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The Government Mafia – Part One



America has always had a secret government. They consist of prominent and powerful people in our society, who operate above the law and have no oversight. They are tasked with developing a secret domestic social agenda that will guide and shape America for decades to come. They are a think-tank of highly educated, prominent, and powerful people. Only a handful of people in America know of this secret government.


The secret government of the past consisted of white people who implemented a segregationist secret domestic agenda that favored the white population and segregated minorities into confined areas in society. This segregationist domestic agenda lasted until the late 1960’s and a transformation from a segregationist to a multicultural domestic agenda took place. The segregationist members fell from power and were replaced with multicultural members who opposed any type of discrimination based on race.


The new desegregationist government faced an enormous task of developing and implementing a secret domestic agenda for transforming America into a multicultural society. The desegregation of American society would not be accomplished in a short period of time but would require several decades to accomplish.


With racial tensions rising in the late 60s, and 70s, the secret government decided that the only way to prevent the United States from breaking apart and falling into civil war was to implement a domestic agenda of social engineering. There are two parts to this domestic social engineering. The first part is the publicly known agenda of desegregation. The United States government would begin the process of desegregating the military, workplace, and schools. Federal laws would be passed to prosecute people involved in activities to deny minorities their basic rights as American citizens. The second part of the domestic social engineering is a covert domestic operation that the public would never be made aware of. This covert operation would involve the secret government authorizing the use of classified technology to go after American citizens who are in conflict with the secret government’s domestic agenda.


Government agents or a secret police force under the control of the secret government were equipped with classified technology to implement the secret domestic government’s agenda. This secret police force operates above the law and only answers to the secret government. This secret police force is known as the Government Mafia.


The secret government’s domestic agenda is the following:


1.         Desegregation of American society, including communities, schools, and workplaces.

2.         Stronger laws enacted against the mentally ill.

3.         Fight organized crime and gangs.

4.         Limit or abolish the 2nd amendment (Right to Bear Arms)

5.         Implement an anti-religion agenda.

6.         Protect the government from domestic threats.

7.         Create hoaxes and tragedy to distract American society away from social issues.


The Government Mafia

The government is covertly funding and equipping local groups in states throughout America with classified technology. These groups make up the secret police force known as the Government Mafia. These groups favor the secret government’s domestic agenda. Members of these groups are equipped and trained on the use of the classified technology to implement the domestic agenda.


This tactic of funding and equipping a side engaged in a war or civil war is not new to the United States government. In a foreign conflict where a foreign country is in a civil war, the United States government will covertly fund, arm, train, and supply intelligence to the side in the civil war the United States government wishes to be the victor. This is part of the United States government’s covert foreign agenda.


The secret United States government’s domestic agenda involves funding and equipping the side in a domestic battle that favors its domestic agenda. Since the late 60s the secret United States government has been funding and supplying classified technology to local groups in states across America that are working behind the scenes to change and shape America into a society favored by the secret United States government.


Basically the secret American government is conducting covert domestic operations inside the United States to go after American citizens who are involved in activities that are in conflict with the secret government’s domestic agenda. The Government Mafia is carrying out these domestic covert operations.


Racial makeup of the Government Mafia

The racial makeup will vary but is usually reflective of the area of where the secret police force operates.


The Government Mafia’s utopian society of tomorrow

The Government Mafia is working to build a utopian society in America where all races live together without conflict. The mentally ill will be identified, properly treated, medicated, and monitored in this utopian society. Organized crime and gangs will also be eliminated. Through social engineering the government hopes to achieve this utopian society.


Classified Surveillance Technology

The United States government developed classified surveillance technology that can electronically see and hear through walls. This surveillance technology can see very detailed images of a person through the walls of a house or building. This technology basically gives the agents of the Government Mafia X-Ray vision to see and hear through walls. There is enough detail to actually identify a person by body detail behind walls. A person can be singled out and identified through walls, even in a room with more than one person in the room. The images this technology produces are real-time, meaning constant images are produced as they happen so the walls might as well be made of transparent glass because this technology can see right through them. Click here to see an image of what agents see when they use this technology to look through walls.


The classified surveillance technology uses the body heat of the human body and static charge on the human body to see a person through walls. The technology can see through wood, stone, brick, and thin metals. Thick metals of a quarter inch or greater will interfere with this technology. There is no room in a conventional house that will block this technology from detecting a person through walls of the house.


The classified surveillance technology can also hear a person through walls. The technology is sensitive enough to hear a person breathing through walls of a house or building. Any conversation in a targeted house can be heard through the walls with this technology. The technology is portable and can be moved into any neighboring house or apartment to a household that is to be placed under covert surveillance. From inside a neighboring house, agents can conduct complete electronic video and audio surveillance of a targeted person in his own home right through the walls of his home.


The classified surveillance device has a video display that displays detailed real time images of people in a neighboring house through the walls of both houses. The device is portable and easily moved into a neighboring house and setup. Agents can setup in a neighboring house to the targeted person and be ready to conduct complete video and audio surveillance of a targeted person within an hour. All movements and conversations the targeted person makes or has in his home can be digitally recorded and encrypted for later analysis. The targeted person has no way to determine that he is under surveillance with this technology. An agent inside his house points this device at the targeted person’s neighboring home and a detailed image of the occupants in the neighboring home is displayed and audio from any conversation is heard. The technology sees right through both the agent’s house walls and the targeted person’s house walls.


There is no way to detect the technology. The government has spent millions of dollars developing this technology and it was designed to be undetectable and difficult to defeat. No detection equipment is available to the general public to detect or prevent the electronic video and audio eavesdropping that this classified technology is capable of.


Any ordinary citizen that this technology is used against is at an incredible disadvantage. Government Mafia agents secretly move into a house neighboring a targeted person and setup the classified surveillance technology and begin 24 hour-a-day surveillance of the targeted person. All the targeted person’s movements and conversations in his own home can be observed and recorded from inside the neighboring house. From outside the house used to conduct the surveillance, no visual evidence of the surveillance is possible. Anyone just passing by will notice nothing out of the ordinary. The targeted person will never know he is under complete surveillance in his own house with this technology.


Who is placed under surveillance?


The Government Mafia’s domestic enemies are placed under surveillance. People who conflict with the Government Mafia’s domestic agenda can be targeted for surveillance. The Government Mafia’s domestic enemies include public and private citizens. People who are interfering with the desegregation process of white communities can be targeted. Politicians who are using their position in government to block or interfere with the Government Mafia’s domestic agenda can be targeted. Members of law enforcement engaging in racist activities can be targeted. Groups or individuals can be placed under covert surveillance.


The targeted person placed under surveillance will never know he is under surveillance unless the Government Mafia agents want him to know. The agents will covertly move into a neighboring house to the targeted person and begin electronic surveillance of the targeted person completely without his knowledge.


In addition to home surveillance of the targeted person, agents will attempt to place the targeted person under surveillance at his workplace. The agents have the organization to setup in a business suite near the targeted person’s business, workplace, or office. An example of this is a politician being targeted for office surveillance. Agents lease a suite in the same complex as the politician’s office and then move classified surveillance technology into the suite to conduct complete electronic surveillance of the politician through the walls of his office.


If the targeted person works in a large business, for example, agents may attempt to gain employment in the same building to conduct simple visual surveillance of the targeted person. This type of surveillance involves keeping tabs on who the targeted person talks to and attempting to gain as much information as possible without using classified surveillance technology.


The agents will also conduct road surveillance of the targeted person. The targeted person will be followed to and from his workplace or office and anywhere else he may go. Any contacts with other people will be noted and checked out. The targeted person will never know he is being followed.



What do they do with all the surveillance information?


The Government Mafia agents will use the surveillance intelligence to bring down its domestic enemies. An example is a politician who is in conflict with the Government Mafia’s domestic agenda may find politically damaging information gained from the surveillance secretly leaked to news media by an anonymous source.


The agents will learn a significant amount of information about the targeted person. Conversations, public and private relationships will be studied by very smart and knowledgeable people to find a way to bring the targeted person down. A compromising situation discovered from the surveillance can be used by the agents to blackmail the targeted person.


Agents can even use the surveillance intelligence to setup and bring down a targeted person. Illegal contraband can be planted on the targeted person’s property and an anonymous source can inform the police. The targeted person can find himself in prison scratching his head and wondering what happened.


An influential powerhouse in America


The Government Mafia is a powerful influential force in America. They have the ability to conduct covert surveillance of anyone who opposes their domestic agenda. Anyone who stands in the way can be eliminated. Once a person or group is targeted for surveillance, agents will covertly swarm in and setup for electronic surveillance. With no method of detecting the surveillance, the targeted person or group will have no defense against the surveillance. This is just like Watergate but no break-in is necessary. The agents never have to enter the targeted person’s or group’s house or complex to place listening devices because this classified surveillance technology can electronically see and hear right through the walls of the targeted residence.


The manipulation of the American people


The Government Mafia has mastered the art of manipulating the American people. They have used TV, movies, and news media to manipulate the American people over the last several decades. They created hoaxes and convinced a few that the hoaxes are real. These targeted citizens believing what they experienced is real have convinced other people that what they experienced is real. This creates a snow ball effect which has the masses of American citizens convinced that the manufactured events are real.


The Government Mafia’s most valuable asset

The Government Mafia’s most valuable asset is a person who is completely convinced that a hoax orchestrated by agents of the Government Mafia is real and he devotes a significant portion of his life convincing others that what he experienced really occurred. The Government Mafia has spent millions of dollars orchestrating these hoaxes but the return of having these hoaxes evolve into the most popular conspiracy theories, urban legends, supernatural events, and murder mysteries known by most Americans is considered well worth the price tag to the Government Mafia.


Through wall targeting

The same technology that allows agents of the Government Mafia to see through walls has been incorporated into a thru-wall targeting scope that can target a person through walls with great precision. This thru-wall targeting scope attached to a weapon will allow targeting of a person in his home right through the walls. A targeted person can be identified, targeted, and then attacked with a weapon through walls of his home.


Agents can move into a house neighboring a targeted person and target and attack the person through the walls of his own home and there is nothing the targeted person can do about it. The targeted person cannot tell when he is being targeted. No visual evidence of the targeting is produced that the targeted person can sense and no electronic detection equipment exist that can detect when a person is being targeted. One second the targeted person is in his house completely unaware he is being targeted and the next second he is attacked.


The targeting system allows real-time targeting of the targeted person through the walls of his home, meaning he can be targeted while he is not moving or moving. He can be targeted while sleeping in his bed or while he is walking up the stairs. He can be attacked anywhere in his home. There is nowhere to hide from this technology in a conventional home. Walls, floors, ceilings, rugs, and furniture mean nothing to this technology.


