanding Chapter" and "Fundraisers of the Year for Small Chapers" by The Association of Women in Communications.

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September 08, 2003