Creating Evidence

This thru-wall targeting scope can be attached to a high powered rifle. The targeted person can be targeted and assassinated right through the walls of his home by putting a bullet right between his eyes. One second he is sitting in his chair watching TV and the next second he is killed instantly by a bullet fired right between his eyes.


The only problem with assassinating the targeted person in this manner is that evidence is created. The police can simply follow the trajectory of the bullet by the holes in the walls of the house that will lead them to where the rifle was fired from. In order to overcome this problem of creating physical evidence, the Government Mafia has developed directed energy weapons that can be used to attack, harass, or murder a person through walls of a house and not leave any physical evidence behind after the attack. If no physical evidence exists of the attack, then in the eyes of the law, the attack never occurred.


Directed Energy Weapons

Directed energy weapon are weapons that fire a confined beam of energy in one direction. Energy can be directed in one direction towards a single person and not affect anyone else. Categories of directed energy weapons are sonic, electrical, and electromagnetic. These weapons can be non-lethal or lethal. Non-lethal weapons are designed not to kill but to terrorize, harass, or incapacitate. Lethal weapons are designed to kill.


The weapons

The Government Mafia has spent millions of dollars developing non-lethal weapons that can be used to attack people through walls. These non-lethal weapons are a method of terrorizing people through walls. The ability to attack a person through a wall and leave no physical evidence after the attack is a very powerful method to project the might of the Government Mafia. A person can be singled out in a room with more than one person in the room and attacked with a non-lethal weapon and only the targeted person will be affected. The Government Mafia has the technology to point a weapon at a wall of a house or building, target a single person through the wall, and attack the person in the room. Click here to view a video clip of non-classified sonic weapons.


The Sonic Laser

The Government Mafia has developed non-lethal weapons that fire a beam of sound in one direction. This beam of sound can be thought of as a sonic laser. The sonic laser is a long duration focused beam of sound that is continuous. This beam of sound can be used to attack a single person in a room with more than one person in the room. The beam of sound can only be felt by the person who is attacked and no one else around the targeted person will feel a thing.


Sound can be ultrasonic (above the human hearing range), infrasonic (below the human hearing range), and audible (within the human hearing range). A sonic laser is a beam of sound directed in one direction and the beam can be ultrasonic, infrasonic, or even audible.


The Government Mafia agents use sonic non-lethal weapons against its domestic enemies because the weapon can be used to attack a person through walls and not affect anyone else around the targeted person. After the targeted person is attacked with a sonic weapon, no physical evidence of the attack will remain so the targeted person has no physical evidence to support a claim that he was just attacked. This is a very powerful attack method that the Government Mafia agents will use to terrorize its domestic enemies.


A sonic laser can travel through air, brick, stone, wood, and metals. The agents can fire a sonic laser through a targeted person’s house to attack him. A sonic laser will travel through walls, ceilings, floors, carpets, furniture, and anything else in the way. If a person is struck with a sonic laser when fired through a house, he will feel it. Sonic lasers create different sensations that a person will feel. The frequency and strength of the sonic laser will directly determine what the targeted person feels.


These are some of the symptoms people complain of when attacked with non-lethal weapons that fire sonic lasers:

1. Burning sensations in the legs.

2. Areas of pain including top of the head, back of the neck, and other areas of the body.

3. Ringing of the ears and/or severe ear ache.

4. Hearing strange noises or voices that no one else can hear.

5. Strange dreams or nightmares.

6. Sleep deprivation caused by the above symptoms while sleeping.


Sonic Bullets

Sonic lasers are long duration focused beams of sound but sonic bullets, on the other hand, are very short bursts of acoustic energy lasting for less than a second. Sonic bullets are fired through a house and pass right through walls without causing any physical damage, just like sonic lasers. Sonic bullets also travel in one direction and can be used to attack a single person in a house. Sonic bullets are powerful burst of sound that can also be ultrasonic, infrasonic, and audible. Sonic bullets are usually more powerful than sonic lasers and also leave no physical evidence after an attack. Non-lethal weapons that fire sonic bullets through a house also use a thru-wall targeting scope to accurately target a person in his house through walls. Click here to view a sketch of a sonic laser and sonic bullet.


These are some of the symptoms people experience when attacked with non-lethal weapons that fire sonic bullets:


  1. Jolts to limbs of the body.
  2. Fingers or hands unexplainable jolts or twitches.
  3. Impacts felt or slaps on parts of the body.
  4. Gasping for air when fired into the chest of a targeted person.
  5. Sleep deprivation caused by the above symptoms while sleeping.


You can feel them but not see them

Sonic lasers and sonic bullets can’t be seen or heard. Sound is invisible to the human eye. Sonic laser and sonic bullets are focused beams of sound that are usually out of the human hearing range. Most people think of music, birds singing, or people talking when they think of sound. But what most people don’t know is that sound is an incredibly effective weapon to use against a person. In an explosion, the force created travels in all directions as pressure waves that can knock a person to the ground or even kill him. However, sonic non-lethal weapons create a beam (or burst for sonic bullets) of sound that is focused, meaning it travels in one direction, just as a light laser does.


The beam of sound can be ultrasonic, infrasonic, or audible. The main advantage the secret government has found in sonic weapons is that they can be used to attack a person through walls and leave no physical evidence of the attack behind. Basically sonic non-lethal weapons give the agents of the Government Mafia the ability to attack a person in a house or building through walls. Since the beam of sound is focused, it can be used to attack a single person in a room, even in a room with more than one person in the room.


A beam of sound that can’t be seen or heard is used to attack a single person through walls to send that one person a message. The Government Mafia can basically reach out and touch the targeted person through walls. Since no physical evidence of the attack is created, there is no way for the targeted person to prove such an attack ever occurred. The targeted person can be attacked and tortured in his home by this technology and there is virtually nothing he can do about it.  Click here to view a sketch of a sonic laser fired through a house.


A covert domestic war against segregation

The American Government has been covertly equipping the Government Mafia with classified technology since the late 1960s. The factions of the Government Mafia favor the domestic agenda of desegregating American communities. In the late 60s and early 70s, small groups of American citizens risked their lives organizing and protesting against segregation. The National Guard was even dispatched to allow young minority American citizens the right to attend school in white communities. Racial tensions were reaching a critical point of erupting into a civil war.


Civil rights groups were given assurances starting in the late 60’s by high level ranking officials in government that publicly known and covert methods of desegregation were being undertaken to begin the process of desegregating American society.


The publicly known methods are well-known to be desegregation of the military, public schools, and workplace. The covert methods of desegregation would only be known to a few very influential and powerful people in American society.


The desegregationist factions in the American government at the time chose to conduct cover domestic operations inside the United States to begin the slow process of desegregating American communities. This slow process of desegregation would take decades to accomplish but the alternative of using the military to desegregate white communities could spark a civil war that would tear the country apart. Instead the government chose the slow path of socially engineering American society by using the Government Mafia.


Classified surveillance technology, training, and funding were secretly given to the Government Mafia that favored the desegregation of American communities. The Government Mafia would for the next several decades be tasked with infiltrating white communities across America to implement a slow process of desegregating the communities. People, groups, and real estate companies that stood in the way of the desegregation process would be covertly brought down.


We can see you but you can’t see us


The classified surveillance technology gives the Government Mafia the ability to electronically see and hear through walls of a house or building. The surveillance equipment is portable and can be easily moved into and out of a house or apartment. The surveillance technology is operated from inside the agents’ house or apartment and no visual evidence of the surveillance is possible from outside. Anyone just passing by will notice nothing out of the ordinary and the neighbors will never suspect anything unusual is going on inside the agents’ house or apartment.


Forced Community Desegregation


White communities across America would be targeted for desegregation. Agents would target a white community and begin the desegregation process. Houses in the white community would be obtained and agents of the same race as the community would move into these houses. These agents will then covertly move classified surveillance technology into the houses to begin electronic surveillance of the community.


Once the agents are setup in the houses, electronic surveillance of surrounding neighbors is carried out. The agents are looking for the power structure of the white community. The power structure is the people who are the influential and organize the community. These people are the community members who are likely fighting to keep the community segregated. The agents will learn as much as possible with electronic surveillance and then attempt to befriend targeted members of the community.


What the Government Mafia is engaged in by targeting white communities is very similar to how the United States government sends agents into foreign countries to infiltrate their governments and spy to collect intelligence and possibly cause harm. This is foreign espionage. What the Government Mafia is doing in white communities can be considered domestic espionage. The agents infiltrating white communities are there to collect intelligence and cause harm to those who are keeping the community segregated. They are there to basically bring down the white power structure.



Human Torpedoes

Government Mafia agents will attempt to befriend targeted members of the white community. The targeted community members will never suspect that agents have moved into the community to begin the desegregation process. The classified surveillance technology is operated from inside the agents’ houses and no visual evidence of the surveillance is possible from outside the house. There is no way for the community members to tell they are under electronic surveillance.


The agents will appear friendly to other community members. They will attend church and other community events. They will act as if they are best friends of the people they are targeting. They will infiltrate and attempt to become part of the power structure of the community.


The friendship made to the targeted community members is only temporary. The agents are there to do a job and when it time to bring down the targeted community members, the agents will without hesitation bring them down. These agents are referred to as Human Torpedoes because they will seek out a targeted person, befriend him, and then destroy him.


The agents are specially trained people. They are trained on the use of the classified surveillance technology and trained to infiltrate the white community without raising suspicions.


For decades, the Government Mafia has been studying how white community members keep minorities out of their communities. They know all the tricks and tactics used by white people to put up roadblocks for minorities. They have developed strategies and tactics to breakup white communities so the desegregation process can begin. With the incredible advantage offered by the classified surveillance technology, a white community can be broken up and desegregated in just a few years.


One tactic used by the Government Mafia agents is to move minority agents into a house in the community. These minority agents will not be equipped with any surveillance equipment in their house. Their presence in the community is simply to draw the attention of the white community members who wish to keep the community segregated.


The white agents living in the community will keep white community members under electronic surveillance looking for any plot to somehow intimidate the new minority community members. The ability to electronically look into any white community member’s house will give the agents an extremely good chance of discovering community members conspiring to take action against the minority community members.


Smile you’re on Candid Camera


What secret government agents want is a hostile act against a minority community member by white community members that can be caught with a conventional video camera. A recording of a hate crime committed by white community members against a minority community member is worth its weight in gold to the Government Mafia. This video being shown by the news media across America will generate enormous outrage and protest. The use of surveillance intelligence of the white community members to learn of a conspiracy in advance and have a standard video camera in place to catch the hostile act against the minority agents is known as the Candid Camera Method.


Past social engineering of the American people has made it a career ending and life altering stigma for a white person to be labeled a racist. Once this hate crime video is shown on TV across America and the resulting outrage it generates, it will act as a huge deterrent to other white communities who engage in this type of activity.


In your face


The Government Mafia agents may even provoke white community members into committing a hostile act against minority community members. The secret government has studied white people for decades and knows all the stereotypes white people have about minorities.


If a hostile act against the minorities in the community doesn’t occur by the simple presence of the minorities in the community, the minority agents in the community will use the “In Your Face Method” of provoking the white community members to commit a hostile act.


The minority agents will provoke the white community members by having loud backyard parties at their home with non-English music loudly playing. The agents will also have people over who are loud and outspoken who are using non-English language.


Another method the minority agents use is to not maintain their house property. By not cutting the grass and letting trash pile up will anger white community members and could spark a hate crime.


The white community members could for example develop a plan to damage the property of the minority community members to intimidate them and force them out of the community. From the electronic surveillance, the agents will have advanced knowledge of such a conspiracy and have a conventional video recorder setup to catch the hate crime. Smile your on Candid Camera! The Candid Camera Method is used often by the Government Mafia agents.


Breaking down the barriers


The Government Mafia goes after people, groups, or companies who are engaged in discrimination against minorities. A real estate company, for example, that is actively keeping minorities out of white communities could find themselves placed under covert surveillance by Government Mafia agents. The real estate company will never know they are under surveillance. The agents will secretly move into a business suite near the real estate company and begin electronic surveillance of the real estate company.


The Government Mafia agents will develop a plan to make the public aware of how a real estate company discriminates against minorities. By making all the tricks played by realtors to keep communities segregated, this will act as a deterrent to other realtors across America engaging in this type of activity.


A simple tactic could be a white Government Mafia agent gains employment at the real estate company and then gains the trust of the company owners. From the electronic surveillance done of the company, the agent infiltrating the company will know how to interact and what to say to gain this trust. The agent has been specially trained and will be able to easily gain the trust of his new employer.


The agent can carry a simple digital voice recorder into important private meetings where racial comments are made of minorities and the company’s secret discrimination policies towards minorities are discussed. The agent will then create a situation where he is at odds with the company and is forced out of the company. The secret recording with the standard digital voice recorder can be released by the agent to the news media as what will appear as an act of revenge by a disgruntled employee.


The objective of the Government Mafia agents is to capture the racist activity on a standard recording device and release it so the public becomes aware of it. It must appear to the public that the release of the recordings was as a result of a typical employer/employee altercation and not a covert action by an organized group. Under no circumstances will video or audio recording obtained from classified surveillance technology be released to the public. A way must be discovered to use a conventional recording device to record and capture the racist activity so it can become public knowledge.


The Government Mafia agents go after law enforcement members who are engaged in what is considered racist activities. Members of a police department who are involved in racist activities can be placed under covert surveillance to bring them down. The agents can move into houses near targeted police officers to uncover any activity that is directly in conflict with the Government Mafia’s domestic agenda. The targeted police will never be made aware they are under surveillance. Not even local police have access to or knowledge of the classified surveillance technology. Any conversation a targeted police officer has in his house can be heard from inside a neighboring house.


These Government Mafia agents are the race police. They are given the classified surveillance technology to go after people in American society who are discriminating against minorities. Whether it’s ordinary citizens, politicians, or law enforcement, the race police are given the mission of breaking down the barriers white society has put up to discriminate against minorities.


You’re a racist

This is a very effective publicly known social engineering effort against the white population in America. A white person being labeled a racist has the same effect of being labeled a communist in the 1950s. A white person can lose his job and his life can be dramatically altered if labeled a racist. Once a public figure makes a racist remark, civil rights leaders descend on the news media and talk shows to publicly denounce the statements putting pressure on society to denounce and disassociate with anyone who makes racist remarks. This has been a very effective strategy used to suppress the white population. White people who make inquiries into irregularities in things such as minority social programs can be labeled a racist and the inquiries quickly come to an end.


Inglourious Basterds

The secret United States government does have a modern day Inglourious Basterds. These Basterds do not hunt Nazis and scalp them but hunt white people in the United States who are engaging in racist activities against minorities. The targeted white people are placed under covert surveillance and a plan is developed to bring them down. Private Citizens, politicians, and groups who are white and actively engaged in racist activities can be placed under complete covert electronic surveillance by The Inglourious Basterds. The Basterds will work behind the scenes to destroy them. The Basterds don’t carve swastikas onto the foreheads of the targeted white people but will attempt to find a way to expose the targeted people’s racist activities to the general public. One method is to get conventional video footage of their racist activities and have it splashed across every TV screen in America by the news media.


A covert domestic war against the mentally ill

For the last several decades the Government Mafia has been engaged in a covert domestic war against the mentally ill. The Government Mafia has been changing the way Americans think of the mentally ill. What the secret government is basically doing is defining the mentally ill in the minds of the American people.


The secret government wishes to create new state and federal laws governing the mentally ill. In order to accomplish this, the secret government must change the way the average American citizen views the mentally ill. The public must be made to fear the mentally ill so these new laws can be passed with little opposition.


Haunted Houses and UFOs are just government propaganda

As a means of diverting the attention of the average American citizen and a means of creating an obsession for the Government Mafia’s domestic enemies, the Government Mafia orchestrated hoaxes beginning in the late 60s that have led to today’s most known haunted house and UFO stories.


In order to divert public attention from social issues, the Government Mafia orchestrated hoaxes that have led to incredible stories and urban legends. What once started as a hoax was turned into reality by Hollywood. Hollywood produced many haunted house and UFO movies and TV shows over the last several decades that were based on hoaxes created by the Government Mafia. These movies have in effect programmed the American people into believing that haunted houses and UFOs exist.


One of the early haunted house stories was the Amityville Horror Story. A movie based on a true story that occurred in 1975 which depicts the Lutz family being haunted by an invisible evil supernatural force. The movie went on to become a blockbuster and many Americans began to believe in the supernatural.


What Americans don’t realize is that the Amityville Horror movie is a gross over-exaggeration of what really occurred. The government developed sonic harassment technology many decades ago. What actually happened to the Lutz family in Amityville was not a supernatural event but a hoax orchestrated by the Government Mafia using classified sonic harassment technology.


The famous scene in the movie of a priest attempting to bless a room in the house and being driven out by an invisible entity is based on a true event. The true story is that the priest attempted to bless a room in the house and heard a voice from behind telling him to “Get Out”. When the priest turned around to discover the source of the message, he found he was alone in the room. He then received a slap to the side of his face by an invisible force in the house. He quickly exited the house, never to return. The event the priest experienced was not supernatural but rather high-tech trickery.


The event of the priest being told to “Get Out” and receiving a slap by an invisible force was created with sonic harassment technology. From a neighboring house, sonic harassment technology is setup by agents of the Government Mafia. Thru-wall imaging technology allows agents in a neighboring house to see right into the targeted neighboring house. A thru-wall targeting scope that can accurately target an individual in a neighboring house through the house walls is used to target the priest.


A detailed image of the priest shows the exact position of the priest in a room. Sound projection technology is used to direct an audible message to the priest and then seconds later an infrasonic bullet is fired into the side of the priest’s face.


The events the priest will experience is a voice out of nowhere telling him to get out and then a powerful impact to the side of his face convinces him that he is being attacked by an invisible demonic supernatural force. But this is not a supernatural event but rather a high-technology event in which classified technology is used against the priest.


The Government Mafia has been using classified sonic harassment technology against innocent people and families for the last several decades. The victims of these orchestrated haunted house hoaxes have misinterpreted what they have experienced and truly believe that they have had a supernatural experience.


The Government Mafia’s most valuable asset is a person who is totally convinced that he has experienced an extraordinary event but in reality he has been tricked by Government Mafia agents into believing a hoax is real. People who claim to have experienced a supernatural event, such as being haunted by an evil spirit in their home, are in fact victims of the Government Mafia’s propaganda war. Classified sonic harassment technology was used to trick these people into believing their homes are haunted.


The people who were tricked into believing their homes are haunted will go on to spread all types of wild stories about supernatural events they experienced. They will devote a significant portion of their lives chasing after something that simply doesn’t exist. They have experienced something but they have completely misinterpreted what they experienced. Hearing strange noises, voices, feeling the presence of a spirit, impacts to the body, jolts to limbs of the body, strange dreams or nightmares, and many other of the experiences people who claim to have lived in haunted houses, can all be the result of being attacked by classified sonic harassment technology.


Ghost Busters

There are people who claim to be experts in paranormal activity. These people are sometimes referred to as Ghost Busters or paranormal investigators. There are two classes of these people. One class is the people who honestly believe in the supernatural. These people are honest people who simply want to inform others of their beliefs. They may have experienced a supernatural event in their lives and now devote a significant portion of their lives to their quest of generating public awareness of the supernatural. These people travel the country unknowingly spreading the Government Mafia’s propaganda. They do the bidding of the Government Mafia and the Government Mafia doesn’t even have to pay them.


The Dark Side

The other class of the so called Ghost Busters is the dishonest people who don’t believe in the supernatural but are only spreading the Government Mafia’s propaganda. These people knowingly spread the propaganda fully aware that what they are telling people is complete nonsense. These people could be Government Mafia agents fighting the covert domestic war against the mentally ill or people paid by indirect sources to spread the propaganda. So this class of Ghost Busters does it to deliberately misinform and mislead the domestic enemies of the Government Mafia or they do it for the money.


The next haunted house


The Government Mafia agents are always on the lookout for the next family that can be tricked into believing they live in a haunted house. Agents place selected families under surveillance each year. These families are completely unaware they are under complete 24 hour a day electronic surveillance.


Agents will secretly move into a house neighboring a targeted family and move classified surveillance technology into the agents’ house. The targeted family will notice nothing out of the ordinary. The agents will gather surveillance intelligence for months or in some cases years of the family.


The families chosen for surveillance are families that exhibited characteristics that caught the eye of their community members. Some of these characteristics are: A family that is isolated from the community and doesn’t interact. Members of the family are mentally ill. Members of the family’s physical appearance (looks) are that of what the average person’s stereotype of a crazy person is. The community fears the family and wishes they were simply gone.


A family that fits the criteria stands out in the community and rumors and fears are common. The rumors spread and an influential member of the community makes contact with an agent of the Government Mafia. Usually the influential community member will make standard video recordings of the unwelcome family outside their house so the case can easily be made to the Government Mafia. Video recordings of the family’s appearance and unusual activities they are involved in will be made. The Government Mafia will review the video recording and may make the case to other agents that the family should be targeted. If everything goes according to plan, this family could become the next haunted house victim.


If the family is selected by the Government Mafia, a house neighboring the family will be used for the surveillance operation. Agents will move the classified surveillance technology into the neighboring house. The selected family will notice nothing out of the ordinary. Since the family is isolated from the community, they will likely not even notice their new neighbors.


From inside the neighboring house, the agents will maintain 24 hour-a-day surveillance of the family. All activity in the targeted family’s home and conversations can be seen and heard. A complete profile of the family will be generated.


Once the complete profile is generated, a decision must be made if the next stage of the operation against the family should proceed. All families targeted for surveillance each year will have complete profiles generated. Top agents in the Government Mafia will review the profiles and surveillance information to make an informed decision on which family will be used to create the next haunted house.


The surveillance intelligence gathered over the months is edited and compiled into easily accessed encrypted digital files only accessible by highly placed Government Mafia agents. The thru-wall video surveillance and audio recordings provide a wealth of information to the agents. Many agents can review the intelligence to make an informed decision.


The family that is chosen for the next stage of the operation will have classified sonic harassment technology used against them. Agents will convert the house used for surveillance into a house that will be used to attack the family. Agents will move classified sonic harassment technology into the house used by the agents. This harassment technology is operated from inside the agents’ house. The thru-wall targeting scope will be used to target and attack people in the home occupied by the targeted family.


Any member of the targeted family can be attacked through the walls of his home with the classified sonic harassment technology. One family member can be singled out and attacked with this technology. No visual evidence from outside the agents’ house of the attack is possible. The sonic weapons are fired from inside the agents’ house and will pass through the walls of each house without creating any physical evidence of the attack. The sonic lasers and sonic bullets that these classified sonic weapons produce can’t be heard and are invisible to the human eye. The sonic lasers and bullets are only felt by the person attacked.


A single person in the targeted family’s home can be targeted without anyone else in the house feeling a thing. A targeted person can have audible sounds projected at him. Strange sounds or voices can be projected at the targeted person by agents inside the neighboring house. Spooky sounds of spirit voices or loud banging noises can be projected. Basically any sound that can be played on a simple laptop computer can be projected at a targeted person through walls. The thru-wall targeting scope can find and locate the person through the walls of his house and target him with great precision. Then the sound projection device is activated and the audible message is projected at the targeted person’s head through the walls of both houses.


The targeted person will be alarmed that he has just heard something that no one else has heard. Any audible sound can be projected at a targeted person. The targeted person can be woken up at any time at night while sleeping by projecting audible sound at him to wake him. This can be repeated every night increasing the number of attacks each night. The loss of sleep and the strange behavior of the targeted person will alarm his family members.


Other family members can be attacked also. The family can be easily convinced their home is haunted. Other types of sonic harassment technology can be used against the family. Classified sonic harassment technology that fires powerful sonic lasers and sonic bullets through a house are also available. These weapons will produce jolts to limbs of the body, burning sensations in the legs, and impacts to parts of the body. After members of the family experience these symptoms they may be totally convinced that they are being haunted by an evil demon.


The family may seek out a paranormal investigator (Ghost Buster). The investigator will feed the family all the propaganda to convince the family that they are experiencing a supernatural event. The investigator will give all the techno babble about ghosts. The family will be hooked in and truly believe that they are living in a haunted house.


The family may have just been duped by a paranormal investigator who is actually a Government Mafia agent assigned the mission of knowingly misleading the family and convincing them that their home is haunted. Part of the operation against the targeted family is to have an agent in place in case the family tries to make contact with a paranormal investigator for help after experiencing the strange events in their home. This agent could be a college professor specializing in paranormal activity, for example.


The family could have a book or even a movie made of their supernatural experience. Some of these successful movies based on so called true stories are “The Amityville Horror”, “The Poltergeist”, “The Entity”, and most recent ones are “The Fourth Kind” and “Paranormal Activity”.


The family could flee their home and spend the rest of their lives trying to convince other people that what they experienced was real. Each family member could even go to their graves believing the secret government hoax was real. This family was simply used by the Government Mafia as a propaganda tool.


Why do all the people who claim to have lived in a haunted house appear to be mentally ill?

This is an easy one to answer: The answer is the Government Mafia will only attack a family or person who fits the profile that most Americans stereotype as being crazy or mentally ill. Before any person is targeted by the Government Mafia, he is carefully screened to make sure that he can be easily tricked into believing that his home is haunted and the average American can easily be convinced the person making such claims is mentally ill. Physical appearance and mental state play a big role in the selection process. A family or person who state that their home is haunted and has the physical appearance of being mentally ill and exhibits signs of mental illness will generally be stereotyped as being crazy and their story will be discredited.


The Island of Misfit Toys

The Government Mafia targets social misfits in American society in order to trick them into believing they are experiencing extraordinary events. People who are socially isolated and exhibit signs of mental illness are prime targets. Government Mafia agents move into a house neighboring the targeted person and use classified sonic harassment technology against him to trick him into believing he is experiencing something extraordinary. An example of this are people who claim to be psychics, they may not be psychic at all but rather victims of high-tech harassment by the Government Mafia. The voices they hear and vibrations they feel may be sonic harassment technology and not supernatural activity.


Mother kills her children and claims God told her to do it

The same classified sonic harassment technology used to trick people into believing their homes are haunted is used to trick mothers into killing their children. The Government Mafia agents target innocent mothers and use their sound projection technology from inside a neighboring house to trick the mothers into believing that God is speaking directly to them. Over a period of time, a mother targeted can be completely convinced that she must kill her children. The mother will actually believe that what she is hearing is the voice of God.


The domestic war against the mentally ill involves defining the mentally ill in the minds of the American people. When the average American citizen hears a news report of a mother killing her children because God told her to do it, he will support stronger laws against the mentally ill.


The Government Mafia agents will search for the next mother that can be tricked into killing her children. The agents place many mothers who are likely candidates under surveillance each year. A mother who has a history of mental illness and has a physical appearance that will easily convey to the average American citizen that this person is crazy is the most desirable candidate. Government Mafia agents move into a neighboring house to the targeted mother and setup the classified surveillance technology. Complete electronic surveillance is done of the mother and her immediate family. Usually a mother with a strong religious belief is chosen because it’s much easier to convince her that the voice of God is now speaking to her. The mother can be single or married.


The classified sound projection technology can project any audible sound at the mother from inside the neighboring house. The sound projection technology is so accurate that it can project audible sound to only the mother and no one else in the house will hear it. The mother can be woken up at any time at night by the voice of God. After a few days the mother can be completely convinced that she is actually speaking to God. The agents in the neighboring house can project the final audible command to the mother to kill her children by drowning them in the bathtub. After the mother kills her children, she will be arrested and confined to a mental institution and the news media will flash her image on TV screens across America. The mother’s physical appearance and the crime committed will convince the American people that stronger laws are needed to monitor and control the mentally ill. The mother’s strong religious beliefs will be used to tarnish people of faith by attempting to link the mother’s actions to being obsessed with religion. The goal would be to make people of faith appear crazy in the minds of the average American citizen.


Groups that support stronger laws against the mentally ill

Groups that support stronger laws against the mentally ill are using the tragedies that were created by the Government Mafia agents as a catalyst for stronger laws against the mentally ill. The groups believe that in order to protect the public, stronger laws need to be enacted against the mentally ill. Forced medication and monitoring is what the groups seek for seriously mentally ill people.


The Government Mafia agents target people with mental illness and trick them into committing serious violent crimes. An example would be a mother tricked into believing that God is speaking to her and commanding her to kill her children. A mother who is mentally ill and has strong religious beliefs can be easily tricked by Government Mafia agents using the classified sound projection technology against her. To a mother who is clearly hearing a voice that no one else can hear, she would be completely convinced that she is experiencing an extraordinary religious event. The agents can target the side of her head through walls and push a button on the sound projection device and then speak into a microphone and say “This is God commanding you to kill your children”. The mother will hear the message that appears to her to come out of nowhere and she will interpret it as being the voice of God.


After the mother is tricked into committing the horrific act, she will be transferred to the mental hospital to await a psychiatric evaluation. The news will spread like wildfire. News media organizations will have the mother’s face splashed on TV screens across America. The headline will read “Mother kills her child and claims God told her to do it”.


The groups that support stronger laws against the mentally ill will use the tragedy to gain public support for the stronger laws. The groups will appear on TV news and talk shows to discuss the tragedy and convince the public to supporting their agenda. The groups will lobby state law makers to support bills that would make it law to forcibly medicate seriously mentally ill people and monitor them.


The groups will even use family members of the victims of the tragedy asking them to appear on TV and lobby state law makers. The family members will plead for public support on TV and actually beg state law makers to pass the bills that would enact the stronger laws to prevent another similar tragedy from occurring.


Only if the family members knew that the whole incident of their family member committing the violent act and harming others was a result of Government Mafia agents using classified sonic harassment technology against their family member.


The groups have key members who have connections to the Government Mafia. The purpose of their presence in the groups is to guide the group covertly and use the tragedies created by the Government Mafia agents to their fullest extent. Unknowing members of the groups are used, along with victims’ families.


Mentally handicapped are targeted

The mentally handicapped are targeted. Government Mafia agents use sonic weapons to attack the mentally handicapped in their home to drive them out of control so they can be forcibly institutionalized and medicated.


Agents will identify a mentally handicapped person living in a house in a community. The agents will move into a neighboring house and conduct covert surveillance of the mentally handicapped person and anyone else living in the house. Usually a handicapped person living with his parents is chosen to be targeted.


Agents will use the surveillance intelligence to develop an attack strategy that will be used to drive the handicapped person out of control. The handicapped person’s other immediate family members living in nearby residences could also be placed under surveillance.


Agents will bring in sonic harassment technology to attack the mentally handicapped person in his home through the walls. The handicapped person will be attacked in an incremental attack strategy.


Agents will begin to wake the handicapped person up once a night, then days later twice a night, and continue to increase as time goes on. The incremental approach will make it appear to the family that the handicapped person is developing a serious mental disorder. This incremental approach is crucial to a psychiatrist diagnosing the handicapped person as having a dangerous mental disorder.


The handicapped person’s mental state will change as he starts suffering from sleep deprivation. Family members will become alarmed. The Government Mafia agents will further accelerate the attack strategy against the handicapped person by attacking him during daytime hours. He can be attacked with sonic bullets anytime he falls asleep during the daytime.


The handicapped person can be driven to the point where he loses control and commits a violent act. The out of control handicapped person could physically harm or even kill a family member. The handicapped person could even harm others in the community.


Handicapped people that go crazy and commit terrible crimes may have been attacked by sonic weapons. The groups that favor stronger laws against the mentally ill use the tragedies to gain public support for stronger laws against the mentally ill.


Handicapped people who were driven out of control by Government Mafia agents become part of the propaganda machine of the Government Mafia. Innocent people who did nothing wrong and were simply attacked by the Government Mafia and were driven to commit a violent act are used as tools of the Government Mafia. The groups that want stronger laws against the mentally ill will use victims and family members to lobby state lawmakers for the stronger laws. Law makers simply can’t ignore victims and family members publicly begging them for the stronger laws to protect society.


Parents of mentally handicapped children will simply not be able to have their children live with them in community neighborhoods unless they are properly medicated in the Government Mafia’s utopian society of the future. Laws and sonic weapons will ensure this.


Do UFOs really exist?

Orson Welles started it on October 30, 1938 with his radio broadcast that many Americans believed was an invasion by aliens from the planet Mars. Many Americans were convinced that aliens landed on Earth from another planet to begin an invasion. Americans were scared and a few actually committed suicide. Frightened listeners glued to their radios were shocked to discover that it was simply a science fiction story acted out as a radio show broadcast. The commercial break gave it away.


Millions of Americans would again be tricked into believing that a UFO crashed in a farm field in Roswell New Mexico in July 1947. The American people heard all the rumors of UFO wreckage being discovered by the public and subsequently being removed by the military and a cover-up being orchestrated by the United States government to conceal the existence of UFOs from the public.


There was no commercial break to let the public know that the whole thing was the government placing fake wreckage in a field for unsuspecting members of the public to discover. After the news media was allowed to latch onto the story and report a crashed UFO, the military quickly rolls in and removes the fake wreckage and claims it was a weather balloon.


The government put fake UFO wreckage as bait in a field and lured gullible people to the wreckage and tricked them into believing the wreckage was that of an actual UFO. The people tricked into believing that a UFO actually crashed, including a member of the military, went on radio shows to inform the world about their experience. This is how the secret government uses innocent American citizens to create hoaxes that will captivate the minds of the American people and provide a vehicle to distract the public’s attention away from social issues. A conspiracy is born that will captivate America.


The people the secret government selects to be tricked into believing that a government hoax is real are placed under covert surveillance at first and carefully studied and analyzed before being lured to the scene of the hoax. After witnessing the extraordinary event, the gullible people will be carefully manipulated by government agents, reaffirming the gullible people’s beliefs that what they experienced was real.


The secret government didn’t inform the American people that it was simply a social experiment to test how to manipulate the American people. In 1947 when the United States government was exploding atomic bombs, it’s not implausible that a secret element of the government would orchestrate a fake UFO crash to conduct a test to see how the American people can be controlled and manipulated.


To this day, there are many American people who actually believe that a UFO crashed in Roswell in 1947. The United States government can’t come clean and tell the American people the truth that is was simply a social experiment. If the government did come clean, it would open the door to the secret government’s other social experiments and social engineering efforts. This door must be kept closed and lock because if the public were to discover the truth, it could bring down the United States government. Americans love great UFO government cover-up conspiracies so the government continues to manufacture them. Americans want to believe.


Divert the American people’s attention from pressing social issues to outer space

The secret government discovered that after the Roswell social experiment in 1947 that the American public wanted to believe that life existed on other planets. In the late 1960s pressing social issues threatened to tear the country apart and spark a civil war. The Government Mafia needed to distract the attention of the white majority population of America onto things not of this Earth.


The Government Mafia decided to orchestrate hoaxes that would ignite the imaginations of millions of Americans and create a lifelong obsession to the Government Mafia’s domestic enemies. The Government Mafia orchestrated hoaxes which led to today’s most known UFO conspiracies.


The Government Mafia would use democracy as a weapon. The Government Mafia created the illusion that it was conspiring to hide the existence of UFOs when in reality there was no conspiracy to conceal but a conspiracy to create in the minds of the American people that UFO cover-ups were being carried out by the United States government.


Movies, TV shows, books, and news media shows all helped to cement in the minds of the American people that UFOs exist and were being covered up by the United States government. Americans would point to these movies and TV shows as proof of the conspiracy. The Government Mafia would sit back and laugh at the American people and admire what they have accomplished.


The movies and TV shows would spark the imagination of millions of Americans. The domestic enemies of the Government Mafia would spend a significant portion of their lives looking for a military hangar with the number 18 printed on the side. The Government Mafia achieved what it set out to do, distract the American people so it could implement it secret domestic social agenda. Captivated fans of UFO government conspiracies who want to believe would eagerly await the next UFO movie or episode of a TV series.


Would Hollywood knowingly spread the haunted house and UFO propaganda?

Would a movie producer knowingly produce a movie to spread the secret government’s propaganda? While the haunted house and UFO movies produced starting in the 70s are great horror and science fiction movies, but that is simply all they are. To some people these movies represent proof positive of the existence of the supernatural and UFOs.


So would a talented movie producer who believes in the secret government’s domestic agenda produce movies that would distract the average American citizen and create lifelong obsessions for the Government Mafia’s domestic enemies?


Sympathizers to the secret government’s domestic agenda occupy high positions in Hollywood and use their positions to get movies and TV shows produced that promote the secret government’s domestic agenda. Diverting the American people’s attention away from social issues, such as desegregation, and onto things that simply don’t exist is a top priority of the Government Mafia’s agenda. The Government Mafia’s influence in Hollywood is substantial.


Hollywood began producing movies and TV shows that promoted desegregation when the government transitioned from a segregationist to a desegregationist domestic agenda. Hollywood movies and TV shows were used as a resource by the Government Mafia to change the way white America viewed minorities.


The hoaxes of haunted houses and UFOs were orchestrated by the Government Mafia to spread the propaganda to create the so called true stories and conspiracies that were later used to base the most popular haunted house and UFO movies and TV shows on. Government Mafia agents made sure all the wild stories and conspiracies made its way to the proper people to get these movies and TV shows produced.


Sympathizers of the secret government’s domestic agenda knowingly spread the propaganda because they believe in the domestic agenda. The Government Mafia even indirectly pays some people to spread the propaganda. For profit, some so called experts would spread all kinds of supernatural techno-babble of haunted houses and wild conspiracies of UFOs to push the Government Mafia’s propaganda on the American people.


Talk shows that promote the supernatural and UFO conspiracies would broadcast across America to spread the propaganda. Listeners tuning in and believing they were getting information that the government didn’t want them to know have fallen into the Government Mafia’s trap.


The Government Mafia has used democracy as a weapon against these people. The Government Mafia orchestrated these hoaxes over the last several decades to divert these people’s attention away from domestic issues to things that don’t exist. To send the crazies in American society on a wild goose chase was the objective and it appears to have worked very well. The supernatural stories and UFO conspiracies were spoon fed to these people and they gobbled it up like candy. They are like a dog chasing its tail. The American people are caught in the Government Mafia’s propaganda web of deception.


How the Government Mafia really defeated the white man

The Government Mafia knew that in order to end the segregationist practices and policies that were firmly intact in the late 60’s white America would have to be distracted and socially engineered. The Government Mafia simply gave the American people what they wanted. The American people want to believe that the supernatural and UFOs exist. The Government Mafia used the American people’s desires against them and created these hoaxes. The entertainment value generated by the Government Mafia’s orchestrated hoaxes has been remarkable. The American people to this day continue to want more of these movies and TV shows, and Hollywood continues to give it to them. While white America was distracted by meaningless things that can never be proven and has no final outcome, the Government Mafia secretly worked behind the scenes implementing its domestic agenda.


Make People of Faith Appear to be Crazy

The domestic agenda of the secret government includes targeting the religious faith of the American people. The goal is to turn people away from religion by making people who are strong believers in religion look like fools and crackpots. The classified sonic harassment technology used to attack people through the walls of their homes produces the same effects as what the people who claim to experience religious, paranormal, and other extraordinary events in their homes. The Government Mafia uses the beliefs of religious people as a weapon against them. Movies such as the Amityville Horror are based on true events but the events which the movies were based on were actually events told by people who were targeted by the Government Mafia. The Government Mafia basically manufactures the events which most haunted house or supernatural stories are based on. The people who experienced the extraordinary events are not lying but have simply misinterpreted what they experienced.


When the public sees a priest with a crucifix battling demons in a house or a priest performing an exorcism of a girl who levitates 4 feet off a bed and can spin her head around 360 degrees, it tends to make people of faith look like fools. The result is that people lose their faith as religion is turned into a joke by movies like the Exorcist. The public is totally unaware that the supernatural events depicted in these movies were manufactured by the Government Mafia with classified technology. The Government Mafia views religion as obsolete and something of the past and best eliminated so the objective is to make people of faith appear to be crazy so current and future generations will abandon religion. It’s social engineering. If only the public knew that these movies have nothing to do with religion but are just government propaganda designed to make people of faith look like fools.


Mind Control

The Government Mafia has been very busy attempting to convince its domestic enemies that electronic mind control has been developed by the government and being used against the American people. Mind control is one of the latest conspiracies developed by the Government Mafia and spoon-fed to the conspiracy theorists.


The goal of the Government Mafia is to convince its domestic enemies that the effect of sonic weapons, which are being used by the Government Mafia against the American people, is actually electronic mind control. The Government Mafia wants its domestic enemies to believe that the government has a box with a button, and when that button is pressed, it will control the mind of a targeted person.


Sonic weapons when used on a human body will produce the following symptoms: Burning sensations in the legs, involuntary jolts to limbs of the body, involuntary twitches to the fingers, numb sensations or areas of pain to the top areas of the head, hearing noises or voices no one else can hear, hearing strange snapping noises, and strange dreams or nightmares.


These are symptoms that the Government Mafia wishes to trick its domestic enemies into believing are the result of electronic mind control. The only problem with this is that all of these symptoms can be created by sonic weapons and sonic harassment technology used on the human body. It’s an external force being used against the human body and not an electronic device controlling the human mind. The human body is simply sensing and reacting to the effects of sound that can’t be seen or heard but only felt. The Government Mafia knows it cannot make all its domestic enemies believe in UFOs and haunted houses so it tries to create a little variety with diversity in its manufactured hoaxes, a little something for everyone.


Your ally could be your enemy

Government Mafia agents have been actively spreading the electronic mind control propaganda for a very long time. When a person is first attacked by sonic weapons he doesn’t understand what is happening to him and turns to the Internet for help.


Government Mafia agents have put up many electronic mind control websites attempting to convince people that electronic mind control is real and being used by the government against innocent American citizens. The websites list the symptoms of electronic mind control and these symptoms are the same symptoms that a person being attacked by sonic weapons will experience.


There are honest people who truly believe that electronic mind control is real and put up websites simply to help people but there are also evil people who are knowingly spreading the Government Mafia’s electronic mind control propaganda.


The evil people can be Government Mafia agents spreading the propaganda or people indirectly paid by the Government Mafia. The Government Mafia is herding their domestic enemies like sheep to the slaughter.


The Internet has been a magnificent tool for the Government Mafia to deliver its propaganda message to its domestic enemies. While most Americans believe that the Internet gives citizens freedom of speech to expose government conspiracies, it also gives the Government Mafia the ability to spread its propaganda.


The Government Mafia is trying to trick its domestic enemies into believing that mind control is being used against them because it’s far more difficult for the average American citizen to believe a targeted person who is claiming to be a victim of government mind control.  This is simply part of the Government Mafia’s effort to define the mentally ill in the minds of the American people. The Government Mafia wants the average citizen to believe anyone claiming to be a victim of mind control is a crazy person. This is the same objective as making people believe there are UFO and haunted houses. The average American citizen will believe anyone making such claims is a nut bag. It’s all just social engineering by the Government Mafia.


Tinfoil Hat

A very effective campaign against the Government Mafia’s domestic enemies has been the propaganda campaign slogan “Get a Tinfoil Hat”. The average American citizen associates a person wearing a tinfoil hat as a crazy person trying to protect himself from the government’s mind control devices.


A tinfoil hat will do nothing to protect a person from sonic weapons. The Government Mafia agents have been spreading this tinfoil hat myth for a number of years in an attempt to define the mentally ill. Agents will typically attack a mentally ill person with sonic weapons, then stop or reduce the attack if the mentally ill person puts on a tinfoil hat to protect himself. The mentally ill person is usually convinced the tinfoil hat works and spreads the word to his friends that the tinfoil hat is a viable solution to protect against government mind control. And law enforcement loves to tell people complaining of government mind control conspiracies to “Get a tinfoil hat”. The tinfoil hat method of protection against mind control has been a magnificent propaganda achievement for the Government Mafia that has even made it into the movies and TV shows, so that most Americans are aware of it.


The proper slogan for a person attacked by sonic weapons is “Get Some Vacuum Barriers”. Vacuum barriers are the only things that will protect a person from sonic weapons because sound cannot travel through a vacuum (no air). Tinfoil will provide no protection against sonic weapons.




The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association and provides a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders. The DSM is used in the United States by psychiatrists to diagnose mental disorders. The DSM is used by psychiatrists in courts of law to diagnose people believed to be mentally ill. The DSM breaks down mental illnesses into categories and allows step by step procedures for diagnosing a person believed to be suffering from a mental illness. The DSM basically provides psychiatrists with a checklist method of diagnosing a person as being mentally ill. The DSM is known as a psychiatrist’s bible on mental disorders. The symptoms created by sonic weapons when used against people are treated as mental illness in the DSM.


Sonic weapons don’t exist

Should a targeted person who was attacked by sonic weapons attempt to report the attack, he will be diagnosed by a psychiatrist as having a serious mental illness. If the targeted person attempts to tell his story of harassment to a psychiatrist he will be in for a rude awakening. The DSM gives no classification of a person attacked by sonic weapons. The symptoms a person experiences by being attacked with sonic weapons are classified as symptoms of serious mental illnesses in the DSM. Basically sonic weapons don’t exist in the eyes of the mental health establishment.


Sonic weapons have existed since the 1940s. The secret American government may have started testing sonic weapons on innocent American citizens in the late 1940s but the Government Mafia didn’t start using sonic weapons to implement its secret social domestic agenda until the late 1960s, so the DSM will contain provisions to diagnose a person who complains about being attacked by sonic weapons as having a serious mental illness. Agents of the Government Mafia have been attacking people with sonic weapons since the late 1960s to get the artificially created symptoms incorporated into the DSM as symptoms as serious mental illnesses.


Better keep your mouth shut

A targeted person telling a psychiatrist the symptoms he is experiencing after being attacked by sonic weapons will guarantee him a lengthy or lifelong involvement in the mental health system. If the targeted person commits a violent act and tells law enforcement that he committed the violent act because people were shooting invisible bullets at him, he will be held for a psychiatric evaluation.


A psychiatrist will perform the psychiatric evaluation and if the targeted person tells the psychiatrist his incredible experience of being attacked by invisible technology, it’s all over for the targeted person. After the psychiatrist obtains the information from the targeted person, it’s official and the targeted person can be brought to a court of law and ruled mentally ill and possibly dangerous to himself, others, or property.


Depending on state laws, a person who is mentally ill and dangerous to himself, others, or property can be institutionalized indefinitely until psychiatrists feel he is no longer a threat to society. This institutionalization can be days, months, years, decades, or indefinite as determined by psychiatrists.


Laws of the state determine whether a person requires treatment by the mental health system. Some states require a person to commit a violent act before the mental health system can step in. Other states step in if a person is suspected of having a mental illness and could be a danger to himself, others, or property in the reasonable foreseeable future.


Chemical Lobotomy

The surgical lobotomy is now illegal but the chemical lobotomy is currently being used to treat mental illnesses. Drugs are now being used to treat the mentally ill. These drugs are known as brain disabling and can turn a person into a walking zombie. The drugs allow the mental health system to efficiently warehouse mentally ill people in care centers.


Depending on state laws, a mentally ill person can be forced to take medication to control his mental illness if he is violent and a danger to himself, others, or property. Other states can order forced medication because a psychiatrist believes a mentally ill person will be a danger to himself, others, or property in the reasonably foreseeable future.


Involuntary Outpatient Commitment

Involuntary Outpatient Commitment (IOC) is a state’s mental health care system to guarantee that a mentally ill person takes his medication while not confined to a mental institution. Mentally ill people ordered by a court of law into an Involuntary Outpatient Commitment program are ordered to take medication and are monitored to ensure they are taking their medication.


To ensure that the mentally ill person is taking his medication he may have to report daily to a treatment center to take his medication or take periodic blood or urine test to ensure he is taking his medication. If the mentally ill person fails to take his medication while he is in an outpatient commitment program, he can be forcibly institutionalized into an Involuntary Inpatient Commitment (IIC). Involuntary Inpatient Commitment is forced institutionalization. State law and a court ruling determine if a mentally ill person requires forced inpatient or outpatient commitment.


The Government Mafia’s alliance with psychiatry

The Government Mafia has been using sonic weapons against the American public since the late 1960s. Government Mafia agents have been targeting the mentally ill and mentally handicapped to drive them out of control so they commit violent acts. Psychiatry has been using the manufactured tragedies as a catalyst for creating guidelines in the DSM for detecting serious mental illness.


This is the system. Government Mafia sympathizers occupy key positions in psychiatry and secretly work behind the scenes guiding and shaping the future of psychiatry. Psychiatry is considered the authority on mental illness.


Hollywood is at it again

Hollywood has been pumping out movies of mentally ill people who suffer from schizophrenia committing terrible acts. These movies typically portray to the audience a movie character who rationally uncovers plots or conspiracies during the beginning and middle of the movie and only at the end of the movie the audience discovers that the movie character is suffering from delusions caused by schizophrenia and there are no plots or conspiracies. At the end of the movie the movie writers typically have the character commit a violent act. This is more social engineering of American society. The message sent by these movies is to act quickly when a family member or friend displays such symptoms and get him help.


The Final Solution

Since the early 70s, the Government Mafia has been sending its domestic enemies on a wild goose chase, chasing after things that simply don’t exist. UFO conspiracies, haunted house stories, and mind control conspiracies have kept the domestic enemies of the Government Mafia busy for decades looking for things that simply don’t exist. This is the dog chasing after its tail effect. While the domestic enemies have been looking for evidence of these extraordinary events, the Government Mafia has been secretly working behind the scenes implementing its domestic agenda.


A significant portion of the Government Mafia’s domestic agenda is getting stronger laws enacted against the mentally ill. Once stronger state laws and possible federal laws are enacted, the secret government’s domestic enemies can be forced into the mental health system and given the Chemical Lobotomy.


The Government Mafia has been working over the decades to define the mentally ill in the minds of the American people. All the effort of creating the elaborate hoaxes and tragedy will payoff for the Government Mafia when its domestic enemies are forced into the mental health system and treated.


Get in the way of the Government Mafia and you’ll be taken down

The Government Mafia has a vast network of agents across America. Anyone who is in conflict with the Government Mafia’s agenda can easily be taken down. An ordinary citizen, public figure, politician, elected official, or group who opposes the Government Mafia’s agenda can be covertly placed under surveillance and ultimately taken down.


An example of this is a politician who is blocking efforts for desegregation policies. This politician can be placed under surveillance at his home, office, and anywhere else he may go. A strategy to take the politician down is easily found from examining the surveillance intelligence. The politician’s family, friends, romantic acquaintances, and anyone who associates with the politician can be placed under surveillance looking for information to be used against the politician.


One by one until their all gone

The Government Mafia agents are of a small number compared to the population as a whole. But the classified surveillance technology and covert funding from the government allows them to significantly change American society. It may take several more decades for the Government Mafia’s goal of a utopian society to be realized but the secret government agents will continue to knock the domestic enemies out one by one until there all gone.


What if I’m targeted?

A person targeted by Government Mafia agents is up against an army of people. The Government Mafia uses its tactics of bringing an enormous amount of resources against the targeted person. It’s like a shock and awe military campaign. This is how the United States government covertly projects its military might domestically. The targeted person has no defense against the attack and will have nowhere to turn to report the attack or get help.


The Government Mafia simply doesn’t exist in the eyes of the law and mental health system. Anyone claiming it does will be considered mentally ill. A person can be targeted for surveillance only, or he can be placed under surveillance and then attacked.


If a person is targeted only for surveillance, then there is a good chance he will never know he is under surveillance. The Government Mafia agents are simply targeting the person to conduct surveillance. The targeted person can be setup and brought down with information obtained from the surveillance. He could find damaging information leaked to the news media that can destroy his professional career. He could actually find himself scratching his head in a jail cell while serving a lengthy jail sentence and wondering “How did this happen to me?”


A targeted person targeted simply for surveillance will typically never know the resources that were brought against him. The classified surveillance technology and man power that was used to bring the person down will only be known to the Government Mafia. This type of person simply has no defense against the covert operation against him. One day he is living his life and the next day everything comes crashing down.


On the other hand, a person targeted for surveillance and attack will be made aware of the operation against him when the attack stage against him begins. The targeted person will be in a state of shock when he first discovers he is under attack in his home with technology that can pass through walls, can’t be seen, and leaves no evidence of the attack behind.


The targeted person will be attacked in his home and possibly at his workplace and other places he may go. The Government Mafia agents have the capability to attack the targeted person just about anywhere he may go.


The targeted person will be attacked in his home with sonic weapons from a neighboring house. If the targeted person works in an office or suite, Government Mafia agents can follow him to his workplace and setup in a nearby suite to conduct surveillance and possibly attack the targeted person at his workplace.


The Government Mafia agents also have a mobile unit that is equipped with classified surveillance technology and in some cases a sonic weapon. This mobile unit has the capability of keeping surveillance of a person in a building through the walls. If the targeted person walks into a building, the thru-wall imaging technology can see images of him through the walls of the building.


The mobile unit is usually a small van that is parked in the parking lot of a building where the targeted person is inside the building. No visual evidence from outside the mobile unit of the surveillance is possible. An agent in the back of the mobile unit operates the equipment. The mobile unit will simply appear to be another vehicle in a parking lot with possibly hundreds of other vehicles.


The mobile unit also can target a person through the walls of a building. A targeted person can be attacked in an office in a building from the parking lot by the classified technology in this mobile unit. The mobile unit can be dispatched to send the targeted person a clear message by attacking him in his office from the parking lot.


The targeted person can be targeted with great precision from inside the mobile unit. If the targeted person is sitting in his office, the agent in the mobile unit can target him and fire a sonic laser through the targeted person’s head. The targeted person will be sitting in his office conducting his daily work activities and all of the sudden a sensation of what feels like a needle being pushed through his head suddenly occurs. The sensation will last for around two seconds. The sensation the targeted person is experiencing is a sonic laser passing through his head. The sonic laser will pass through walls, ceilings, furniture, and the targeted person. Only the targeted person will be affected, the other people in the building will experience nothing out of the ordinary.


The Government Mafia developed these sonic weapons to attack a person through walls to send him a clear message. The message is that the United States government can get you anywhere you may go. At home, store, supermarket, and workplace, there is nowhere the targeted person can hide from this classified technology. The through wall targeting system can find the targeted person in a building and a sonic weapon can be used to attack him through the walls. And since the attack creates no physical evidence, the targeted person can’t report it because he can’t prove the attack occurred.


The targeted person might flip-out after being attacked in his workplace. Anyone he tells about the attack will assume he is simply crazy. The mobile unit can attack him at anytime and anywhere, without affecting anyone else.


The targeted person can be attacked in his home. Agents in a neighboring house can use sonic weapon to attack him in his home through the walls. He can be attacked throughout the night to prevent him from getting proper sleep. He will suffer sleep deprivation and will likely be unable to perform his work related responsibilities properly.


The goal of attacking the targeted person is to drive him out of control so he commits a violent act. Depending on what state he lives in, he can be held for a psychiatric evaluation by law enforcement if he has committed a violent act and law enforcement suspects he committed the violent act because he is mentally ill. In some states, if law enforcement suspects a person who is complaining of being attacked by invisible technology will become violent in the reasonable future, he can be held for a psychiatric evaluation. A violent act can be as simple as punching another person or damaging another person’s property. Each state has laws regarding people who are suspected of being mentally ill and a danger to himself, others, or property.


Once the targeted person tells a psychiatrist during his psychiatric evaluation that people are shooting invisible bullets at him, he can be declared mentally ill and a danger to himself, others, or property. A judge in a court of law must make the final decision on the targeted person’s mental state but once he tells a psychiatrist about the attacks with technology he can’t prove, it’s likely all over for him. The targeted person will be forced into the mental health system and given the chemical lobotomy. Institutionalization and Involuntary outpatient commitment await him.


Psychiatrists use a checklist method of determining mental illness. The DSM provides guidelines to diagnose a person as being mentally ill. The DSM makes no provisions for determining if high technology is being used against a person. The Government Mafia’s classified imaging technology that can target people through walls, and sonic weapons, simply don’t exist in the eyes of psychiatry.


So if the targeted person tries to explain his incredible story of being attacked through walls to a psychiatrist, he will be diagnosed as having a serious mental illness and a possible danger to society.


So the best advice for a person targeted by the Government Mafia is to keep his mouth shut. The targeted person should not tell his family, friends, and co-workers. Depending on state laws, family members can get a court order to have a targeted person held for a psychiatric evaluation because of erratic behavior that could make him a danger to himself, others, or property.


The targeted person is best advised to seek opinions from several lawyers on state laws regarding the mentally ill. More than one lawyer’s opinion should be obtained because lawyers can be wrong or deliberately mislead a person making wild claims of being attacked by invisible bullets. The lawyer will likely believe the targeted person is suffering from a serious mental illness and deliberately mislead his client and trick him into reporting the high-tech harassment to law enforcement so his client can be detained by law enforcement for a psychiatric evaluation. The lawyer may believe he is acting in his client’s best interest. Another risk is that lawyers are part of the system, and the lawyer the targeted person makes contact with may give the targeted person advice that is in the interest of the Government Mafia and not in his client’s best interest.


The only protection from sonic weapons is barriers that have a vacuum (no air) inside. A vacuum is the only thing that sonic bullets and sonic lasers cannot pass through. The vacuum barriers placed around a targeted person while sleeping will allow him to return to getting proper sleep. If the targeted person lives in a separate house, he will have to place these barriers on all sides around his bed to be effective. Click here to view a sketch of a vacuum barrier.


If the Government Mafia agents can’t attack the targeted person to keep him awake at night, they will double their efforts and attack him while not in his home. He can still be attacked at his workplace, stores, and anywhere else he may go.


The classified through wall targeting system is extremely difficult to block. Thick metals placed on the walls of a room where the targeted person is located may not completely block the targeting system. Metals greater than a quarter inch thick will interfere with the system but may not completely block it. This is not a practical solution because of the weight and expense of installing the metals. The closer the surveillance technology is to the targeted person’s house, the thicker the metals will have to be to interfere with it.


A targeted person is up against an army of people. No one will believe the targeted person story of harassment by invisible technology so he will be alone. The Government Mafia agents operate above the law and have unlimited funding. The agents can attack the targeted person for days, months, or years if necessary. Once a targeted person is targeted by the Government Mafia, the agents will likely not give up until their objective is achieved. If the targeted person thinks he can just wait out the attacks and the attacks will eventually end, he is not being realistic.


The targeted person could be driven out of control and institutionalized and then forced into the mental health system. Or he might commit suicide. Some targeted people move but the Government Mafia agents have the resources to follow the targeted person to another county or state. Once targeted, there is no guarantee that the targeted person won’t be followed and retargeted. The targeted person’s resources will run out long before the Government Mafia’s.


If the targeted person moves to another country, there may be no escape there also. Countries friendly to the United States are also using this classified technology for social engineering. An example of this would be England.


Best advice for the targeted person is to buy a house far apart from other houses and obtain vacuum barriers. There is no guarantee if the targeted person buys a house in an isolated area because the Government Mafia agents have access to classified technology that can attack a person in a house from a great distance. The Government Mafia agents can follow the targeted person to his new workplace if he moves and attack him there if they can’t get him in his home. Remember the Government Mafia has a mobile unit that can be used to attack the targeted person in his home or workplace. The mobile unit can be parked on a street or in a parking lot to attack the targeted person at his home or at his workplace.


This is how the United States government covertly projects its military might domestically. The government doesn’t use bullets and bombs to attack their domestic enemies, they use classified surveillance technology and directed energy weapons. The government doesn’t deploy tanks, planes, or ships they secretly deploy the Government Mafia. This form of harassment can’t be proven and virtually no one knows of the classified technology. There is nowhere to go for help so the targeted person is alone.


Telling law enforcement about the attacks might guarantee a permanent placement in the mental health system for the targeted person. Seeking help on the Internet could prove harmful. There are all types of websites looking to convince targeted people that harmful technologies, such as mind control and electromagnetic weapons, are being used against them. A good number of the people on the Internet making such claims are actually sympathizers of the Government Mafia spreading the propaganda. The Government Mafia is involved in a disinformation campaign to manipulate people targeted into believing that physically harmful technology is being used against them, but what is being used against them is physically harmless technology, only psychologically harmful.


It’s the modern system

This is the modern system. A system that once discriminated against minorities is now pro-minority and working to correct past discrimination by discriminating against the white majority. Anyone who is in conflict with the Government Mafia’s agenda will be considered mentally ill by the system and dealt with accordingly.


Tomorrow’s utopian society

The mentally ill will be forced into treatment in the Government Mafia’s utopian society of tomorrow. The government will control more and more of people’s lives. Both the health care system and mental health care system will be run by the government in the near future. Strong state and federal laws will be enacted to guarantee the mentally ill receive proper treatment. Quotas will be established to desegregate neighborhood communities. People could lose their right to live where they wish. A person’s race could determine if he can live in a community. If the government considers a community too white, for example, a white person could be denied permission to live in that community. The Government Mafia is covertly working behind the scenes to achieve this utopian society of tomorrow.


The United States is bankrupt

The United States is on the verge of bankruptcy. In fact some people already consider the United States government bankrupt. With a national debt of over 20 trillion dollars and growing by hundreds of billions of dollars each year because of out of control budget spending, this is creating a completely unsustainable national debt.


The national debt is only part of the problem. The United States government has over 50 trillion dollars of unfunded liability, meaning the United States government has promised more than 50 trillion dollars to its citizens than it has the ability to pay out. This unfunded liability comes from domestic social programs such as Social Security and Medicaid.


As more and more baby boomers retire, the financial strain on the government’s budget will escalate. There simply will not be enough working people in the United States to fund the baby boomers retirement. The government has spent the Social Security trust fund that was enacted to help pay for the baby boomers retirement. Instead of investing the trust fund the government simply spent the money and left IOUs in the trust fund, which are basically worthless.


The secret United States government has a secret plan to avert the inevitable financial collapse of the United States. This secret plan involves the mass influx of young immigrants of working age into the United States to help fund the enormous government budget shortfall in the coming decades. These immigrants will be allowed to enter the country illegally at first and then be given citizenship. The white population of America will have to be socially engineered to allow the influx at first and then a mass influx of non-white immigrants will occur later.


Desegregationist troops advancing on white communities across America

The Government Mafia will have to accelerate the desegregation of white communities across America in order to prepare for the mass influx of non-white immigrants needed to keep the United States government from collapsing financially. The Government Mafia will have to go after people and groups that oppose the Government Mafia’s desegregationist agenda.


The United States government wants to be the policeman of the world, even though it can no longer afford such responsibility. With the government’s out-of-control budget being spent on foreign affairs and military expenses, combined with massive domestic social spending, and interest payments for past government borrowing, something has got to give. The government wants to continue to be the policeman of the world and continue the massive domestic social spending to remedy past discrimination against minorities.


The United States government has turned to foreign sources to borrow money, so it can continue the out of control spending. The United States has been borrowing enormous money from foreign countries like China.


Why is China lending the United States government money that it knows the United States will never be able to pay back? China wishes to keep the United States afloat financially until a certain point in the near future when it will pull its money and investments from America causing a financial collapse of the United States. China has been flooding the United States with products at incredibly low cost for decades. The enormous trade deficit created by importing China’s products into the United States has created large financial funds for China. China has been using these funds to buy United States government debt and buy United States companies and technology. This trade policy has been making China rich and bankrupting America.


Americans have had an artificial standard of living created by China flooding America with low priced goods. China then uses the trade surplus of money to lend America large amounts of money to continue the cycle that will eventually collapse the American economy. Americans continue to run to stores to buy these low priced goods that greatly benefits China financially. At some point in the near future, the United States dollar will collapse and the cheap goods Americans have become accustomed to will cease to be available. Consumer goods will become scarce and expensive when the collapse occurs. Other foreign governments will cease to sell the United States products such as oil. Anarchy will descend on the United States when Americans discover their new significantly lower standard of living.


Once the dollar collapses, the savings of millions of Americans will be wiped out. Unemployment will skyrocket and banks will collapse. The United States government will have to declare martial law to stem the looting and violence in America. The United States will implode and possibly breakup and balkanize. Most Americans don’t believe this scenario could ever happen but foreign countries like China have predicted it and are banking on it. China is quickly building up its military in anticipation of the eventual collapse of America. By 2030, China’s military is expected to overtake America’s military.


White population to become the new minority

The Government Mafia is now multicultural and is working to reduce the white population of America to minority status. The Government Mafia’s ultimate goal is reduce the white population to minority status and then to that proportional to that of the rest of the world.


The social engineering over the last several decades has been designed to accomplish this. Haunted houses and UFOs are a significant part of the Government Mafia’s domestic agenda. Hoaxes created for one simple reason: to distract the white population of America so the Government Mafia can implement its domestic agenda. All of the human resources devoted to chasing after things that simply don’t exist have been extraordinary. But this is what the Government Mafia wanted. Channel all the human resources that could be used to defeat the Government Mafia’s domestic agenda to meaningless things. This is similar to a lightning rod discharging a lightning bolt straight to Earth. The Government Mafia is using covert social engineering to defeat the white majority population.


A war against Christianity

The Government Mafia has used American citizen’s religious beliefs as a weapon against them. The Government Mafia used people’s belief in God as a means to trick them into committing terrible acts that they would not normally have committed. An example of this would be a mother that was tricked into believing that God has commanded her to kill her children. A mother with a mental illness and very strong religious beliefs is deliberately chosen because of her religious beliefs. Classified sonic harassment technology is used to manipulate the mother into believing she is talking to God. The agents use this belief in God as a weapon against the mother. The mother will be carefully manipulated over a period of time by projecting audible messages at her in her house which only she can hear, instructing her to murder her children to save her and her children’s souls.


Haunted houses are another example of the Government Mafia using the religious beliefs of an innocent family as a weapon against them. The family believing that there is an afterlife and that good and evil exist can easily be tricked into believing that evil spirits are present in their home. The family can be manipulated and convinced that evil has chosen them.


A single person in a house can be identified and targeted with this classified sonic harassment technology. A member of a religious household can be manipulated into believing that he is possessed by an evil spirit. The Government Mafia has developed many classified sonic harassment devices that are designed for one purpose, to terrorize a person through walls of a house.


The family members of a person targeted in the religious household might seek out a priest for an exorcism of the targeted person. Family members completely convinced that Satan is within the targeted person might engage in dangerous acts that could place the safety of the targeted person in jeopardy. The targeted person himself, believing that Satan is inside him, could even place himself in danger.


The Government Mafia is using the religious beliefs of American citizens against them. The Government Mafia has been creating tragedy and hoaxes across America since the late 1960s. The Government Mafia wishes to smear good people of faith and make people of faith look crazy.


Government Mafia sympathizers in Hollywood have been using movies and TV shows to get the message across to America. Movies such as The Exorcist and other possession movies and TV shows have changed the way American citizens view Christianity. But what if Americans were to discover that what is depicted as a possession by an evil spirit is not at all what happened in these movies and TV shows that are based on true stories. What if the public discovered that classified sonic harassment technology was used to trick innocent people into believing that they are possessed by evil spirits? What if the American people discovered that a secret element of the United States government is at war with Christianity and has been attempting to discredit and smear the religion for decades? The possession and haunted house hoaxes created by the Government Mafia is an orchestrated and calculated effort since the late 1960s to change the way Americans view Christianity. Innocent and honest people with strong religious beliefs have been manipulated and tricked by Government Mafia agents using classified sonic harassment technology against them into believing that they are possessed and/or living in a haunted house. It would appear that Christianity is the primary target by this conspiracy.


The goals in this war against Christianity would be to breakup white communities across America, smear Christianity, breakup the white family structure, and shame white population for past discrimination against minorities. This is the liberal extremists’ secret agenda to destroy white Christian society. The liberal extremists have been successful so far because the white population has no access to the classified technology and is unwilling to accept the possibility that a conspiracy of such magnitude exists.


Follow the money

The money needed to develop, test, and deploy this classified technology against innocent American citizens would be in the millions of dollars. Covert domestic operations across America need constant funding. The money trail may well lead to government social programs. Funds from government programs designed to assist minorities in America may be being illegally diverted. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are United States government sponsored enterprises that provide low interest mortgage loans to minorities. The government agency Housing and Urban Development (HUD) could also be a key player in the Government Mafia’s covert domestic agenda. Finding the money trail may be very difficult because any white person seeking the truth about the covert funding will find himself labeled a racist and discredited publicly. At the local level, HUD funds fall into a black hole and may simply be untraceable.


Are foreign governments influencing America?

The possibility exists that foreign entities are controlling the Government Mafia. It is in the interest of countries like China that America be transformed into a third world country and a banana republic. China not only has a goal of becoming an economic and military superpower, it also wishes to transform America into a country that no longer is a threat to China. Enormous sacrifice by the people of China to flood America with cheap goods and create an artificial standard of living for American citizens will pay off for the people of China when the American economy collapses and America implodes and Balkanizes.


The few control the masses

The total percentage of the population in America that know of the Government Mafia may only be a few percentage but the Government Mafia’s access to classified technology allows them to change and shape America in ways that favor their agenda. The ability to place any American citizen under covert surveillance allows them to take out anyone who could possibly threaten the domestic agenda presently or even in the future.


An American citizen beginning a rise to power that is threatening the Government Mafia’s agenda can be placed under compete covert surveillance to collect intelligence that can be used to bring him down before he becomes a true threat. A public figure that can sway the masses of American citizens can be taken down by the Government Mafia before he obtains a high office, such as the presidency of the United States.


The Government Mafia’s domestic agenda includes a social agenda and other areas such as national trade. If the Government Mafia desires that certain major trade policy be passed into law, the Government Mafia can covertly go after politicians and even private citizens who are publicly opposing the policy. A politician who is making a national public campaign against the policy that supported by the Government Mafia can find himself under covert surveillance at his home and office. The politician’s life including his immediate family can be placed under covert surveillance and scrutinized looking for any information that can be used to publicly discredit the politician.


Americans have no idea

The average American citizen has no idea of how the Government Mafia has altered his life. America is not a true democracy. Americans have freedoms up to a certain point. Once an American citizen crosses that point he can find an army of Government Mafia agents swarming in to destroy him.


Since there is no oversight of the Government Mafia and the average American citizen is completely unaware of its existence, it is a possibility that the Government Mafia is being influenced by foreign entities outside the United States.


They can kill you through walls

The thru-wall targeting scopes can target a person through walls. A person targeted through walls can be attacked with non-lethal sonic weapons which are designed to terrorize a person through walls. In addition to non-lethal weapons, the secret government has developed lethal weapons that can kill a person through a wall. This lethal weapon fires a confined beam of electricity through walls and leaves no physical evidence after the attack. This lethal electrical weapon fired into a chest area of a targeted person can put the targeted person into sudden cardiac arrest.


A targeted person can be instantly killed in his home by this lethal weapon that can be fired from the back of a small van sitting outside the targeted person’s home. After the attack, the targeted person will collapse and fall to the ground and the van simply drives away. No evidence of the attack will remain and the targeted person will simply appear to have died from natural causes.


This is a very powerful method of preventing the Government Mafia’s domestic agenda from becoming public knowledge. Anyone who threatens to expose information the Government Mafia wants kept from the general public can be assassinated through the walls of his home. The walls of a typical house mean nothing to this thru-wall imaging technology. The enemy of the Government Mafia can be assassinated in any room of his house or even killed while he sleeps. The targeted person will simply go to sleep and never awake.


There is no means to detect when a person is being targeted through walls of a house. One second the targeted person is sitting in a chair in his home and the next second he is slumped over and dying. The thru-wall targeting scope can’t be seen or felt so no advanced warning is possible before the kill shot is taken. The weapon leaves no physical evidence behind. The targeted person will simply appear to have died of a heart attack.


The threat of being placed under complete surveillance at home and work, being harassed through walls by sonic harassment technology, and being assassinated at any time through the walls is enough to convince any whistleblower to keep his silence. The threat of having his family and friends placed under surveillance will also persuade the whistleblower to keep his silence.


No one can protect a targeted person from this technology. It won’t matter which house or building the targeted person flees to because he can be identified and targeted through the walls at any location. The targeted person would have to spend the rest of his life in a bank vault because the through wall targeting system has difficulty seeing thru thick metals. There is typically nowhere to hide for the targeted person because the Government Mafia can get you through walls. The Government Mafia can simply reach out and touch you, or kill you.


Warning shots

The Government Mafia agents can fire warning shots at the targeted person in his home or place of employment. Like shots across a ship’s bow, the Government Mafia can attack the targeted person at home or at his workplace to send him a clear message that only he will receive. The targeted person can be shocked in a hand, for example, by a weapon that fires a beam of electricity through the air. The targeted person could be at work at his desk and all of the sudden receive a severe electrical shock to the hand. Only the targeted person will feel the shock and it is completely silent. The targeted person may jump out of his chair and scream, alarming his co-workers. The co-workers will look at the targeted person as if he is crazy because the co-workers will not experience anything out of the ordinary but the erratic behavior of the targeted person. The targeted person can be repeatedly shocked and there is nothing he can do about it. The targeted person’s co-workers will begin to believe the targeted person is a crazy psycho. The targeted person can be targeted from a parking lot of his place of business by the mobile unit. This method of harassment is designed to scare the targeted person and not kill him. A reporter writing a story the Government Mafia wishes not written can be terrorized in this manner to force him to abandon the story. Sonic weapons can also be used to attack the targeted person through walls to send him a clear message that only he will receive.


Slow death through walls

The Government Mafia can use the thru-wall targeting scope with a directed energy weapon to slowly kill a targeted person over a period of time. Directed energy weapons that fire a confined beam of radiation can be used against a targeted person on a daily basis for months to slowly give him a deadly form of cancer. An enemy of the Government Mafia that is in prison confined to a cell can be dowsed daily with radiation to slowly eliminate the threat to the Government Mafia. A person in prison with knowledge the Government Mafia wishes not made public can be eliminated and the public will believe he died of natural causes due to his illness.